680 research outputs found

    Structural synthesis: correlation of structural fabrics, velocity anisotropy, and magnetic susceptibility data

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    Structural, physical property, and magnetic data from Ocean Drilling Program Site 808 in the Nankai Trough, Japan, indicate that both sediment loading and plate convergence have driven dewatering and consolidation in this region. Evidence for this interpretation is provided by a migrated seismic reflection profile, computed tomography of core-scale structures, magnetic susceptibility and P-wave velocity data, and experimental studies of Site 808 samples. These data also show that the strain (including volume change) resulting from plate convergence is partitioned into both penetrative deformation structures as well as more discrete, core-scale structures with finite displacements. These core-scale structures range from relatively subtle, kink-like deflections of the primary phyllosilicate fabric to sharp discontinuities with probable displacements much greater than the dimensions of the core barrel. Although all of the structures acted at least in part as dewatering conduits, evidence of concentrated fluid flow in this region of the prism is limited to a narrow interval almost 150 m above the décollement (located at between 946 and 965 mbsf). This interval correlates with the middle of a hemipelagic sequence above the décollement that appears to have thinned, apparently through dewatering, relative to a more seaward section. Thinning and dewatering appear to have been induced by deposition of a more clastic sedimentary sequence (the outer marginal trench-wedge sediments) that grades upward into a coarse-grained trench-fill sequence. Importantly, the hemipelagic sequence below the décollement appears to have thinned very little, suggesting that these sediments are underconsolidated and overpressured. This interpretation is consistent with porosity measurements from below the décollement. Microscopic and submicroscopic studies of sediments from within the décollement record a cyclic deformation sequence of displacement-brecciation-porosity collapse and compaction that may also reflect deformation of an overpressured sequence. Finally, the structural, physical property, and magnetic data also yield kinematic and geometric results consistent with the present convergent vector between the Philippine Sea Plate and Eurasia. These data indicate a shortening direction that trends between 308° and 315°, consistent with plate convergent vectors that trend between 310° and 314°

    When we Grade Students’ Proofs, Do They Understand our Feedback?

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    Instructors often write feedback on students’ proofs even if there is no expectation for the students to revise and resubmit the work. It is not known, however, what students do with that feedback or if they understand the professor’s intentions. To this end, we asked eight advanced mathematics undergraduates to respond to professor comments on four written proofs by interpreting and implementing the comments. We analyzed the student’s responses using the categories of corrective feedback for language acquisition, viewing the language of mathematical proof as a register of academic English

    Determination of stress state in deep subsea formation by combination of hydraulic fracturing in situ test and core analysis: A case study in the IODP Expedition 319

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    [1] In situ test of hydraulic fracturing (HF) provides the only way to observe in situ stress magnitudes directly. The maximum and minimum horizontal stresses, SHmax and Shmin, are determined from critical borehole pressures, i.e., the reopening pressure Pr and the shut-in pressure Ps, etc, observed during the test. However, there is inevitably a discrepancy between actual and measured values of the critical pressures, and this discrepancy is very significant for Pr. For effective measurement of Pr, it is necessary for the fracturing system to have a sufficiently small compliance. A diagnostic procedure to evaluate whether the compliance of the employed fracturing system is appropriate for SHmax determination from Pr was developed. Furthermore, a new method for stress measurement not restricted by the system compliance and Pr is herein proposed. In this method, the magnitudes and orientations of SHmax and Shmin are determined from (i) the cross-sectional shape of a core sample and (ii) Ps obtained by the HF test performed near the core depth. These ideas were applied for stress measurement in a central region of the Kumano fore-arc basin at a water depth of 2054?m using a 1.6?km riser hole drilled in the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 319. As a result, the stress decoupling through a boundary at 1285?m below seafloor was detected. The boundary separates new upper layers and old lower ones with an age gap of ~1.8?Ma, which is possibly the accretionary prism. The stress state in the lower layers is consistent with that observed in the outer edge of accretionary prism

    Modeling suggests gene editing combined with vaccination could eliminate a persistent disease in livestock

