31 research outputs found

    Trace-elemental and multi-isotopic (Sr-Nd-Pb) discrimination of jade in the circum-Caribbean: Implications for pre-colonial inter-island exchange networks

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    Dense and strong, hydrothermal-metasomatic jadeitite and jadeite-omphacite rocks were used as tools and adornments throughout the wider Caribbean since initial inhabitation. Regionally, rich sources of jadeitite and jadeite-omphacite jade are known only in Guatemala (north and south of the Motagua Fault Zone), eastern Cuba and the northern Dominican Republic, establishing that humans transported jadeitic material over vast distances. This study validates that geochemical fingerprinting is a viable provenance method for Caribbean pre-colonial jadeitic lithologies. An assemblage of 101 source rocks has been characterised for trace element and combined Sr-Nd-Pb isotope compositions. Four statistical approaches (Principal Component Analysis, t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding, Decision Tree, and Multiclass Regression) were assessed, employing source-distinct trace element ratios. A multiclass regression technique based on trace element ratios of immobile high field strength, light to medium rare earth and fluid-mobile, large-ion-lithophile elements is shown to be most effective in discriminating the four source regions. Ninety-one % of the Guatemalan samples can be discriminated from the Dominican and Cuban sources using La/Th, Zr/Hf and Y/Th ratios. Jadeitic rocks cropping out in the Dominican Republic can be distinguished from Cuban jades employing Er/Yb, Nb/Ta and Ba/Rb ratios with 71% certainty. Furthermore, the two Guatemala sources, north and south of the Motagua Fault Zone, can be discriminated by using (among others) Zr/Hf, Ta/Th, La/Sm and Dy/Y ratios with an 89% success rate. This raises the possibility of determining, in detail, former trading and mobility networks between different islands and the Meso- and Central American mainland within the Greater Caribbean. The provenance technique was applied to 19 pre-colonial jade celts excavated from the Late Ceramic Age Playa Grande archaeological site in the northern Dominican Republic. Three artefacts are discriminated as derived from the Guatemalan source, indicating that, despite a source of jade within 25 km, material was traded from Guatemala. The presence of Guatemalan jade in the Playa Grande lithic assemblage provides further evidence of large scale (>3000 km), regional trading and indigenous knowledge transfer networks.This research received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013)/ERC grant agreement No 319209 (ERC-Synergy NEXUS 1492) and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654208 (Europlanet 2020 RI). We are grateful to the Museo del Hombre Dominicano for providing the Playa Grande samples. Thanks to Richard Smeets, Bas van der Wagt, Kirsten van Zuilen, Bouke Lacet, Eva Kelderman and Quinty Boosten for analytical assistance

    4to. Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad. Memoria académica

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    Este volumen acoge la memoria académica de la Cuarta edición del Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad, CITIS 2017, desarrollado entre el 29 de noviembre y el 1 de diciembre de 2017 y organizado por la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) en su sede de Guayaquil. El Congreso ofreció un espacio para la presentación, difusión e intercambio de importantes investigaciones nacionales e internacionales ante la comunidad universitaria que se dio cita en el encuentro. El uso de herramientas tecnológicas para la gestión de los trabajos de investigación como la plataforma Open Conference Systems y la web de presentación del Congreso http://citis.blog.ups.edu.ec/, hicieron de CITIS 2017 un verdadero referente entre los congresos que se desarrollaron en el país. La preocupación de nuestra Universidad, de presentar espacios que ayuden a generar nuevos y mejores cambios en la dimensión humana y social de nuestro entorno, hace que se persiga en cada edición del evento la presentación de trabajos con calidad creciente en cuanto a su producción científica. Quienes estuvimos al frente de la organización, dejamos plasmado en estas memorias académicas el intenso y prolífico trabajo de los días de realización del Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad al alcance de todos y todas

    Mineralogy, geochemistry and petrogenesis of a new jade deposit, Sierra del Convento Mélange, E. Cuba

