13 research outputs found

    Estimation of Hydrological Parameters from Geoelectrical Measurements

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    In the coastal aquifer of the lowlands on the right side of the river Sinaloa there is need for fresh water for agricultural development since, around 15% of the water used in agricultural irrigation, is from underground sources. This situation is exacerbated in periods of drought, which promotes drilling with the risk of finding brackish water in them; besides, there is the risk of not meeting water demand due to low hydraulic transmissivity (T) of the aquifer, putting at risk the drilling costs that this implies. In this sense, the determination of T and K (hydraulic conductivity) is important for the development and management of groundwater exploitation of the study area. Generally by means of pumping tests in wells, T is obtained, with high costs, so there are few values of T. K is generally obtained by wells and laboratory test. The aim of this chapter is to establish an empirical relationship between T and K with Dar-Zarrouk parameter in porous media, transverse resistance (T R ), in addition to a characterization of the water quality through the electrical resistivity. This parameter is estimated from surface resistivity measurements, which are more economical in relation to the pumping tests; thus, T was characterized in the study area. The coefficient of correlation of the exponential adjustment is 0.79 and the relation is T=137185.7 TR0.020758−156691 and K=367.210.0548−518.813 with coefficient of correlation of 0.678

    Erosivity indicators based on rainfall in Northwestern Mexico

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    This study is motivated by the problem of erosivity (R), exacervated in semiarid zones by intense seasonal storms. The purpose was to estimate the spatial variation of R in a coastal area covering 37500 km2 which is one of the most important agricultural areas in northwestern Mexico. Four methods were used. Rainfall data from 11 SMNCONAGUA weather stations (from 1966 to 2013) were used to calculate R. The annual average R1 was 1181.08, and R2 was 1084.51 MJ mm ha–1 h–1 with ranges of 2.35–5220.55 and 2.93–4711.38 MJ mm ha–1 h–1. Statistical tests showed that a transformation of the data of the form y = log (x), was appropriate for an ANOVA analysis of the data. The value of the test statistic was F = 1.77 with p = 0.149, showing interdependence between the indicators P (α = 0.05). The values of the correlation coefficients for the data were P vs. R1 = 0.96, P vs. R2 = 0.99, P vs. AIm = 0.98, P vs. MFI = 0.99. The classification of risk in this region showed that 2017.5 km2 of the study area was at a very high risk of rain erosion, 2407.5 km2 under high risk, 5662.5 km2 under medium to high risk, and 14250 km2 under low risk. The results are shown on 1:10,000 maps. Results are a set of useful information for soil management programs and for cultivation planning that takes the seasonal variation of R into account in this region where large volumes of extensive crops are grown.

