71 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Intensivist-Nurses’ Knowledge Concerning Medication Administration Through Nasogastric and Enteral Tubes

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    This study evaluates the knowledge of nurses working in intensive care units concerning recommendations for the proper administration of medication through nasogastric and enteral tubes. This exploratory-descriptive study with a quantitative approach was carried out with 49 nurses in an intensive care unit of a tertiary hospital in Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. A total of 36.7% of nurses reported they disregard the dosage forms provided by the pharmacy at the time of administering the medication through tubes. Metal, wood, or a plastic mortar is the method most frequently reported (42.86%) for crushing prescribed solid forms; 32.65% leave the drugs in 20ml of water until dissolved; 65.3% place the responsibility for choosing the pharmaceutical formulation and its correlation with the tube site, either into the stomach or into the intestine, on the physician. The results indicate there is a gap between specific literature on medication administered through tubes and knowledge of nurses on the subject.El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar los conocimientos del enfermero de la unidad de cuidados intensivos sobre las recomendaciones para la correcta administración de medicamentos por sonda nasogástrica y nasoentérica. Se trata de un estudio exploratorio-descriptivo y cuantitativo con 49 enfermeros en una unidad de cuidados intensivos de un hospital terciario, en la ciudad de Fortaleza, estado de Ceará, Brasil. 36,7% no prestan atención a las formas disponibles en el sector de farmacia en el momento de su utilización por sonda. El pilón de metal, madera o plástico fue el método más citado (42,86%) para triturar las formas sólidas prescritas. 32,65% dejan los fármacos en 20mL de agua hasta que se disuelvan. 65,3% atribuyen al médico la responsabilidad de decidir sobre la formulación y la correlación con la ubicación de la sonda en el tracto gastrointestinal. Los resultados indican que hay una diferencia entre la literatura para los medicamentos administrados por sonda y el conocimiento de los enfermeros sobre el tema.O estudo objetivou avaliar o conhecimento do enfermeiro de unidade de terapia intensiva sobre as recomendações para a correta administração de medicamentos, por sondas nasogástrica e nasoenteral. Estudo exploratório-descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa, realizado com 49 enfermeiros em uma unidade de terapia intensiva de um hospital terciário, localizado na cidade de Fortaleza, no Estado do Ceará, Brasil. Dos enfermeiros, 36,7% relataram não dar atenção às formas farmacêuticas disponibilizadas pelo setor de farmácia na hora da utilização por sonda. O pilão de metal, madeira ou plástico foi o método mais referido (42,86%) para triturar as formas sólidas prescritas. Sendo que 32,65% costuma deixar os fármacos em 20mL de água até dissolver, 65,3% atribuem ao médico a responsabilidade sobre a decisão da formulação farmacêutica e a correlação com a localização da sonda no trato gastrointestinal. Os achados apontam para diferença entre a literatura específica para medicamentos administrados por sonda e o conhecimento de enfermeiros sobre o assunto

    Expression of Stretch-Activated Two-Pore Potassium Channels in Human Myometrium in Pregnancy and Labor

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    Background: We tested the hypothesis that the stretch-activated, four-transmembrane domain, two pore potassium channels (K2P), TREK-1 and TRAAK are gestationally-regulated in human myometrium and contribute to uterine relaxation during pregnancy until labor. Methodology: We determined the gene and protein expression of K2P channels in non-pregnant, pregnant term and preterm laboring myometrium. We employed both molecular biological and functional studies of K2P channels in myometrial samples taken from women undergoing cesarean delivery of a fetus. Principal Findings: TREK-1, but not TREK-2, channels are expressed in human myometrium and significantly up-regulated during pregnancy. Down-regulation of TREK-1 message was seen by Q-PCR in laboring tissues consistent with a role for TREK-1 in maintaining uterine quiescence prior to labor. The TRAAK channel was unregulated in the same women. Blockade of stretch-activated channels with a channel non-specific tarantula toxin (GsMTx-4) or the more specific TREK-1 antagonist L-methionine ethyl ester altered contractile frequency in a dose-dependent manner in pregnant myometrium. Arachidonic acid treatment lowered contractile tension an effect blocked by fluphenazine. Functional studies are consistent with a role for TREK-1 in uterine quiescence. Conclusions: We provide evidence supporting a role for TREK-1 in contributing to uterine quiescence during gestation an

    Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterases and Compartmentation in Normal and Diseased Heart

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    International audienceCyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs) degrade the second messengers cAMP and cGMP, thereby regulating multiple aspects of cardiac function. This highly diverse class of enzymes encoded by 21 genes encompasses 11 families which are not only responsible for the termination of cyclic nucleotide signalling, but are also involved in the generation of dynamic microdomains of cAMP and cGMP controlling specific cell functions in response to various neurohormonal stimuli. In myocardium, the PDE3 and PDE4 families are predominant to degrade cAMP and thereby regulate cardiac excitation-contraction coupling. PDE3 inhibitors are positive inotropes and vasodilators in human, but their use is limited to acute heart failure and intermittent claudication. PDE5 is particularly important to degrade cGMP in vascular smooth muscle, and PDE5 inhibitors are used to treat erectile dysfunction and pulmonary hypertension. However, these drugs do not seem efficient in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. There is experimental evidence that these PDEs as well as other PDE families including PDE1, PDE2 and PDE9 may play important roles in cardiac diseases such as hypertrophy and heart failure. After a brief presentation of the cyclic nucleotide pathways in cardiac cells and the major characteristics of the PDE superfamily, this chapter will present their role in cyclic nucleotide compartmentation and the current use of PDE inhibitors in cardiac diseases together with the recent research progresses that could lead to a better exploitation of the therapeutic potential of these enzymes in the future
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