2,179 research outputs found

    Tensor products of multilinear operators

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    Managerial Problems of the Enterprise

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    The small firm, particularly the newly formed one, is confronted with problems ranging from the shortage of capital to the legal intricacies of organizational form. The technical obstacle of raising capital, obtaining sales outlets, and purchasing equipment must be surmounted. In the final analysis, however, the success of a small business depends upon the managerial ability of its owner.\u27 The purpose of this article is to identify a few of the major management problems of the small enterprise and suggest appropriate solutions. One continuous difficulty is the structuring of the organization. At what point should staff specialization occur? What are the most common managerial problems encountered with growth? An other major problem is the development of good leadership patterns and the appropriate use of the power of delegation. How can the chief executive of a small business delegate decision-making powers to his subordinates? What are the common faults in delegation and leadership patterns in small firms

    Pushing for New Perspectives: Policy Model of Criminalized Prostitution and its Effect on Victims of Sex Trafficking

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    Sex trafficking has become one of the world’s fastest growing crimes, affecting nearly every single country on our globe, and is inevitably linked to prostitution. Although prostitution has been criminalized in the United States for decades, recent literature has shown that this type of prostitution has little effect on aiding the overall sweeping and devastating effects of sex trafficking on its victim’s. The current research therefore uses interviews from experts and individuals with experience in prostitution and sex trafficking to understand—from the eyes of those with actual experience—the realistic role that criminalized prostitution plays in the lives of sex trafficking victims. Content analysis of the interviews was used to look for themes in participants’ responses; themes included the disadvantages of criminalized prostitution, stigmatization, and structural and policy issues associated with such. Results therefore indicted that the policy model of criminalized prostitution is clearly unable to satisfy the needs of sex trafficking victims who are forced into prostitution in the United States; thus, further measures are necessary to adequately address such a widespread and global issue. Participants’ responses also yielded additional insight as to how else society can better fight sex trafficking, such as a more effective education of values among our youth

    Reassessing Wheat Crises in Eighteenth-century Thessaloniki

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    Wheat crises and local riots in eighteenth-century Thessaloniki are not unknown to scholars. However, all the relative conclusions are based mostly on Svoronos' and Iliadou's indexes rather than on additional research of primary sources. Therefore, much space has been given to speculation and various issues have been left without proper examination. This paper seeks to explore, through the study of the French consular correspondence, if there was a common pattern in all wheat crises; why did not all crises develop into open revolts; and, who were the basic participants in the making and management of the crises. It asserts that the development of wheat shortages into popular riots was the outcome of local commercial interests and calculated petty politics, not of famine

    Das Potenzial der frequenzspezifischen Neuromodulation fĂĽr die Untersuchung und Verbesserung der Sprachverarbeitung im Gehirn

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    Das akustische Sprachsignal lässt sich nicht eindeutig in einzelne Wörter unterteilen und ähnelt eher einem kontinuierlichen Lautstrom. Dennoch gibt es zeitliche Regelmäßigkeiten, die möglicherweise bei der Wahrnehmung genutzt werden. Die Dauer von Sprachelementen wie Phonemen, Silben und prosodischen Phrasen spiegelt sich in der Hirnaktivität bei der Sprachwahrnehmung wider. Trotzdem ist nicht klar, ob tatsächlich ein kausaler Zusammenhang zwischen der neuronalen Antwort und der Qualität der Sprachwahrnehmung besteht. Der vorliegende Übersichtsartikel präsentiert einleitend die relevanten Bestandteile des akustischen Sprachsignals, beschreibt die neuronale Antwort auf Sprachreize im Gehirn und zeigt auf, welche neurophysiologischen Veränderungen mit Sprachfunktionsstörungen einhergehen. Es werden verschiedene Verfahren der nichtinvasiven Neuromodulation vorgestellt und erste Ergebnisse präsentiert, welche darauf hindeuten, dass sich durch gezielte Neuromodulation die Sprachfunktionen verbessern lassen können

    Reassessing Wheat Crises in Eighteenth-century Thessaloniki

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    Wheat crises and local riots in eighteenth-century Thessaloniki are not unknown to scholars. However, all the relative conclusions are based mostly on Svoronos' and Iliadou's indexes rather than on additional research of primary sources. Therefore, much space has been given to speculation and various issues have been left without proper examination. This paper seeks to explore, through the study of the French consular correspondence, if there was a common pattern in all wheat crises; why did not all crises develop into open revolts; and, who were the basic participants in the making and management of the crises. It asserts that the development of wheat shortages into popular riots was the outcome of local commercial interests and calculated petty politics, not of famine

    Viscosity Measurement via Drop Coalescence: A Space Station Experiment

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    The concept of using low gravity experimental data together with CFD simulations for measuring the viscosity of highly viscous liquids was recently validated on onboard the International Space Station (ISS). A series of microgravity tests were conducted for this purpose on the ISS in July, 2004 and in May of 2005. In these experiments two liquid drops were brought manually together until they touched and were allowed to coalesce under the action of the capillary force alone. The coalescence process was recorded photographically from which the contact radius speed of the merging drops was measured. The liquid viscosity was determined by fitting the measured data with accurate numerical simulation of the coalescence process. Several liquids were tested and for each liquid several drop diameters were employed. Experimental and numerical results will be presented in which the viscosity of several highly viscous liquids were determined using this technique

    It's not rocket science: Humanities, arts and social sciences in the space sector

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    The space industry is traditionally associated with STEM disciplines, but humanities, arts and social sciences have plenty to offer to the modern space sector. Space accounting scholars Dr Basil Tucker and Dr Hank Alewine investigate the potential of HASS to address the unique and unprecedented challenges of the New Space Age

    Impact of Intellectual Capital on Financial Reporting Quality of Selected Banks in Nigeria

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    The study examined the impact of intellectual Capital on Financial reporting quality of selected Banks in Nigeria. The specific objective of the study was to investigate the impact of Intellectual capital on financial reporting quality on selected Banks. A total of ten banks were selected for the study from 2006-2017. Regression analysis was used to do the analysis. They study made use of Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC) to ascertain the extent of intellectual capital indices while Fincial reporting quality is proxy by accrual which was calculated using Dechow and Dichev’s(2002) model. The result indicated a positive impact on Fincial reporting quality. The study therefore concludes that Banks should pay more attention to the three intellectual capital variables to improve their financial reporting quality. The study recommends that the three variables of intellectual capital should be well handled in other to have higher quality of financial reporting quality and also provide enabling environment needed to achieve a vital human capital in their system. Keywords: Intellectual Capital, Financial Reporting Quality, Nigeria Banks, Value Intellectual Coefficient, Dechow and Dichev model (2002) DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-16-09 Publication date:June 30th 201

    Poverty in the Human Rights Jurisprudence of the Nigerian Appellate Courts (1999-2011)

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    The major objective of this article is to examine the extent to which the human rights jurisprudence of the Nigerian appellate courts has been sensitive and/or receptive to the socio-economic and political claims of Nigeria’s large population of the poor and marginalized. In particular, the article considers: the extent to which Nigerian human rights jurisprudence has either facilitated or hindered the efforts of the poor to ameliorate their own poverty; the kinds of conceptual apparatuses and analyses utilized by the Nigerian courts in examining the issues brought before it that concerned the specific conditions of the poor; and the key biases that are embedded in and shape Nigeria’s jurisprudential orientation. The line of cases analysed in the article indicate that the Nigerian appellate courts, as elsewhere, possess great capacity, for good or ill, to impact public policy in the field of poverty reduction
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