262 research outputs found

    The Discursive Functioning of Knowledge Claims in Research Studies on Children’s Conceptual Knowledge of Number

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    Researchers interested in the development of conceptual knowledge of number have studied children’s behavior in various tasks or other contexts in order to draw conclusions about what they know. The guiding assumption of this work is that the presence or absence of a given form of knowledge is typically reflected in the ability/inability to perform certain types of behavior. Researchers complicate this assumption when they claim that (1) the ability to perform a given behavior may also reflect simple imitation or rote learning in the absence of understanding, and/or (2) that the inability to perform a certain behavior may reflect extraneous performance demands, rather than the absence of unerlying conceptual knowledge. Most problematically, it is not clear how to distinguish these alternative explanations of the relationship between behavior and conceptual knowledge. The difficulty of making this distinction has led to ongoing issues in cognitive development research that have persisted despite researchers’ attempts to resolve them through the ongoing study of children’s behavior. The current research explores how and whether the issues researchers face in interpreting behavior vis a vis knowledge might be clarified by studying the discursive practices in terms of which these interpretive processes themselves occur. The current study analyzes the discursive functioning of knowledge claims—assertions about what children know, e.g., s/he understands the cardinal principle—in the texts of eleven published research articles on developing conceptual knowledge of number. Therefore, while the goal of this study is to contribute to the general research area of cognitive development, the methodology used in the current study was a discourse analysis. The focus of the analysis is on the strategies and conditions under which knowledge claims are asserted and justified (i.e., claimed to be valid). The results suggest that knowledge claims are descriptions of behavioral dispositions, that are produced in response to the observation of behavior in situations presumed to make that behavior interpretable. The behavioral tasks used by researchers to assess children’s conceptual knowledge function as ways of eliciting concrete instances of the behavior that is described in more general terms by the knowledge claim. The fact that knowledge claims are descriptions of behavior is shown to be obscured by deeply rooted discursive practices that reify knowledge in ways that allow it to be categorically distinguished from behavior. Ironically, the use of this knowledge-behavior distinction in the research reports, and subsequent issues it causes, are parsimoniously explained by the theory that knowledge claims are descriptions of behavioral dispositions, articulated in response to situations that are presumed to allow general interpretations of observed behavior. The findings of the current research suggest that the entrenched distinction between competence and performance is problematic, and that its use comes at the expense of a clear view of what it means to say that someone knows something. However, these problems may represent growing pains in the development of a new and better conception of knowledge in cognitive psychology

    Evaluation of American (Sambucus canadensis) and European (S. nigra) elderberry genotypes grown in diverse environments and implications for cultivar development

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    American (Sambucus canadensis L.) elderberry genotypes were evaluated at multiple locations, whereas European (S. nigra L.) elderberry genotypes were evaluated at a single location to assess genotypic differences and, for genotypes evaluated at multiple locations, to determine genotype x environment interactions (G x E). Seventeen S. canadensis genotypes were planted in replicated trials at Missouri State University (Mountain Grove, MO) and at the University of Missouri (Mt. Vernon, MO) or at the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service in Oregon (Corvallis). \u27Johns\u27, \u27Netzer\u27, \u27Adams II\u27, and \u27Gordon B\u27 were in common at all locations. In addition, three genotypes of S. nigra, which are not winter-hardy in Missouri, were planted in Oregon. All plants were established in 2003 and evaluated in 2004, 2005, and, for some traits, in 2006. Plants were evaluated for phenology (e.g., dates of budbreak, first flowering, full flowering, and first ripening), vegetative growth (e.g., number of shoots and plant height), yield components (e.g., total yield, number of cymes, cyme weight, and berry weight), and for pest incidence (e.g., eriophyid mites). For the genotypes in common to all locations, there were significant differences resulting from genotype, location, year, and the interactions for various traits. Although the trend was for Corvallis to have the highest and Mt. Vernon the lowest yield, there was no significant location effect. The significant genotype x environment interaction appeared to be primarily the result of the differential performance of \u27Johns\u27, which was generally high-yielding in Corvallis and low-yielding at both Missouri locations. The significant G x E suggests that as the Missouri institutions develop new cultivars, it will be important to test them individually at other locations and not rely on their relative performance compared with standards in Missouri. For the genotypes in common to the two Missouri sites, there was significant variation for many traits. Although there were no differences among genotypes for yield across the locations, there was a significant G x E. Although there were some small changes in performance among the sites for yield, the most dramatic changes were for \u27Wyldewood 1\u27 that was the second highest yielding genotype at Mountain Grove and the second worst at Mt. Vernon. Plant growth in Oregon was 40% and 60% greater than at Mountain Grove and Mt. Vernon, respectively, when the plants were first measured. In Oregon, the two Sambucus species behaved differently. Phenologically, although the S. nigra genotypes flowered ≈3 weeks earlier than the S. canadensis genotypes, they ripened at the same time, thereby shortening their exposure to potential biotic and abiotic stress. \u27Johns\u27, \u27York\u27, \u27Golden\u27, and \u27Gordon B\u27 were the highest yielding S. canadensis genotypes and \u27Korsþr\u27 the highest of the S. nigra genotypes. Although \u27Korser\u27 is considered high-yielding in Denmark, it did not yield as well as the highest yielding S. canadensis cultivars

