79 research outputs found

    Identification de méthodes pédagogiques et développement de stratégies d'intervention qui favorisent la création et l'expression artistique dans l'enseignement d'une discipline de l'estampe auprès d'étudiants de premier cycle universitaire

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    Ce mémoire de recherche en enseignement des arts porte sur l'identification de méthodes pédagogiques et de stratégies d'intervention qui aident les étudiants à mieux arrimer les savoir-faire liés à la pratique de la sérigraphie à une démarche de création plus ouverte. Le projet de recherche puise aux sources mêmes de mes expériences professionnelles en tant qu'artiste et pédagogue. L'objectif de cette exploration est d'améliorer mon enseignement de la sérigraphie auprès d'étudiants de premier cycle à l'université. Le cadre théorique sur lequel s'appuie la recherche est axé principalement sur deux concepts: d'une part, le paradigme apprentissage, centré sur l'étudiant et sur le rôle respectif des partenaires, l'enseignant et l'étudiant, dans la formation artistique, d'autre part, la création, concept priorisé dans mon enseignement de l'estampe. La recherche qualitative et l'approche heuristique sont les méthodes d'investigation utilisées pour effectuer ma recherche. Le cours de sérigraphie sert de terrain de recherche et la population ciblée est le groupe d'étudiants du cours de sérigraphie. Les outils de cueillette de données sont le journal de bord, la bande vidéographique, la photographie et les textes des étudiants. Les données recueillies ont été analysées qualitativement et la construction d'un arbre thématique a permis de retenir trois thèmes récurrents: l'engagement de l'étudiant, les besoins des étudiants et l'attitude de l'enseignant. Ces thèmes sont analysés de façon descriptive puis interprétative, accompagnés de citations provenant du journal de bord, des textes des étudiants ou de documents photographiques. En conclusion, ce mémoire identifie des modes d'intervention qui pourraient améliorer ma pratique de l'enseignement d'une discipline de l'estampe. Dans un plus large créneau, les résultats de cette recherche visent hypothétiquement l'amélioration de l'enseignement des arts au niveau universitaire. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Paradigme apprentissage, Création, Estampe, Étudiant, Enseignement, Artiste et enseignant universitaire

    Factores de protección y de riesgo para la salud mental de las mujeres después de un aborto espontáneo

