6,838 research outputs found

    México : un eje central en el desarrollo de las redes hispanas

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    Esta crónica describe la evolución del Análisis de Redes Sociales (ARS) realizado en México durante los últimos 45 años, con el objetivo de presentar su historia, sus actores principales, y su actividad interna e internacional. Para ello, se relatan los orígenes del análisis estructural mexicano desarrollado por investigadores aislados y su evolución hacia grupos institucionalizados. En segundo lugar presentamos (a) las líneas de investigación más productivas que emplean estrategias de ARS, (b) los equipos de investigación que utilizan activamente esta metodología y (c) los principales eventos académicos celebrados en México dedicados al estudio de las redes sociales. Además repasamos las contribuciones efectuadas por investigadores mexicanos en el evento de referencia en el área (los Sunbelt de la INSNA) del período 2001-2014 y los artículos publicados en la revista Redes: Revista Hispana para el Análisis de Redes Sociales, desde su lanzamiento. Finalmente, proponemos algunas directrices estratégicas para consolidar la institucionalización del ARS en la academia mexicana.This chronicle describes the evolution of Social Network Analysis (SNA) held in Mexico in the past 45 years, with the aim of presenting its history, its major actors and its domestic and international activity. To do this, the origins of the Mexican structural analysis developed by individual researchers and their evolution towards institutionalized groups are reported. Secondly we present (a) the most productive lines of research using SNA strategies, (b) the research teams actively using this methodology, and (c) the major academic events held in Mexico dedicated to the study of social networks . In addition we review the contributions made by Mexican researchers in the landmark event in this area (the Sunbelts) from 2001 to 2014, and the articles published in the journal Redes: Revista Hispana para el Análisis de Redes Sociales, since its launch. Finally, we propose some strategic guidelines to consolidate the institucionalition of SNA in Mexico's academia

    Impacto da aplicação de dejetos de suínos nas perdas de solo e água: comparação com uma série histórica

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    [Abstract] Water erosion in soil is influenced by several factors, including rain, relief, cover, and management and conservation practices. Also, erosion is affected by pig slurry (PS) applied to the soil as a fertilizer. The objectives of this research were i): to evaluate water erosion in a Humic Cambisol cultivated with Zea mays L., Avena strigosa, Glycyne max L., and Raphanus sativus in rotation after PS dispersal under different tillage treatments, namely: no-tillage (NT), minimum tillage (MT), rotation tillage (RT) and conventional tillage (CT) , and ii): to compare erosion before and after PS application in a single dose of 50 m3 ha-1 in each crop, soon after the germination of the crops. NT had lower soil and water loss, which were reduced by 81 and 13%, respectively, in relation to CT. Differences in soil and water losses were lower between MT and RT, than between other treatments. The contents of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) in the superficial layers of the soil were higher under NT than under CT. The contents of P and K in the sediments were higher in the NT than in the CT treatment. Also, the contents of P and K were significantly higher in sediments than in water, especially under NT. The application of a single PS dose on the soil surface increased soil P and K contents and decreased water erosion compared to the 19-year historical series that preceded this research in different soil management systems without PS application.[Resumo] A erosão hídrica no solo é influenciada por diversos fatores, incluindo chuva, relevo, cobertura, e manejo e práticas conservacionistas. Ainda, a erosão é afetada pelo dejeto suíno (DS) aplicado ao solo como fertilizante. Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram i): avaliar a erosão em Cambissolo Húmico, após aplicação de DS sob diferentes tratamentos: plantio direto (PD), cultivo mínimo (CM), rotação de preparos (RP) e plantio convencional (PC), cultivados com Zea mays L., Avena strigosa, Glycyne max L., e Raphanus sativus em rotação, e ii): comparar a erosão antes e após a aplicação de DS em dose única de 50 m3 ha-1 em cada cultivo, logo após a germinação das culturas. O PD apresentou menor perda de solo e água, reduzindo em 81 e 13%, respectivamente, em relação à PC. Diferenças nas perdas de solo e água foram menores, entre CM e RP, do que nos outros tratamentos. O teor de fósforo (P) e potassio (K) nas camadas superficiais do solo foi maior em PD do que em PC. Os teores de P e K nos sedimentos foram maiores no PD que no PC. Ainda, os teores de P e K foram significativamente maiores nos sedimentos do que na água, especialmente PD. A aplicação da dose única de DS na superfície do solo melhorou os teores de P e K do solo e diminuiu a erosão hídrica em relação ao histórico de 19 anos que antecederam esta pesquisa, em diferentes sistemas de manejo do solo e sem aplicação de DS

    A multi-antigenic adenoviral-vectored vaccine improves BCG-induced protection of goats against pulmonary tuberculosis infection and prevents disease progression

