848 research outputs found

    Histochemical and morpho-metrical study of mouse intestine epithelium after a long term diet containing genetically modified soybean

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    Diet can influence the structural characteristics of both small and large intestine. In this study, we investigated the duodenum and colon of mice fed on genetically modified (GM) soybean during their whole life span (1–24 months) by focusing our attention on the histological and ultrastructural characteristics of the epithelium, the histochemical pattern of goblet cell mucins, and the growth profile of the coliform population. Our results demonstrate that controls and GM-soybean fed mice are similarly affected by ageing. Moreover, the GM soybean-containing diet does not induce structural alterations in duodenal and colonic epithelium or in coliform population, even after a long term intake. On the other hand, the histochemical approach revealed significant diet-related changes in mucin amounts in the duodenum. In particular, the percentage of villous area occupied by acidic and sulpho-mucin granules decreased from controls to GM-fed animals, whereas neutral mucins did not change

    A variational model for fracture and debonding of thin films under in-plane loadings

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    We study fracture and debonding of a thin stiff film bonded to a rigid substrate through a thin compliant layer, introducing a two-dimensional variational fracture model in brittle elasticity. Fractures are naturally distinguished between transverse cracks in the film (curves in 2D) and debonded surfaces (2D planar regions). In order to study the mechanical response of such systems under increasing loads, we formulate a dimension-reduced, rate-independent, irreversible evolution law accounting for both transverse fracture and debonding. We propose a numerical implementation based on a regularized formulation of the fracture problem via a gradient damage functional, and provide an illustration of its capabilities exploring complex crack patterns, showing a qualitative comparison with geometrically involved real life examples. Moreover, we justify the underlying dimension-reduced model in the setting of scalar-valued displacement fields by a rigorous asymptotic analysis using Γ-convergence, starting from the three-dimensional variational fracture (free-discontinuity) problem under precise scaling hypotheses on material and geometric parameters. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd

    Giving meaning to alternative methods to animal testing

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    The 3 rd edition of the advanced theoretical-training course \u201c Giving meaning to alternative methods to animal testing \u201d was held in Genoa on July 6-7, 2017. The theoretical modules included talks by specialists from companies engaged in the field of advanced in vitro technologies, who offered participants the possibility to try out their technologies in the training modules

    REST/NRSF drives homeostatic plasticity of inhibitory synapses in a target-dependent fashion

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    The repressor-element 1-silencing transcription/neuron-restrictive silencer factor (REST/NRSF) controls hundreds of neuron-specific genes. We showed that REST/NRSF downregulates glutamatergic transmission in response to hyperactivity, thus contributing to neuronal homeostasis. However, whether GABAergic transmission is also implicated in the homeostatic action of REST/NRSF is unknown. Here, we show that hyperactivity-induced REST/NRSF activation, triggers a homeostatic rearrangement of GABAergic inhibition, with increased frequency of miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) and amplitude of evoked IPSCs in mouse cultured hippocampal neurons. Notably, this effect is limited to inhibitory-onto-excitatory neuron synapses, whose density increases at somatic level and decreases in dendritic regions, demonstrating a complex target- and area-selectivity. The upscaling of perisomatic inhibition was occluded by TrkB receptor inhibition and resulted from a coordinated and sequential activation of the Npas4 and Bdnf gene programs. On the opposite, the downscaling of dendritic inhibition was REST-dependent, but BDNF-independent. The findings highlight the central role of REST/NRSF in the complex transcriptional responses aimed at rescuing physiological levels of network activity in front of the ever-changing environment

    Age-associated alterations in cholesterol homeostasis: evidence from a cross-sectional study in a Northern Italy population.

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    BACKGROUND: The modifications of cholesterol metabolism associated with aging are ill-defined. The objective of this study was to define age-associated alterations of the different metabolic pathways controlling cholesterol homeostasis by analyzing circulating sterols. METHODS: We analyzed serum samples collected from 201 adult (75 male, 126 female) subjects within the epidemiological MICOL study (Multicentrica Italiana Colelitiasi). The age range was 38-79 years; 103 had evidence of gallstones. The concentrations of the different sterols, recognized as markers of the main pathways of cholesterol homeostasis, were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, including lathosterol (synthesis), campesterol and sitosterol (absorption), and 7α-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one (degradation to bile acids). RESULTS: A significant direct correlation was detected between age and cholesterol levels (r =0.34, P<0.01). The lathosterol/cholesterol ratio was lower in older age quartiles (P<0.05 by analysis of variance), with an inverse correlation between the lathosterol/cholesterol ratio and age (r=-0.32, P<0.01). Such correlation was particularly evident in females. The campesterol/cholesterol and sitosterol/cholesterol ratios were inversely correlated with aging in control, but not in gallstone patients. The levels of 7α-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one were not correlated with age. CONCLUSION: These data show a reduction of cholesterol synthesis with aging which is associated with increased circulating cholesterol levels. The finding might be related to a reduced metabolic need for cholesterol in advancing age, leading to a downregulation of the main mechanisms of cholesterol intake in the liver. A different age-related behavior was observed in gallstone-free versus gallstone patients regarding cholesterol absorption. The possible implications in terms of the pharmacological management of hypercholesterolemia in the elderly remain to be defined

    Effects of stress beliefs on the emotional and biological response to acute psychosocial stress in healthy men

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    Background Negative beliefs about stress (e.g., “stress is bad”) constitute an independent risk factor for increased morbidity and mortality. One potential underlying mechanism are altered responses to acute psychosocial stress. The aim of this study was to investigate whether beliefs about stress are associated with physiological and endocrine stress response patterns. Methods A total of N = 77 healthy adults were randomised to an experimental and a placebo control group and were subsequently exposed to the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). Stress beliefs were measured before and after a psychological manipulation aiming at fostering more balanced stress beliefs or a placebo manipulation. Self-reported stress was measured four times before/after the TSST, heart rate was assessed continuously, and cortisol was assessed eight times before/after the TSST. Results There was a significant decrease in negative stress beliefs (p < .001) and increase in positive stress beliefs (p < .001) in participants in the experimental condition, which was absent in participants in the placebo condition. The participants in the experimental group had more pronounced self-reported stress reactions (p = .028) while at the same time also showing more pronounced stress recoveries (p = .036). The findings regarding cortisol were mixed. Conclusions More balanced stress beliefs appeared to be associated with more efficient subjective responses to acute psychosocial stress. These findings attest to a potential mechanism translating negative stress beliefs into ill health while at the same time outlining targets for psychological interventions
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