514 research outputs found

    Die gebruik van Afrikaanse modale partikels deur voormalige Khoisprekers1

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    Die doel van die ondersoek is om te bepaal watter bydrae sprekers of voormalige sprekers van Khoi wat Afrikaans as taal aangeneem het tot die ontwikkeling of gebruik van modale partikels in Afrikaans gelewer het. Bronne wat vir hierdie doel ondersoek is, sluit in aangehaalde uitsprake van Khoi-Khoin uit die laat 17de en vroeg-18de eeu, twee briewe van Khoi-Khoin, ‘n onderhoud met ‘n Khoi-Khoi soos vryelik weergegee deur C.E. Boniface, koerantbriewe deur persone wat hulle as Khoi-Khoin voorgedoen het, ‘n kort drama, die novelle Benigna van Groenekloof of Mamre en ander geskrifte met ‘n Genadendal-agtergrond, ‘n uittreksel uit die dagboek van Hendrik Witbooi, transkripsies van onderhoude wat in die 1980s met Griekwas gevoer is en enkele onderhoude wat in Namakwaland gevoer is. As kontrolekorpus is transkripsies van spontane gesprekke gebruik wat ook in die 1980s in Johannesburg opgeneem is en die standaardtaal verteenwoordig, asook Adam Small se drama Kanna hy ko’ hystoe om die variëteit Kaapse Afrikaans te verteenwoordig. As ons na die grootste bronne kyk, dan blyk dit dat mos verreweg die  meeste voorgekom het in tekste met spreektaalkenmerke, met name almal in die onderhoudregister, en dat tog veral sterk staan in oorredende tekste met sterk Nederlandse invloed of konteks. Sommer, maar en darem is ander partikels wat geredelik gebruik is. Die Kanna-drama wyk van die Khoi-Khoinbronne en die kontrolekorpus af deur ‘n relatief hoë voorkoms van darem. As ons onderskei tussen  Nederlandsverwante partikels soos eintlik, maar en tog, enersyds, en tipies Afrikaanse partikels soos  darem, mos en rêrig, dan blyk dit dat eersgenoemdes oorwegend voorkom in Benigna en die  kontrolekorpus, en laasgenoemdes oorwegend in die ander Khoi-Khoinbronne en Kanna. Die  Griekwakorpus verskil van die kontrolekorpus deur die hoë frekwensie van die kollokasie mos nou by eersgenoemde teenoor die hoë frekwensie van maar net en nou maar in laasgenoemde. ‘n Aantal partikels is ook individueel of in samehang met mekaar ondersoek. Die partikel ja kom byvoorbeeld in ‘n hele aantal vroeë aanhalings van Khoi-Khoin-uitings voor, en kan moontlik ‘n funksionele voorloper van immers, mos of tog wees, wat ongeveer in dieselfde semantiese veld val. In Benigna en ander bronne uit dieselfde  sfeer, wil dit voorkom asof darem nog nie ten volle van daarom gedifferensieer is nie. Daar is aanduidings dat sommer verder van Nederlands zo maar ontwikkel het as fokuspartikel en in emotiewe rigting. Ander partikels wat bespreek word, is maskie, reg(t), juist, kamma, hoeka en netnou. Samevattend kan gestel word dat voormalige Khoisprekers te oordeel na gebruiksfrekwensie en die gebruik van tipies Afrikaanse partikels, ‘n deurslaggewende rol gespeel het in die ontwikkeling van Afrikaanse modale partikels.  Sleutelwoorde: modale partikels, Afrikaans, Kaapse Afrikaans, Nederlands, Duits, Khoi, Khoi-Khoin, kollokasies, spreektaal The use of Afrikaans modal particles by former Khoi speakersThe purpose of this study is to determine the nature of the contribution made by previous speakers of Khoi who adopted Afrikaans as language to the development or use of modal particles in Afrikaans. Sources studied for this purpose include quoted utterances by Khoikhoin from the late 17th and early 18th century, two letters by Khoikhoin, an interview with a Khoikhoi freely rendered by C.E. Boniface, letters written to newspapers by persons professing to be Khoikhoin, a short play, the novella Benigna van Groenekloof of Mamre and other writings with a Genadendal background, an excerpt from the diary of Hendrik Witbooi, transcriptions of interviews conducted with Griqua in the 1980s and a small number of interviews  conducted in Namaqualand. Transcriptions of spontaneous conversations representing the standard  language recorded in Johannesburg in the 1980s served as a control, while Adam Small‘s drama Kanna hy ko’ hystoe was added to represent the variety of ―Kaapse Afrikaans‖. If we look at the major texts, it would seem that mos was by far the most frequent particle in sources representing colloquial language, viz. in the interview register, while tog was particularly well represented in persuasive texts with marked Dutch influence or context. Sommer, maar and darem are particles which were also frequently used. The Kanna source departs from the Khoikhoin sources and the control corpus by a having a relatively high  occurrence of darem. If we draw a distinction between Dutch related particles such as eintlik, maar and tog, on the one hand, and typically Afrikaans particles such as darem, mos and rêrig, then it appears that particles of the first kind are predominant in Benigna and the control corpus, while particles of the latter kind predominate in the other Khoikhoin sources and Kanna. The Griqua corpus differs from the control corpus in having a particularly high frequency of the collocation mos nou as opposed to the high  frequencies of maar nou and nou maar in the latter. A number of particles were studied individually or in relation to one another. The particle ja occurs in a substantial number of the early quotations of Khoikhoin utterances, and may be a functional precursor of immers, mos or tog, which fall roughly in the same semantic field. In Benigna and other sources from the same background it would seem that darem has not been fully differentiated from daarom. There are indications that sommer has extended its scope from Dutch zo maar towards becoming a focus particle and in an emotive direction. Other particles to be discussed are maskie, reg(t), juist, kamma, hoeka and netnou.In sum, it seems clear the former Khoi speakers, judging by frequency of usage and the use of typically Afrikaans particles, have played a crucial part in the development of Afrikaans modal particles.Keywords: modal particles, Afrikaans, Kaapse Afrikaans, Dutch, German, Khoi, Khoi-Khoin, collocations, colloquial languag

