311 research outputs found

    Fundamentals of sports training athlete-athlete

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    Sport training currently is an important component of the system of preparation of the sportsman. It is a pedagogical process, which is based on application of physical exercises to improve functional capabilities of the athleteСпортивная тренировка в настоящее время является важной составной частью системы подготовки спортсмена. Она представляет собой педагогический процесс, который основан на использовании физических упражнений с целью совершенствования функциональных возможностей спортсмен

    Confessional Model of Image of Person in Text of Old Believer Popular Print “Two roads — Two ways”

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the confessional model of the image of a person in the popular prints of Old Believers-chapels of the Yenisei “Two Roads — Two Ways”. The novelty of the research is due to the introduction of new sources into scientific circulation. The relevance of the work lies in the appeal to the modern processes of artistic creation in the Old Believer environment of chapel communities. The material for the study was the texts of popular prints and spiritual literature, which were created among the Old Believers-chapels of Siberia, collected in the expeditions of 2018—2021 on the Yenisei in the Old Believer communities of chapel accord. The visual and verbal means of embodying ideas about the sinfulness of the modern world, subjecting people to temptations, about the correct life scenario of a person belonging to a closed Old Believer community, are analyzed. It is noted that the image and the text form a unity and serve to confirm the concept of the life of the community member. In addition to the print “Two Roads — Two Ways”, the verses “Think, a poor man” and “Motivation to fight against sin” were analyzed. The authors come to the conclusion that the verbal and visual components of the studied works represent the values of the Old Believer communities, which make it possible to characterize them as marginal, closed, traditionalist and eschatological

    Studying the structure and adhesion strength of thermal barrier coating

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    The structure and adhesive strength of thermal barrier coatings produced by successive deposition of layers is studied. The coating is applied in three layers: I) a diffusion aluminosilicide coating that provides protection against high temperature oxidation and corrosion, with a thickness of 50μm; ii) a metal sublayer providing a smooth transition from a metal coating to a ceramic one, with a thickness of 100 to 120μm; iii) a ceramic layer decreasing the temperature of the blades during operation, with a thickness of 70 to 100μm. The total coating thickness ranges from 0.17 to 0.27mm. It is shown that the second and third layers deposited by plasma spraying are quite dense, the porosity being less than 5 vol%. During tensile tests carried out on an Instron testing machine, the failure of glued samples was always detected in the adhesive joint. The adhesive strength of the applied epoxy-based adhesive was 12MPa; it can be stated that the adhesive strength of the coating is higher than 12MPa. © 2019 Author(s)

    Ni-Based Catalysts for the Hydrotreatment of Fast Pyrolysis Oil

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    Catalytic hydrotreatment is an attractive technology to convert fast pyrolysis oil to stabilized oil products for co processing in conventional crude oil refinery units. We report here the use of novel bimetallic NiCu- and NiPd-based (Picula) catalysts characterized by a high Ni content (29-58 wt %) and prepared using a sol gel method with SiO2, La2O3, kaolin, ZrO2, and combinations thereof as the support, for the catalytic hydrotreatment of fast pyrolysis oil. The experiments were performed in a batch autoclave (1 h at 150 degrees C, 3 h at 350 degrees C, and 200 bar initial pressure at 350 degrees C). The catalyst with the highest nickel loading (58 wt % Ni) promoted with Pd (0.7 wt %) was the most active, yielding oil products with improved properties compared to the crude pyrolysis oil (lower oxygen content, higher solubility in hydrocarbons, and less tendency for coke formation). For all Picula catalysts, except the ZrO2-based catalysts, methane formation was considerably lower than for Ru/C, the benchmark catalyst in catalytic hydrotreatment of fast pyrolysis oil. To anticipate possible catalyst deactivation at very long times on stream, catalyst regeneration studies were performed using thermogravimetric analysis. Analyses of the regenerated catalysts (X-ray diffraction, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, and Brunauer Emmett Teller surface area) showed the occurrence of active metal agglomeration.</p

    With Phenotypic Signs of Connective Tissue Dysplasia: Cross-Sectional Clinical Study