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    Recent breakthroughs in gene-editing technologies that can render individual animals fully resistant to infections may offer unprecedented opportunities for controlling future epidemics in farm animals. Yet, their potential for reducing disease spread is poorly understood as the necessary theoretical framework for estimating epidemiological effects arising from gene-editing applications is currently lacking. Here, we develop semistochastic modeling approaches to investigate how the adoption of gene editing may affect infectious disease prevalence in farmed animal populations and the prospects and time scale for disease elimination. We apply our models to the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS), one of the most persistent global livestock diseases to date. Whereas extensive control efforts have shown limited success, recent production of gene-edited pigs that are fully resistant to the PRRS virus have raised expectations for eliminating this deadly disease. Our models predict that disease elimination on a national scale would be difficult to achieve if gene editing was used as the only disease control. However, from a purely epidemiological perspective, disease elimination may be achievable within 3 to 6 y, if gene editing were complemented with widespread and sufficiently effective vaccination. Besides strategic distribution of genetically resistant animals, several other key determinants underpinning the epidemiological impact of gene editing were identified

    The use of three-dimensional conjugate CFD to enhance understanding of, and to verify, multi-modal heat transfer in dynamic laboratory test walls

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    This work describes the use of conjugate computational fluid dynamics (C-CFD) to simulate controlled laboratory based dynamic heat transfer tests on building components. This study proposes that conjugate CFD simulation can be used to evaluate the influence of combined convective and conductive heat transfer in multi-state building components. To this end, a solid wall and cavity wall were tested with a Calibrated Hotbox and subject to variable temperature conditions leading to combined convective and conductive heat transfer. The varying temperature of the heat source was monitored and used as the input boundary condition in the simulation model, which included a computational domain which encompassed the hot-side air chamber and the wall, including cavity when applicable. It was found acceptable accuracy could be realized with a simplified constant surface heat transfer coefficient with fixed air temperature on the cold air side, which greatly reduced computational effort. The experimental results revealed that the cavity wall experienced a phase lag, peak displacement of 2.9 times higher and decrement factor 1.6 times lower compared with that of the solid wall

    Life, Life Support, and Death Principles, Guidelines, Policies and Procedures for Making Decisions That Respect Life

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    The following is the third edition of a booklet by the American Life League, Inc. The section on Ordinary/Extraordinary Means has been revised. The sections on Quality of Life, Pain, Paired Organ and Non-vital Organ and Tissue Transplant, and Determination of Death have been added. There are other changes throughout the booklet

    Long-term comparison between index selection and optimal independent culling in plant breeding programs with genomic prediction

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    In the context of genomic selection, we evaluated and compared breeding programs using either index selection or independent culling for recurrent selection of parents. We simulated a clonally propagated crop breeding program for 20 cycles using either independent culling or an economic index with two unfavourably correlated traits under selection. Cycle time from crossing to selection of parents was kept the same for both strategies. Both methods led to increasingly unfavourable genetic correlations between traits and, compared to independent culling, index selection led to larger changes in the genetic correlation between the two traits. When linkage disequilibrium was not considered, the two methods had similar losses of genetic diversity. Two independent culling approaches were evaluated, one using optimal culling levels and one using the same selection intensity for both traits. Optimal culling levels outperformed the same selection intensity even when traits had the same economic importance. Therefore, accurately estimating optimal culling levels is essential for maximizing gains when independent culling is performed. Once optimal culling levels are achieved, independent culling and index selection lead to comparable genetic gains

    Gene-edited meat: Disentangling consumers’ attitudes and potential purchase behaviour

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    Novel gene-editing (GE) technologies provide promising opportunities to increase livestock productivity and to tackle several global livestock production sustainability and food security challenges. However, these technologies, as with previous genetic modification technologies in food production, are very likely to generate social controversy and opposition toward their use in the meat industry. Here, we explored public attitudes and consumption predisposition toward gene-edited meat products and their potential added benefits to livestock farming. Our results show that societal perception currently comes as a package, where the use of gene-editing technology acts as an extrinsic cue of meat products quality, and is used to make a range of inferences about all quality facets at once. Although consumers with anti-GE attitudinal positions generally were not sensitive to price discounts or added benefits, added benefits increased the consumption predisposition of most moderate and pro-GE consumers, where benefits related to animal welfare had larger effects than those relating to the environment or human health issues.Publishe