69 research outputs found

    Kreatywność i zaangażowanie rodziców we wczesną edukację dzieci w podejściu i filozofii Reggio Emilia

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    In the article the authors discuss the importance of parental creativity and involvement in early institutional education of a child on the example of Reggio Emilia educational method. Among the main aspects of this involvement are the quality of education, child support, cooperation between teachers and parents as well as a positive feedback. The authors of this paper also deal with one of the main aspects of early education—creativity and its importance for a child’s psychosocial development. The preschool curriculum has been designed for children of the preschool educational institutions to provide them with a rich learning experience and to help them to develop properly. Creative education starts at an early age, therefore kindergartens and families play a very important role in supporting and developing creativity in child’s everyday routine. It is stressed that being creative is primarily about taking initiatives and innovative behavior. These are the qualities required in contemporary society, especially by employers in private and public sectors. However, the process of involving parents in their child’s education starts at the preschool stage and plays the most important role in child’s socialization. It is also emphasized that if children feel the support of both educational subjects (teacher and parents) in the process of preschool education, they feel safer, more comfortable, and much more confident.W niniejszym artykule autorzy omawiają znaczenie kreatywności oraz zaangażowania rodziców we wczesną edukację instytucjonalną dziecka na przykładzie metody Reggio Emilia. Głównymi aspektami takiego zaangażowania są zapewnienie jakości edukacji, wsparcie dziecka, współpraca nauczycieli z rodzicami oraz pozytywna informacja zwrotna. Autorzy tego artykułu zajmują się również jednym z głównych aspektów wczesnej edukacji dziecka – kreatywnością i jej znaczeniem dla rozwoju psychospołecznego dziecka. Program nauczania przedszkolnego został opracowany dla dzieci w placówkach edukacji przedszkolnej, aby zapewnić im bogate doświadczenie edukacyjne i pomóc we właściwym rozwoju. Edukacja kreatywna rozpoczyna się od najmłodszych lat, dlatego przedszkola i rodziny odgrywają bardzo istotną rolę we wspieraniu i rozwijaniu kreatywności w codziennych sytuacjach rozwojowych dzieci. Podkreśla się, że bycie kreatywnym polega przede wszystkim na podejmowaniu inicjatyw i innowacyjnych zachowań. Są to cechy wymagane we współczesnym społeczeństwie, zwłaszcza przez pracodawców w sektorze prywatnym i publicznym. Jednak proces angażowania rodziców w edukację dziecka zaczyna się już na etapie przedszkolnym i odgrywa najważniejszą rolę także w socjalizacji dziecka. Podkreśla się również, że jeśli dzieci czują wsparcie obu podmiotów wychowania (nauczyciela i rodziców) w procesie wychowania przedszkolnego, czują się bezpieczniej, bardziej komfortowo i dużo pewniej

    Global pandemics and the businesses in Lithuania

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    This publication analyzes the situation of businesses in the context of global pandemics. Business is an integral part of everyday life, facing risks and challenges daily, and in rare cases, such as pandemics and quarantine. Therefore, it is necessary for companies to have a contingency plan in place to deal with unexpected or expected challenges, i.e. what activities it would be possible to reorient to, how to perform activities by working remotely etc. Both the public sector and the private sector are closely interlinked. And every new environmental factor, be it state regulation, technological development, or the changing needs of humanity, and in this case, pandemic and quarantine, affects business in one way or another and leads to the success of some, the failure of others. At present, the coronavirus Covid-19, which is spreading all over the world, and the quarantine introduced in many countries are of great importance to business. This paper also presents a small-scale qualitative research data showing the impact on different types of businesses in Lithuania. The main scope of this paper is measuring the level of impact of the pandemic COVID-19 for businesses in Lithuania. Methods were used as follows: i) analysis, comparison and interpretation of scientific literature and documents; ii) qualitative approach applying structured interview with selected leaders/managers of the companies in Lithuania

