48 research outputs found

    Study on breast carcinoma Her2/neu and hormonal receptors status assessed by automated images analysis systems: ACIS III (Dako) and ScanScope (Aperio).

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    Her-2/neu is overexpressed in 20-30% of breast cancer patients and is associated with a more aggressive disease. Identification of Her-2/c-erbB-2-neu overexpression is based on immunohistochemical [ihc] detection of protein and/or gene amplification in fluorescence in situ hybridization test (FISH). Also Estrogen receptors [ER] and Progesterone receptors [PR] are the prognostic and predictive biomarkers, recently analysed by ihc methods. Subjective, manual scoring of the ihc Her-2/neu expression and expression of the ER/PR reported as the percentage of immunopositive cells are the most common mode of interpretation among pathologists. Automated microscopy and computerised processing have provided increased accuracy in quantification and standardisation. The aims of our study were: to evaluate the scoring reproducibility of Her-2 /neu ihc expression tested by two automated systems: ACIS (Dako) and ScanScope (Aperio); to estimate the ER/PR expression in ihc staining methods with different anti-ER/anti-PR antibodies (the monoclonal and the ER/PR pharmDx TM Kit) by the ACIS system. Her-2/neu ihc expression was measured in 114 primary invasive breast carcinomas by the manual and the automated scoring (ACIS and Aperio system). 106 slides stained ihc with two types of anti-ER/anti-PR antibodies entered the quantisation. The results of our investigations showed very high reproducibility of Her-2/neu scores in intra- and interobserver analysis by ACIS evaluation. The major concordance was present in strong 3+ ihc cases; very small discordance was shown by cases with low expression of Her-2/neu. The accuracy of scoring by the Aperio was little lower in comparison to ACIS but it might result from the smaller and variable series of samples analysed by Aperio. The concordance in scoring of two automated systems was 86.5% (

    Food Insecurity Prevalence Across Diverse Sites During COVID-19: A Year of Comprehensive Data

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    Key Findings NFACT includes 18 study sites in 15 states as well as a national poll, collectively representing a sample size of more than 26,000 people. Some sites have implemented multiple survey rounds, here we report results from 22 separate surveys conducted during the year since the COVID-19 pandemic began in March 2020. 18 out of 19 surveys in 14 sites with data for before and since the pandemic began found an increase in food insecurity since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic as compared to before the pandemic. In nearly all surveys (18/19) that measured food insecurity both before and during the pandemic, more Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) were classified as food insecure during the pandemic as compared to before it began. Prevalence of food insecurity for BIPOC respondents was higher than the overall population in the majority of surveys (19/20) sampling a general population. In almost all surveys (21/22), the prevalence of food insecurity for households with children was higher than the overall prevalence of food insecurity. Food insecurity prevalence was higher for households experiencing a negative job impact during the pandemic (i.e. job loss, furlough, reduction in hours) in nearly all surveys and study sites (21/22). Food insecurity prevalence in most sites was significantly higher before COVID-19 than estimates from that time period. Reporting a percent change between pre and during COVID-19 prevalence may provide additional information about the rate of change in food insecurity since the start of the pandemic, which absolute prevalence of food insecurity may not capture. Results highlight consistent trends in food insecurity outcomes since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, across diverse study sites, methodological approaches, and time

    Analysis of induced births.

