5,973 research outputs found

    An Extended Radio Counterpart of TeV J2032+4130?

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    We carried out a 5-pointing mosaic observation of TeV J2032+4130 at 1.4 and 4.8 GHz with the VLA in April of 2003. The analysis of the 4.8GHz data indicate weak wispy shell-like radio structure(s) which are at least partially non-thermal. The radio data is compatible with one or more young supernova remnants or perhaps the signature of large scale cluster shocks in this region induced by the violent action of the many massive stars in Cyg OB2.Comment: Proc. 1st GLAST Symp. Feb 5-8, 2007, Stanford C

    Design and Analysis of Even-Positioned Cavity - Based Optical Amplification Device in Dielectric Metasurface

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    Recently, the development in the field of optical technology is exemplary, specifically relating to the design of the components necessary for optical integrated circuits. This research work investigates optical amplification action in a 2D Photonic Crystals (PhCs) structure with variable radius even-positioned PhC-cavity within its lattice. Twooptical signals are used, first acting as data signals coupled into the optical structure using the phenomenon of the Guided-mode-resonances (GMR) and the second one as a pump signal index-guided into the optical structure. The pump signal is used to amplify the data signal and the PhC-cavity is used for spectral tuning of the device operating in near-infrared (NIR) range. The dielectric structure consists of an optical waveguide packed in between the substrate and a cladding layer. The design and analysis of the proposed device is performed in a Finite-Difference-Time-Domain (FDTD) based open-source software package. The investigated results present optical amplific

    Multi-heme Cytochromes in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1:Structures, functions and opportunities

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    Multi-heme cytochromes are employed by a range of microorganisms to transport electrons over distances of up to tens of nanometers. Perhaps the most spectacular utilization of these proteins is in the reduction of extracellular solid substrates, including electrodes and insoluble mineral oxides of Fe(III) and Mn(III/IV), by species of Shewanella and Geobacter. However, multi-heme cytochromes are found in numerous and phylogenetically diverse prokaryotes where they participate in electron transfer and redox catalysis that contributes to biogeochemical cycling of N, S and Fe on the global scale. These properties of multi-heme cytochromes have attracted much interest and contributed to advances in bioenergy applications and bioremediation of contaminated soils. Looking forward there are opportunities to engage multi-heme cytochromes for biological photovoltaic cells, microbial electrosynthesis and developing bespoke molecular devices. As a consequence it is timely to review our present understanding of these proteins and we do this here with a focus on the multitude of functionally diverse multi-heme cytochromes in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1. We draw on findings from experimental and computational approaches which ideally complement each other in the study of these systems: computational methods can interpret experimentally determined properties in terms of molecular structure to cast light on the relation between structure and function. We show how this synergy has contributed to our understanding of multi-heme cytochromes and can be expected to continue to do so for greater insight into natural processes and their informed exploitation in biotechnologies

    The role of mediation in solving medical disputes in China

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    BACKGROUND Medical litigation represents a growing cost to healthcare systems. Mediation, arbitration, and other alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods are increasingly used to help solve the disputes and improve healthcare satisfaction. In China, the increasing number of medical disputes has contributed to concern for the safety of physicians and mistrust between physician and patients resulting in ADR processes being established in several provinces in recent years. Our aim was to describe and explain the impact of this new mediation process in the Chinese healthcare system. METHODS Our study investigated mediation practices in China using case-level data from 5614 mediation records in Guangdong Province between 2013 and 2015. We investigated how the resolution success as well as the compensations are associated with the case characteristics using regression analysis. RESULTS Among the cases analyzed, 1995 (41%) were solved with agreement through mediation, 1030 were closed by reconciliation, 559 were closed by referring to court and 1017 cases were withdrawn after mediation. Five hundred five Yinao cases were solved with the help of mediators on the spot. We find that mediation solved about 90% of medical disputes under present mechanisms, while more police support is needed to cope with Yinao. The average compensation of mediation is CNY60,200 and average length of mediation is 87 days. Longer time taken to reach resolution and more money claimed by patients are associated with lower resolution success rate (p < 0.01) and higher compensation levels (p < 0.01). CONCLUSION Our results show the performance of mediation mechanisms in China to help solve medical disputes. ADR plays a role in reducing the need for initiating litigation and may ultimately increase satisfaction with the healthcare system

    Deeper Chandra Follow-up of Cygnus TeV Source Perpetuates Mystery

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    A 50 ksec Chandra observation of the unidentified TeV source in Cygnus reported by the HEGRA collaboration reveals no obvious diffuse X-ray counterpart. However, 240 Pointlike X-ray sources are detected within or nearby the extended TeV J2032+4130 source region, of which at least 36 are massive stars and 2 may be radio emitters. That the HEGRA source is a composite, having as counterpart the multiple point-like X-ray sources we observe, cannot be ruled out. Indeed, the distribution of point-like X-ray sources appears non-uniform and concentrated broadly within the extent of the TeV source region. We offer a hypothesis for the origin of the very high energy gamma-ray emission in Cyg OB2 based on the local acceleration of TeV range cosmic rays and the differential distribution of OB vs. less massive stars in this association.Comment: Substantially revised version; incorporates referee suggestions & expanded discussio

    Early Chandra X-ray Observations of Eta Carinae

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    Sub-arcsecond resolution Chandra observations of Eta Carinae reveal a 40 arcsec X 70 arcsec ring or partial shell of X-ray emission surrounding an unresolved, bright, central source. The spectrum of the central source is strongly absorbed and can be fit with a high-temperature thermal continuum and emission lines. The surrounding shell is well outside the optical/IR bipolar nebula and is coincident with the Outer Shell of Eta Carinae. The X-ray spectrum of the Shell is much softer than that of the central source. The X-ray Shell is irregular and only correlates well with optical features where a bright X-ray knot coincides with a bright feature of the Outer Shell. Implications for the binary model of the central source are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, accepted by Ap

    Thermal Characterization of Dynamic Silicon Cantilever Array Sensors by Digital Holographic Microscopy

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    In this paper, we apply a digital holographic microscope (DHM) in conjunction with stroboscopic acquisition synchronization. Here, the temperature-dependent decrease of the first resonance frequency (S1(T)) and Young’s elastic modulus (E1(T)) of silicon micromechanical cantilever sensors (MCSs) are measured. To perform these measurements, the MCSs are uniformly heated from T0 = 298 K to T = 450 K while being externally actuated with a piezo-actuator in a certain frequency range close to their first resonance frequencies. At each temperature, the DHM records the time-sequence of the 3D topographies for the given frequency range. Such holographic data allow for the extracting of the out-of-plane vibrations at any relevant area of the MCSs. Next, the Bode and Nyquist diagrams are used to determine the resonant frequencies with a precision of 0.1 Hz. Our results show that the decrease of resonance frequency is a direct consequence of the reduction of the silicon elastic modulus upon heating. The measured temperature dependence of the Young’s modulus is in very good accordance with the previously-reported values, validating the reliability and applicability of this method for micromechanical sensing applications