    Business rescue: How can its success be evaluated at company level?

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    The question of what constitutes a successful business rescue is a very topical and unanswered one. Reports on success are contradictory and seem to lack a set of standardised evaluation criteria. The purpose of this article is to investigate how business rescue success is evaluated internationally in order to develop a set of criteria that can be used to evaluate business rescue success at company level in South Africa. A comparative review approach was used to investigate data from four leading international countries with similar business rescue regimes. A number of evaluation criteria were identified and aligned with the business rescue legislation as set out in Chapter 6 of the South African Companies Act. The fi ndings indicated that the international business rescue regimes and Chapter 6 share similar goals. Several criteria for evaluating success were identifi ed, the key indicators being the going concern status on exiting business rescue, and whether the return to creditors was maximised as opposed to liquidation. It was further found that an initial exit as a going concern may be a short-term success indicator. Success can ultimately only be established if further investigation after some time period indicates no re-filing for business rescue.Key words: business rescue, South African Companies Act, success, evaluation, going concern, liquidation, stakeholders, restructurin

    Pulmonary hypertension and thyrotoxicosis

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    Thyrotoxicosis is listed as a cause of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). The aetiopathogenesis remains largely uncertain, but an autoimmune mechanism has been postulated, among others. In this setting, other causes of PAH need to be actively sought and excluded prior to attributing it to the thyrotoxicosis. The importance of recognising this condition is that it is usually reversible with restoration of a euthyroid state. We describe three patients who presented with thyrotoxicosis and features of PAH in whom other causes were excluded with various investigations. We also demonstrated reversibility of the pulmonary hypertension upon restoration of a normal thyroid state

    Oxidative addition of methyl iodide to [Rh(PhCOCHCOPh)(CO)(P(OCH2)(3)CCH3)]: an experimental and computational study

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    The reaction rate of the oxidative addition and CO insertion steps of methyl iodide with [Rh(PhCOCHCOPh)(CO)(P(OCH2 ) 3 CCH3 )] are presented. Large negative experimental values for the activation entropy and results from a density functional theory computational chemistry study indicated trans addition of the CH3 I to [Rh(PhCOCHCOPh)(CO)(P(OCH2 ) 3 CCH3 )]. A study of the molecular orbitals gives insight into the flow of electrons during the oxidative addition reaction. CO insertion leads to a square pyramidal [Rh(PhCOCHCOPh) (P(OCH2 ) 3 CCH3 )(COCH3 )(I)] acyl product with the COCH3 moiety in the apical position. The strong electron donation of the P(OCH2 ) 3 CCH3 ligand accelerates the oxidation addition step of methyl iodide to [Rh(PhCOCHCOPh)(CO)(P(OCH2 ) 3 CCH3 )] by ca. 265 times faster (at 35°C) than that of the Monsanto catalyst, but inhibits the CO insertion step

    What inspires birders to migrate South towards Africa? A quantitative measure of international avitourist motivation

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    Despite the rapid growth of avitourism (birding) globally, the international market potential of avitourism is not fully utilised. This research endeavoured to develop a multidimensional measure of avitourist motivation and to investigate the relative importance of the different dimensions or factors of avitourist motivation. Based on an in-depth review of the literature, a measure of birder motivation was developed. The research instrument was evaluated by a group of birding experts. The instrument was further evaluated and refined based on primary data gathered from 439 visitors to the British Birdwatching Fair and the Dutch Vogelfestival. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to evaluate the dimensionality and fit of the instrument based on the proposed factorial structure. Finally, a second-order confirmatory factor analysis model for avitourist motivation revealed higher-order constructs, namely wellbeing, intellectual activity, social interaction and photography. The results suggest that the photography dimension could be excluded as a motivational factor, and that birders consider aspects of wellbeing (emotional, spiritual, physical and mental stimulation) as the most important factors that motivate birding.Keywords: avitourism (birding tourism), bird fairs, travel motivations, second-orderconfirmatory factor analysi