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    Objetivo: examinar factores de protección y de riesgo personales y contextuales asociados a la salud mental de la mujer después de un aborto espontáneo. Método: se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal en el que 231 mujeres que habían sufrido un aborto espontáneo en los últimos 4 años respondieron a un cuestionario online de autoinforme para evaluar su salud mental (síntomas de depresión, ansiedad, duelo perinatal) y para recopilar características personales y contextuales. Resultados: las mujeres que habían sufrido un aborto espontáneo en los últimos 6 meses obtuvieron una puntuación más alta en lo que respecta a síntomas de depresión que las que lo habían sufrido entre 7 y 12 meses atrás, mientras que el nivel de ansiedad y el duelo perinatal no variaron según el tiempo transcurrido desde la pérdida. Además, la baja condición socioeconómica, el estado de inmigración y la falta de hijos se asociaron con una peor salud mental después de un aborto espontáneo. En cambio, la calidad de la relación conyugal y la satisfacción con la atención de la salud se asociaron positivamente con la salud mental de las mujeres. Conclusión: las mujeres en situaciones vulnerables, como las inmigrantes, las de baja condición socioeconómica o las mujeres sin hijos son especialmente vulnerables a problemas de salud mental después de un aborto espontáneo. Sin embargo, más allá de esos factores personales y contextuales, la calidad de la relación conyugal y la satisfacción con el cuidado de la salud podrían ser importantes factores de protección.Objetivo: examinar os fatores pessoais e contextuais de proteção e de risco associados à saúde mental das mulheres após aborto espontâneo. Método: foi realizado um estudo transversal, no qual 231 mulheres que sofreram aborto espontâneo nos últimos quatro anos responderam a um questionário on-line, cujo intuito era avaliar a saúde mental (sintomas de depressão, ansiedade, luto perinatal) e coletar informações pessoais, além de características contextuais. Resultados: mulheres que sofreram aborto espontâneo nos últimos seis meses apresentaram escores mais altos para sintomas depressivos do que mulheres que sofreram aborto espontâneo entre sete e 12 meses atrás, ao passo que o nível de ansiedade e o luto perinatal não variaram de acordo com o tempo transcorrido desde a perda. Além disso, baixo nível socioeconômico, status de imigrante e ausência de filhos foram associados a pior saúde mental após aborto espontâneo. Por outro lado, a qualidade do relacionamento conjugal e a satisfação com a assistência à saúde foram associadas positivamente à saúde mental das mulheres. Conclusão: mulheres em situação de vulnerabilidade, como as imigrantes, com baixo nível socioeconômico ou sem filhos estão particularmente vulneráveis a problemas de saúde mental após um aborto espontâneo. No entanto, além desses fatores pessoais e contextuais, a qualidade do relacionamento conjugal e a satisfação com a assistência à saúde podem ser importantes fatores de proteção.Objective: to examine personal and contextual protective and risk factors associated with women’s mental health after a spontaneous abortion. Method: a cross-sectional study was carried out where 231 women who had experienced spontaneous abortions in the past 4 years answered a self-reporting online questionnaire to assess their mental health (symptoms of depression, anxiety, perinatal grief) and to collect personal as well as contextual characteristics. Results: women who had experienced spontaneous abortions within the past 6 months had higher scores for depressive symptoms than those who had experienced spontaneous abortions between 7 and 12 months ago, while anxiety level and perinatal grief did not vary according to the time since the loss. Moreover, low socioeconomic status, immigrant status, and childlessness were associated with worse mental health after a spontaneous abortion. In contrast, the quality of the conjugal relationship and the level of satisfaction with health care were positively associated with women’s mental health. Conclusion: women in vulnerable situations, such as immigrants, women with a low socioeconomic status, or childless women are particularly vulnerable to mental health problems after a spontaneous abortion. However, beyond those personal and contextual factors, the quality of the conjugal relationship and the level of satisfaction with health care could be important protective factors

    Le travail infirmier sous tension : une approche compréhensive du travail infirmier en période de transition.

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    L’aide médicale à mourir a-t-elle protégé la santé mentale des personnes endeuillées pendant la pandémie de COVID-19?

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    L’aide médicale à mourir (AMM) est légalement permise depuis 2015 au Québec et depuis 2016 ailleurs au Canada. Même dans les régions où la mort assistée est pratiquée depuis des décennies, peu d’attention a été portée aux personnes qui ont perdu un proche dans ces circonstances. On ne sait donc pas exactement quels effets peut avoir l’AMM sur le vécu du deuil des personnes concernées, et encore moins en situation de pandémie. À partir des données quantitatives et qualitatives du projet Covideuil, cet article entend éclairer plus précisément le vécu du deuil à la suite du décès par AMM d’un proche pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 au Canada. Il ressort de ces analyses que l’AMM ne semble pas être associée à une trajectoire de deuil distincte pendant la pandémie. Ce type de décès nécessite cependant que les intervenants sociosanitaires portent une attention particulière aux proches de la personne décédée, car leur accompagnement est moins systématisé que pour les soins palliatifs

    A limited-size ensemble of homogeneous CNN/LSTMs for high-performance word classification

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    The strength of long short-term memory neural networks (LSTMs) that have been applied is more located in handling sequences of variable length than in handling geometric variability of the image patterns. In this paper, an end-to-end convolutional LSTM neural network is used to handle both geometric variation and sequence variability. The best results for LSTMs are often based on large-scale training of an ensemble of network instances. We show that high performances can be reached on a common benchmark set by using proper data augmentation for just five such networks using a proper coding scheme and a proper voting scheme. The networks have similar architectures (convolutional neural network (CNN): five layers, bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM): three layers followed by a connectionist temporal classification (CTC) processing step). The approach assumes differently scaled input images and different feature map sizes. Three datasets are used: the standard benchmark RIMES dataset (French); a historical handwritten dataset KdK (Dutch); the standard benchmark George Washington (GW) dataset (English). Final performance obtained for the word-recognition test of RIMES was 96.6%, a clear improvement over other state-of-the-art approaches which did not use a pre-trained network. On the KdK and GW datasets, our approach also shows good results. The proposed approach is deployed in the Monk search engine for historical-handwriting collections

