1,780 research outputs found

    Star Formation in the Gulf of Mexico

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    We present an optical/infrared study of the dense molecular cloud, L935, dubbed "The Gulf of Mexico", which separates the North America and the Pelican nebulae, and we demonstrate that this area is a very active star forming region. A wide-field imaging study with interference filters has revealed 35 new Herbig-Haro objects in the Gulf of Mexico. A grism survey has identified 41 Halpha emission-line stars, 30 of them new. A small cluster of partly embedded pre-main sequence stars is located around the known LkHalpha 185-189 group of stars, which includes the recently erupting FUor HBC 722.Comment: Submitted to A&A, 14 pages, 18 figure

    Protostellar Outflow Evolution in Turbulent Environments

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    The link between turbulence in star formatting environments and protostellar jets remains controversial. To explore issues of turbulence and fossil cavities driven by young stellar outflows we present a series of numerical simulations tracking the evolution of transient protostellar jets driven into a turbulent medium. Our simulations show both the effect of turbulence on outflow structures and, conversely, the effect of outflows on the ambient turbulence. We demonstrate how turbulence will lead to strong modifications in jet morphology. More importantly, we demonstrate that individual transient outflows have the capacity to re-energize decaying turbulence. Our simulations support a scenario in which the directed energy/momentum associated with cavities is randomized as the cavities are disrupted by dynamical instabilities seeded by the ambient turbulence. Consideration of the energy power spectra of the simulations reveals that the disruption of the cavities powers an energy cascade consistent with Burgers'-type turbulence and produces a driving scale-length associated with the cavity propagation length. We conclude that fossil cavities interacting either with a turbulent medium or with other cavities have the capacity to sustain or create turbulent flows in star forming environments. In the last section we contrast our work and its conclusions with previous studies which claim that jets can not be the source of turbulence.Comment: 24 pages, submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Gravitational Slingshot of Young Massive Stars in Orion

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    The Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) is the nearest region of massive star formation and thus a crucial testing ground for theoretical models. Of particular interest amongst the ONC's ~1000 members are: \theta^1 Ori C, the most massive binary in the cluster with stars of masses 38 and 9 MSun (Kraus et al. 2009); the Becklin-Neugebauer (BN) object, a 30 km/s runaway star of ~8 MSun (Tan 2004); and the Kleinmann-Low (KL) nebula protostar, a highly-obscured, ~15 MSun object still accreting gas while also driving a powerful, apparently "explosive" outflow (Allen & Burton 1993). The unusual behavior of BN and KL is much debated: How did BN acquire its high velocity? How is this related to massive star formation in the KL nebula? Here we report the results of a systematic survey using ~ 10^7 numerical experiments of gravitational interactions of the \theta^1C and BN stars. We show that dynamical ejection of BN from this triple system at its observed velocity leaves behind a binary with total energy and eccentricity matching those observed for \theta^1C. Five other observed properties of \theta^C are also consistent with it having ejected BN and altogether we estimate there is only a <~ 10^{-5} probability that \theta^1C has these properties by chance. We conclude that BN was dynamically ejected from the \theta^1C system about 4,500 years ago. BN has then plowed through the KL massive-star-forming core within the last 1,000 years causing its recently-enhanced accretion and outflow activity.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, accepted to Ap

    Binary Capture Rates for Massive Protostars

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    The high multiplicity of massive stars in dense, young clusters is established early in their evolution. The mechanism behind this remains unresolved. Recent results suggest that massive protostars may capture companions through disk interactions with much higher efficiency than their solar mass counterparts. However, this conclusion is based on analytic determinations of capture rates and estimates of the robustness of the resulting binaries. We present the results of coupled n-body and SPH simulations of star-disk encounters to further test the idea that disk-captured binaries contribute to the observed multiplicity of massive stars.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted to ApJ

    Non elliptic SPDEs and ambit fields: existence of densities

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    Relying on the method developed in [debusscheromito2014], we prove the existence of a density for two different examples of random fields indexed by (t,x)\in(0,T]\times \Rd. The first example consists of SPDEs with Lipschitz continuous coefficients driven by a Gaussian noise white in time and with a stationary spatial covariance, in the setting of [dalang1999]. The density exists on the set where the nonlinearity σ\sigma of the noise does not vanish. This complements the results in [sanzsuess2015] where σ\sigma is assumed to be bounded away from zero. The second example is an ambit field with a stochastic integral term having as integrator a L\'evy basis of pure-jump, stable-like type.Comment: 23 page

    Advance directives and the impact of timing. A qualitative study with Swiss general practitioners.

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    PRINCIPLES: Advance directives are seen as an important tool for documenting the wishes of patients who are no longer competent to make decisions in regards to their medical care. Due to their nature, approaching the subject of advance directives with a patient can be difficult for both the medical care provider and the patient. This paper focuses on general practitioners' perspectives regarding the timing at which this discussion should take place, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the different moments. METHODS: In 2013, 23 semi-structured face-to-face interviews were performed with Swiss general practitioners. Interviews were analysed using qualitative content analysis. RESULTS: In our sample, 23 general practitioners provided different options that they felt were appropriate moments: either (a) when the patient is still healthy, (b) when illness becomes predominant, or (c) when a patient has been transferred to a long-term care facility. Furthermore, general practitioners reported uncertainty and discomfort regarding initiating the discussion. CONCLUSION: The distinct approaches, perspectives and rationales show that there is no well-defined or "right" moment. However, participants often associated advance directives with death. This link caused discomfort and uncertainty, which led to hesitation and delay on the part of general practitioners. Therefore we recommend further training on how to professionally initiate a conversation about advance directives. Furthermore, based on our results and experience, we recommend an early approach with healthy patients paired with later regular updates as it seems to be the most effective way to inform patients about their end-of-life care options