2,368 research outputs found

    Small-world behavior in a system of mobile elements

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    We analyze the propagation of activity in a system of mobile automata. A number r L^d of elements move as random walkers on a lattice of dimension d, while with a small probability p they can jump to any empty site in the system. We show that this system behaves as a Dynamic Small-World (DSW) and present analytic and numerical results for several quantities. Our analysis shows that the persistence time T* (equivalent to the persistence size L* of small-world networks) scales as T* ~ (r p)^(-t), with t = 1/(d+1).Comment: To appear in Europhysics Letter

    Is the third coefficient of the Jones knot polynomial a quantum state of gravity?

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    Some time ago it was conjectured that the coefficients of an expansion of the Jones polynomial in terms of the cosmological constant could provide an infinite string of knot invariants that are solutions of the vacuum Hamiltonian constraint of quantum gravity in the loop representation. Here we discuss the status of this conjecture at third order in the cosmological constant. The calculation is performed in the extended loop representation, a generalization of the loop representation. It is shown that the the Hamiltonian does not annihilate the third coefficient of the Jones polynomal (J3J_3) for general extended loops. For ordinary loops the result acquires an interesting geometrical meaning and new possibilities appear for J3J_3 to represent a quantum state of gravity.Comment: 22 page

    The Extended Loop Representation of Quantum Gravity

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    A new representation of Quantum Gravity is developed. This formulation is based on an extension of the group of loops. The enlarged group, that we call the Extended Loop Group, behaves locally as an infinite dimensional Lie group. Quantum Gravity can be realized on the state space of extended loop dependent wavefunctions. The extended representation generalizes the loop representation and contains this representation as a particular case. The resulting diffeomorphism and hamiltonian constraints take a very simple form and allow to apply functional methods and simplify the loop calculus. In particular we show that the constraints are linear in the momenta. The nondegenerate solutions known in the loop representation are also solutions of the constraints in the new representation. The practical calculation advantages allows to find a new solution to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. Moreover, the extended representation puts in a precise framework some of the regularization problems of the loop representation. We show that the solutions are generalized knot invariants, smooth in the extended variables, and any framing is unnecessary.Comment: 27 pages, report IFFC/94-1

    Non-Gaussianity in the Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies at Recombination in the Squeezed limit

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    We estimate analytically the second-order cosmic microwave background temperature anisotropies at the recombination epoch in the squeezed limit and we deduce the contamination to the primordial local non-Gaussianity. We find that the level of contamination corresponds to f_NL^{con}=O(1) which is below the sensitivity of present experiments and smaller than the value O(5) recently claimed in the literature.Comment: LaTeX file; 15 pages. Slightly revised version. Main result unchange

    Loop Representations for 2+1 Gravity on a Torus

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    We study the loop representation of the quantum theory for 2+1 dimensional general relativity on a manifold, M=T2Ă—RM = {\cal T}^2 \times {\cal R}, where T2{\cal T}^2 is the torus, and compare it with the connection representation for this system. In particular, we look at the loop transform in the part of the phase space where the holonomies are boosts and study its kernel. This kernel is dense in the connection representation and the transform is not continuous with respect to the natural topologies, even in its domain of definition. Nonetheless, loop representations isomorphic to the connection representation corresponding to this part of the phase space can still be constructed if due care is taken. We present this construction but note that certain ambiguities remain; in particular, functions of loops cannot be uniquely associated with functions of connections.Comment: 24 journal or 52 preprint pages, revtex, SU-GP-93/3-

    Extended Loops: A New Arena for Nonperturbative Quantum Gravity

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    We propose a new representation for gauge theories and quantum gravity. It can be viewed as a generalization of the loop representation. We make use of a recently introduced extension of the group of loops into a Lie Group. This extension allows the use of functional methods to solve the constraint equations. It puts in a precise framework the regularization problems of the loop representation. It has practical advantages in the search for quantum states. We present new solutions to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation that reinforce the conjecture that the Jones Polynomial is a state of nonperturbative quantum gravity.Comment: 12pp, Revtex, no figures, CGPG-93/12-

    Critical behavior of dissipative two-dimensional spin lattices

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    We explore critical properties of two-dimensional lattices of spins interacting via an anisotropic Heisenberg Hamiltonian and subject to incoherent spin flips. We determine the steady-state solution of the master equation for the density matrix via the corner-space renormalization method. We investigate the finite-size scaling and critical exponent of the magnetic linear susceptibility associated to a dissipative ferromagnetic transition. We show that the Von Neumann entropy increases across the critical point, revealing a strongly mixed character of the ferromagnetic phase. Entanglement is witnessed by the quantum Fisher information which exhibits a critical behavior at the transition point, showing that quantum correlations play a crucial role in the transition even though the system is in a mixed state.Comment: Accepted for publication on Phys. Rev. B (6 pages, 5 figures

    On the non-Gaussianity from Recombination

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    The non-linear effects operating at the recombination epoch generate a non-Gaussian signal in the CMB anisotropies. Such a contribution is relevant because it represents a major part of the second-order radiation transfer function which must be determined in order to have a complete control of both the primordial and non-primordial part of non-Gaussianity in the CMB anisotropies. We provide an estimate of the level of non-Gaussianity in the CMB arising from the recombination epoch which shows up mainly in the equilateral configuration. We find that it causes a contamination to the possible measurement of the equilateral primordial bispectrum shifting the minimum detectable value of the non-Gaussian parameter f^equil_NL by Delta f^equil_NL= O(10) for an experiment like Planck.Comment: LaTeX file; 11 pages. v2: Typos corrected; references added; comments about the effective non-linearity parameter added in Sec. IV; comments added in the conclusions of Sec. IV. v3: References added; some clarifications added as footnotes 4 and 6, and in Sec. 3. Matches version accepted for publication in JCA
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