    Effects of eight neuropsychiatric copy number variants on human brain structure

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    Many copy number variants (CNVs) confer risk for the same range of neurodevelopmental symptoms and psychiatric conditions including autism and schizophrenia. Yet, to date neuroimaging studies have typically been carried out one mutation at a time, showing that CNVs have large effects on brain anatomy. Here, we aimed to characterize and quantify the distinct brain morphometry effects and latent dimensions across 8 neuropsychiatric CNVs. We analyzed T1-weighted MRI data from clinically and non-clinically ascertained CNV carriers (deletion/duplication) at the 1q21.1 (n = 39/28), 16p11.2 (n = 87/78), 22q11.2 (n = 75/30), and 15q11.2 (n = 72/76) loci as well as 1296 non-carriers (controls). Case-control contrasts of all examined genomic loci demonstrated effects on brain anatomy, with deletions and duplications showing mirror effects at the global and regional levels. Although CNVs mainly showed distinct brain patterns, principal component analysis (PCA) loaded subsets of CNVs on two latent brain dimensions, which explained 32 and 29% of the variance of the 8 Cohen’s d maps. The cingulate gyrus, insula, supplementary motor cortex, and cerebellum were identified by PCA and multi-view pattern learning as top regions contributing to latent dimension shared across subsets of CNVs. The large proportion of distinct CNV effects on brain morphology may explain the small neuroimaging effect sizes reported in polygenic psychiatric conditions. Nevertheless, latent gene brain morphology dimensions will help subgroup the rapidly expanding landscape of neuropsychiatric variants and dissect the heterogeneity of idiopathic conditions

    Detection of supercooled drizzle by a vertically pointing radar

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    The objective of this study is to detect zones of supercooled drizzle using data from a vertically pointing radar (VPR). This radar was used in the AIRS (Alliance Icing Research Study) experiment held at Mirabel Airport from November 1999 to February 2000.For cases where conditions favor the formation of drizzle drops with a diameter sufficiently large, a second mode with a distinct speed and reflectivity can be separated from that received from snow. That the second mode corresponds to supercooled drizzle is verified by comparing reflectivities and speeds with aircraft data taken during AIRS.For cases without bimodality, regions of icing may be localized by a computation of the mass flux gradient. Accretion of supercooled water on snow (riming) increases both its density and fall speed. Thus, a sudden increase in snow fall speed indicates the presence of supercooled water.A conceptual model describing necessary conditions for the formation of supercooled drizzle is proposed. This model is based on the analysis of a synoptic situation present for two days of intense icing

    Are Climates in Canada and the United States Suitable for the European Spruce Bark Beetle, <i>Ips typographus</i>, and Its Fungal Associate, <i>Endoconidiophora polonica</i>?

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    Invasions of exotic forest insects and pathogens can devastate evolutionarily naïve habitats and could cause irreversible changes to urban and natural ecosystems. Given the ever-increasing volume of trade in wood and plant stock worldwide, establishment of non-native pests under climate change is one of the most important forest health concerns currently. The European spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus, is a damaging, phloem-feeding insect of Norway spruce, Picea abies, in Eurasia. Endoconidiophora polonica is the most virulent ophiostomatoid fungal associate of I. typographus. Spruce species native to North America are susceptible to this insect-pathogen complex. We studied the suitability of ‘current’ (1970–2000) and future climates (2021–2100) in Canada and the United States for these two species via ensemble species distribution models. We also determined overlapping regions favorable to both I. typographus and E. polonica. Our results indicate that, currently, climate is particularly suitable for I. typographus and E. polonica in western Canada and throughout the United States. Northward shifts in climatic suitability are projected to occur in Canada for both species under climate change. By the end of the 21st century, a coast-to-coast corridor of climatic suitability for I. typographus and E. polonica will occur in Canada under high-temperature regimes

    Québec : L’art actuel et ses orientations

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