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    The Sierra del Convento mélange (Eastern Cuba) represents a well preserved fragment of the Cretaceous oceanic subduction channel in the Caribbean realm, developed by the subduction of the Protocaribbean basin below the Caribbean Plate. The mélange is formed by a serpentinite matrix, which contains a variety of tectonic blocks metamorphosed to high pressure and low to high temperature, including blueschists, pelitic gneisses, anatectic tonalitic–trondhjemitic rocks, epidote-garnet plagioclase-lacking amphibolites and sepertinites. This mélange has unique characteristics by showing evidence of partial melting of the slab developed by subduction of very young oceanic plate. Recently, in situ jadeitite blocks have been discovered in the Sierra del Convento mélange surrounded by sheared serpentinitic rocks. The combination of hot subduction and occurrence of jadeitite generates an exceptional scenario to decipher the interaction at intermediate to high-temperature of fluids in the subduction channel and its boundary with the mantle wedge. This PhD thesis is focused on the study of jadeitite and related rocks with emphasis in their petrogenesis by fluid-rock interaction in a subductive context. In addition, the serpentinitic rocks associated with jadeitites have been included in the study in order to decipher the context of formation of jadeitites. Serpentinite rocks preserve fertile protolith signaturesLa mélange de la Sierra del Convento (Cuba Oriental) representa un fragmento bien conservado del canal de subducción oceánica del Cretácico en el ambiente Caribeño, desarrollado por la subducción de la cuenca oceánica protocaribeña bajo la placa del Caribe. La mélange está formada por una matriz serpentinítica, la cual contiene una variedad de bloques tectónicos metamorfizados a alta presión y de baja a alta temperatura, incluyendo esquistos azules, gneises pelíticos, rocas anatécticas trondhjemíticas y tonalíticas, anfibolitas de epidota y granate sin plagioclasa y serpentinitas. Esta mélange tiene características únicas por mostrar evidencias de fusión parcial de la lámina subducente gracias a la subducción de una placa oceánica muy joven. Recientemente, bloques in situ de jadeitita han sido descubiertos en la mélange de la Sierra del Convento rodeados por rocas serpentiníticas cizalladas. La combinación de subducción caliente y la aparición de jadeitita ofrece un escenario excepcional para descifrar la interacción de fluidos en el canal de subducción, y su límite con la cuña de manto. Esta tesis doctoral está focalizada en el estudio de la petrogénesis de jadeititas y rocas asociadas por interacción de fluido-roca en un contexto subductivo. Además, las rocas serpentiníticas asociadas a las jadeititas han sido incluidas en este estudio para descifrar el contexto de formación de las jadeititas.Tesis Univ. Granada

    Pre-Columbian jadeitite artifacts from San Salvador Island, Bahamas and comparison with jades of the eastern Caribbean and jadeitites of the greater Caribbean region

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    Four artifacts from San Salvador Island, Bahamas, with affinities to jadeite jade were studied by mineralogical and petrographical techniques and compared to similar studies of jadeite rock (jadeitite) from sources in the greater Caribbean region: Guatemala (both north and south Motagua mélange occurrences); the Sierra del Convento Mélange, Cuba; and the Río San Juan Complex, Dominican Republic. Three of the four artifacts are jadeite jade. The fourth is a metavolcanic rock of greenschist facies metamorphism. Each of the three jadeitite objects is distinct in terms of mineral assemblage and microscopic minerals intergrowth textures. One artifact manifests strong similarities with a variety of jadeitite known from Cuba, the closest source geographically to the Bahamas. The other two artifacts display unique characteristics of either mineral assemblage or texture that have not been observed to date in rocks from the known sources. Consequently, search must continue for greater diversity within the documented sources or new sources of jadeite jade that conform to what was observed must be found.The authors acknowledge the support of the University of the Bahamas Gerace Research Centre, San Salvador, Bahamas and Dr. Michael P. Pateman, Director, Turks & Caicos National Museum Foundation for permission to study the artifacts. Permission was granted by the Bahamas Antiquities, Monuments, and Museums Corporation to make alterations to the artifacts to benefit their archaeological interpretation. US National Science Foundation grant EAR 0851847, Dr. Lisa Park Boush, Principal Investigator, funded the North Storr's Lake site radiocarbon dates. The authors thank the anonymous reviewer for his/her useful comments

    A highly dynamic hot hydrothermal system in the subduction environment: Geochemistry and geochronology of jadeitite and associated rocks of the Sierra del Convento mélange (eastern Cuba)

