278 research outputs found

    Linear theory of nonlocal transport in a magnetized plasma

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    A system of nonlocal electron-transport equations for small perturbations in a magnetized plasma is derived using the systematic closure procedure of V. Yu. Bychenkov et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 4405 (1995). Solution to the linearized kinetic equation with a Landau collision operator is obtained in the diffusive approximation. The Fourier components of the longitudinal, oblique, and transversal electron fluxes are found in an explicit form for quasistatic conditions in terms of the generalized forces: the gradients of density and temperature, and the electric field. The full set of nonlocal transport coefficients is given and discussed. Nonlocality of transport enhances electron fluxes across magnetic field above the values given by strongly collisional local theory. Dispersion and damping of magnetohydrodynamic waves in weakly collisional plasmas is discussed. Nonlocal transport theory is applied to the problem of temperature relaxation across the magnetic field in a laser hot spot.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figure

    Possibilities of Laser Spectroscopy Methods for Prediction of the Radiotherapy Results

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    In this paper, possibilities of laser fluorescence spectroscopy to predict the reactions of the oral cavity cancer to radiation treatment are considered. A theoretically substantiated assumption about the link between the tumor’s consumption of an exogenous photosensitizer and its radioresistance is proposed. The first experience with the use of the Radahlorin photosensitizer is described; preliminary results of the 5 patients study are presented. As a result different photosensitizer consumptions versus different treatment outcomes are discussed. Keywords: laser fluorescence spectroscopy, photosensitizer, oral cavity cancer, radiotherapy, cross-resistanc

    Resonant transparency of materials with negative permittivity

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    It is shown that the transparency of opaque material with negative permittivity exhibits resonant behavior. The resonance occurs as a result of the excitation of the surface waves at slab boundaries. Dramatic field amplification of the incident evanescent fields at the resonance improves the resolution of the the sub-wavelength imaging system (superlens). A finite thickness slab can be totally transparent to a \textit{p}-polarized obliquely incident electromagnetic wave for certain values of the incidence angle and wave frequency corresponding to the excitation of the surface modes. At the resonance, two evanescent waves have a finite phase shift providing non-zero energy flux through the non-transparent region

    Ultrashort PW laser pulse interaction with target and ion acceleration

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    We present the experimental results on ion acceleration by petawatt femtosecond laser solid interaction and explore strategies to enhance ion energy. The irradiation of micrometer thick (0.2 - 6.0 micron) Al foils with a virtually unexplored intensity regime (8x10^19 W/cm^2 - 1x10^21 W/cm^2) resulting in ion acceleration along the rear and the front surface target normal direction is investigated. The maximum energy of protons and carbon ions, obtained at optimised laser intensity condition (by varying laser energy or focal spot size), exhibit a rapid intensity scaling as I^0.8 along the rear surface target normal direction and I^0.6 along the front surface target normal direction. It was found that proton energy scales much faster with laser energy rather than the laser focal spot size. Additionally, the ratio of maximum ion energy along the both directions is found to be constant for the broad range of target thickness and laser intensities. A proton flux is strongly dominated in the forward direction at relatively low laser intensities. Increasing the laser intensity results in the gradual increase in the backward proton flux and leads to almost equalisation of ion flux in both directions in the entire energy range. These experimental findings may open new perspectives for applications.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 3rd EAAC worksho

    Enhanced inverse bremsstrahlung heating rates in a strong laser field

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    Test particle studies of electron scattering on ions, in an oscillatory electromagnetic field have shown that standard theoretical assumptions of small angle collisions and phase independent orbits are incorrect for electron trajectories with drift velocities smaller than quiver velocity amplitude. This leads to significant enhancement of the electron energy gain and the inverse bremsstrahlung heating rate in strong laser fields. Nonlinear processes such as Coulomb focusing and correlated collisions of electrons being brought back to the same ion by the oscillatory field are responsible for large angle, head-on scattering processes. The statistical importance of these trajectories has been examined for mono-energetic beam-like, Maxwellian and highly anisotropic electron distribution functions. A new scaling of the inverse bremsstrahlung heating rate with drift velocity and laser intensity is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure