1,075 research outputs found

    Tripartite entanglement in quantum memristors

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    We study the entanglement and memristive properties of three coupled quantum memristors. We consider quantum memristors based on superconducting asymmetric SQUID architectures which are coupled via inductors. The three quantum memristors are arranged in two different geometries: linear and triangular coupling configurations. We obtain a variety of correlation measures, including bipartite entanglement and tripartite negativity. We find that, for identical quantum memristors, entanglement and memristivity follow the same behavior for the triangular case and the opposite one in the linear case. Finally, we study the multipartite correlations with the tripartite negativity and entanglement monogamy relations, showing that our system has genuine tripartite entanglement. Our results show that quantum correlations in multipartite memristive systems have a non-trivial role and can be used to design quantum memristor arrays for quantum neural networks and neuromorphic quantum computing architectures.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Resposta de eixos embrionários de cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum schum.) à concentração de sais, doses de sacarose e renovação do meio de cultivo.

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    Foram estudados os efeitos da concentração de sais, doses de sacarose e freqüência de renovação do meio de cultura para o desenvolvimento de eixos embrionários de cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum Schum.). Testaram-se 2 concentrações de sais MS (100 e 50%), 2 níveis de sacarose (1,5 e 3%) e 3 freqüências de renovação dos meios (sem renovação, renovação aos 30 e aos 60 dias), com os meios acrescidos de ANA (0,5 mg/L) e BAP (0,3 mg/L.), semi-solidificados com ágar 0,7% e pH 5,7. Observou-se que a utilização do meio MS na concentração de sais completa, com a adição de 3% de sacarose e renovações do meio em intervalos de 30 dias, apresentou melhor desenvolvimento dos eixos embrionários

    Desenvolvimento de calos em explantes de cupuaçuzeiro (Theobroma grandiflorum schum.) em função da concentração de auxinas e do meio líquido.

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    Objetivou-se estudar o efeito da concentração de auxina e do meio líquido sobre o desenvolvimento de calos de cupuaçuzeiro. Segmentos de eixos embrionários e cotilédones, obtidos de frutos de cupuaçu dos tipos Mamorana e Redondo, foram cultivados em 4 meios de cultura diferentes: 1) meio MS (50%), suplementado com 2,4-D (1; 2; 4; 8 mg/L); 2) sais N6 (SIGMA) (4 g/L), acrescidos de 2,4-D (0; 2; 4 mg/L) e ANA (0; 3; 5 mg/L); 3) igual ao anterior, suplementado apenas com ANA (3 mg/L); e 4) meio MS, acrescido com ANA (1 mM). Calos com aspecto branco e brilhante foram observados em segmentos de eixos embrionários e cotilédones, cultivados nas menores concentrações de meio 1 (1 e 2 mg/L), enquanto nas maiores concentrações (4 e 8 mg/L) se observou a formação de calos e massa calosa branco-opaca, em eixos embrionários e em segmentos cotiledonares, estas estruturas tornaram-se escuras dentro de oito semanas. Usando o meio 2, um grande número de raízes foram formadas, enquanto o mesmo meio suplementado apenas com ANA (3; 5 mg/L) originou uma massa calosa. A combinação de ANA e 2,4-D, 3 e 2 mg/L, respectivamente, promoveu a formação de calos brancos e raízes. A transferência das culturas para meio líquido, sem regulador de crescimento, promoveu aumento de tamanho dos explantes e escurecimento dos mesmos. O cultivo desses explantes no meio 3 resultou no aparecimento de calos amarelos, com aspecto friável, que permaneceram com a mesma aparência no meio 4

    <i>Phytophthora betacei</i>, a new species within <i>Phytophthora</i> clade 1c causing late blight on <i>Solanum betaceum </i>in Colombia

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    Over the past few years, symptoms akin to late blight disease have been reported on a variety of crop plants in South America. Despite the economic importance of these crops, the causal agents of the diseases belonging to the genus Phytophthora have not been completely characterized. In this study, a new Phytophthora species was described in Colombia from tree tomato (Solanum betaceum), a semi-domesticated fruit grown in northern South America. Comprehensive phylogenetic, morphological, population genetic analyses, and infection assays to characterize this new species, were conducted. All data support the description of the new species, Phytophthora betacei sp. nov. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that this new species belongs to clade 1c of the genus Phytophthora and is a close relative of the potato late blight pathogen, P. infestans. Furthermore, it appeared as the sister group of the P. andina strains collected from wild Solanaceae (clonal lineage EC-2). Analyses of morphological and physiological characters as well as host specificity showed high support for the differentiation of these species. Based on these results, a complete description of the new species is provided and the species boundaries withinPhytophthora clade 1c in northern South America are discussed