    Knowledge and Use of Integrated Pest Management by Underserved Producers in Missouri and the Role of Extension

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    In Missouri, Plain producers (groups of conservative Anabaptist faith, including the Amish and Mennonites) are one type of underserved audience that has found a niche in vegetable production. The study reported here investigated the level of knowledge and use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) gained over a 3-year period following implementation of Extension activities by the University of Missouri and Lincoln University, the two Missouri land-grant universities. Results indicate that Extension plays an important role in the observed increased use of IPM by the target audience and highlight the need to continue using traditional methods (e.g., printed documents, one-on-one interactions)

    High-speed electrochemical imaging

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    The design, development, and application of high-speed scanning electrochemical probe microscopy is reported. The approach allows the acquisition of a series of high-resolution images (typically 1000 pixels ÎŒm–2) at rates approaching 4 seconds per frame, while collecting up to 8000 image pixels per second, about 1000 times faster than typical imaging speeds used up to now. The focus is on scanning electrochemical cell microscopy (SECCM), but the principles and practicalities are applicable to many electrochemical imaging methods. The versatility of the high-speed scan concept is demonstrated at a variety of substrates, including imaging the electroactivity of a patterned self-assembled monolayer on gold, visualization of chemical reactions occurring at single wall carbon nanotubes, and probing nanoscale electrocatalysts for water splitting. These studies provide movies of spatial variations of electrochemical fluxes as a function of potential and a platform for the further development of high speed scanning with other electrochemical imaging techniques

    Growing and Marketing Elderberries in Missouri (2012)

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    The American elderberry (Sambucus canadensis, also known as Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis) is native to much of eastern and midwestern North America. The plant is a medium to large multiple-stemmed shrub, bush or small tree. Elderberry is commonly found growing in a range of habitats throughout Missouri, but it prefers moist, well-drained, sunny sites and is often found along roadside ditches and streams.By Patrick L. Byers, Andrew L. Thomas, Mihaela M. Cernusca, Larry D. Godsey and Michael A. Gold (University of Missouri)Includes bibliographical reference

