32 research outputs found

    A unified scaling for the optimal path length in disordered lattices

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    In recent decades, much attention has been focused on the topic of optimal paths in weighted networks due to its broad scientific interest and technological applications. In this work we revisit the problem of the optimal path between two points and focus on the role of the geometry (size and shape) of the embedding lattice, which has received very little attention. This role becomes crucial, for example, in the strong disorder limit, where the mean length of the optimal path for a fixed end-to-end distance diverges as the lattice size increases. We propose a unified scaling ansatz for the mean length of the optimal path in DD-dimensional disordered lattices. The ansatz is supported by a comprehensive numerical study of the problem on 2D2D lattices, yet we also present results in D=3D=3. We show that it unifies well-known results in the strong and weak disorder regimes, including the crossover behavior, but it also reveals novel scaling scenarios not yet addressed. Moreover, it provides relevant insights into the origin of the universal exponents that characterize the scaling of the optimal path in the strong disorder limit

    Shape effects in the fluctuations of random isochrones on a square lattice

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    We consider the isochrone curves in first-passage percolation on a 2D square lattice, i.e. the boundary of the set of points which can be reached in less than a given time from a certain origin. The occurrence of an instantaneous average shape is described in terms of its Fourier components, highlighting a crossover between a diamond and a circular geometry as the noise level is increased. Generally, these isochrones can be understood as fluctuating interfaces with an inhomogeneous local width which reveals the underlying lattice structure. We show that once these inhomogeneities have been taken into account, the fluctuations fall into the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class with very good accuracy, where they reproduce the Family-Vicsek Ansatz with the expected exponents and the Tracy-Widom histogram for the local radial fluctuations

    Empirical treatment of adults with hospital-acquired pneumonia: lights and shadows of the 2016 Clinical Practice ATS/IDSA Guidelines

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    Hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) is a common cause of nosocomial infection associated with significant morbidity and mortality. New clinical practice guidelines for the management of adults with hospital-acquired pneumonia have been published in 2016 by the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and the American Thoracic Society (ATS). This review focuses on the recent recommendations and their limitations. We also focus on new therapeutic options that might improve the treatment and outcomes of these patients

    Preferencia de ocho plantas por Odocoileus virginianus en cautiverio

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    Wild white-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus consume a diversity of high energy plants. Captive deer, however, do not have access to this diversity, which may affect their productive capacity. A cafeteria test was used to evaluate intake of and preference for eight plant species among captive deer in Veracruz, Mexico. Three replicates were done of five consecutive days of feeding with the selected plants followed by a 15-d evaluation period. One kilogram of material from each plant species was offered each day and intake recorded. Physicochemical analyses were done of all eight species. Intake results were evaluated with an analysis of variance and a Tukey test, and a partial least squares regression analysis was applied to relate intake to plant characteristics. Intake was highest for four plants: Zapoteca acuelata, Bidens pilosa, Pennisetum purpureum and Parthenium hysterophorus. Preference for these species was determined by their fiber and protein contents, and °Brix and pH levels. Diversifying the diet of captive deer could provide additional feed options for producers and increase animal productivity parameters.En vida libre, Odocoileus virginianus consume plantas con alto beneficio energético, pero en cautiverio, no se cuenta con una alimentación diversa que aumente su capacitad productiva. El objetivo fue evaluar el consumo y preferencia de ocho plantas por un grupo de venados en cautiverio con base en una prueba de cafetería. El experimento se desarrolló durante cinco días consecutivos con tres repeticiones, con un descanso de 15 días entre repetición, y consistió en ofrecer 1 kg de material vegetal de cada planta, se registró su consumo y se evaluó con un análisis de varianza y una prueba de Tukey; además, de cada planta, se estimaron sus características fisicoquímicas y bromatológicas y se relacionaron con el consumo mediante un análisis de regresión por mínimos cuadrados parciales. El consumo fue significativamente mayor en cuatro plantas: Zapoteca acuelata, Bidens pilosa, Pennisetum purpureum y Parthenium hysterophorus y su preferencia estuvo determinada por el contenido de fibra, proteína, °Brix y pH. Diversificar la alimentación de los venados en Unidades de Manejo para la Conservación de la Vida Silvestre (UMA) podría incrementar su productividad

    Integrating differential expression, co-expression and gene network analysis for the identification of common genes associated with tumor angiogenesis deregulation