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    A U-Pb zircon date of ∼113 Ma revealed that a variety of jadeitites and related omphacitite, chloritite and albite-rich rocks from the subduction-related Sierra del Convento block-in-serpentinite-matrix mélange (eastern Cuba) formed nearly synchronously with MORB metabasite-derived anatectic trondhjemitic liquids at high-temperature and pressure in a hot subduction environment. Field, petrologic and geochemical data indicate hydrothermal/metasomatic processes triggered by juvenile fluids likely evolved from the crystallizing hydrous trondhjemitic melts. These fluids, variably mixed with sediment-derived fluids and channelized along fractures in the supra-slab mantle, precipitated relatively pure jadeitite with geochemical patterns depleted in REE and HFSE and epidote-rich jadeitite with LILE- (notably Ba) enriched compositions with respect to N-MORB. The crystallization of jadeitite veins was accompanied by formation of chloritite blackwalls at the vein-ultramafic rock contact and omphacititic patches at the outer parts of the veins, denoting wall rock-fluid interactions. Further pervasive flow of external fluid within the rock bodies triggered modal and cryptic (geochemical) metasomatic transformation of earlier jadeitite, producing mica-rich jadeitite and albite-epidote (-chlorite) rocks. Altogether these rocks document a discrete episode of massive flow of fluid in the supra-slab mantle roughly coeval with hydrous melting of subducted MORB metabasite.This research was funded by Spanish projects CGL2009-12446, CGL2015-65824 and PID2019-105625RB-C21 granted by MICINN and MINECO and a FPI Ph.D. grant to J.C-P. by MICINN. YRA acknowledge support from DFG project RO4174/3-3 and from the SYNTHESYS program (http://www.synthesys.info/), Projects 312253/GB-TAF-4245 and 226506/GB-TAF-2342, funded by European Community Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 “Capacities” Program. Support for field campaigns from the Cuban Institute of Geology and Paleontology and analyses at CIC from the University of Granada is acknowledged

    Medicina de Urgencias Tomo 1

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    Public health represents one of the greatest challenges in society, which is why it is essential to strengthen the links of scientific cooperation between the academy and the community under a common premise: guarantee the health of the population. In Ecuador, public health faces a historical challenge framed by two edges: the health crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the shortcomings of the social system. This leads to thinking about both the importance of the problem and its possible solutions. Despite this, it is undeniable to affirm that all health personnel share a common ideology and the same commitment, guaranteeing the health of the population.Obviously it is not an easy task due to social uncertainty and the possible appearance of new diseases; however, it is based on a common denominator: basing decisions on the available scientific evidence or what is known as evidence-based medicine. The generation of new knowledge and the use of the best available scientific evidence is the only hope for solving the health problems that afflict the population. In this way, Emergency Medicine seeks to be a timely and practical clinical-therapeutic reference point for emerging regional circumstances, using updated international management guidelines as references and emphasizing evidence-based medicine. We are sure that it will be an invaluable contribution for health professionals.Emergency Medicine, in its two volumes, is a work carried out by teachers, students and medical and related specialists, from the Medicine and Nursing career of the Catholic University of Cuenca, Azogues Campus. In addition, it has the contribution of other medical specialists with extensive professional experience and contributes with 52 chapters that address clinical, surgical, pediatric, and gynecological-obstetric pathologies that require timely management in the emergency room. At the same time, this work addresses topics of current interest such as medicolegal aspects of emergency care, urgent complications in HIV infections, use of antimicrobials in emergencies, dose adjustment in patients with kidney failure; and, a special chapter on SARS-CoV-2: diagnostic-therapeutic management.La salud pública representa uno de los retos más grandes en la sociedad, razón por lo cual es fundamental que se robustezcan los vínculos de cooperación científica entre la academia y la colectividad bajo una premisa común: garantizar la salud de la población. En Ecuador, la salud pública afronta un reto histórico enmarcado en dos aristas: la crisis sanitaria debido a la pandemia por Covid-19 y las carencias del sistema social. Esto conduce a pensar tanto en la trascendencia del problema como en sus posibles soluciones. A pesar de aquello, resulta innegable afirmar que todo el personal sanitario comparte una ideología en común y el mismo compromiso, garantizar la salud de la población. Evidentemente no constituye una tarea fácil debido a la incertidumbre social y a la posible aparición de nuevas enfermedades; sin embargo, se basa en un denominador común: asentar las decisiones en la evidencia científica disponible o lo que se conoce como medicina basada en la evidencia. La generación de nuevo conocimiento y la utilización de la mejor evidencia científica disponible constituye la única esperanza para resolver los problemas de salud que aquejan a la población. De esta forma, Medicina de Urgencias busca ser un referente clínico- terapéutico, oportuno y práctico, de las circunstancias emergentes regionales, tomando como referencias guías de manejo internacionales actualizadas y haciendo hincapié en la medicina basada en la evidencia. Estamos seguros que será un aporte de carácter invaluable para los profesionales de la salud. Medicina de urgencias, en sus dos volúmenes, es una obra realizada por docentes, estudiantes y especialistas médicos y afines, de la carrera de Medicina y Enfermería de la Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Sede Azogues. Además, cuenta con el aporte de otros médicos especialistas con amplia trayectoria profesional y aporta con 52 capítulos que abordan patologías clínicas, quirúrgicas, pediátricas, y gíneco-obstétricas, que requieren manejo oportuno en la sala de emergencias.  Al mismo tiempo, la presente obra aborda temáticas de interés actual como aspectos médico legales de la atención en urgencias, complicaciones urgentes en las infecciones por VIH, uso de antimicrobianos en emergencias, ajuste de dosis en pacientes con insuficiencia renal; y, un capítulo especial sobre el SARS-CoV-2: manejo diagnóstico-terapéutico

