145 research outputs found

    From the City-Plant to the Socialist City: Losses and Acquisitions of Human and Architecture

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    The article has proved the comprehensive approaches to the formation of the architectural and urban environment of the founders of the Ural industrial settlements (city-plants) of the 18-19th centuries and the socialist cities of the 20th century. These approaches were determined mainly by climatic, geographic and economic circumstances. It has been shown that the orientation toward the goals external to the city (economic benefit, conformity to ideological doctrine) destroys and deforms the primary, more humane, and sustainable goals, based on the succession of the town-planning tradition of the Ural region.   Keywords: City-plant, industrial city, socialist city, architecture, historical and cultural heritage of the Ural

    Physical and Augmented Reality As Elements of Visual Culture: Proportions in Educational Products for Persons with ASD

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    This article raises the question of the impossibility of standardized use of augmented reality technologies in the educational process. This approach changes the status of augmented reality and transforms it into a phenomenon of visual culture. The authors represent a hypothetical ratio of physical and augmented realities in educational products for people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), considering their needs, behavioral patterns and states. The proportion is based on the authors’ advanced research. Keywords: augmented reality, visual culture, education, educational product, needs, autism spectrum disorders

    The ethics of designer’s project activity

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    Статья посвящена определению этических аспектов дизайна как специфической социокультурной сферы творческой формообразующей деятельности. Низкая степень теоретической разработанности вопроса требует начальной систематизации этических проблем в ситуациях проектирования и использования продуктов дизайна, а также изучения реальных этических практик участников дизайн-процесса. Автор производит такую систематизацию на основе выработанного ранее представления о дизайне как системе.The article is devoted to defining the ethical aspects of design as a specific social and cultural sphere of creative formative activities. Lack of the theoretical elaboration of the issue requires an initial systematization of ethical problems in project- and using situations, and researches of ethical practices between the participants of the design process. The author makes a classification on the basis of the pre-formed ideas about design as a system

    Culture-led Regeneration of Industrial Heritage Sites in Modern Cities

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    The basic conceptual characteristics of ‘regeneration’ are defined in this article, which demonstrates that the declaration of the authors of the project for the regeneration of industrial heritage sites can lead to the use of various methods and techniques, as well as to different results. Clarifying the question of what the meaning of the term culture-led regeneration in different countries is and analyzing specific projects with a culture-led concept, authors show the interdependence of the interpretation of culture and the scope of actions for updating the historical and architectural industrial heritage. It is defined that the term culture-led regeneration arises in specific sociocultural and theoretical circumstances of the rapid degradation of industrial heritage at the time of transition of the world’s economies to other forms and structures. It marks a paradigm shift in the attitude of specialists towards industrial heritage. From conservation and museification in increasingly alienating industrial zones, they move on to the actualization of industrial architecture objects by strengthening their ties with all urban processes, primarily sociocultural ones. The most prominent role in such an activity is played by institutional or non-institutional understanding of culture by the authors of the project, experts, administrations, and the community. To clarify the dependence of the culture interpretation and the goals of the regeneration projects, an analysis was made of the culture-led aspects of the rehabilitation of the industrial area of Emscher Park (Germany), the creation of an industrial park on the site of the former industrial zone in Bolzano, the decision to turn the post office building in Buenos Aires into a classical music center. The experience of these projects can be taken into account by the initiators of similar projects in Russia. Keywords: regeneration, historical and architectural heritage, industrial heritage, culture-led regeneration, cultur

    Visual perception specifics of children with ASD as a determinant for educational environment outlinetimes

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    The idea of inclusive education raises the question of security of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). It is the imperative of the time to create teaching materials that promote the effective implementation of educational curriculum. However, we have to stress the fact that most of the evaluable nowadays teaching materials have been created spontaneously, without any reliable criteria. Our primary hypothesis is that children with ASD have specific features of visual perception that do not depend on the state of their intelligence, which is confirmed by empirical data obtained by the authors. Our secondary hypothesis, specified in the process of research, stipulates that children with ASD will differently perceive different graphic images executed in different styles. These findings are further confirmed by empirical data collected by the authors in the study of perception and understanding of different graphic images by children with ASD and mental retardation. On the basis of theoretical and empirical data we specified the criteria for graphic design products which play a pivotal role in the formation of school educational environment. In this respect we focus on the criteria for design materials (including design criteria provisions, formulated by Norman, which he addressed to practicing designers). © 2017 IJCRSEE. All Right Reserved

    Learning analytics in massive open online courses as a tool for predicting learner performance

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    Learning analytics in MOOCs can be used to predict learner performance, which is critical as higher education is moving towards adaptive learning. Interdisciplinary methods used in the article allow for interpreting empirical qualitative data on performance in specific types of course assignments to predict learner performance and improve the quality of MOOCs. Learning analytics results make it possible to take the most from the data regarding the ways learners engage with information and their level of skills at entry. The article presents the results of applying the proposed learning analytics algorithm to analyze learner performance in specific MOOCs developed by Ural Federal University and offered through the National Open Education Platform. © 2018, National Research University Higher School of Economics.This study was support- ed by financial assis- tance provided under the Resolution of the Government of the Rus sian Federation No. 211, Contract No. 02. A03.21.0006. Translated from Russian by I. Zhuchkova

    Determining the degree of degradation of a historical and architectural object: Assessment Scale

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    The author's definition of the degradation of a historical and architectural object is derived in the article,taking into account the change in the paradigm of working with heritage and strengthening the humanitarian component in it. The degradation of a historical and architectural object is interpreted as the loss of its function and meaning for the people and the territory on which this object is located,caused by an underestimation of its value and socio-economic and cultural potential. Understanding the subjective components of degradation leads to the conclusion about the possibility of specialists' working with public opinion,and involving residents in project activities. Examples of the work of architects with degrading architectural objects are shown. The criteria for evaluating such objects that help to make reasoned professional decisions on working with objects of historical and architectural heritage are derived. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.This work was carried out according to the FSR plan for 2019 with the support of the RAACS and the Ministry of Construction of Russia in accordance with the State Program of the Russian Federation ‘Development of Science and Technology’ for 2013–2020, and the Program of Fundamental Scientific Research of State Academies of Sciences for 2013–2020

    Fractal properties of settlement system as factor of its sustainability: Ural in the 18th-20th centuries

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    The thoughts by N. Salingaros on sustainable design, translated and introduced into scientific discourse by the author of the paper, served as a basis for primary analysis of the layout of a small industrial town and the settlement system of the industrial part of the Urals. Invariable features of the town layout have been reconstructed based on the materials by W. de Gennin and modern historical and cultural studies. The paper shows the elements of fractality and self-similarity in the layout of small industrial towns and in the Ural settlement system, which correspond to the parameters established by N. Salingaros. A conclusion is made about sustainability as an additional internal resource of the settlement system in the region. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd


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    The article describes the basic concepts of landscape architecture for the rehabilitation of industrial areas of cities. Analysis of the implementation of these concepts in modern cities held.В статье анализируются концепции реабилитации промышленных территорий городов, формирующиеся на протяжении последних 50 лет по мере трансформации индустриальных городов в пост- и неоиндустриальные. Показано изменение статуса ландшафтной архитектуры в этих процессах. Доказывается актуальность подходов и принципов реабилитации для Екатеринбурга.Сборник выпущен при поддержке Фонда содействия развитию УрФУ имени первого Президента России Б.Н. Ельцин