64 research outputs found

    Mobile game-based learning in cultural heritage education: a bibliometric analysis

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    Purpose – The purpose of this study was to analyze the state of mobile game-based learning in the field of cultural heritage education. Design/methodology/approach –Abibliometric methodology based on scientific mapping and an analysis of co-words was used. The scientific production on this field of study indexed in Scopus was analyzed. The analysis included a total of 725 publications. Findings – The results show that the National Research Council of Italy is the institution with the highest volume of production. Among the journals, the Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage stands out. In addition, in the analysis of the structural and thematic development of co-words, a low percentage of keyword matching was observed. The research is currently mainly oriented to pedagogical methods, especially gamebased learning, gamification and the use of serious games, although these are not the only trends in this field. Research is also focusing on virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality. Originality/value – This work is an exploratory and novel study that analyzes the publications to date on mobile game-based learning in cultural heritage education. In theoretical terms, this can serve as support so that other researchers interested in this field can access the information highlighted in this work. From a practical perspective, this work will contribute to the promotion of new innovative actions in cultural heritage education to satisfy the demands of a learning group increasingly familiar with games technology.Spanish Government FPU20/0028

    Aplicación de recursos tecnológicos innovadores a través de Flipped Learning ante los emergentes escenarios educativos (b-learning y e-learning) derivados del COVID-19

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    El objetivo del proyecto de innovación docente fue analizar el impacto de “Flipped Learning” y la integración de recursos y aplicaciones tecnológicas innovadoras, a través de entornos formativos semipresenciales y/o virtuales, sobre la motivación, interés y la calidad y habilidades implicadas en el aprendizaje desarrollado por el alumnado, como futuros profesionales de la Educación.Proyecto de Innovación Docente y Buenas Prácticas del Plan FIDO UGR 2020-2022 (Código 20-100), subvencionado en concurrencia competititva y con Fondos Públicos (Entidad Financiadora: Unidad de Calidad, Innovación y Prospectiva de la Universidad de Granada

    Active methodologies and ICT to prevent bullying. Main study background and contributions

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    El acoso escolar es un problema generalizado que ha originado gran alarma social en los últimos años debido a los graves efectos que causa en los niños. En el contexto educativo es una de las expresiones más comunes de la violencia entre compañeros junto con el ciberacoso. El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido analizar la producción científica sobre la prevención del acoso escolar a través de metodologías activas y el uso de las TIC en contextos educativos formales. Este trabajo deriva de un proyecto de investigación financiado a través del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (FPU18/00676) y es el resultado de un estudio bibliométrico, en el que se han analizado diversos artículos de actualidad mediante la aplicación de diferentes indicadores. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que la productividad científica sobre esta temática ha proliferado en los últimos años, lo que permite entrever la relevancia concedida a estas cuestiones en la comunidad científica. Entre las conclusiones de este trabajo cabe destacar las ventajas del uso de la gamificación y la utilización de aplicaciones digitales tipo Kahoot o de elaboración de cómics digitales, que permitan a los estudiantes poder simular experiencias que se producirían en el mundo real con el fin de desarrollar nuevas capacidades, autorreflexión crítica y una mayor concienciación del problema. De la misma forma, que resulta imprescindible que los docentes a través de la utilización de estas estrategias didácticas promuevan el protagonismo del alumnado, sus expectativas hacia el aprendizaje, así como la prevención de conductas de intimidación.Bullying is a widespread problem that has caused great social alarm in recent years because of its serious effects on children. In the educational context it is one of the most common expressions of peer violence along with cyber-bullying. The aim of this research has been to analyse the scientific production about the prevention of school bullying through active methodologies and the use of ICTs in formal educational contexts. This study derives from a research project financed through the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (FPU18/00676) and is the result of a bibliometric study, in which various current articles have been analysed through the application of different indicators. The results show that scientific productivity on this subject has proliferated in recent years, which gives a glimpse of the relevance given to these issues in the scientific community. Among the conclusions of this work, the advantages of the use of gamification and the use of digital applications such as Kahoot or digital comics, which allow students to simulate experiences that would occur in the real world in order to develop new skills, critical self-reflection and greater awareness of the problem, should be highlighted. In the same way, it is essential that teachers, through the use of these teaching strategies, promote the students' protagonism, their expectations towards learning, as well as the prevention of bullying behaviour among peers.Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities FPU18/0067

    The digital competence of the future teacher: bibliometric analysis of scientific productivity indexed in Scopus