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    Background. The dental health is an integral part of a person's well-being. Students of higher educational institutions comprise a health risk group, since they experience extensive physiological changes and personal socialization. The impact of connective tissue dysplasia on dental health is a relevant research task.Objective. To analyze the correlation between dental pathology and phenotypic signs of connective tissue dysplasia in first-year students.Methods. A cross-sectional clinical study of the dental health and phenotypic signs of connective tissue dysplasia was conducted as part of routine dental examination of 263 first-year students of KubSMU, aged 18–23. All participants were divided into 2 groups: group 1 – participants with 0-2 signs of connective tissue dysplasia (n = 108); group 2 – participants with 3 or more signs of dysplasia (n = 155). Statistical analysis of the results was carried out using Microsoft Excel 2010 and Statistica 6.0.Results. Unsatisfactory and poor oral hygiene levels in the group of participants with connective tissue dysplasia outnumber these levels in the control group by 30% and 22%, with very poor level in the second group 2.3 times higher (p ≤ 0.05). The incidence of noncarious tooth pathology in individuals with dysplasia is 26% higher than in the control group. The caries intensity index in group 2 is almost 20% bigger than in the control group. As expected, the group of participants with no signs of dysplasia revealed better periodontal health, namely 51.85% versus 45.81% (p ≤ 0.05). In terms of mucosal pathology, a statistical significant difference between groups 1 and 2 was noted for traumatic injuries (16.35% and 19.35%, respectively). Dentofacial abnormalities were observed more often in individuals with 3 or more phenotypic signs of connective tissue dysplasia.Conclusion. Higher morbidity rate of caries and noncarious pathology in the group of first-year students with 3 or more phenotypic signs of connective tissue dysplasia, compared to the group with 0–2 phenotypic manifestations of dysplasia, indicated the need to create a database of the dentofacial profiles of students, develop an algorithm for regular medical check-up of students, as well as provide differentiated preventive and therapeutic measures for students with dysplasia

    The Peculiarities of Using The Elements of Mixed learning in the Process of Teaching Academic Disciplines in Higher Education Institutions

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    В умовах формування когнітивного суспільства особливого значення набуває створення оптимальних умов для пізнавальної діяльності особистості шляхом реалізації концепції освіти протягом усього життя головними перевагами якої є гнучкість, різноманітність, доступність у часі й просторі. Аналіз психолого-педагогічних досліджень засвідчив достатню розробленість методологічних, психологічних та управлінських питань упровадження освіти протягом усього життя, проблеми вдосконалення організації навчально-пізнавальної діяльності, особливостей використання змішаного навчання як принципово нової освітньої моделі навчання. Проте поза увагою залишилася проблема інтеграції елементів змішаного навчання в процес викладання дисциплін у вищій школі з метою активізації пізнавальної діяльності студентів. Алгоритм упровадження елементів змішаного навчання в процес викладання навчальних дисциплін у закладах вищої освіти реалізується шляхом поєднання традиційної моделі навчання (читання лекцій, проведення практичних, лабораторних, семінарських занять, складання заліків та іспитів) та інноваційної моделі електронного навчання (дистанційного доповнененого елементами мобільного навчання). Використання елементів змішаного навчання (групове навчання, перевернутий клас, мікронавчання, ситуативні вправи, гейміфікація, інфографіка) в процесі викладання навчальних дисциплін надає можливість, тим хто навчається, засвоювати матеріал у зручний час, навчитись творчо використовувати і демонструвати результати навчання у середовищі дистанційного курсу або під час традиційних очних занять. Інструментарієм для реалізації елементів змішаного навчання є сучасні засоби інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій: соціальні сервіси, засоби он-лайн (синхронне) та оф-лайн (асинхронне) спілкування, засоби створення різноманітної електронної наочності, засоби діагностики та оцінювання, системи управління навчальним контентом. Для використання елементів змішаного навчання від викладачів вимагається опанування інноваційних активних педагогічних методів, технік та технологій, достатній рівень інформаційної компетентності, а від студентів таке навчання потребує комп’ютерної грамотності та неабиякої активності.In the conditions of forming a cognitive society, the creation of optimal conditions for the cognitive activity of the individual through the implementation of the concept of education throughout life is of particular importance, the main advantages of which are flexibility, diversity, accessibility in time and space. The analysis of psychological and pedagogical researches has shown the sufficient development of methodological, psychological and managerial issues of implementation of education throughout life, problems of improving the organization of educational and cognitive activity, the features of the use of mixed learning as a fundamentally new educational model of education. However, the problem of integrating elements of mixed learning in the process of teaching subjects in higher education institutions with the purpose of activating students' cognitive activity is not paid sufficient attention. The algorithm for the introduction of elements of mixed learning in the process of teaching subjects in higher education institutions is realized by combining the traditional model of learning (lecturing, conducting practical, laboratory and seminar classes, tests and examinations) and an innovative model of e-learning (distance learning, enhanced by the elements of mobile learning). Using of elements of mixed learning (group studying, inverted class, micro studying, situational exercises, gameplay, infographics) in the process of teaching gives the possibility for those who are studying to get the information in a suitable time, to get to know to use creatively and demonstrate the results of studying in the environment of distance course or during the ordinary classroom lessons. The toolkit for the implementation of elements of mixed learning is the modern means of information and communication technologies: social services, online tools (synchronous) and offline (asynchronous) communication, means of creating a variety of electronic visualization, diagnostic and evaluation tools, and educational content management systems. Using of elements of mixed learning by teachers requires the mastering of innovative and active pedagogical methods, techniques and technologies, sufficient level of information competence, from students such training requires computer literacy and extraordinary activity