    Rats About Town: A Systematic Review of Rat Movement in Urban Ecosystems

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    Norway and black rats (Rattus norvegicus and Rattus rattus) are ubiquitous urban pests, inhabiting cities worldwide. Despite their close association with people, urban rats remain difficult to control. This can be partly attributed to a general lack of information on basic rat ecology to inform management efforts. In this systematic review and narrative synthesis, we collate the published literature to provide a comprehensive description of what is known about urban rat movement, including information on home range, site fidelity, dispersal, movement patterns, barriers to, and factors impacting, movement. We also discuss the methodologies used to track and infer rat movement, as well as the advantages and limitations of employing these techniques. Our review suggests that the distances traveled by urban rats are location-specific, determined by both local resource availability and barriers to movement such as roadways. Although roads may impede rat movement, genetic techniques suggest that rats traverse roadways more often than revealed by capture-based tools, while long-distance dispersal events by either natural migration or facilitated by humans (i.e., as stowaways in transport vehicles) can maintain connectivity among distant populations. Because rat movement patterns are related to the transmission of rat-associated pathogens and the success of rodent control programs, these results have implications for city planners, pest control efforts, and public health. Therefore, we emphasize the importance of understanding local rat movement patterns in order to devise and deploy efficient and effective rat mitigation initiatives in urban centers

    Rat in a Cage: Trappability of Urban Norway Rats (Rattus norvegicus)

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    Understanding the local ecology of urban Norway rats (Rattus norevgicus) is necessary to inform effective rat mitigation strategies. While Capture-Mark-Recapture (CMR) methods can be used to acquire such ecological information (e.g., abundance, movement patterns, and habitat use), these techniques assume that all individuals of the study population are equally trappable. To test whether urban rats adhere to this assumption, we conducted a 4-week CMR study in an urban neighborhood of Vancouver, Canada, to evaluate whether rat characteristics (i.e., age, sex, size, wound status, and infection with the pathogen Leptospira spp.) were associated with trappability. We found that the majority of rats entered traps in the first 2 weeks of trapping, and that larger rats were caught earlier in the trapping period. However, smaller, sexually immature rats were recaught more often than were larger, sexually mature rats, suggesting that prior capture affects the ability to recapture urban Norway rats. This highlights the need for CMR studies to account for size, sexual maturity, and prior capture when interpreting data

    A comparison of fruit characteristics among diverse elderberry genotypes grown in Missouri and Oregon

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    Abstract. BACKGROUND: Elderberry (Sambucus spp.) fruit are used for food and dietary supplements in Europe and North America, and contain large amounts of cyanidin-based anthocyanins and other phenolics that may benefit human health. OBJECTIVES: Information on the effect of both genotype and production environment on elderberry juice characteristics is needed in order to optimize production of quality food and dietary supplements. METHODS: The characteristics of elderberry fruits relative to genetic and production environment were evaluated from 12 American elderberry genotypes at three U.S. sites (two in Missouri and one in Oregon) over three growing seasons. Additional genotypes of American and European elderberry were studied at the Oregon site. RESULTS: Location, genotype, and growing season influenced pH, soluble solids, titratable acidity, total phenolics, and total anthocyanins. Elderberries grown in Oregon were consistently higher in acidity than those grown in Missouri. Differences in acidity and anthocyanin with environment were dependent on genotype. Non-acylated anthocyanins and flavonol-glycosides were more influenced by location than by genotype. CONCLUSION: 'Bob Gordon' and 'Adams 2' genotypes, which are good producers in diverse environments, were significantly higher in total phenolic and total anthocyanin contents in all locations, and may be good selections for producing juices, wines, or health products

    The International Intellectual Property Commercialization Council’s 3rd Annual U.S. Conference: The State of Innovation in the Union

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    The International Intellectual Property Commercialization Council (“IIPCC”) presented its third annual policy conference at the United States Capitol on May 6, 2019. The conference’s theme explored the question of “what is the state of innovation in the United States?” Panelists included The Honorable Andrei Iancu – Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office; Dr. Carl J. Schramm – University Professor, Syracuse University and Former President of the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation; Mr. Patrick Kilbride – Senior Vice President of the Global Innovation Policy Center (“GIPC”) at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce; and Mr. Colman Ragan – Vice President and General Counsel, North America IP Litigation at Teva Pharmaceuticals, who all shared their perspectives on the state of innovation. A lead off panel including local entrepreneurs, intellectual property specialists, federal government specialists, and academics allowed this panel to provide a “boots on the ground” perspective
