5,717 research outputs found

    Participation of Married Women in the Labour Market and the 'Added Worker Effect' in Europe

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    In this paper, we estimate labour participation equations for married women for eleven European countries, using data from the European Community Household Panel corresponding to the years 1994, 1995 and 1996. The main objective of our study is to test whether the 'added worker effect' holds. From our results it can be concluded that the labour market participation of the married woman basically depends on her personal and family characteristics, her non-wage income and her potential earnings. In only a few countries does the participation of married women seem to be related to the work status of the husband. However, the consistently significant and negative effect of the woman's non-wage income (basically the husband's wage) prevents the 'added worker effect' from being completely rejected as a hypothesis. It seems, therefore, that female labour market participation continues to have a 'secondary' role in the family sphere in some European countries.Female participation ; added worker effect

    Innovation and jobs: evidence from manufacturing firms

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    This paper is aimed at structurally assessing the employment effects of the innovative activities of firms. We estimate firm level displacement and compensation effects in a model in which the stock of knowledge capital raises firm relative efficiency through process innovations and firm demand through product innovations. Displacement is estimated from the elasticity of employment with respect to innovation in the (conditional or Hicksian) demand for labour. Compensation effects are estimated from a firm-specific demand relationship. We also assess the enlargement and weakening of these effects due to firm agents’ behaviour aimed at appropriating innovation rents. We find that the potential employment compensation effect of process innovations surpasses the displacement effect, both in the short and long run (when competitors react), and that product innovation doubles the expanding impact by unit of expenditure, but also that agents’ behaviour can seriously reduce these effects. The actual elasticity of employment to knowledge capital is estimated, however, not far from unity, while “passive” productivity growth is suggested to have null or negative employment effects

    El pragmatismo trascendental y dialĂłgico de JĂŒrgen Habermas

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    La discusiĂłn propuesta se divide en dos mitades. En la primera parte, defendemos una interpretaciĂłn de la teorĂ­a de la pragmĂĄtica universal en tĂ©rminos de pragmatismo trascendental, muy en la lĂ­nea de las propuestas firmadas por Karl-Otto Apel. En la segunda parte, nos solidarizamos con la idea de Pere Fabra segĂșn la cual el uso comunicativo del lenguaje difĂ­cilmente puede sentar las bases de todos los fines ilocutivos en que consisten los actos de habla

    Derivas de Europa: Laicismo, secularizaciĂłn, alteridad

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    CrĂłnica del Congreso "Derivas de Europa: Laicismo, SecularizaciĂłn, Alteridad" (27 y 28 de noviembre de 2017)

    Acerca de la geomedicina: una aproximaciĂłn desde la filosofĂ­a

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    El presente ensayo tiene el objetivo de acercarnos al estudio de la geomedicina. Después de una breve introducción al estado de la cuestión, nos preguntamos por el status científico de la geomedicina. Al efecto, basåndonos en un criterio de validez cientíThis paper aims to approach the study of geomedicine. After a brief introduction to the stage of the question, we wonder about the scientific status of geomedicine. To this end, on the basis of a scientific validity criterium that invokes the clinical us

    CĂ©sar : una cabeza goleadora

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y LeĂłn. ConsejerĂ­a de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201

    Weaving technology in the design of learning experiences in world language teacher education: the development of a cognitive tool, an instructional device and an exploration

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    This dissertation constitutes a first step toward improving our understanding of how better and more sophisticated uses of technology in the context of world language teacher education (WLTE) can be achieved. This work includes (a) the design and development of a prototype of a cognitive tool intended to support the design of language learning experiences; (b) an article that advocates project-based learning (PBL) as a powerful instructional device to support sophisticated learning experiences in WLTE; and (c) the exploration of conceptual and interactual aspects of said cognitive tool. Chapter 2, Project-based learning: A promising pathway to technology integration in world language teacher education proposes a taxonomy of complex WLTE tasks. This article discusses how some of the possibilities that PBL offers can be operationalized in WLTE and argues that providing preservice language teachers experiences with and exposure to sophisticated pedagogical interventions, such as the ones supported by PBL, can improve the integration of technology into the design of language learning activities. As this article shows, PBL is suitable to take full advantage of the complexity of WLTE to immerse preservice teachers in rich design experiences that integrate technology. However, implementing PBL in WLTE poses many challenges. Technology tools that facilitate the conceptualization, creation and management of projects may help in the implementation of PBL in WLTE. Chapter 3, Postcards from the Mind: Designing language learning experiences with technology, is a design-based research study that explores a prototype of such tool. This research gives us some insights into the cognitive processes involved in the design of language learning experiences. The cognitive processes identified included (a) the activation of composite forms of knowledge, such as pedagogical-content knowledge (PCK) and technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK), which have been hypothesized to be a prerequisite for the effective integration of technology into learning experiences; (b) the iterative consideration of general pedagogical guidelines; and (c) the application of a mental model to the design of language learning experiences. Interactual and conceptual aspects of the tool that did or did not support the users\u27 cognitive processes are discussed. Findings from this study have implications for WLTE and interface design

    Unfolding-based Partial Order Reduction

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    Partial order reduction (POR) and net unfoldings are two alternative methods to tackle state-space explosion caused by concurrency. In this paper, we propose the combination of both approaches in an effort to combine their strengths. We first define, for an abstract execution model, unfolding semantics parameterized over an arbitrary independence relation. Based on it, our main contribution is a novel stateless POR algorithm that explores at most one execution per Mazurkiewicz trace, and in general, can explore exponentially fewer, thus achieving a form of super-optimality. Furthermore, our unfolding-based POR copes with non-terminating executions and incorporates state-caching. Over benchmarks with busy-waits, among others, our experiments show a dramatic reduction in the number of executions when compared to a state-of-the-art DPOR.Comment: Long version of a paper with the same title appeared on the proceedings of CONCUR 201
