40,059 research outputs found

    Protective telescoping shield for solar concentrator

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    An apparatus is described for use with a solar concentrator such as a parabolic dish which concentrates sunlight onto a small opening of a solar receiver, for protecting the receiver in the event of a system failure that could cause concentrated sunlight to damage the receiver. The protective apparatus includes a structure which can be moved to a stowed position where it does not block sunlight, to a deployed position. In this position, the structure forms a tube which substantially completely surrounds an axis connecting the receiver opening to the center of the concentrator at locations between the receiver and the concentrator

    Tackifier for addition polyimides

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    A modification to the addition polyimide, LaRC-160, was prepared to improve tack and drape and increase prepeg out-time. The essentially solventless, high viscosity laminating resin is synthesized from low cost liquid monomers. The modified version takes advantage of a reactive, liquid plasticizer which is used in place of solvent and helps solve a major problem of maintaining good prepeg tack and drape, or the ability of the prepeg to adhere to adjacent plies and conform to a desired shape during the lay up process. This alternate solventless approach allows both longer life of the polymer prepeg and the processing of low void laminates. This approach appears to be applicable to all addition polyimide systems

    C-Cl Bond Fission, Hcl Elimination, And Secondary Radical Decomposition In The 193 Nm Photodissociation Of Allyl Chloride

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    The primary photodissociation dynamics of allyl chloride upon excitation at 193 nm is investigated in a crossed laser-molecular beam scattering apparatus. Tunable vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photoionization of the products provides a unique ability to learn about the secondary reaction products of the nascent photoproducts formed. The data show evidence for four significant primary reaction channels: a previously unidentified low kinetic energy C-Cl bond fission channel producing unstable allyl radicals, an excited state C-Cl bond fission channel producing Cl atoms with high translational energy, an HCl elimination pathway releasing significant energy to product translation to HCl and its momentum-matched mass 40 partner, and an HCl elimination channel producing low kinetic energy HCl products and predominantly unstable mass 40 products. The measured branching of these primary reaction channels of [all C-Cl] : [fast C-Cl] : [slow C-Cl] : [fast HCl] : [slow HCl] : [all HCl] is 1.00: 0.971: 0.029: 0.291: 0.167: 0.458 (where fast refers to the high recoil kinetic energy channels). The high internal energy allyl radicals formed in the slow C-Cl fission pathway of allyl chloride further dissociate/isomerize, as do the unstable mass 40 products formed in the HCl elimination pathways, and these products are investigated. Photoionization efficiency (PIE) curves of the HCl product suggest that a three-centered elimination mechanism contributes significantly to an observed HCl elimination reaction. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics

    SOFIP: A Short Orbital Flux Integration Program

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    A computer code was developed to evaluate the space radiation environment encountered by geocentric satellites. The Short Orbital Flux Integration Program (SOFIP) is a compact routine of modular compositions, designed mostly with structured programming techniques in order to provide core and time economy and ease of use. The program in its simplest form produces for a given input trajectory a composite integral orbital spectrum of either protons or electrons. Additional features are available separately or in combination with the inclusion of the corresponding (optional) modules. The code is described in detail, and the function and usage of the various modules are explained. A program listing and sample outputs are attached

    Particle-size characteristics of the vertical dust profiles of two contrasting dust events in the Channel Country of western Queensland, Australia

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    Spatial and temporal variations in vegetation and soil surface conditions of rangelands add a level of complexity to wind erosion processes which is often difficult to model or measure. Butler and colleagues have developed a methodology which combines computer simulation and experimental measurement to analyse how spatial and temporal changes in dust source area emission rates and atmospheric conditions affect vertical dust concentration profiles during wind erosion events in the Queensland Channel Country. This methodology has not, however, taken into account how variations in dust source area particle-size can affect vertical dust concentration profiles. The present paper examines how the particle-size characteristics of dust source soils affect both vertical dust concentration profiles and the vertical distribution of particle-sizes in two contrasting wind erosion events in the Queensland Channel Country. Comparisons are made between computer simulations of these events and the results of field measurements (of vertical dust concentration profiles) and laboratory measurements (of dust particle-size). Computer simulations of the particle-size emissions from the different dust source areas during the two events produce vertical distributions of dust particle-sizes which are similar to the measured dust particle-sizes for these events. These results indicate that erodibility-induced spatial and temporal variations in particle-size emissions of dust source areas have important influences upon: dust fluxes, vertical dust concentration profiles and the vertical distribution of dust particle-sizes within these profile

    ‘Hey, you stylized woman there!’: An uncomfortable reflexive account of performative practices in the field