    Medicina de Urgencias Tomo 1

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    Public health represents one of the greatest challenges in society, which is why it is essential to strengthen the links of scientific cooperation between the academy and the community under a common premise: guarantee the health of the population. In Ecuador, public health faces a historical challenge framed by two edges: the health crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the shortcomings of the social system. This leads to thinking about both the importance of the problem and its possible solutions. Despite this, it is undeniable to affirm that all health personnel share a common ideology and the same commitment, guaranteeing the health of the population.Obviously it is not an easy task due to social uncertainty and the possible appearance of new diseases; however, it is based on a common denominator: basing decisions on the available scientific evidence or what is known as evidence-based medicine. The generation of new knowledge and the use of the best available scientific evidence is the only hope for solving the health problems that afflict the population. In this way, Emergency Medicine seeks to be a timely and practical clinical-therapeutic reference point for emerging regional circumstances, using updated international management guidelines as references and emphasizing evidence-based medicine. We are sure that it will be an invaluable contribution for health professionals.Emergency Medicine, in its two volumes, is a work carried out by teachers, students and medical and related specialists, from the Medicine and Nursing career of the Catholic University of Cuenca, Azogues Campus. In addition, it has the contribution of other medical specialists with extensive professional experience and contributes with 52 chapters that address clinical, surgical, pediatric, and gynecological-obstetric pathologies that require timely management in the emergency room. At the same time, this work addresses topics of current interest such as medicolegal aspects of emergency care, urgent complications in HIV infections, use of antimicrobials in emergencies, dose adjustment in patients with kidney failure; and, a special chapter on SARS-CoV-2: diagnostic-therapeutic management.La salud pública representa uno de los retos más grandes en la sociedad, razón por lo cual es fundamental que se robustezcan los vínculos de cooperación científica entre la academia y la colectividad bajo una premisa común: garantizar la salud de la población. En Ecuador, la salud pública afronta un reto histórico enmarcado en dos aristas: la crisis sanitaria debido a la pandemia por Covid-19 y las carencias del sistema social. Esto conduce a pensar tanto en la trascendencia del problema como en sus posibles soluciones. A pesar de aquello, resulta innegable afirmar que todo el personal sanitario comparte una ideología en común y el mismo compromiso, garantizar la salud de la población. Evidentemente no constituye una tarea fácil debido a la incertidumbre social y a la posible aparición de nuevas enfermedades; sin embargo, se basa en un denominador común: asentar las decisiones en la evidencia científica disponible o lo que se conoce como medicina basada en la evidencia. La generación de nuevo conocimiento y la utilización de la mejor evidencia científica disponible constituye la única esperanza para resolver los problemas de salud que aquejan a la población. De esta forma, Medicina de Urgencias busca ser un referente clínico- terapéutico, oportuno y práctico, de las circunstancias emergentes regionales, tomando como referencias guías de manejo internacionales actualizadas y haciendo hincapié en la medicina basada en la evidencia. Estamos seguros que será un aporte de carácter invaluable para los profesionales de la salud. Medicina de urgencias, en sus dos volúmenes, es una obra realizada por docentes, estudiantes y especialistas médicos y afines, de la carrera de Medicina y Enfermería de la Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Sede Azogues. Además, cuenta con el aporte de otros médicos especialistas con amplia trayectoria profesional y aporta con 52 capítulos que abordan patologías clínicas, quirúrgicas, pediátricas, y gíneco-obstétricas, que requieren manejo oportuno en la sala de emergencias.  Al mismo tiempo, la presente obra aborda temáticas de interés actual como aspectos médico legales de la atención en urgencias, complicaciones urgentes en las infecciones por VIH, uso de antimicrobianos en emergencias, ajuste de dosis en pacientes con insuficiencia renal; y, un capítulo especial sobre el SARS-CoV-2: manejo diagnóstico-terapéutico

