81 research outputs found

    A cryptic alien seaweed spreading in Mediterranean coastal lagoons.

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    1 - Introductions of exotic macroalgae have increased recently on European shores. Each introductioninvolves at least one vector of transfer. For macroalgae, the potential vectors are aquaculture(intentional or accidental introduction), fouling on hulls, ballast water, aquarium trading, fishingnets.2 - Coastal lagoons, including Venice and Thau Lagoon, developed into major hotspots of marinemacrophyte introductions in the Mediterranean Sea. Moreover, in shallow lagoons and estuaries,eutrophication processes have resulted in the development of macroalgal biomass.3 - The most characteristic species of these macroalgal communities include members of the ulvophyceangenus Ulva L. In foliose Ulvales, simple morphology and anatomy, rampant convergence, remarkabledegrees of phenotypic plasticity in response to environmental factors tend to confound attempts atidentification and make cryptic introduction difficult to detect.4 - During a survey of macroalgal biodiversity in Venice Lagoon, among the pool of exotic speciesfound, there was an Ulva differing from the Atlantic and Mediterranean species in both vegetativeand reproductive features. Detailed observations consented us to identify the taxon as Ulva pertusaKjellman, previously reported in the Mediterranean only for Thau Lagoon

    Identifying alien macroalgae through DNA barcoding: the case of Hypnea cornuta (Cystocloniaceae, Rhodophyta)

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    1 - Introduction of non-indigenous macroalgae has become a major topic in the last decades. Potential vectors are aquaculture, fouling on hulls, ballast water, aquarium trading, fishing nets.2 - Within a program of census of macroalgal alien species through DNA barcoding we found a population of previously unreported rhodophyte in Cape Peloro Lagoon and nearby marine coasts (north-eastern Sicily, Italy).3 - All collected individuals were identified as the alien species Hypnea cornuta based on morphological characters confirmed by the analysis of COI-5’ sequences


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    Background: The oxidative stress results from a change in the physiological balance between oxidant and antioxidant species. The purpose of this study is twofold: first, to investigate the effects of long-term training in sports with high energy requirements on the redox balance which exists between the plasma vs. the erythrocytes; second, to study the activity of the PMRS (Plasma Membrane Redox System), which is a compensatory mechanism of cellular redox homeostasis, in the rowers’ erythrocytes in order to determine the rowers’ counteraction to oxidative stress. Methods: Venous blood samples was collected from rowers and control group; then FRAP (Ferric Reducing Activity Power) method has been used to determine the antioxidant capabilities both in the plasma and in the erythrocytes of 22 rowers vs. 26 sedentary subjects. For the same groups of subjects, the PMRS in erythrocytes has been also evaluated. Results: The plasmatic antioxidant activity was 21% lower in the group of rowers compared to the sedentary group (p = 0,02). In contrast, no significant differences were found in the reducing activity of the erythrocytes; however the erythrocytes of the rowers have shown values of the PMRS 35% higher than the untrained group (p < 0.0001). Conclusions: Rowing induces a significant oxidative stress in the plasma corresponding to the high intensity training, while this effect lacks in erythrocytes. At the same time an increased quantity of the PMRS has been observed in the erythrocytes. In conclusion, in well trained athletes this not lead to established an oxidative stress condition because long-term training adaptatively improves the efficiency of the antioxidant syste

    Public perceptions and attitudes toward thalassaemia: Influencing factors in a multi-racial population

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Thalassaemia is a common public health problem in Malaysia and about 4.5 to 6% of the Malays and Chinese are carriers of this genetic disorder. The major forms of thalassaemia result in death <it>in utero </it>of affected foetuses (α-thalassaemia) or life-long blood transfusions for survival in ÎČ-thalassaemia. This study, the first nationwide population based survey of thalassaemia in Malaysia, aimed to determine differences in public awareness, perceptions and attitudes toward thalassaemia in the multi-racial population in Malaysia.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional computer-assisted telephone interview survey of a representative sample of multi-racial Malaysians aged 18 years and above was conducted between July and December 2009.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of a total of 3723 responding households, 2846 (76.4%) have heard of thalassaemia. Mean knowledge score was 11.85 (SD ± 4.03), out of a maximum of 21, with higher scores indicating better knowledge. Statistically significant differences (<it>P </it>< 0.05) in total knowledge score by age groups, education attainment, employment status, and average household income were observed. Although the majority expressed very positive attitudes toward screening for thalassaemia, only 13.6% of married participants interviewed have been screened for thalassaemia. The majority (63.4%) were unsupportive of selective termination of foetuses diagnosed with thalassaemia major.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Study shows that carrier and premarital screening programs for thalassaemia may be more effective and culturally acceptable in the reduction of pregnancies with thalassaemia major. The findings provide insights into culturally congruent educational interventions to reach out diverse socio-demographic and ethnic communities to increase knowledge and cultivate positive attitudes toward prevention of thalassaemia.</p