    Cucurbituril-based Supramolecular complexes with platinum compounds influence on expression of CTLA-4 on Regulatory T cells

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    Tumors are a leading pathology in the population. Chemotherapy cannot provide adequately and effectively to cure patients. Some medicine, such as cytostatic, are characterized by a wide range of side effects and resistance of solid tumors to chemotherapy by these medicines. In recent research, the mechanisms of action of cytotoxic agents have been described, and the most appropriate causes of resistance have been suggested. Drug delivery system based on Cucurbit[7]uril (CB[7]) was used to minimize side effects and overcome resistance. CB[7] has ability to form host-guest supramolecular complexes with oxaliplatin and carboplatin.It is important to consider the immune system maintain to a great role, and platinum compounds are able to have an immunomodulatory effect on immunocompetent cells. There is convincing evidence about the cytotoxic response against tumor cells is also associated with immunomodulating properties. A specific immune microenvironment with high frequency of suppressor cells is made by tumors. FoxP3+ regulatory T cells are recruited by the tumor, an increased number of these cells and expression levels of CTLA-4 and PD-1 on them contribute to the progression of the tumor process. These markers correlate with recurrence and poor survival of the patients. Therefore, it is necessary that antitumor therapy agents have an effect on a subpopulation of regulatory T cells and their functional activity. This study evaluated the effects of cucurbit[7] uril, platinum compounds, and supramolecular complexes on FoxP3+ regulatory T cells and the expression of immune checkpoint molecules.In this study peripheral blood cells from volunteers (n = 8, average 29.0±2.4) were used. Mononuclear cells obtained in the standard protocol were incubated for 72 h at concentrations of 0.3 and 0.1 mM for carboplatin and oxaliplatin, respectively, as well as complexes and CB[7] in equivalent dosages. Next, the samples were labeled with monoclonal antibodies to determine the phenotype and expression of immune checkpoint molecules by flow cytometry.We obtained the following results: The CB[7]-carboplatin complex in stimulated and non-stimulated cultures significantly reduced the number of FoxP3+ regulatory T cells compared to the control. At the same time, carboplatin and the CB[7]-carboplatin complex reduced the expression of CTLA-4 in an non-stimulated culture compared to CB[7].Complexes of Cucurbit[7]urils with platinum compounds are a perspective antitumor agent with immunomodulatory properties

    Replacement Selenium Therapy in Acute Cerebral Damage

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    The current literature covers the role of selenium in metabolic processes and the importance of correcting its level in various diseases and critical conditions, including acute cerebral damage due to severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) and sepsis-associated encephalopathy (SAE). Numerous experimental animal studies have demonstrated that selenium has protective properties and blocks the mechanisms of apoptosis, and is involved in maintaining the functional activity of neurons and inhibits astrogliosis. The study of the selenium content in the blood of patients with acute cerebral damage due to severe TBI and sepsis with verified SAE, and the development of schemes of replacement selenium therapy will improve outcomes, both in increasing survival and in reducing the resuscitation bed-day and the number of neurological deficits in the future