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    Digital competence is one of the seven key skills that any citizen must develop by the end of basic education. For their part, future teachers are the essential agents who will be responsible for developing that competence in future generations, so have a high level of digital competence has become a necessary aspect in the 21st society. In this line, the present research aims to analyze the scientific production with the greatest impact on the digital competence of the future teacher in the Scopus database. For this purpose, ten research variables have been considered: year of publication, source titles, authors, institutions, countries, document types, publication format, areas of knowledge and most cited articles. On the one hand, the results projected a research line that is booming. On the other hand, although the topic has been studied internationally, Spain is the country that has produced most research in this line, as well as its different institutions of Higher EducationLa competencia digital es una de las siete habilidades clave que cualquier ciudadano debe desarrollar al terminar la educación básica. Por su parte, los futuros docentes son los agentes esenciales que se van a encargar de desarrollar esa competencia en las generaciones futuras, por lo que poseer un gran nivel de competencia digital se ha convertido en un aspecto necesario para la sociedad del siglo XXI. En esta línea, la presente investigación tiene por objetivo analizar la producción científica de mayor impacto acerca de la competencia digital del futuro docente en la base de datos de Scopus. Para ello, se han considerado diez variables de investigación: año de publicación, publicaciones periódicas, autores, institución, país, tipo de documento, formato de publicación, áreas de conocimiento y artículos más citados. Por una parte, los resultados proyectan una línea de investigación que se encuentra en auge y cuya mayor producción científica se encuentra concentrada en el período 2014-2017. Por otra parte, aunque la temática ha sido estudiada a nivel internacional, España es el país que más investigación ha producido en esta línea, así como sus diferentes instituciones de Educación Superior. Finalmente, destaca una producción científica que se publica en revistas y en actas de congresos en formato artículo o de ponencia. Para concluir, se genera una visión ajustada del impacto de la investigación sobre competencia digital docente a nivel internacional en la actualidad para mostrarnos el estado de la cuestión

    Presente y futuro de la formación profesional en España: discriminación del subsistema de Formación Profesional Ocupacional (FPO)

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    Analizamos la Formación Profesional Ocupacional desde una dimensión que se centra en los agentes protagonistas de ésta, es decir, los alumnos, determinando su perfil a través de las variables sexo, edad y nivel de estudios. Este análisis se realiza a nivel nacional y de una manera más concreta se toma como referencia las comunidades de Andalucía, Cataluña, Madrid y Comunidad Valenciana. Por otra parte, se estudia este tipo de formación a nivel legislativo y se exponen datos concisos respecto al número de cursos realizados, familias profesionales más demandadas y duración de dicha oferta formativa.Facultad de Educación y Humanidades - Campus de Melilla (Universidad de Granada

    Flipped Classroom Method for the Teacher Training for Secondary Education: A Case Study in the University of Granada, Spain

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    Flipped Classroom methodology has strongly introduced in the classrooms of different educational levels, but above all in the University. This methodolo-gy could be defined as the reversal of roles in the classroom, where the stu-dent acquires theoretical knowledge outside of the classroom and becomes a space for resolving doubts and cooperative work. Thus, this paper analyzes the experience carried out at the University of Granada with students of the Master's Degree in Secondary School Training where Flipped Classroom methodology has been applied. The research methodology used is quantita-tive, so that an ad hoc questionnaire on a Likert scale was used to obtain the data. Among the obtained results, it is observed that the students perceive an improvement in their academic performance and the improvement of the dif-ferent personal and social skills. Finally, it can be concluded that this kind of experiences where the Flipped Classroom methodology is applied favors the development of skills depending of subject taught and the field of knowledgeThis paper is part of the teaching innovation and good practices project of the FIDO plan of the University of Granada (Code 17-12), having received public funding for its developmen

    Pedagogical Approaches in the Knowledge Society: The Flipped Classroom Method for the Development of Creativity and Dialogical Learning

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    Dialogical learning and teamwork have become the principles demanded by the knowledge society, given that we are currently living in a completely globalised world that requires skilled citizens to collaborate on a social, professional and academic level. Likewise, creativity is another key element requested by organisations to solve problems. Against this background, some student- centred teaching methods like flipped classrooms are appearing. Therefore, this paper aimed to analyse the implementation of the flipped classroom method as a factor to develop dialogical learning and creativity. To this regard, a quantitative method was used, applying a survey prepared ad hoc to a sample of 308 students from Spain and Colombia, in order to know whether implementing the flipped classroom truly enhances the development of such skills. According to the results obtained, it is stated that developing the flipped classroom method promotes a team-based work dynamic, which generates dialogical learning among students. It also enhances creativity, since it provides students with autonomy to carry out their tasks. Finally, the flipped classroom pedagogical approach is a teaching method with numerous advantages and benefits for students to adapt to the competencies required by the knowledge society.This research was funded by the teaching innovation and good practices project of the FIDO 2016-2018 plan of the University of Granada (Code 17-12), having received public funding for its development