    Medicina de Urgencias Tomo 1

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    Public health represents one of the greatest challenges in society, which is why it is essential to strengthen the links of scientific cooperation between the academy and the community under a common premise: guarantee the health of the population. In Ecuador, public health faces a historical challenge framed by two edges: the health crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the shortcomings of the social system. This leads to thinking about both the importance of the problem and its possible solutions. Despite this, it is undeniable to affirm that all health personnel share a common ideology and the same commitment, guaranteeing the health of the population.Obviously it is not an easy task due to social uncertainty and the possible appearance of new diseases; however, it is based on a common denominator: basing decisions on the available scientific evidence or what is known as evidence-based medicine. The generation of new knowledge and the use of the best available scientific evidence is the only hope for solving the health problems that afflict the population. In this way, Emergency Medicine seeks to be a timely and practical clinical-therapeutic reference point for emerging regional circumstances, using updated international management guidelines as references and emphasizing evidence-based medicine. We are sure that it will be an invaluable contribution for health professionals.Emergency Medicine, in its two volumes, is a work carried out by teachers, students and medical and related specialists, from the Medicine and Nursing career of the Catholic University of Cuenca, Azogues Campus. In addition, it has the contribution of other medical specialists with extensive professional experience and contributes with 52 chapters that address clinical, surgical, pediatric, and gynecological-obstetric pathologies that require timely management in the emergency room. At the same time, this work addresses topics of current interest such as medicolegal aspects of emergency care, urgent complications in HIV infections, use of antimicrobials in emergencies, dose adjustment in patients with kidney failure; and, a special chapter on SARS-CoV-2: diagnostic-therapeutic management.La salud pública representa uno de los retos más grandes en la sociedad, razón por lo cual es fundamental que se robustezcan los vínculos de cooperación científica entre la academia y la colectividad bajo una premisa común: garantizar la salud de la población. En Ecuador, la salud pública afronta un reto histórico enmarcado en dos aristas: la crisis sanitaria debido a la pandemia por Covid-19 y las carencias del sistema social. Esto conduce a pensar tanto en la trascendencia del problema como en sus posibles soluciones. A pesar de aquello, resulta innegable afirmar que todo el personal sanitario comparte una ideología en común y el mismo compromiso, garantizar la salud de la población. Evidentemente no constituye una tarea fácil debido a la incertidumbre social y a la posible aparición de nuevas enfermedades; sin embargo, se basa en un denominador común: asentar las decisiones en la evidencia científica disponible o lo que se conoce como medicina basada en la evidencia. La generación de nuevo conocimiento y la utilización de la mejor evidencia científica disponible constituye la única esperanza para resolver los problemas de salud que aquejan a la población. De esta forma, Medicina de Urgencias busca ser un referente clínico- terapéutico, oportuno y práctico, de las circunstancias emergentes regionales, tomando como referencias guías de manejo internacionales actualizadas y haciendo hincapié en la medicina basada en la evidencia. Estamos seguros que será un aporte de carácter invaluable para los profesionales de la salud. Medicina de urgencias, en sus dos volúmenes, es una obra realizada por docentes, estudiantes y especialistas médicos y afines, de la carrera de Medicina y Enfermería de la Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Sede Azogues. Además, cuenta con el aporte de otros médicos especialistas con amplia trayectoria profesional y aporta con 52 capítulos que abordan patologías clínicas, quirúrgicas, pediátricas, y gíneco-obstétricas, que requieren manejo oportuno en la sala de emergencias.  Al mismo tiempo, la presente obra aborda temáticas de interés actual como aspectos médico legales de la atención en urgencias, complicaciones urgentes en las infecciones por VIH, uso de antimicrobianos en emergencias, ajuste de dosis en pacientes con insuficiencia renal; y, un capítulo especial sobre el SARS-CoV-2: manejo diagnóstico-terapéutico