    Virtualios mokymosi aplinkos: naujos mokymosi politikos strategijos modeliavimas

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    The paper examines the modelling dimension of the virtual teaching/learning environment and its implementation practices. Changing trends of the educational processes become apparent; thus, it is necessary to reflect and justify the contours of modeling the virtual educational environment. When looking for new ways of conceptualizing teaching/learning strategies, it is especially important to understand the inclusive, enabling context of the open learning spaces, to adequately assess the content elements and to predict the possible characteristics of their expression in the context of inclusive and sustainable economy. In this paper, the process of modeling the virtual learning environment is analyzed using reflexive approaches. It is stressed that the aim of the new education policy strategy is to create learning environments that enable people of different talents and interests to receive appropriate learning, adapt to different life situations and goals, and reconcile, say, formal learning and self-education. Qualitative data is presented along with both teachers’ and educational experts’ attitudes.Straipsnyje nagrinėjama virtualios mokymo(si) aplinkos modeliavimo dimensija ir jos įgyvendinimo praktika. Išryškėja besikeičiančios ugdymo tendencijos, todėl būtina atspindėti ir pagrįsti virtualios ugdymo aplinkos modeliavimo kontūrus. Ieškant naujų mokymo(si) strategijų konceptualizavimo būdų, ypač svarbu suvokti įtraukų, įgalinantį atvirų mokymosi erdvių kontekstą, adekvačiai įvertinti ugdymo turinio elementus ir numatyti galimas jų raiškos ypatybes įtraukiojo mokymosi kontekste. Straipsnyje refleksyviais metodais analizuojamas virtualios mokymosi aplinkos modeliavimas. Pabrėžiama, kad naujosios švietimo politikos strategijos tikslas – sukurti mokymosi aplinką, kurioje skirtingų gabumų ir pomėgių žmonės galėtų tinkamai mokytis, prisitaikyti prie skirtingų gyvenimo situacijų ir tikslų, derinti, tarkime, formalųjį mokymąsi ir saviugdą. Pateikiant kokybinius duomenis kartu pristatomi mokytojų ir švietimo ekspertų požiūriai bei vertinimas

    Šeimoje netektį patyrusių vaikų saviidentifikacijos poreikis kaip socializacijos veiksnys

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    Relation between loss in the family and child‘s socialization is stressed in many psychological and educational works Experienced loss is a very difficult matter for a child, who tries to internalize his/her family‘s traditions, values and also to form his/her identity – self I. Self identification in this article is mostly defined as a specific feature of children (age 7–11). On the one part it is self identification with other people, their groups, and satisfying the need to belong to some of those social groups on the emotional basis. On the other part it is quite a complicated psychological phenomenon, which helps to take some other person’s characteristics and perceive them as one’s own. The social interactions with others, especially with family members, is an important component of children’s identification to whom and also forming their self I. In other words, through membership the self-awareness and social identities are created, and also that reveals the individuality of a child’s interaction with him/herself and with others.It was stated that experienced loss in the family negatively affects self-identification processes: grieving children have more negative attitudes towards their home and parents, and also they do not feel so good while being at home. Besides, these children have also more negative than positive attitude towards school and their own status among peers (they have pointed out that nobody misses them when they are not in class, that they have no one to share their sadness or happiness with etc.). All that negatively affects these children’s openness, self-confidence, and self-control. The experienced loss has many negative effects on grieving children’s attitude towards themselves (they tend to think as having no friends at school, that it is difficult for them to find some new friends etc.).Socialinių mokslų (edukologijos) daktarasMykolo Romerio universitetoEdukacinės veiklos katedros lektoriusAteities g. 20, CR -254, LT-08303 VilniusTel. (8~5) 271 47 10El. paštas: [email protected] nagrinėjama šeimoje vienokią ar kitokią netektį patyrusių pradinių klasių mokinių saviidentifikacijos poreikis kaip vidinis veiksnys, sąlygojantis tolesnius šių mokinių socializacijos procesus. Empirinių duomenų pagrindu mėginama palyginti netektį patyrusių ir jos nepatyrusių vaikų požiūrį į savo namus ir tėvus, patirtą netektį šeimoje, taip pat jų požiūrį į savo mokyklą, kaip svarbius šių tiriamųjų saviidentifikacijos poreikio raiškos rodiklius. Kartu mėginama parodyti, kaip saviindifikacijos poreikio patenkinimas gali paveikti pradinių klasių vaikų, šeimoje patyrusių vienokią ar kitokią netektį, socialinių-dorinių vertybių internalizaciją, kaip jų socializacijos pamatą

    Šeimoje netektį patyrusių pradinių klasių mokinių vertybių internalizacijos raiška

