10 research outputs found

    Pornography, sexual coercion and abuse and sexting in young people’s intimate relationships: A European study

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    New technology has made pornography increasingly accessible to young people, and a growing evidence base has identified a relationship between viewing pornography and violent or abusive behavior in young men. This article reports findings from a large survey of 4,564 young people aged 14 to 17 in five European countries which illuminate the relationship between regular viewing of online pornography, sexual coercion and abuse and the sending and receiving of sexual images and messages, known as “sexting.” In addition to the survey, which was completed in schools, 91 interviews were undertaken with young people who had direct experience of interpersonal violence and abuse in their own relationships. Rates for regularly viewing online pornography were very much higher among boys and most had chosen to watch pornography. Boys’ perpetration of sexual coercion and abuse was significantly associated with regular viewing of online pornography. Viewing online pornography was also associated with a significantly increased probability of having sent sexual images/messages for boys in nearly all countries. In addition, boys who regularly watched online pornography were significantly more likely to hold negative gender attitudes. The qualitative interviews illustrated that, although sexting is normalized and perceived positively by most young people, it has the potential to reproduce sexist features of pornography such as control and humiliation. Sex and relationships education should aim to promote a critical understanding of pornography among young people that recognizes its abusive and gendered values

    The Trouble with "Troubled Girls"

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    Until recently, boys and men provided the template by which problem behaviors in girls and women were measured. With the shift to studying female development and adjustment through female perspectives comes a need for knowledge of trajectories of at-risk girls’ behavior as they mature. Girls at Risk: Swedish Longitudinal Research on Adjustment fills this gap accessibly and compassionately. Its lifespan approach relates the pathologies of adolescence to later outcomes as girls grow up to have relationships, raise families, and take on adult roles in society. Coverage is balanced between internalizing behaviors, traditionally considered to be more common among females, and externalizing ones, more common among males. The book's detailed review of findings includes several major longitudinal studies of normative and clinical populations, and the possibility of early maturation as a risk factor for pathology is discussed in depth. Contributors not only emphasize "what works" in intervention and prevention but also identify emerging issues in assessment and treatment. An especially powerful concluding chapter raises serious questions about how individuals in the healing professions perceive their mission, and their clients. Although the studies are from one country—Sweden—the situations, and their potential for successful intervention, transcend national boundaries, including: • Adolescent and adult implications of pubertal timing. • Eating disorders and self-esteem. • Prevention of depressive symptoms. • Understanding violence in girls with substance problems. • Lifespan continuity in female aggression and violence. • A life-course perspective in girls' criminality. With insights beyond the beaten path, Girls at Risk provides a wealth of information for researchers, clinicians and related professionals, and graduate students in child and school psychology; psychiatry; education; social work; psychotherapy and counseling; and public health

    Collision Detection in Computer Graphics

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    Šajā darbā ir pētīta sistēma kustīgu objektu reālistiskai attēlošanai. Sistēmu var izmantot dažādiem mērķiem ar minimālām izmaiņām: no ātrām dinamiskām datorspēlēm līdz precīziem dinamikas aprēķiniem zinātniskai modelēšanai. Kvalitatīvas grafikas pamatā ir fizisks modelis, kas palīdz reālistiski animēt attēlu. Šajā darbā ir pētīta viena no metodēm, kuras būtība ir ķermeņu attēlošana cietu daudzskaldņu veidā. Fizikas modelēšana sadalās trijās problēmās: ķermeņu kustības trajektorijas aprēķināšana (kinemātika), kolīzijas (ķermeņu sadursmes) pārbaude un ķermeņu ātrumu izmaiņas pēc sadursmes. Uzrakstīta viena no iespējamām universālas programmas realizācijām, kurā izmanto aprakstīto fizikas modelēšanas metodi un paplašināmības principu.In this work is described system modeling for realistic rigid body dynamics rendering. System can be used in different purposes with minimal changes: from fast and flexible dynamics in computer games to precise dynamics calculation for scientific modeling. Physic model is base of high-quality computer graphics. This model animates image. In my work I describe one of the methods which consist of representation of objects in the form of rigid polyhedron. Modeling divides into three problems: object trajectory calculations (kinematics), collision detection and objects velocity calculations after collision has occurred. One of possible realization of universal program was created, which uses described physic model and expansibility principle