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    Angiogenesis is essential for tumor growth and cancer metastasis. Identifying the molecular pathways involved in this process is the first step in the rational design of new therapeutic strategies to improve cancer treatment. In recent years, RNA-seq data analysis has helped to determine the genetic and molecular factors associated with different types of cancer. In this work we performed integrative analysis using RNA-seq data from human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and patients with angiogenesis-dependent diseases to find genes that serve as potential candidates to improve the prognosis of tumor angiogenesis deregulation and understand how this process is orchestrated at the genetic and molecular level. We downloaded four RNA-seq datasets (including cellular models of tumor angiogenesis and ischaemic heart disease) from the Sequence Read Archive. Our integrative analysis includes a first step to determine differentially and co-expressed genes. For this, we used the ExpHunter Suite, an R package that performs differential expression, co-expression and functional analysis of RNA-seq data. We used both differentially and co-expressed genes to explore the human gene interaction network and determine which genes were found in the different datasets that may be key for the angiogenesis deregulation. Finally, we performed drug repositioning analysis to find potential targets related to angiogenesis inhibition...This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (grant PID2019-105010RB-I00, grant PID2019-108096RB-C21), the Andalusian Government and FEDER (grants UMA18-FEDERJA-102, UMA18-FEDERJA-220, PY20_00257, PY20_00372, RH-0079-2021 and funds from the group PAIDI BIO 267); the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grant PID2019-108096RB-C21), the Institute of Health Carlos III (project IMPaCT-Data, exp. IMP/00019), co-funded by the European Union, European Regional Development Fund (ERDF, ‘‘A way to make Europe"); and the European Union (HORIZON-HLTH-2022-DISEASE-06, Project ID: 101080580) to JAGR. JRP holds a research grant from the Andalusian Government (Fundacion Progreso y Salud) [PI-0075-2017]. BM is awarded of the Ayudas para la formación del profesorado universitario (FPU18/00755, Ministerio de Universidades). The ‘‘CIBER de Enfermedades Raras’’ is an initiative from the ISCIII (Spain). The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Primeros resultados del estudio de la canal de corderos lechales y ternascos de la raza autóctona andaluza merino de Grazalema

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    Para caracterizar la producción cárnica de la raza Merino de Grazalema, se han realizado medidas tanto objetivas (pH, pesos de la canal y del despiece, zoometría, espesor de grasa dorsal, color instrumental mediante espectrocolorímetro Minolta CM-2500d) como subjetivas (recubrimiento pélvico-renal, conformación y estado de engrasamiento) sobre las canales de 16 corderos machos de raza Merino de Grazalema (8 lechales y 8 ternascos). El peso vivo medio se sitúa en 11,36 y 21,18 Kg. para corderos lechales y ternascos respectivamente, y el rendimiento comercial en 51,09 y 50,45%. Los resultados del despiece muestran un mayor porcentaje de piezas de 1ª categoría y un descenso de las de 3ª al aumentar el peso de sacrificio. La conformación mejora en los ternascos. El color de la carne presenta mayor claridad en los corderos lechales.Grazalema Merino Sheep breed, as endangered breed, must be characterized for developing an useful conservation plan. This paper shows the first and only data obtained in slaughterhouse from carcasses of this breed. Live weights were 11,36 and 21,19 Kg. for suckling and light lambs respectively

    Ozone Eliminates SARS-CoV-2 from Difficult-to-Clean Office Supplies and Clinical Equipment.

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    Background: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2) continues to cause profound health, economic, and social problems worldwide. The management and disinfection of materials used daily in health centers and common working environments have prompted concerns about the control of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection risk. Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent that has been widely used in disinfection processes for decades. The aim of this study was to assess the optimal conditions of ozone treatment for the elimination of heat-inactivated SARS-CoV-2 from office supplies (personal computer monitors, keyboards, and computer mice) and clinical equipment (continuous positive airway pressure tubes and personal protective equipment) that are difficult to clean. (2) Methods: The office supplies and clinical equipment were contaminated in an area of 1 cm2 with 1 × 104 viral units of a heat-inactivated SARS-CoV-2 strain, then treated with ozone using two different ozone devices: a specifically designed ozonation chamber (for low–medium ozone concentrations over large volumes) and a clinical ozone generator (for high ozone concentrations over small volumes). SARS-CoV-2 gene detection was carried out using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). (3) Results: At high ozone concentrations over small surfaces, the ozone eliminated SARS-CoV-2 RNA in short time periods—i.e., 10 min (at 4000 ppm) or less. The optimum ozone concentration over large volumes was 90 ppm for 120 min in ambient conditions (24 °C and 60–75% relative humidity). (4) Conclusions: This study showed that the appropriate ozone concentration and exposure time eliminated heat-inactivated SARS-CoV-2 RNA from the surfaces of different widely used clinical and office supplies, decreasing their risk of transmission, and improving their reutilization. Ozone may provide an additional tool to control the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.TRUEInstituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain, and by the European Regional Development Funds (FEDER)Fundación Canaria del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Canarias (FIISC), Las PalmasFundación Mapfre Guanarteme, Las PalmasGobierno de Canarias, Las Palmaspu

    La erupción volcánica de La Palma y el papel de la Agencia Estatal de Meteorología

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    Durante la erupción del volcán de Cumbre Vieja, en la isla de La Palma en 2021, la Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET), en calidad de Servicio Nacional y Autoridad Meteorológica del Estado, prestó diferentes servicios de apoyo al Comité Científico y al Comité Asesor del Plan de Emergencias Volcánicas de Canarias (PEVOLCA). Parte de sus actividades abarcaron la vigilancia y predicción meteorológica, la monitorización y predicción del transporte del penacho volcánico, y la valoración del impacto de las emisiones de gases y cenizas de la erupción volcánica en la calidad del aire en la isla de La Palma y en la región de Canarias.Peer reviewe