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    Within this article we emphasize children's social-moral behavior as the basis of their socialization expression. The diagnostic research has shown some behavioral peculiarities on the level of internalized values of those primary school children, who have experienced the loss in the family. At the most of the times the identification processes for the grieving children are laden, and they are often linked to internalize those values that are not acceptable or preferable to the society they are living in. Also we have identified that most of the socialization researches do not pay much of attention to the grieving children's situation. Thus we tried to reveal some behavioural peculiarities of the grieving primary school children towards their gender and experienced loss. The data of the research has shown that girls, who have experienced loss in the family, could be characterized as less respectful to others, peaceful, sensible, and self-controlled than other girls or boys of the same age. Besides among the boys, who have faced the loss of a loving one, such the internalized values as sharing with others, initiation, and self-sufficiency are non-predominant. It was stated that grieving children's social-moral behavior according to some internalized values are less stable than those, who did not experience the loss. As the matter of fact, the research data has shown that the loss experience in the family affects children's social-moral behavior and their further relations with others (the meaningful statistic disparities were set as well).Straipsnyje aptariamas socializacijos ir vertybių internalizacijos ryšio problemiškumas. Nurodoma, kad socializacijos tyrimuose nepakankamai dėmesio skiriama netektį šeimoje patyrusių vaikų vertybių internalizacijos problemoms. Prieinama išvados, jog šiems vaikams yra sunkiau perimti visuomenei priimtinas socialines-dorovines vertybes ir taip yra apsunkinama jų socializacija. Be to, darbe atskleidžiamas netektį šeimoje patyrusių pradinių klasių mokinių socialinis-dorovinis elgesys, kaip jų socializacijos raiškos rodiklis. Diagnostinio tyrimo pagrindu atskleidžiami šių vaikų vertybių internalizacijos, kaip jų socializacijos pagrindo, ypatumai lyties ir patirtos netekties aspektais

    Netektį šeimoje patyrusių pradinių klasių mokinių statusas klasėje kaip jų socializacijos veiksnys

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    Within this paper the primary school grieving children's status in the classroom is discussed, and revealed. It is important to stress that the experienced losses in the family for those students are mainly divorce, parents' unemployment, and death of the parent or grandparent. On the basis of empirical data the children's status and their view to it are compared. Scilicet children's view into their status and the real status' fact in the classroom are main factors for those students' (especially the grieving ones) socialization: it was stated that there are more grieving children with lower status in the classroom than those who have not experienced any loss in the family (p < 0,002). Although it depends on what kind of activity was chosen to do with these students, e.g. Children, who have experienced loss in the family, sometimes have a higher status than their classmates, because of their compassion, openness etc. The differences between genders were found as well, i.e. both grieving and non-grieving boys have shown their lower status than the girls of the same age. The other important reveal in this research is this, that most of the children have had pointed their positive view to the status in the classroom and feel comfortable about it. However, children who have experienced parents' unemployment, divorce, and the death of a loved one, receive their status more negative than the others, and also feel uncomfortable about it. All that shows that experienced losses in the family in some ways have much negative influence for those students' status, and, as the consequence of this, it obviously refers to the negative view to the status. As the matter of fact, it aggravates such children's socialization in regard to value internalization, and self-identification with whom.Straipsnyje nagrinėjama pradinių klasių mokinių, patyrusių netektį šeimoje (tėvų skyrybas, jų nedarbą ir išvykimą dirbti svetur, vieno iš jų mirtį, senelių mirtį), statusas klasėje. Remiantis empiriniais duomenimis mėginama palyginti netektį patyrusių ir jos nepatyrusių pradinių klasių mokinių statusą klasėje bei atskleisti netektį patyrusių vaikų požiūrį į savo statusą. Būtent vaiko požiūris į savo statusą ir tai, koks jo tikrasis statusas klasėje, turi didelę įtaką šio amžiaus vaikų (ypač šeimoje patyrusių netektį) socializacijai

    Netekties teisiniai aspektai: šeimoje netektį patyrusio vaiko saugi klasės aplinka kaip jo palankesnės socializacijos veiksnys.

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    This paper deals with safety within the classroom for grieving primary school children, and the link between those two categories, safety and socialization, is also shown. The significance of feeling safe while in the classes is highly marked in this research, and, picking the indicators of a safe classroom, the classroom environment of grieving primary school children is revealed in this work. As C. Thornton conceptualizes, childhood is the time of learning from various experiences. This is the time, especially beginning with the school year, when a child develops cognitively, physically, and socially. Thus every single moment in childhood is useful, even though it were the loss of a loved one. The period from 7-11 years of age is mainly stressed as school life comes into a child’s social field. The school, in many ways, may compensate the grieving child’s socialization processes that are laden within non-full family. The relation between a loss in the family and a child’s socialization is stressed in many psychological and educational works. The loss experienced is a very difficult matter for a child, who tries to internalize his/her family’s traditions, values and also to form his/her identity. After the loss a child loses the object of identification with whom. As research shows, the need for identification, which is not satisfied can burden the value internalization as well. Put in other words, boys, who have lost their fathers and girls, who have lost their mothers, partly lose self-identification as a man and as a woman. [...]Straipsnyje pateikiama netekties teisinės situacijos analizė (bedarbystė, tėvų mirtis, skyrybos), saugios klasės aplinkos samprata ir išskiriami jos svarbesni rodikliai. Taip pat aptariama tokios aplinkos įtaka netektį šeimoje patyrusių jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų sočiaiizacijai ir apibūdinama šių mokinių klasės aplinka. Kaip žinia, socializaciją vaikystėje nulemia daugelis tiek išorinių, tiek ir vidinių veiksnių. Vienas iŠ tokių išorinių veiksnių yra mokykla, kuri, susidurdama su vaikų patiriamomis įvairiomis netektimis šeimoje, gali padėti, kuriant bei užtikrinant saugią klasės aplinką netektį patyrusiems mokiniams ir sykiu nors iš dalies kompensuoti šio saugumo nebūvimąją šeimose. Šio tyrimo metu atkreipiamas ypatingas dėmesys į vaikus, patyrusius šias netektis šeimoje - tėvų skyrybas, mirtis, jų išvykimą dirbti svetur ir jų bedarbystę, konfliktus šeimose, tėvystės teisių praradimą arba senelių mirtis bei kt. Be to, šiame straipsnyje mėginama parodyti tam tikras galimas pedagogines strategijas, padedančias sukurti saugią klasės aplinką

