6,192 research outputs found

    Ultracompact quantum splitter of degenerate photon pairs

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    Integrated sources of indistinguishable photons have attracted a lot of attention because of their applications in quantum communication and optical quantum computing. Here, we demonstrate an ultra-compact quantum splitter for degenerate single photons based on a monolithic chip incorporating Sagnac loop and a micro-ring resonator with a footprint of 0.011 mm2, generating and deterministically splitting indistinguishable photon pairs using time-reversed Hong-Ou-Mandel interference. The ring resonator provides enhanced photon generation rate, and the Sagnac loop ensures the photons travel through equal path lengths and interfere with the correct phase to enable the reversed HOM effect to take place. In the experiment, we observed a HOM dip visibility of 94.5 +- 3.3 %, indicating the photons generated by the degenerate single photon source are in a suitable state for further integration with other components for quantum applications, such as controlled-NOT gates

    A comprehensive review on the corrosion pathways of titanium dental implants and their biological adverse effects

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    The main aim of this work was to perform a comprehensive review of findings reported by previous studies on the corrosion of titanium dental implants and consequent clinical detrimental effects to the patients. Most studies were performed by in vitro electrochemical tests and complemented with microscopic techniques to evaluate the corrosion behavior of the protective passive oxide film layer, namely TiO2. Results revealed that bacterial accumulation, dietary, inflammation, infection, and therapeutic solutions decrease the pH of the oral environment leading to the corrosion of titanium. Some therapeutic products used as mouthwash negatively affect the corrosion behavior of the titanium oxide film and promote changes on the implant surface. In addition, toothpaste and bleaching agents, can amplify the chemical reactivity of titanium since fluor ions interacting with the titanium oxide film. Furthermore, the number of in vivo studies is limited although corrosion signs have been found in retrieved implants. Histological evaluation revealed titanium macro- and micro-scale particles on the peri-implant tissues. As a consequence, progressive damage of the dental implants and the evolution of inflammatory reactions depend on the size, chemical composition, and concentration of submicron- and nanoparticles in the surrounding tissues and internalized by the cells. In fact, the damage of the implant surfaces results in the loss of material that compromises the implant surfaces, implant-abutment connections, and the interaction with soft tissues. The corrosion can be an initial trigger point for the development of biological or mechanical failures in dental implants.This study was supported by FCT-Portugal (UID/EEA/04436/2013, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER- 000018– HAMaBICo, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031035_LaserMULTICER) and CNPq-Brazil (CNPq/UNIVERSAL/421229/2018-7

    CMS Drift Tube Chambers Read-Out Electronics

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    With CMS installation nearing completion, the three levels of the final read-out system of the Drift Tube (DT) chambers are presented. First, are the Read Out Boards (ROB), responsible for time digitization of the signals generated by a charged particle track. Second, the Read Out Server (ROS) boards receive data from 25 ROB channels through a 240-Mbps copper link and perform data merging for further transmission through a 800 Mbps optical link. Finally, the Detector Dependent Units (DDU) merge data from 12 ROS to build an event fragment and send it to the global CMS DAQ through an S-LINK64 output at 320 MBps. DDUs also receive synchronization commands from the TTC system (Timing, Trigger, and Control), perform error detection on data, and send a fast feedback to the TTS (Trigger Throttling System). Functionality of these electronics has been validated in the laboratory and in several test-beams, including an exercise integrated with a fraction of the whole CMS detector and electronics that demonstrated proper operation and integration within the final CMS framework

    TL1A/DR3 axis involvement in the inflammatory cytokine network during pulmonary sarcoidosis