    Organizational Support and Contract Fulfillment as Moderators of the Relationship Between Preferred Work Status and Performance

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    Purpose The purpose of this study was to examine organizational context variables as moderators of the relationship between preferred work status and job performance. The moderators were perceived organizational support (POS) and psychological contract fulfillment. Design/Methodology/Approach Survey data was collected from 164 participants working in a health and fitness organization. These participants ranged in age from 18 to 79 years old (M = 40, SD = 12.5) and held various positions including middle managers, clerical workers, maintenance workers, and sports trainers. Findings The relationship between preferred work status and extra-role performance was negative when POS was higher but not when POS was lower. Also, the relationship between preferred work status and extra-role performance was positive when contract fulfillment was lower but not when it was higher. No moderating effects were found when examining in-role performance. Implications Given the large and growing use of part-time workers it is important to understand differences across various subgroups of them in order to better inform human resource policies and practices. Specifically, the results highlight a key role for the management of reciprocity perceptions. Originality/Value The literature on part-time workers suggests there are important differences between employees who work part-time because they prefer it and those who work part-time but prefer to work full-time. Research regarding the relationship between preferred work status and performance has produced mixed results. This study helps reconcile conflicting results regarding the relationship between preferred work status and performance by examining the moderating effects of theoretically relevant variables

    The daily association between affect and alcohol use: a meta-analysis of individual participant data

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    Influential psychological theories hypothesize that people consume alcohol in response to the experience of both negative and positive emotions. Despite two decades of daily diary and ecological momentary assessment research, it remains unclear whether people consume more alcohol on days they experience higher negative and positive affect in everyday life. In this preregistered meta-analysis, we synthesized the evidence for these daily associations between affect and alcohol use. We included individual participant data from 69 studies (N = 12,394), which used daily and momentary surveys to assess affect and the number of alcoholic drinks consumed. Results indicate that people are not more likely to drink on days they experience high negative affect, but are more likely to drink and drink heavily on days high in positive affect. People self-reporting a motivational tendency to drink-to-cope and drink-to-enhance consumed more alcohol, but not on days they experienced higher negative and positive affect. Results were robust across different operationalizations of affect, study designs, study populations, and individual characteristics. These findings challenge the long-held belief that people drink more alcohol following increases in negative affect. Integrating these findings under different theoretical models and limitations of this field of research, we collectively propose an agenda for future research to explore open questions surrounding affect and alcohol use.The present study was funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Grant MOP-115104 (Roisin M. O’Connor), Canadian Institutes of Health Research Grant MSH-122803 (Roisin M. O’Connor), John A. Hartford Foundation Grant (Paul Sacco), Loyola University Chicago Research Support Grant (Tracy De Hart), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Grant T03OH008435 (Cynthia Mohr), National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grant F31AA023447 (Ryan W. Carpenter), NIH Grant R01AA025936 (Kasey G. Creswell), NIH Grant R01AA025969 (Catharine E. Fairbairn), NIH Grant R21AA024156 (Anne M. Fairlie), NIH Grant F31AA024372 (Fallon Goodman), NIH Grant R01DA047247 (Kevin M. King), NIH Grant K01AA026854 (Ashley N. Linden-Carmichael), NIH Grant K01AA022938 (Jennifer E. Merrill), NIH Grant K23AA024808 (Hayley Treloar Padovano), NIH Grant P60AA11998 (Timothy Trull), NIH Grant MH69472 (Timothy Trull), NIH Grant K01DA035153 (Nisha Gottfredson), NIH Grant P50DA039838 (Ashley N. Linden-Carmichael), NIH Grant K01DA047417 (David M. Lydon-Staley), NIH Grant T32DA037183 (M. Kushner), NIH Grant R21DA038163 (A. Moore), NIH Grant K12DA000167 (M. Potenza, Stephanie S. O’Malley), NIH Grant R01AA025451 (Bruce Bartholow, Thomas M. Piasecki), NIH Grant P50AA03510 (V. Hesselbrock), NIH Grant K01AA13938 (Kristina M. Jackson), NIH Grant K02AA028832 (Kevin M. King), NIH Grant T32AA007455 (M. Larimer), NIH Grant R01AA025037 (Christine M. Lee, M. Patrick), NIH Grant R01AA025611 (Melissa Lewis), NIH Grant R01AA007850 (Robert Miranda), NIH Grant R21AA017273 (Robert Miranda), NIH Grant R03AA014598 (Cynthia Mohr), NIH Grant R29AA09917 (Cynthia Mohr), NIH Grant T32AA07290 (Cynthia Mohr), NIH Grant P01AA019072 (P. Monti), NIH Grant R01AA015553 (J. Morgenstern), NIH Grant R01AA020077 (J. Morgenstern), NIH Grant R21AA017135 (J. Morgenstern), NIH Grant R01AA016621 (Stephanie S. O’Malley), NIH Grant K99AA029459 (Marilyn Piccirillo), NIH Grant F31AA022227 (Nichole Scaglione), NIH Grant R21AA018336 (Katie Witkiewitz), Portuguese State Budget Foundation for Science and Technology Grant UIDB/PSI/01662/2020 (Teresa Freire), University of Washington Population Health COVID-19 Rapid Response Grant (J. Kanter, Adam M. Kuczynski), U.S. Department of Defense Grant W81XWH-13-2-0020 (Cynthia Mohr), SANPSY Laboratory Core Support Grant CNRS USR 3413 (Marc Auriacombe), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Grant (N. Galambos), and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Grant (Andrea L. Howard)

