18 research outputs found

    Production of Trametes pubescens laccase under submerged and semi-solid culture conditions on agro-industrial wastes.

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    Laccases are copper-containing enzymes involved in the degradation of lignocellulosic materials and used in the treatment of phenol-containing wastewater. In this study we investigated the effect of culture conditions, i.e. submerged or semi-solid, and copper supplementation on laccase production by Trametespubescens grown on coffee husk, soybean pod husk, or cedar sawdust. The highest specific laccase activity was achieved when the culture was conducted under submerged conditions supplemented with copper (5 mM), and using coffee husk as substrate. The crude extracts presented two laccase isoforms with molecular mass of 120 (Lac1) and 60 kDa (Lac2). Regardless of the substrate, enzymatic crude extract and purified fractions behaved similarly at different temperatures and pHs, most of them presented the maximum activity at 55 °C and a pH range between 2 and 3. In addition, they showed similar stability and electro-chemical properties. At optimal culture conditions laccase activity was 7.69 ± 0.28 U mg(-1) of protein for the crude extract, and 0.08 ± 0.001 and 2.86 ± 0.05 U mg(-1) of protein for Lac1 and Lac2, respectively. In summary, these results show the potential of coffee husk as an important and economical growth medium to produce laccase, offering a new alternative use for this common agro-industrial byproduct

    Mucopolysaccharidosis IVA and glycosaminoglycans

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    Boravišna pristojba predstavlja najizdašniji, a samim time i najznačajniji prihod sustava turističkih zajednica. Financijska sredstva prikupljena tom vrstom nameta, mogu bitno utjecati na funkcioniranje cjelokupnog sustava neke zemlje. Republika Hrvatska kao zemlja koja obiluje prirodnim bogatstvima, prikupljena sredstva pametno i na pravi način ulaže u daljnje poslovanje. Boravišnu pristojbu plaćaju sve osobe koje borave u nekom smještaju, domaćinstvu, plovnim vozilima, ali i sami vlasnici istih. Turistička zajednica ima iznimno bitnu ulogu u funkcioniranju države, budući da prikupljena sredstva od boravišne pristojbe služe financiranje same turističke zajednice u Republici Hrvatskoj. Daljnjom preraspodjelom sredstava te kvalitetnom promocijom dolazi do većeg potražnje i većeg broja dionika u turizmu Republike Hrvatske. Iz analize rada može se zaključiti kako Republika Hrvatska ima potencijala za rast i napredak. Podizanjem cijene boravišne pristojbe, još uvijek jedne od nižih u Europi, Republika Hrvatska ne gubi na stalnim gostima, budući da svim prihodom prikupljenim od naplate iste, nastoji zadovoljiti novu vrstu gostiju koja nam dolazi, te one koji se nalaze u destinaciji. Rezultati usporedbe naplate boravišne pristojbe u 2018. i 2019. godini pokazali su kako Republika Hrvatska nastoji održati konkurentnost i trendove na tržištu

    Laccase activity profiles during <i>T</i><i>. pubescens</i> CBS 696.94 culture under SmC (a) and SSC (b) on coffee husk.

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    <p>Culture media was enriched with different copper concentrations: 0 (Δ), 0.5 (□), 2 (○) and 5 (◊) mM, and laccase activity was determined by using syringaldazine as substrate. Filled symbols refer to the glucose concentration at the respective copper concentration. All the assays were performed in triplicate.</p

    Aligment of reported lacasses sequences and Lac1 and Lac2 peptides.

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    <p>(a) Alignment of Lap1 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Q8TG93) and Lap2 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Q8TG94) from <i>T</i><i>. pubescens</i> CBS 696.94. (b) Alignment of Lac1 and Lac2 peptides with Lap1 and Lap2, respectively, and tryptic peptides described by Shleev et al 2007. Alignments were carried out using Clustal Omega and figures were using CLC Sequence Viewer. Different residues are colored in red.</p

    Purification of lacasses produced by submerged culture of <i>T</i><i>. pubescens</i> using coffee husk as substrate.

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    <p>All samples were analyzed by SDS-PAGE under non-reducing conditions and stained with ABTS. No heat denaturation of the samples was conducted. (<b>a</b>) The crude extract (1) was centrifuged and filtered through a Whatman No. 1 filter (2), 0.45 µM membrane (3) 0.22 µm membrane (4), and ultrafiltrated through a 10 kDa cut-off membrane, permeate (5) and retentate (6). (<b>b</b>) UF retentate was purified by anionic exchange chromatography. Lac1 represent the unbound fraction, while Lac2 represent the eluted fraction. The arrow shows the point when protein elution was started. (<b>c</b>) Purified fractions (1) crude extract, (2) Lac1 and (3) Lac2. MW: Molecular Weight. Similar results were observed for crude extracts produced by using soybean pod husk and cedar sawdust.</p

    Production and characterization of a human lysosomal recombinant iduronate-2-sulfatase produced in Pichia pastoris

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    Hunter syndrome (Mucopolysaccharidosis II, MPS II) is an X‐linked lysosomal storage disease produced by the deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme iduronate‐2‐sulfatase (IDS). Currently, MPS II patients are mainly treated with enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) using recombinant enzymes produced in mammalian cells. As an alternative, several studies have shown the production of active and therapeutic forms of lysosomal proteins in microorganisms. In this paper, we report the production and characterization of a recombinant IDS produced in the yeast Pichia pastoris (prIDS). We evaluated the effect of culture conditions and gene sequence optimization on prIDS production. The results showed that the highest production of prIDS was obtained at oxygen‐limited conditions using a codon‐optimized IDS cDNA. The purified enzyme showed a final activity of 12.45 nmol mg−1 H−1 and an apparent molecular mass of about 90 kDa. The highest stability was achieved at pH 6.0, and prIDS also showed high stability in human serum. Noteworthy, the enzyme was taken up by culture cells in a dose‐dependent manner through mannose receptors, which allowed the delivery of the enzyme to the lysosome. In summary, these results show the potential of Pichia pastoris as a host to produce an IDS intended for a MPS II ERT