    Sedation with alfentanil and propofol for rhizotomies

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    Background: Patient safety during sedation for closed rhizotomies is improved when analgesia is optimised, rather than relying on deep sedation for patient comfort. This retrospective study determined the appropriate effect-site concentration (Ce) for alfentanil, in combination with a constant propofol infusion, for optimal pain control during sedation for closed rhizotomies. Airway maintenance is ensured by keeping patients responsive to verbal commands, albeit at the price of inevitable ventilatory depression.Method: The records of patients who received rhizotomies over a six-month period were studied retrospectively. Sixty-three outpatients were included. Patients rated the level of analgesia with each needle placement. If the Ce for alfentanil was adequate, it was kept constant. Otherwise, it was increased in 5 ng/ml increments with each needle placement until analgesia was effective, or up to the maximum Ce for alfentanil of 100 ng/ml. Propofol infusion at a constant Ce of 200 ng/ml was added.Results: Forty-eight per cent of patients reported being comfortable at a Ce for alfentanil of 70–75 ng/ml. Only 5% of patients requested the maximum Ce for alfentanil of 100 ng/ml. All of the patients experienced ventilatory depression, but a patent airway was maintained. The haemodynamic observations were within normal limits. According to the ward records, 16% of the patients complained of nausea, and there was one incident of vomiting.Conclusion: Combining alfentanil at a Ce for alfentanil of 70–100 ng/ml with propofol at 200 ng/ml is a safe and effective method for analgesia during sedation for closed rhizotomies.Keywords: alfentanil, analgesia, procedural sedation, propofol, rhizotomy, target-controlled infusio

    Willing and knowing: perspectives on the Afrikaans verb wil

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    Abstract: The Afrikaans verb wil, a cognate of English will but closer in meaning to ‘want to’, is usually employed as an auxiliary rather than a main verb and is defined, inter alia, as ‘to wish, desire, intend, be able, resolve, be prepared, be willing, be on the verge of’, and is used to express wishes and as a reduplication form (wil-wil). This paper endeavours to show that most of these nuances of meaning and usages are derivable form a core meaning of ‘preparatory action’ and two perspectives on this. If wil is compared to other modal verbs, it appears that though it has certain syntactic and semantic features in common with them, it nevertheless differs greatly from them in many other respects. Historically, wil differs from most other modal verbs in being semantically stable. Afrikaans wil differs from other Afrikaans modals in several respects. (a) Wil is not used epistemically. (b) Wil can be used as a transitive verb and is the only modal to have a past participle, viz. gewil. (c) Only wil has a derivation resembling a present participle, viz. welwillende ‘benevolent’. (d) In passive sentences, wil remains subject oriented, i.e. retains the grammatical subject as its agent – for example Sy wil gesien word ‘She wants to be seen’. (e) Wees doubles with word as a passive auxiliary in a construction such as Sy wil gesien wees deur die mense ‘She wants to be seen by the people’. (f) Only wil (and its preterite form wou) reduplicates, as in wil-wil and wou-wou..

    Screening for gestational diabetes: examining a breakfast meal test

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    Objective: This study was performed to analyse the carbohydrate quantity of the non-standardised breakfast meal test consumed as part of a screening test for gestational diabetes.Design: A prospective descriptive design was utilised.Setting: Screening for gestational diabetes was performed in the High-Risk Antenatal Clinic at Tygerberg Academic Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa.Subjects: Fifty pregnant women who met the local selection criteria for diabetes screening.Outcome measures: The contents of the patient-provided breakfast meal tests were evaluated individually for total carbohydrate amount and compared with the 75 grams of carbohydrate provided by the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT).Results: The median carbohydrate amount was 71 g but the range (55–145 g) was wide. Only seven meals (14%) fell within 10% of the 75 g carbohydrate target.Conclusion: The patient-provided breakfast meal showed wide variation in carbohydrate amount. If a meal test is to be used instead of the formal OGTT a carefully measured, prepared, palatable, readily available product would need to be sourced and provided.Layman’s summary: It is necessary to screen for the development of diabetes during pregnancy. The standard test with 75 g of glucose is unpalatable and is sometimes replaced by a meal test. However, when this meal test is provided by the women themselves without standardisation, the sugar and starch quantities are too variable. Careful consideration needs to be given to an alternative screening test if it is to be reliable.Strong lay message: Non-standardised screening meal tests for gestational diabetes should not be used.Keywords: gestational diabetes, meal test, screenin

    Case Study: Nutritional management of a patient at high risk of developing refeeding syndrome

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    The following case study was discussed during the fourth-year dietetics evaluation process at North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus. It is a reflection of the opinion of the dietitians, students and lecturers involved, describes the actions taken during the nutritional management of the case, and is based on current literature and guidelines relevant to the topic
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