    Digital competence of an e-learning tutor: an emerging model of good teaching practices in ICT

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    El presente escrito forma parte de una investigación que versa sobre la representación del conocimiento sobre buenas prácticas docentes de un tutor e-learning. La metodología de trabajo es mixta, combina tanto instrumentos cuantitativos: cuestionario cerrado tipo Likert, como cualitativos: entrevista semiestructurada. El cuestionario fue elaborado ad hoc en base a las funciones y competencias del buen tutor e-learning recogidas por Yot y Marcelo (2013), aplicándose a una muestra de 13 tutores pertenecientes al departamento de tutorización de una escuela de negocios, donde se imparten enseñanzas de educación superior. Tras el análisis de los datos, se determinó a un tutor e-learning como agente de buenas prácticas en base a las respuestas satisfactorias y los criterios establecidos, al cual posteriormente se le realizó la entrevista para poder realizar una aproximación a su competencia digital. Los datos obtenidos del cuestionario se analizaron a través del software SPSS, mientras que los de la entrevista mediante el software cualitativo Atlas.ti. Finalmente fueron representados en dos mapas conceptuales, el primero recoge los datos referentes al contacto con el alumnado y la metodología docente, y el segundo muestra los aspectos relacionados con la gestión de los contenidos y la resolución de dudas.This paper is part of a research that deals with the representation of the knowledge about good teaching practices of an e-learning tutor. The work methodology is mixed, combining both quantitative instruments, closed questionnaire type Likert, and qualitative, with a semi-structured interview. The questionnaire was elaborated ad hoc on the basis of the functions and competences of the good e-learning tutor collected by Yot and Marcelo (2013), being applied to a sample of 13 tutors belonging to the tutoring department of a business school, where higher education is taught. After the analysis of the quantitative data, an e-learning tutor was determined as an agent of good practices on the basis of the satisfactory answers and the established criteria, to which the interview was subsequently carried out in order to be able to make an approach to its digital competence. The data obtained from the questionnaire were analyzed through the SPSS software, while those from the interview were analyzed through the Atlas.ti qualitative software. Finally, they were represented in two concept maps: the first one gathers the data referring to the contact with the students and the teaching methodology, and the second one shows the aspects related to the management of the contents and answer for questions

    Indicadores de calidad para evaluar buenas prácticas docentes de «mobile learning» en Educación Superior

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    El mobile learning se alza como una metodología emergente que ya se está aplicando en distintas etapas educativas, por tanto es necesario poner el foco de atención en el tipo de prácticas que se están implementando con dispositivos móviles. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido establecer un sistema de indicadores de calidad para evaluar buenas prácticas de mobile learning en educación superior. Para ello, se ha seguido un proceso riguroso en la confección de cada uno de los indicadores, los cuales han sido validados mediante la técnica del juicio de expertos. Como resultado principal se establece un sistema de 25 indicadores, agrupados en cinco variables, para su implementación en contextos educativos universitarios donde se aplique la metodología mobile learning. En suma, el sistema expuesto sirve de modelo de referencia para discernir entre la simple introducción de los dispositivos móviles, de su uso planificado y con carácter pedagógico.Mobile learning stands as an emerging methodology that is already being applied in different educational stages, so it is necessary to focus on the type of practices that are being implemented with mobile devices. The objective of this paper has been to establish a system of quality indicators to evaluate good practices of mobile learning in Higher Education. For this, a rigorous process has been followed in the preparation of each of the indicators, which has been validated by the technique of expert judgment. As a main result, a system of 25 indicators is established, grouped into 5 variables, to be implemented in university educational contexts where the mobile learning methodology is applied. In summary, the exposed system serves as a reference model to discern between the simple introduction of mobile devices for their planned use and with pedagogical character

    A Tour of Open Universities Through Literature: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    Since open universities can adapt to students’ work schedules, personal preferences, age, and so on, they have facilitated access to education for a large group of people. The open university phenomenon, which arose in the 1960s, fostered countries’ cultural growth; higher education was now longer exclusively for a privileged few. This paper presents a bibliometric study on the existing scientific output on open universities throughout the last 40 years. A bespoke methodology of bibliometric studies has been used, by setting key descriptors to be consulted in the most prestigious scientific database Web of Science. The sample was composed of 809 papers in total, indexed in prestigious journals and published during the period 1969 to 2018. The output, scattering, and impact bibliometric indicators were analysed in those papers. Among the results obtained, it was found that scientific output on open universities is in a phase of exponential growth, in which 2015 was the most productive year. Furthermore, the UK, where the phenomenon of open universities started, is the country with the most scientific output. Finally, the bibliometric study of the output indexed in the Web of Science shows a panoramic vision of the past, present, and future of open universities, emphasising the idea that this phenomenon is continuing to grow