    Creatividad táctica y funciones ejecutivas en los deportes de interacción

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    Tactical creativity is one of the characteristics of the players with greater expertise in interactive (or contact) sports. The term is defined as the ability to generate original and surprising answers to the problems that arise during the game. Recent research has shown that these athletes have certain cognitive capacities, known as executive functions, which could explain this superiority. Experimental studies conducted with children conclude that the repeated practice of physical activity in environments with high levels of entropy could improve these executive functions. On the other hand, it has been seen that the use of intentional strategies by the coach, meant to address the behavior of athletes, can be detrimental to the development of tactical creativity. This review describes the evidence and offers a practical proposal on the design of learning environments promoting this capacity through the control of the task complexity and the feedback of the coach.La creatividad táctica es una de las características de los jugadores con mayor pericia en deportes de interacción. Ésta se define como la capacidad para generar respuestas sorpresivas y originales ante los problemas que surgen durante el juego. Recientes investigaciones han comprobado que estos deportistas poseen ciertas capacidades cognitivas, conocidas como funciones ejecutivas, que podrían explicar esta superioridad. Estudios experimentales llevados a cabo con niños concluyen que la práctica repetida de actividad física en entornos con elevados niveles de entropía podría mejorar estas funciones ejecutivas. Por otro lado, se ha visto que el uso de estrategias intencionales por parte del entrenador para dirigir la conducta de los deportistas puede ser perjudicial para el desarrollo de la creatividad táctica. En esta revisión se describe esta evidencia y se realiza una propuesta práctica sobre cómo diseñar entornos de aprendizaje para promover esta capacidad a través del control de la complejidad de la tarea y del feedback del entrenador

    Lipoprotein ability to exchange and remove lipids from model membranes as a function of fatty acid saturation and presence of cholesterol

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    Lipoproteins play a central role in the development of atherosclerosis. High and low-density lipoproteins (HDL and LDL), known as 'good' and 'bad' cholesterol, respectively, remove and/or deposit lipids into the artery wall. Hence, insight into lipid exchange processes between lipoproteins and cell membranes is of particular importance in understanding the onset and development of cardiovascular disease. In order to elucidate the impact of phospholipid tail saturation and the presence of cholesterol in cell membranes on these processes, neutron reflection was employed in the present investigation to follow lipid exchange with both HDL and LDL against model membranes. Mirroring clinical risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis, lower exchange was observed in the presence of cholesterol, as well as for an unsaturated phospholipid, compared to faster exchange when using a fully saturated phospholipid. These results highlight the importance of membrane composition on the interaction with lipoproteins, chiefly the saturation level of the lipids and presence of cholesterol, and provide novel insight into factors of importance for build-up and reversibility of atherosclerotic plaque. In addition, the correlation between the results and well-established clinical risk factors suggests that the approach taken can be employed also for understanding a broader set of risk factors including, e.g., effects of triglycerides and oxidative stress, as well as local effects of drugs on atherosclerotic plaque formation

    Strong coupling of two interacting excitons confined in a nanocavity-quantum-dot system

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    We present a study of the strong coupling between radiation and matter, considering a system of two quantum dots, which are in mutual interaction and interacting with a single mode of light confined in a semiconductor nanocavity. We take into account dissipative mechanisms such as the escape of the cavity photons, decay of the quantum dot excitons by spontaneous emission, and independent exciton pumping. It is shown that the mutual interaction between the dots can be measured off-resonance, only if the strong coupling condition is reached. Using the quantum regression theorem, a reasonable definition of the dynamical coupling regimes is introduced in terms of the complex Rabi frequency. Finally, the emission spectrum for relevant conditions is presented and compared with the above definition, demonstrating that the interaction between the excitons does not affect the Strong Coupling

    The Pierre Auger Observatory III: Other Astrophysical Observations

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    Astrophysical observations of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays with the Pierre Auger ObservatoryComment: Contributions to the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Beijing, China, August 201