    The Caldera. No. 21

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    Las huellas que deja el tiempo… Los años siempre dejan su huella… El inexorable paso del tiempo… Son algunas de las expresiones que utilizamos, popularmente, para referirnos a cómo cada almanaque vivido, cómo cada instante que pasa deja sus marcas, sus rastros, sus huellas. En el período Barroco, el hombre cayó en un estado de pesadez existencial, no sólo a nivel económico, político y social, sino que se constituyó en una época que lo sumergió en una crisis existencial; el hombre barroco, descubrió y escribió con horror, sobre la efímera condición de la especie humana. Pero no sólo el hombre del Barroco se ha inquietado con el finito y definitivo paso del hombre por la tierra, también civilizaciones como la Griega, la Romana, la Egipcia, y más cercanas a nosotros, los Incas, los Mayas y los Aztecas, le han rendido culto al paso del tiempo, incluso, crearon sus propias maneras de registrarlo, sus propios calendarios y llevaban un registro de lo que iban viviendo. Yo me atrevo a decir que la dificultad no radica en las marcas físicas que deja el ineludible, el inevitable paso del tiempo; me atrevo a afirmar que el problema es el no dejar huellas positivas, en no dejar ningún rastro loable, ni marca agradable “ninguna estela en el mar”, en palabras de Machado, en nada, ni en nadie.Una obra para la posteridad; Por Matías Gómez Buitrago…06 Dr. Jorge Reynolds Pombo: Orgullo Colombiano; Por Carlos Rodríguez Blanco…10 Ética y moral: Fundamentos de un CALDISTA; Por Andrés David Rojas…14 Nuestra RECTORA; Por Valentina Manrique y Luisa Navarro…18 Líderes Caldistas 2017…24 Lectura: PROCESO FUNDAMENTAL En el Instituto Caldas…36 Instituto CALDAS: 65 AÑOS; Por Carlos Alirio Castillo y Saula Nayibe Figueroa…42 Eventos Conmemoración: 65 años…58 Interclases 2017…62 Nuevos laboratorios…66 Expresiones Caldistas…68 Galería de Imágenes…96 Nuestros MAESTROS…104The traces that time leaves ... The years always leave their mark ... The inexorable passage of time ... These are some of the expressions that we use, popularly, to refer to how each lived almanac, how each passing moment leaves its marks, its traces, her footprints. In the Baroque period, man fell into a state of existential heaviness, not only at the economic, political and social level, but was constituted at a time that plunged him into an existential crisis; the baroque man, discovered and wrote with horror, on the ephemeral condition of the human species. But not only the man of the Baroque has been concerned with the finite and definitive passage of man on earth, also civilizations such as the Greek, the Roman, the Egyptian, and closer to us, the Incas, the Mayas and the Aztecs, They have worshiped the passage of time, even created their own ways of recording it, their own calendars and kept a record of what they were living. I dare say that the difficulty does not lie in the physical marks left by the inescapable, the inevitable passage of time; I dare to affirm that the problem is not to leave positive traces, in not leaving any praiseworthy trace, nor a pleasant mark "no wake in the sea", in the words of Machado, on anything, or on anyone

    Análisis de la producción agrícola extensiva en Sinaloa: alternativas para el uso sostenible del agua

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    Sinaloa has the highest percentage of agricultural land with irrigation systems in México, this activity is important by the economic contribution, but also there is environmental negative impact. Today the overexploitation in the aquifers by percolation of pesticides and other remainders causes damages in the ecosystems, and to the human health. On the other hand, agriculture consumes 80% of the fresh water available in the region, by this reason Gulf of California land is consider as over exploited region. Due to, is important provide conservation strategies to remedy future repercussions on the aquifers and to avoid contamination of fresh water by saline intrusion.Sinaloa tiene la mayor superficie agrícola de riego en el país, por lo que las actividades agropecuarias son importantes, no sólo por su aportación económica, sino también por el deterioro ambiental que presentan. El efecto principal es sobre el uso del agua, donde se estima sobreexplotación de los acuíferos por percolación de plaguicidas y otros desechos, lo que ocasiona daños en los ecosistemas y a la salud. Por otro lado, la agricultura consume 80% del agua dulce disponible en la región, razón por la cual la región del Golfo de California se encuentra sobreexplotada. Se destaca la importancia de implementar estrategias de conservación para revertir y remediar repercusiones futuras sobre los mantos freáticos y evitar escenarios de contaminación por intrusión salina

    Sensitivity of Four Indices of Meteorological Drought for Rainfed Maize Yield Prediction in the State of Sinaloa, Mexico

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    In the state of Sinaloa, rainfall presents considerable irregularities, and the climate is mainly semiarid, which highlights the importance of studying the sensitivity of various indices of meteorological drought. The goal is to evaluate the sensitivity of four indices of meteorological drought from five weather stations in Sinaloa for the prediction of rainfed maize yield. Using DrinC software and data from the period 1982–2013, the following were calculated: the standardized precipitation index (SPI), agricultural standardized precipitation index (aSPI), reconnaissance drought index (RDI) and effective reconnaissance drought index (eRDI). The observed rainfed maize yield (RMYob) was obtained online, through free access from the database of the Agrifood and Fisheries Information Service of the government of Mexico. Sensitivities between the drought indices and RMYob were estimated using Pearson and Spearman correlations. Predictive models of rainfed maize yield (RMYpr) were calculated using multiple linear and nonlinear regressions. In the models, aSPI and eRDI with reference periods and time steps of one month (January), two months (December–January) and three months (November–January), were the most sensitive. The correlation coefficients between RMYob and RMYpr ranged from 0.423 to 0.706, all being significantly different from zero. This study provides new models for the early calculation of RMYpr. Through appropriate planning of the planting–harvesting cycle of dryland maize, substantial socioeconomic damage can be avoided in one of the most important agricultural regions of Mexico