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    This article presents an uncomfortable reflexive account of a feminist poststructuralist research project on young women in Lagos, Nigeria who dress in what I call “hyper-feminine style.” It reflects on the messy processes by which I framed the research and recruited participants, and considers how the women who did or did not eventually take part exercised agency to resist the terms of my address. The article illustrates the usefulness of Butler’s (1997a) theoretical notions of “excitable discourse” and “performative interpellation” for poststructuralist reflexive practice, concerning as they do the unpredictable political and ontological effects of what one says and does

    Finger extensor variability in TMS parameters among chronic stroke patients

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    BACKGROUND: This study determined the reliability of topographic motor cortical maps and MEP characteristics in the extensor digitorum communis (EDC) evoked by single-pulse TMS among patients with chronic stroke. METHODS: Each of ten patients was studied on three occasions. Measures included location of the EDC hotspot and center of gravity (COG), threshold of activation and average amplitude of the hotspot, number of active sites, map volume, and recruitment curve (RC) slope. RESULTS: Consistent intrahemispheric measurements were obtained for the three TMS mapping sessions for all measured variables. No statistically significant difference was observed between hemispheres for the number of active sites, COG distance or the RC slope. The magnitude and range of COG movement between sessions were similar to those reported previously with this muscle in able-bodied individuals. The average COG movement over three sessions in both hemispheres was 0.90 cm. The average COG movement in the affected hemisphere was 1.13 (± 0.08) cm, and 0.68 (± 0.04) cm) for the less affected hemisphere. However, significant interhemispheric variability was seen for the average MEP amplitude, normalized map volume, and resting motor threshold. CONCLUSION: The physiologic variability in some TMS measurements of EDC suggest that interpretation of TMS mapping data derived from hemiparetic patients in the chronic stage following stroke should be undertaken cautiously. Irrespective of the muscle, potential causes of variability should be resolved to accurately assess the impact of pharmacological or physical interventions on cortical organization as measured by TMS among patients with stroke

    A knowledge-based flight status monitor for real-time application in digital avionics systems

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    The Dryden Flight Research Facility of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Ames Research Center (Ames-Dryden) is the principal NASA facility for the flight testing and evaluation of new and complex avionics systems. To aid in the interpretation of system health and status data, a knowledge-based flight status monitor was designed. The monitor was designed to use fault indicators from the onboard system which are telemetered to the ground and processed by a rule-based model of the aircraft failure management system to give timely advice and recommendations in the mission control room. One of the important constraints on the flight status monitor is the need to operate in real time, and to pursue this aspect, a joint research activity between NASA Ames-Dryden and the Royal Aerospace Establishment (RAE) on real-time knowledge-based systems was established. Under this agreement, the original LISP knowledge base for the flight status monitor was reimplemented using the intelligent knowledge-based system toolkit, MUSE, which was developed under RAE sponsorship. Details of the flight status monitor and the MUSE implementation are presented

    Student Evaluation of Teaching: The Inequity of Faculty Scores in Online versus Face-to-Face Courses

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    Researchers have conducted a multitude of studies over the last century on Student Evaluations of Teaching (SET); however, very few have been conducted in the new digital age (Loveland, 2007). More work is in progress as researchers try to define the differences in student responses and thoughts about the online teaching environment. The unfortunate side of this can be the administrative decision to use a one-size-fits-all mentality when many authors including Dziuban and Moskal (2011) have outlined several research-based alternatives for evaluation of online instructional effectiveness. SETs are important to faculty because they often are the determining factor in merit pay and tenure/promotion. Faculty use SETs to guide decision-making about their curriculum and instructional strategies used to deliver the course (Sheehan & DuPrey, 1999). The power of the SET is recognized as a driving force in academia. What are often not discussed are the differences between SET for face-to-face courses versus SET for online courses

    A site-specific standard for comparing dynamic solar ultraviolet protection characteristics of established tree canopies

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    A standardised procedure for making fair and comparable assessments of the ultraviolet protection of an established tree canopy that takes into account canopy movement and the changing position of the sun is presented for use by government, planning, and environmental health authorities. The technique utilises video image capture and replaces the need for measurement by ultraviolet radiometers for surveying shade quality characteristics of trees growing in public parks, playgrounds and urban settings. The technique improves upon tree shade assessments that may be based upon single measurements of the ultraviolet irradiance observed from a fixed point of view. The presented technique demonstrates how intelligent shade audits can be conducted without the need for specialist equipment, enabling the calculation of the Shade Protection Index (SPI) and Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) for any discreet time interval and over a full calendar year