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    BACKGROUND: TNF-like ligand 1A (TL1A), a recently recognized member of the TNF superfamily, and its death domain receptor 3 (DR3), firstly identified for their relevant role in T lymphocyte homeostasis, are now well-known mediators of several immune-inflammatory diseases, ranging from rheumatoid arthritis to inflammatory bowel diseases to psoriasis, whereas no data are available on their involvement in sarcoidosis, a multisystemic granulomatous disease where a deregulated T helper (Th)1/Th17 response takes place. METHODS: In this study, by flow cytometry, real-time PCR, confocal microscopy and immunohistochemistry analyses, TL1A and DR3 were investigated in the pulmonary cells and the peripheral blood of 43 patients affected by sarcoidosis in different phases of the disease (29 patients with active sarcoidosis, 14 with the inactive form) and in 8 control subjects. RESULTS: Our results demonstrated a significant higher expression, both at protein and mRNA levels, of TL1A and DR3 in pulmonary T cells and alveolar macrophages of patients with active sarcoidosis as compared to patients with the inactive form of the disease and to controls. In patients with sarcoidosis TL1A was strongly more expressed in the lung than the blood, i.e., at the site of the involved organ. Additionally, zymography assays showed that TL1A is able to increase the production of matrix metalloproteinase 9 by sarcoid alveolar macrophages characterized, in patients with the active form of the disease, by reduced mRNA levels of the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that TL1A/DR3 interactions are part of the extended and complex immune-inflammatory network that characterizes sarcoidosis during its active phase and may contribute to the pathogenesis and to the progression of the disease

    La girolline, nouvelle substance antitumorale extraite de l'éponge, Pseudaxinyssa cantharella n. sp. (Axinellidae)

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    Une nouvelle substance antitumorale a été isolée d'une Eponge néo-calédonienne, #Pseudaxinyssa cantharella$. Sa structure a été établie à l'aide de ses caractéristiques spectrales et par préparation de dérivés sélectivement substitués. (Résumé d'auteur

    Optimización de propiedades mecánicas y térmicas de un aglomerado sintético por el Método de Taguchi

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    In this work, the experimental design of Taguchi model was applied in order to obtain the most appropriate parameters to elaborate an agglomerate material which presents a good mechanical and thermal behavior. The raw materials used were rice husk, common clay, sand and aloe gel. The importance of the development of the synthetic agglomerates is in the use of agricultural wastes to give them an useful employment when replacing materials of great demand. The experimental combinations were done varying the control factors values: rice husk percentage (R), temperature (T) and thermal treatment time(t). Via to the optimization properties according Taguchi’s Methodology, the elasticity modulus, the absorbed energy in the impact, break maximum module and initial decomposition temperature to each experimental combination were selected. The Qualitek-4 software was used below the biggest the better quality characteristic. The optimum parameters obtained to each control level were: R = 15%, T = 120oC and t = 3 h. These results were confirmed with a new experiment, where similar properties to the wood species were obtained. The developing of this will be useful as substitute of the wood and could improve the environment impact due residual materials.PACS: 88.30.mj, 81.70.Bt, 82.35.PqMSC: 91B82En este trabajo se aplicó el modelo de Diseño Experimental de Taguchi para la optimización de las propiedades mecánicas y térmicas de un material compuesto aglomerado y obtener los parámetros más adecuados para su elaboración. La importancia del desarrollo de los aglomerados sintéticos está en el uso de desechos agrícolas para darle un empleo útil al suplir materiales de gran demanda. Se utilizaron la cáscara de arroz, arcilla, arena y gel de aloe como materias primas. Con la variación de los valores de los factores de control: porcentaje de cáscara de arroz (R), temperatura (T) y tiempo de tratamiento térmico (t), se realizaron las diferentes combinaciones experimentales. Para la optimización de las propiedades mecánicas y térmicas según la metodología de Taguchi, se seleccionaron de las pruebas mecánicas y térmicas: el módulo de elasticidad, la energía absorbida en el impacto, el módulo de rotura máximo y la temperatura inicial de descomposición para cada combinación experimental de aglomerado. Para el procesamiento de estos datos, se utilizó el software para el diseño automático y análisis de experimentos de Taguchi, Qualitek-4, bajo la característica de calidad mayor–mejor. Los parámetros óptimos obtenidos para cada nivel de control, fueron R = 15%, T = 120 C y t = 3 h. Estos resultados fueron validados con la realización de un experimento confirmatorio, donde se obtuvieron, para este aglomerado, propiedades similares a las de unas especies de madera. El desarrollo de este prototipo de material alternativo será útil como sustituyente de la madera y contribuirá a la reducción del impacto ambiental generado por los productos de desecho.PACS: 88.30.mj, 81.70.Bt, 82.35.PqMSC: 91B8

