11 research outputs found

    Innovation strategies of european utilities

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    En Europe, la transition énergétique du secteur électrique est unique à la fois d'un point de vue géographique et historique. D'une part, elle s'inscrit dans un double processus d'addition et de substitution technologique. Par ailleurs, elle appelle les électriciens à sortir du paradigme thermique et à mobiliser de nouvelles connaissances pour cela. L'objet de ce travail de recherche est de caractériser les stratégies d'innovation mises en œuvre au niveau des six plus importants groupes électriciens européens (EDF, Enel, Engie, E.ON, Iberdrola et RWE) et à l'échelle du secteur. En nous appuyant sur les brevets déposés entre 2007 et 2013 et sur les projets collaboratifs conduits dans le cadre du 7eme PCRD, nous analysons les stratégies technologiques qui concernent la direction du progrès et les stratégies d'acquisition des connaissances qui concernent la démarche mobilisée par les électriciens pour introduire les technologies bas carbone. Nous mettons en évidence qu'à l'échelle du secteur, les technologies d'addition sont privilégiées aux technologies de substitution et que ces dernières font l'objet d'une démarche d'ouverture moins marquée que les technologies d'addition. En outre, il apparaît que les électriciens les plus émetteurs ne sont pas ceux qui mobilisent une stratégie de substitution technologique la plus marquée. En revanche, ils mettent en œuvre une démarche d'ouverture la plus prononcée pour acquérir les nouvelles connaissances.In Europe, the energy transition of the power sector is unique both from a geographical and historical standpoint. First, it is part of a two-way process of technological addition and substitution. Furthermore, it calls power corporations to exit the thermal paradigm and, in this perspective, gain new knowledge. The purpose of this research work is to characterize the innovation strategies implemented by six of the major European power companies (EDF, Enel, Engie, E.ON, Iberdrola and RWE) and by the industry. Based on the registeted patents between 2007 and 2013 and collaborative projects conducted in the frameword of the 7th PCRD, we will analyze the technology strategies relating to direction of progress and strategies relating to knowledge acquisition implemented by power companies in order to introduce low carbon technologies. We will highlight that at industry level, addition technologies are favoured in comparison with substitution technologies. We will also demonstrate that the latter shall be less prone to an open approach than addition technologies. Moreover, it seems that power companies with the largest emissions are not those who develop the most significant technology substitution strategy. However, they carry out the most openness based strategy in order to gain new knowledge

    Transition énergétique : stratégies d'innovation des groupes électriques européens

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    In Europe, the energy transition of the power sector is unique both from a geographical and historical standpoint. First, it is part of a two-way process of technological addition and substitution. Furthermore, it calls power corporations to exit the thermal paradigm and, in this perspective, gain new knowledge. The purpose of this research work is to characterize the innovation strategies implemented by six of the major European power companies (EDF, Enel, Engie, E.ON, Iberdrola and RWE) and by the industry. Based on the registeted patents between 2007 and 2013 and collaborative projects conducted in the frameword of the 7th PCRD, we will analyze the technology strategies relating to direction of progress and strategies relating to knowledge acquisition implemented by power companies in order to introduce low carbon technologies. We will highlight that at industry level, addition technologies are favoured in comparison with substitution technologies. We will also demonstrate that the latter shall be less prone to an open approach than addition technologies. Moreover, it seems that power companies with the largest emissions are not those who develop the most significant technology substitution strategy. However, they carry out the most openness based strategy in order to gain new knowledge.En Europe, la transition énergétique du secteur électrique est unique à la fois d'un point de vue géographique et historique. D'une part, elle s'inscrit dans un double processus d'addition et de substitution technologique. Par ailleurs, elle appelle les électriciens à sortir du paradigme thermique et à mobiliser de nouvelles connaissances pour cela. L'objet de ce travail de recherche est de caractériser les stratégies d'innovation mises en œuvre au niveau des six plus importants groupes électriciens européens (EDF, Enel, Engie, E.ON, Iberdrola et RWE) et à l'échelle du secteur. En nous appuyant sur les brevets déposés entre 2007 et 2013 et sur les projets collaboratifs conduits dans le cadre du 7eme PCRD, nous analysons les stratégies technologiques qui concernent la direction du progrès et les stratégies d'acquisition des connaissances qui concernent la démarche mobilisée par les électriciens pour introduire les technologies bas carbone. Nous mettons en évidence qu'à l'échelle du secteur, les technologies d'addition sont privilégiées aux technologies de substitution et que ces dernières font l'objet d'une démarche d'ouverture moins marquée que les technologies d'addition. En outre, il apparaît que les électriciens les plus émetteurs ne sont pas ceux qui mobilisent une stratégie de substitution technologique la plus marquée. En revanche, ils mettent en œuvre une démarche d'ouverture la plus prononcée pour acquérir les nouvelles connaissances

    Dispositif d'étude du transfert de charge dans un système de sol compressible renforcé par inclusions rigides sur modèle réduit centrifugé