    Improvement in asphalt binder rutting performance and fatigue life using electrospun polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nanofibers

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    Recently, high aspect ratio materials like nanofibers with outstanding mechanical properties have been developed and used to improve the mechanical characteristics of construction materials. However, despite the excellent results obtained in asphalt binder modification, only a few types of polymeric nanofibers have been used for this purpose. In this sense, polyacrylonitrile has good thermal and mechanical characteristics to maintain the shape at the typical temperatures the asphalt is heated.This study evaluates the effect of electrospun polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nanofibers on the rutting resistance and fatigue parameters of asphalt binders. For this, fibers with an average diameter of 1.3 µm were prepared and randomly dispersed into neat PG 64–22 asphalt binder. Subsequently, a dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) was used to determine G*/sin δ, Jnr, R3.2, and Nf.In the range studied, Jnr3.2 showed a reduction of up to 35%, and the elastic recovery increased up to 4.5 times compared to the reference material. It was observed that the PAN nanofibers increased the fatigue resistance of asphalt binder at temperatures when the material is predominantly viscoelastic. These results show a promising new application of PAN nanofibers to improve the performance of asphalt pavements

    Rainfall Potential and Consequences on Structural Soil Degradation of the Most Important Agricultural Region of Mexico

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    This study investigates the historical variability in annual average precipitation in the northwest region of Mexico, aiming to evaluate the cumulative impact of precipitation on soil degradation and associated risks posed by rainfall. Despite being known as “The Agricultural Heart of Mexico”, the region’s soil has experienced significant damage to its granulometric structure due to unpredictable rainfall patterns attributed to climate change. Sixteen historical series of average annual rainfall were analyzed as stationary stochastic processes for spectral analysis. The results revealed exponential decay curves in each radial spectrum, indicating a linear relationship between frequency and amplitude. These curves identified initial impulses correlated with moments of severity for structural damages caused by rainfall-induced degradation. The degradation process, exacerbated by water stress, accelerates, as evidenced by maps illustrating approximately 75% soil damage. In the context of climate change and the uncertainty surrounding soil responses to extreme meteorological events, understanding this phenomenon becomes crucial. Recognizing the dynamic nature of soil responses to environmental stressors is essential for effective soil management. Emphasizing the need to employ numerical processes tailored to new environmental considerations related to observed soil damages is crucial for sustainable soil management practices in any region

    Teleconexiones atmosféricas-oceánicas (océanos Pacífico y Atlántico) moduladoras de veranos húmedos y secos en el Núcleo del Monzón de Norte América