    Relapse prevention for addictive behaviors

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    The Relapse Prevention (RP) model has been a mainstay of addictions theory and treatment since its introduction three decades ago. This paper provides an overview and update of RP for addictive behaviors with a focus on developments over the last decade (2000-2010). Major treatment outcome studies and meta-analyses are summarized, as are selected empirical findings relevant to the tenets of the RP model. Notable advances in RP in the last decade include the introduction of a reformulated cognitive-behavioral model of relapse, the application of advanced statistical methods to model relapse in large randomized trials, and the development of mindfulness-based relapse prevention. We also review the emergent literature on genetic correlates of relapse following pharmacological and behavioral treatments. The continued influence of RP is evidenced by its integration in most cognitive-behavioral substance use interventions. However, the tendency to subsume RP within other treatment modalities has posed a barrier to systematic evaluation of the RP model. Overall, RP remains an influential cognitive-behavioral framework that can inform both theoretical and clinical approaches to understanding and facilitating behavior change

    Current status and trends of biological invasions in the Lagoon of Venice, a hotspot of marine NIS introductions in the Mediterranean Sea

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    This paper provides an updated account of the occurrence and abundance of non-indigenous species (NIS) in an area of high risk of introduction: the Lagoon of Venice (Italy). This site is a known hotspot of NIS introductions within the Mediterranean Sea, hosting all the most important vectors of introduction of marine NIS—shipping, recreational boating, shellfish culture and live seafood trade. The recent literature demonstrates that the number of NIS in Venice is continuously changing, because new species are being introduced or identified, and new evidence shows either an exotic origin of species previously believed to be native, or a native origin of formerly believed ‘‘aliens’’, or demonstrates the cryptogenic nature of others. The number of NIS introduced in the Venetian lagoon currently totals 71, out of which 55 are established. This number exceeds those displayed by some nations like Finland, Portugal or Libya. Macroalgae are the taxonomic group with the highest number of introduced species (41 % of NIS): the most likely vector for their introduction is shellfish culture. The source region of NIS introduced to Venice is mainly represented by other Mediterranean or European sites (76 %). The Lagoon of Venice represents a sink but also a source of NIS in the Mediterranean Sea, as it is the site of first record of several NIS, which have since further spread elsewhere.This paper provides an updated account of the occurrence and abundance of non-indigenous species (NIS) in an area of high risk of introduction: the Lagoon of Venice (Italy). This site is a known hotspot of NIS introductions within the Mediterranean Sea, hosting all the most important vectors of introduction of marine NIS-shipping, recreational boating, shellfish culture and live seafood trade. The recent literature demonstrates that the number of NIS in Venice is continuously changing, because new species are being introduced or identified, and new evidence shows either an exotic origin of species previously believed to be native, or a native origin of formerly believed "aliens", or demonstrates the cryptogenic nature of others. The number of NIS introduced in the Venetian lagoon currently totals 71, out of which 55 are established. This number exceeds those displayed by some nations like Finland, Portugal or Libya. Macroalgae are the taxonomic group with the highest number of introduced species (41 % of NIS): the most likely vector for their introduction is shellfish culture. The source region of NIS introduced to Venice is mainly represented by other Mediterranean or European sites (76 %). The Lagoon of Venice represents a sink but also a source of NIS in the Mediterranean Sea, as it is the site of first record of several NIS, which have since further spread elsewhere

    Specie esotiche invasive di rilevanza unionale in Italia: aggiornamenti e integrazioni

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    La Commissione Europea (CE) ha inserito ad oggi 36 taxa esotici vegetali nella lista delle specie esotiche invasive di rilevanza unionale ai sensi del Regolamento (UE) n. 1143/2014 del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio, recante disposizioni volte a prevenire e gestire l’introduzione e la diffusione delle specie esotiche invasive. La lista delle specie di rilevanza unionale viene periodicamente aggiornata e include quelle specie che rappresentano una grave minaccia per la biodiversità, ma anche per la salute dei cittadini e le attività economiche nei territori dell’Unione Europea e che necessitano di una gestione concertata a livello comunitario. La CE vigila sullo stato di ogni taxon grazie anche a periodiche rendicontazioni da parte dei paesi dell'Unione. In vista di tali report, tra il 2020 e il 2021 ù stata definita e integrata la distribuzione di queste specie in Italia