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    Un sol compressible renforcé par inclusions rigides verticales est surmonté d'un matelas granulaire de report de charge dans lequel se développent des transfert de charge par cisaillement. Via des essais sur modèle réduit centrifugé, les mécanismes de ces transferts vont être étudiés dans une configuration 3D pour différentes hauteurs de matelas, correspondant au cas d'ouvrages de type dallage ou remblai. Un dispositif expérimental original, en conception au LCPC, est présenté ainsi que le plan d'expérience

    Centrifuge modelling of 3D load transfer in reinforced soft soils

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    The behaviour of soft soils reinforced by stiff vertical piles is being studied by 3D experiments on reduced-scale centrifuge models, considering an elementary group. The behaviour of either embankments or floor slabs supported by reinforced soft soils will be investigated, using two original devises, regarding 1) the geometry of the mesh and mattress, and 2) the mechanisms of arching in the mattress with a controlled settlement device. Finally, the granular mattress an soft soil are physically and mechanically characterized

    Design of an instrumented model pile for axial cyclic loading

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    To study the behavior of a pile foundation under a cyclic axial loading, an instrumented pile was developed for centrifuge tests. The design of the instrumented pile takes into account some constraints due to centrifuge tests and allows us to install the pile in flight. The instrumentation of the pile permits the measure of the skin friction at five depths and the tip resistance. Some static and cyclic tests have been made and show the efficiency of the instrumented pile in capturing the main features of the pile behavior under axial loading

    Mobile tray for simulation of 3D load transfer in pile-supported earth platforms

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    A composite foundation made of reinforced soft soil surmounted with a load transfer platform displays mechanisms such as arching in this mattress. In order to study the parameters of the mattress, such as its density, its nature, its particle size distribution, its height and the influence of the distance between the vertical stiff inclusions, the soft soil is being replaced by a perforated tray, which moves vertically. A detailed description of the mobile tray device is presented, with some preliminary results from a sandy mattress

    Inclusions rigides en centrifugeuse : développement d'un dispositif expérimental à plateau mobile

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    Les inclusions rigides sont de plus en plus utilisées pour le renforcement des sols compressibles sous des ouvrages en génie civil. Les charges sont transférées sur les inclusions via un matelas constitué de matériau granulaire ou de sol traité. Afin d'étudier les mécanismes de transfert des charges, un dispositif embarqué en centrifugeuse a été développé

    Modeling amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in pure human iPSc-derived motor neurons isolated by a novel FACS double selection technique

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    International audienceAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a severe and incurable neurodegenerative disease. Human motor neurons generated from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSc) offer new perspectives for disease modeling and drug testing in ALS. In standard iPSc-derived cultures, however, the two major phenotypic alterations of ALS--degeneration of motor neuron cell bodies and axons--are often obscured by cell body clustering, extensive axon criss-crossing and presence of unwanted cell types. Here, we succeeded in isolating 100% pure and standardized human motor neurons by a novel FACS double selection based on a p75(NTR) surface epitope and an HB9::RFP lentivirus reporter. The p75(NTR)/HB9::RFP motor neurons survive and grow well without forming clusters or entangled axons, are electrically excitable, contain ALS-relevant motor neuron subtypes and form functional connections with co-cultured myotubes. Importantly, they undergo rapid and massive cell death and axon degeneration in response to mutant SOD1 astrocytes. These data demonstrate the potential of FACS-isolated human iPSc-derived motor neurons for improved disease modeling and drug testing in ALS and related motor neuron diseases

    AORA - Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance - Marine Microbiome Roadmap

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    “The Science We Need For The Ocean We Want.” We are on the threshold of a new and exciting era of discovery in the oceans that will shape the development of human endeavours for decades to come. New insights on the significance of the microscopic scale of ocean life has shown this level affects almost every aspect of our lives (health, food, industry, ecosystems). For society’s future, we need to investigate the science of marine microbiomes, integrate the novel technologies discovered and initiate policies that foster truly sustainable marine development. The United Nations will dedicate the next decade to Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. The Decade’s vision and mission are consistent with the objective of the Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance (AORA) between the European Union, Canada and the United States, that is to “advance the shared vision of an Atlantic Ocean that is healthy, resilient, safe, productive, understood and treasured, to promote the well-being, prosperity and security of the Atlantic for present and future generations”. Relevant to the missions of both AORA and the Decade, here, we outline how the marine microbiome is at the heart of the ocean as a living system, driving its nutrient and biogeochemical cycles, forming the basis of its food webs, performing essential and yet unknown functions in climate regulation, including buffering the effects of global change. Furthermore, the oceans are a largely untapped resource for biodiscovery and the bioeconomy, with a high potential for the development of new products and processes. To ensure early coordination and interoperability guided by a shared vision, we need to bring together science, industry and policy makers to advance the “Next Great Exploration of the Oceans”. The following Roadmap is the result of an international cooperative effort between the United States, Canada, and the European Union produced within the AORA framework and consistent with the Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation. Within the marine microbiome Roadmap, three thematic pillars have been identified by AORA scientists and policy makers, all supported with underlying cross-cutting elements: Environment and Climate, Food Value Chain and Biodiscovery