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    The “One world, one health” initiative emphasizes the need for new strategies to control human and animal tuberculosis (TB) based on their shared interface. A good example would be the development of novel universal vaccines against Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) infection. This study uses the goat model, a natural TB host, to assess the protective effectiveness of a new vaccine candidate in combination with Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine. Thirty-three goat kids were divided in three groups: Group 1) vaccinated with BCG (week 0), Group 2) vaccinated with BCG and boosted 8 weeks later with a recombinant adenovirus expressing the MTBC antigens Ag85A, TB10.4, TB9.8 and Acr2 (AdTBF), and Group 3) unvaccinated controls. Later on, an endobronchial challenge with a low dose of M. caprae was performed (week 15). After necropsy (week 28), the pulmonary gross pathology was quantified using high resolution Computed Tomography. Small granulomatous pulmonary lesions (< 0.5 cm diameter) were also evaluated through a comprehensive qualitative histopathological analysis. M. caprae CFU were counted from pulmonary lymph nodes. The AdTBF improved the effects of BCG reducing gross lesion volume and bacterial load, as well as increasing weight gain. The number of Ag85A-specific gamma interferon-producing memory T-cells was identified as a predictor of vaccine efficacy. Specific cellular and humoral responses were measured throughout the 13-week post-challenge period, and correlated with the severity of lesions. Unvaccinated goats exhibited the typical pathological features of active TB in humans and domestic ruminants, while vaccinated goats showed only very small lesions. The data presented in this study indicate that multi-antigenic adenoviral vectored vaccines boosts protection conferred by vaccination with BCG

    Fortnite Addiction in Need of Hospital Detox

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    La generalización del uso de nuevas tecnologías en la vida cotidiana y en aspectos relativos al ocio está sacando a relucir potenciales perjuicios del uso inadecuado de los videojuegos y la necesidad de tratamiento especializado en aquellos sujetos con signos de adicción comportamental. Se expone el caso de un varón de 15 años con grave adicción comportamental al videojuego Fortnite que requirió de hospitalización completa para su desintoxicación. Describimos el tratamiento llevado a cabo con abordaje multidisciplinar e intensivo tanto individual como de su entorno y los resultados de su eficacia en un estudio de caso. El tratamiento recibido ha permitido que se pueda abordar con el sujeto la sintomatología subyacente que quedaba encubierta por la adicción a las pantallas y ha permitido afrontar la emocionalidad vivida. Los resultados muestran una disminución significativa del tiempo de uso de juego, así como una mejoría del funcionamiento personal y social del paciente.The widespread use of new technologies in daily life and in different kind of activities aspects related to leisure is bringing to light potential damages negative effects of the inappropriate use of video games and the need for specialized treatment in those subjects with signs of behavioral addiction. The case of a 15-year-old boy with a serious behavioral addiction to the Fortnite video game that required full hospitalization for detoxification is exposed. We describe the treatment carried out with a multidisciplinary and intensive approach, both individually and in its environment, and the results of its efficacy in a case study. The treatment received has allowed the subject to address the underlying symptoms that were hidden by the addiction to screens and has allowed them to face the emotionality experienced. The results show a significant decrease in gaming use time, as well as an improvement in the patient’s personal and social functioning

    Manic episode after the simultaneous administration of 4 vaccines: temporal relationship versus causal relationship. A case report

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    Ante un cambio radical en el comportamiento en un varón de 17 años, a las 12 horas de administrar, en el mismo día, las vacunas contra el Meningococo C, Hepatitis B, Triple Vírica y Varicela, y la detección de un cuadro maníaco a la semana, se sospechó que se tratase de un cuadro de encefalitis post-vacunal. A pesar de la ausencia de hallazgos patológicos en las exploraciones complementarias realizadas, y aunque en la literatura científica no se haya demostrado una asociación temporal a día de hoy, no podemos aceptar ni descartar con certeza la sospecha diagnóstica dado que no contamos con la serología infecciosa o un estudio de anticuerpos en líquido cefalorraquídeo. Los efectos secundarios graves tras vacunaciones no han quedado claramente demostrados, lo que sí está ampliamente demostrado es que la inmunidad adquirida es uno de los mayores logros de la medicina que ha ayudado a erradicar enfermedades potencialmente mortales.A radical behavioral change was observed in a 17-year-old male 12 hours after having received vaccines for Meningococcus C, Hepatitis B, Triple Viral and Varicella on the same day. Moreover a manic episode was detected one week later. It was suspected that this was a case of post-vaccinal encephalitis. In spite of the absence of pathological findings in the complementary explorations carried out and although a temporal association has not been demonstrated to date in the scientific literature, we can not be certain of this diagnostic suspicion since we do not have the infectious serology or a study of antibodies in central spinal fluid. Serious side effects after vaccinations have never been clearly demonstrated, while it has been widely demonstrated that the acquired immunity from these vaccines is one of the greatest achievements of medicine, and this has helped to eradicate life- threatening diseases