    Algebra of Lax Connection for T-Dual Models

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    We study relation between T-duality and integrability. We develop the Hamiltonian formalism for principal chiral model on general group manifold and on its T-dual image. We calculate the Poisson bracket of Lax connections in T-dual model and we show that they are non-local as opposite to the Poisson brackets of Lax connection in original model. We demonstrate these calculations on two specific examples: Sigma model on S(2) and sigma model on AdS(2).Comment: 24 pages, references adde

    Optimización de propiedades mecánicas y térmicas de un aglomerado sintético por el Método de Taguchi

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    In this work, the Taguchi Experimental Design model was applied for the optimization of the mechanical and thermal properties of an agglomerated composite material and to obtain the most appropriate parameters for its elaboration. The importance of the development of synthetic agglomerates is in the use of agricultural waste to give it a useful use when supplying high demand materials. Rice husk, clay, sand and aloe gel were used as raw materials. With the variation of the values ​​of the control factors: percentage of rice husk (R), temperature (T) and time of heat treatment (t), the different experimental combinations were performed. For the optimization of the mechanical and thermal properties according to the Taguchi methodology, the mechanical and thermal tests were selected: the modulus of elasticity, the energy absorbed in the impact, the modulus of maximum breakage and the initial decomposition temperature for each combination chipboard experimental. For the processing of this data, the software for the automatic design and analysis of Taguchi experiments, Qualitek-4, was used under the characteristic of higher-better quality. The optimal parameters obtained for each level of control were R = 15%, T = 120 C and t = 3 h. These results were validated with the performance of a confirmatory experiment, where properties similar to those of wood species were obtained for this agglomerate. The development of this prototype of alternative material will be useful as a substitute for wood and will contribute to the reduction of the environmental impact generated by waste products.En este trabajo se aplicó el modelo de Diseño Experimental de Taguchi para la optimización de las propiedades mecánicas y térmicas de un material compuesto aglomerado y obtener los parámetros más adecuados para su elaboración. La importancia del desarrollo de los aglomerados sintéticos está en el uso de desechos agrícolas para darle un empleo útil al suplir materiales de gran demanda. Se utilizaron la cáscara de arroz, arcilla, arena y gel de aloe como materias primas. Con la variación de los valores de los factores de control: porcentaje de cáscara de arroz (R), temperatura (T) y tiempo de tratamiento térmico (t), se realizaron las diferentes combinaciones experimentales. Para la optimización de las propiedades mecánicas y térmicas según la metodología de Taguchi, se seleccionaron de las pruebas mecánicas y térmicas: el módulo de elasticidad, la energía absorbida en el impacto, el módulo de rotura máximo y la temperatura inicial de descomposición para cada combinación experimental de aglomerado. Para el procesamiento de estos datos, se utilizó el software para el diseño automático y análisis de experimentos de Taguchi, Qualitek-4, bajo la característica de calidad mayor–mejor. Los parámetros óptimos obtenidos para cada nivel de control, fueron R = 15%, T = 120 C y t = 3 h. Estos resultados fueron validados con la realización de un experimento confirmatorio, donde se obtuvieron, para este aglomerado, propiedades similares a las de unas especies de madera. El desarrollo de este prototipo de material alternativo será útil como sustituyente de la madera y contribuirá a la reducción del impacto ambiental generado por los productos de desecho