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    Abstract In recent decades, irregular rainfall has evidenced a number of adverse environmental and socioeconomic effects worldwide. The goal of this study was to analyze the ability of four Regional Climatic Models (RCM's) forced by ERA-Interim to capture the humid and dry extreme monsoons in the Core North American Monsoon (CNAM), considering the oceanic mechanisms of the Pacific and Atlantic. From available databases in the network and for the period 1990-2008, we obtained: 1) average observations (obs mean); after obtaining four sets of observed precipitation data: UDel, CLICOM, GPCP and CRU, 2) from the Coordinated Regional Scale Reduction Experiment (CORDEX) -of North America (NA), four RCM's were obtained forced by ERA-Interim, 3) number and intensity of Pacific hurricanes, and 4) calculation of Caribbean Low Level Jet (CLLJ) anomalies, the Filtered Variance (VF), the Decadal Pacific Oscillation (PDO) and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO). Two extreme monsoons were selected: one wet (1990) and one dry (2005). To all the data, they were applied the test of normality of Shapiro Wilk. It was calculated a Pearson correlation and a hypothesis test, with a confidence level of 95% (P<0.05) and 99% (P<0.01) between the models, Era-Interim, the observations and oceanic indexes. Regardless of the oceanic indexes, HadGEM3-RA and ERA-Interim were the that better captured precipitation in wet monsoons; And ERA-Interim and Reg1 proved to be better at capturing precipitation for dry monsoons. The 1990 monsoon presented almost twice as much precipitation as the monsoon of 2005. This wet anomaly could be associated with the occurrence of 16 hurricanes near the Gulf of California by 1990, since in 2005, only 7 hurricanes occurred. VF and CLLJ are inversely proportional and are two significant predictors of wet monsoons in the CNAM. ERA-Interim better captures precipitation in extreme wet years. PDO, was significantly and negatively correlated with REMO (Pr = -0.90) and CLLJ (Pr = -0.90), that is to say, REMO has no ability to capture dry monsoons that occur when -PDO (La Niña) and -CLLJ (La Niña) phases are present. The dry events are significantly associated with the occurrence of -PDO (La Niña) phase anomalies and not with the occurrence of -CLLJ (La Niña) phase anomalies. This methodology is an effective alternative to predict extreme hydroclimatic events in CNAM, especially when there is no data from weather stations.Resumen En décadas recientes, la irregularidad de las precipitaciones ha tenido diversos efectos ambientales y socioeconómicos adversos a nivel mundial. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la resolución de cuatro Modelos Climáticos Regionales (MCR’s) forzados por ERA-Interim para capturar los monzones extremos húmedos y secos en el Núcleo del Monzón de Norte América (NMNA), considerando los mecanismos oceánicos del Pacífico y del Atlántico. De las bases de datos disponibles en la red y para el período 1990-2008, se obtuvo: (1) promedio de las observaciones (obs media) después de haber obtenido 4 conjuntos de datos de precipitación observados: UDel, CLICOM, GPCP y CRU, (2) del Experimento Regional Coordinado de Reducción de Escala (CORDEX)-de Norte América (NA) se obtuvieron cuatro MCR’s forzados por ERA-Interim: RegCM4 (Reg1 y Reg2), HadGEM3-RA, RCA3.5 y REMO, (3) número e intensidad de los huracanes del Pacífico y (4) cálculo de las anomalías del Jet de Niveles Bajos del Caribe (CLLJ), Varianza Filtrada (VF), Oscilación Decadal del Pacífico (PDO) y Oscilación Multidecadal del Atlántico (AMO). Se seleccionaron dos monzones extremos: uno húmedo (1990) y otro seco (2005). Se aplicó una prueba de normalidad de Shapiro Wilk a los datos a estudiar. Se calculó una correlación de Pearson y una prueba de hipótesis con nivel de confianza de 95 % (P < 0.05) y 99 % (P < 0.01) entre los modelos, Era-Interim, las observaciones y los índices oceánicos. Sin considerar los índices oceánicos, HadGEM3-RA y ERA-Interim capturan de mejor manera la precipitación en los monzones húmedos, en tanto que ERA-Interim y Reg1 resultaron ser mejores para capturar la precipitación para monzones secos. El monzón de 1990 presentó casi el doble de precipitación que el 2005. Esta anomalía húmeda al parecer se asocia con la ocurrencia de 16 huracanes cerca del Golfo de California en 1990, lo que contrasta con el 2005, cuando solo se presentaron 7 huracanes. VF y CLLJ son inversamente proporcionales a la vea que son dos predictores significativos de los monzones húmedos en el NMNA. ERA-Interim captura de mejor manera las precipitaciones en años extremos húmedos. La PDO se correlacionó significativa y negativamente con REMO (Pr = -0.90) y CLLJ (Pr = -0.90), es decir, REMO no presenta resolución para capturar monzones secos que ocurren al presentarsefases -PDO. Cuando se presentan anomalías de fase +PDO y -CLLJ, también se presentará una anomalía de fase -CLLJ y viceversa, las cuales son características de eventos secos. Esta metodología resultó eficaz para predecir eventos hidroclimáticos extremos en el NMNA, sobre todo cuando se carece de datos provenientes de estaciones meteorológicas