    Metacognitive Awareness in Iranian University Studies: An Overview for Future Direction

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    The purpose of this article is to overview and analyze the discourse pertaining to metacognitive awareness to disclose the trend, diversity of approaches and the complexity of the concept in Iranian university studies. A systematic literature review was performed to include 110 published papers between October 2011- August 2019 searched on Scopus and ERIC databases. Then, after meticulously reading the abstract, fifty articles were chosen for analysis. Finally, a total of twenty-two papers were considered in our study. The findings from this analysis reveal that the growing studies mostly are empirical and in the context of English as a foreign language when metacognitive awareness addresses the main objectives of the research. Besides, the themes which are associated with metacognitive awareness are language skills including reading, writing and listening, language learning strategies, lecturers’ attitudes, knowledge and practice, cross-cultural comparison, efficacy, components and model, technology, and problem-solving. Furthermore, the most prominent metacognitive practices are prompts, reflective writing, interactive-reflective activities, and modeling respectively. Moreover, three metacognitive awareness roles of measured quantitatively, measured qualitatively and instructional can be investigated. Since the most frequent role is metacognitive awareness measured quantitatively (questionnaire), researchers might wish to use various types of measurement to triangulate data from different sources to better understand the complex concept of metacognitive awareness. Based on the results of this overview, since studies are mostly on learners’ regulation of cognition not on the knowledge of cognition, it is recommended to delve deeper into the measurement of knowledge of cognition. A further study can be conducted to consider metacognitive training for lecturers which is absent in previous studies. The findings of this study might have implications for university lecturers and researchers in the field of teaching and learning to realize what has already been conducted and figure out an appropriate direction to what is still required to be carried out in future research

    Global pandemics and the businesses in Lithuania

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    CC BY-NC-SA 4.0This publication analyzes the situation of businesses in the context of global pandemics. Business is an integral part of everyday life, facing risks and challenges daily, and in rare cases, such as pandemics and quarantine. Therefore, it is necessary for companies to have a contingency plan in place to deal with unexpected or expected challenges, i.e. what activities it would be possible to reorient to, how to perform activities by working remotely etc. Both the public sector and the private sector are closely interlinked. And every new environmental factor, be it state regulation, technological development, or the changing needs of humanity, and in this case, pandemic and quarantine, affects business in one way or another and leads to the success of some, the failure of others. At present, the coronavirus Covid-19, which is spreading all over the world, and the quarantine introduced in many countries are of great importance to business. This paper also presents a small-scale qualitative research data showing the impact on different types of businesses in Lithuania. The main scope of this paper is measuring the level of impact of the pandemic COVID-19 for businesses in Lithuania. Methods were used as follows: i) analysis, comparison and interpretation of scientific literature and documents; ii) qualitative approach applying structured interview with selected leaders/managers of the companies in Lithuania

    Mokslinio tiriamojo darbo logografika studijoms

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    Mokomasis leidinys skirtas aukštųjų mokyklų socialinių mokslų (edukologijos, socialinio darbo, vaiko teisių apsaugos, vadybos, teisės specialybių) bakalauro bei magistro studijų programų studentams, taip pat visiems, kurie domisi mokslinio pažinimo būdais ir principais. Šioje mokomojoje knygoje vaizdinėmis priemonėmis (logografija) studentai glaustai supažindinami su mokslinio tyrimo logikos ir metodologijos (kiekybinio bei kokybinio tyrimų) specifika, procedūriniais reikalavimais ir svarbiausiais mokslo principais, ugdant gebėjimą pasirinkti tinkamą tyrimo strategiją konkrečių socialinių reiškinių analizei