201 research outputs found

    Conservation of Fisheries Resources in India - Economic and livelihood Issues

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    Fish is the main animal protein source for over one billion people and it provides livelihood for over 200 million people world wide and 90 percent of these people are from developing countries. The world's marine catch has increased more than four times in the past 40 years, from 18.5 million t in 1950 to 141.6 million t in 2008 (FAO, 2009). There is a massive over capacity in the global fishing fleet. The build up of fishing fleets, deployment of powerful fishing technologies, increasing pollution and habitat loss has depleted fish stocks world wide. Even with advancement in fishing technology and increased fishing effort, the productivity has declined

    Priorities and Strategies to Boost Incomes of Marine Fisher Folk in India

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    This paper presents a set of alternative strategies and options for enhancing the incomes of India’s coastal fisher folk. Several options such as sustainable exploitation of deep sea and non-conventional resources, improving the efficiency of fishing through modernization/technological up-gradation of fishing fleet/ gears, harnessing the potential of space and information communication technologies (ICT), intensification of mariculture, and strengthening fish value chains are discussed. The paper underlines that a thriving coastal fishery economy is necessary to meet the future demand for fish and fishery products in the countr

    Rapid multiplication of Kasthuri turmeric (Curcuma aromatica Salisb.) through minisett technique and nursery management

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    The experiment was conducted at Vellayani (Kerala) during 2014 with an objective to standardize minisett method of propagation and nursery techniques for rapid mass multiplication of Kasthuri turmeric. The investigation was taken up as two experiments. In experiment I best pre-sprouting treatments for rhizomes and in experiment II best soil-less coir pith based nursery mixtures for growth of Kasthuri turmeric seedlings were studied. The result indicated that rhizome bits with three node (approximate weight -7g) subjected to pre-treatments with benzyl adenine 100 ppm for 24 hrs was recorded the highest sprouting (95.60%). The improved method of protray seedling production using sprouted rhizome bits and coirpith + vermicompost + Trichoderma (1:25) media in 1:1 combination resulted in sturdy, uniform and healthy seedlings for transplanting in the main field. &nbsp

    ICT-oriented Strategic Extension for Responsible Fisheries Management

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    The Course Manual is developed as a part of the ICAR funded Short Course on “ICT -oriented Strategic Extension for Responsible Fisheries Management” held at Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Cochin during 05-25 November, 2013

    Investigation Into the Antidiabetic Effects of a Developed Polyherbal Nanosuspension and Its Assessment

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    This study focuses on the development and evaluation of a nanosuspension containing ethanolic extracts of Tinospora cordifolia and Syzygium cumini for managing Diabetes mellitus. The main objective is to create an effective polyherbal nanosuspension by combining Tinospora cordifolia and Syzygium cumini with an optimal concentration of chitosan polymer to address Diabetes mellitus. Furthermore, both in vitro and in vivo assessments of the synthesized nanosuspensions were conducted to determine the best formulation. Methods and Findings: The ethanolic extracts of the mentioned plants were obtained using a maceration technique, followed by preliminary phytochemical screening, HPTLC analysis, and FTIR-based incompatibility assessments. The nanosuspension was prepared using the ionic gelation method by varying the chitosan polymer concentration. Comprehensive in vitro assessments were carried out, including measurements of pH, viscosity, drug content, entrapment efficiency, loading capacity, and in vitro release profiles for different formulations. The formulation with the highest drug content and optimal release characteristics was selected for further analysis of particle size, zeta potential, and surface morphology. Subsequently, the antidiabetic efficacy of the polyherbal nanosuspension was evaluated using wistar albino rats. Discussion: FTIR analysis indicated no significant interaction between the drug and the polymer. The in vitro drug release and kinetic analyses suggested that the F5 formulation exhibited superior drug release and an improved release mechanism. The particle size was determined to be approximately 420nm, and SEM imaging revealed particles that were nearly spherical in shape. Stability assessments of formulation F5 demonstrated consistent physical and chemical parameters over time

    കൂടുമത്സ്യകൃഷി : ഒരു സാമ്പത്തിക അവലോകനം (Economic viability of cage fish farming in India)

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    കൂടുമത്സ്യകൃഷി : ഒരു സാമ്പത്തിക അവലോകന

    Anisotropic critical currents in FeSe0.5Te0.5 films and the influence of neutron irradiation

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    We report on measurements of the superconducting properties of FeSe05Te05 thin films grown on lanthanum aluminate. The films have high transition temperatures (above 19 K) and sharp resistive transitions in fields up to 15 T. The temperature dependence of the upper critical field and the irreversibility lines are steep and anisotropic, as recently reported for single crystals. The critical current densities, assessed by magnetization measurements in a vector VSM, were found to be well above 10^9 Am-2 at low temperatures. In all samples, the critical current as a function of field orientation has a maximum, when the field is oriented parallel to the film surface. The maximum indicates the presence of correlated pinning centers. A minimum occurs in three films, when the field is applied perpendicular to the film plane. In the forth film, instead, a local maximum caused by c-axis correlated pinning centers was found at this orientation. The irradiation of two films with fast neutrons did not change the properties drastically, where a maximum enhancement of the critical current by a factor of two was found