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    1.StreszczenieCel pracy: Celem pracy była analiza przebiegu porodów indukowanych. Materiały i metody: Analizie poddano 50 pacjentek, u których przeprowadzono preindukcje i indukcje porodu w Klinice Położnictwa i Perinatologii Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego w Krakowie w okresie od 1.01.2012 do 25.02.2012 roku. W analizie uwzględniono: wiek pacjentek, przeszłość położniczą, wskazania do zastosowania preindukcji i indukcji, czas trwania poszczególnych okresów porodu i powikłania ze strony matki i dziecka jakie wystąpiły podczas porodu. Kryteriami włączenia do badań były położenie podłużne główkowe płodu i ciąża pojedyncza. U pacjentek tych stosowano żel Prepidil, który podawany był do szyjki macicy, cewnik Foleya, a także podawano w infuzji dożylnej 5 j. oksytocyny.Wyniki: Najczęstszymi wskazaniami do indukcji porodu są stan po odpłynięciu płynu owodniowego i brak akcji skurczowej mięśnia macicy. Wskazanie to stanowi 38% wszystkich porodów. Na drugi miejscu jako wskazanie do indukcji porodu znalazła się cukrzyca. Analizowano również sposób zakończenia indukcji. Drogą pochwową odbyły się 32 porody, a 18 indukcji zakończyło się cięciem cesarskim. 77,7% cięć cesarskich zostało wykonane u pierwiastek. Najczęstszą metodą indukcji porodu jest wlew z 5j. oksytocyny i metoda ta była stosowana 88%. Powikłania związane z indukcją porodu wystąpiły u 5 pacjentek.Wnioski: 1.Najczęstszym wskazaniem do indukcji porodu jest stan po odpłynięciu płynu owodniowego i brak samoistnej akcji skurczowej mięśnia macicy.2.Porody indukowane częściej są zakończone cięciem cesarskim u pierworódek, a głównym wskazanie do zakończenia porodu taką drogą jest brak postępu porodu.3.Szansa na skuteczną indukcję porodu jest większa w grupie wieloródek niż pierworódek.4.Wlew z 5 j oksytocyny dożylnie jest najczęściej stosowaną farmakologiczną metodą indukcji porodu w Szpitalu Uniwersyteckim w Krakowie, w celu preindukcji porodu stosowany jest żel Prepidil. Jako niefarmaklogiczną metodę indukcji porodu stosuje się cewnik Foleya.SummaryAim: The aim of this study was to analyze the course of induced births. Materials and Methods: Data analysis concern 50 women undergoing the preinduction and induction of labor at the Department of Obstetrics and Perinatology, University Hospital in Cracow during the period from 01.01.2012 to 02.25.2012 year. The analysis includes: patient age, obstetric history, indications for preinduction and induction, the duration of individual periods of childbirth and complications of the mother and child that occurred during childbirth. Inclusion criteria for studies were longitudinal cephalic position of the fetus and pregnant with one. Patients applied the gel Prepidil, which was given to the cervix, a Foley catheter, and given an intravenous infusion of 5 U of oxytocin. Results: The most common indication for induction of labor is the state after the departure of amniotic fluid but no uterine muscle contractions. This display represents 38% of all births. The second most common indication for induction of labor is diabetic. The study also included a follow up after the induction of labor. Cesarean sections occurred at a rate of 77% among primipara women. A common method of induction of labor is the infusion of 5 U oxytocin and this method was applied to 88%. Complications associated with the induction of labor occurred in 5 patients. Conclusions:1. The most common indication for induction of labor is the state after the departure of the amniotic fluid and the absence of spontaneous uterine contractions shares.2. Induced births are often completed in primiparas caesarean section, and the main indication for termination of labor is the lack of progress of labor.3. Chance for successful induction of labor is higher for multiparas than primiparas.4. The infusion of 5 U oxytocin intravenously is the most common pharmacological method of induction of labor at the University Hospital in Krakow, and for preinduction-delivery Prepidil gel is used. A non-pharmacological method of induction of labor includes using a Foley catheter

    The influence of state minimum wage increases on health and behavior

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2020Low and minimum wage work, prevalent in the United States, is a key driver of both income inequality and income-driven health disparities. Cities and states have increasingly moved to adopt higher minimum wages with the goal of closing the income gap and improving the economic well-being of their residents. Over the last decade, academics and policymakers alike have been interested in the influence of higher wage policies on health and behavior. To date the emerging evidence has been mixed and varies depending on the populations or outcomes under study. Few studies have evaluated the longitudinal relation between higher minimum wages and health or changes in behavior. Moreover, no prior study has explored whether this relation is modified by individual economic circumstances. We used the 1999 to 2017 biannual waves of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics to examine the association between minimum wage and health (obesity, hypertension, fair or poor self-reported health, and moderate psychological distress) and behavior (smoking, drinking, and physical activity) in working-age adults, both employed and unemployed. We used a difference-in-difference-in-differences model using modified Poisson regression to evaluate the association between a $1 increase in minimum wage (current and 2-year lagged) among adults with a high school education or less in the full sample and across racial/ethnic and gender strata. We also used a difference-in-differences regression restricted to those with a high school education or less to determine whether employment instability, as measured by prior-year weeks of unemployment and years of tenure the current employer, modified the influence of minimum wage on obesity and moderate psychological distress. These evaluations of potential effect measure modification were conducted in the full sample and stratified by gender. All models were adjusted for a full set of individual and state-level covariates. We also used state and year fixed effects and cluster robust standard errors to account for within state correlations. No association between minimum wage increases and health or health behavior was observed in the overall sample of working-age adults, employed and unemployed. Subgroup models suggested a marginal reduction in obesity risk (RR = 0.82, 95% CI = 1.03, 1.50) and a marginal increase in daily cigarette consumption (RR = 1.10, 95% CI = 1.01, 1.19) in non-Hispanic White men. Higher obesity risk was found in non-Hispanic White women (RR = 1.35, 95% CI = 1.12, 1.64) associated with 2-year lagged minimum wage. Both higher current (RR = 0.73, 95% CI = 0.54, 1.00) and 2-year lagged minimum wage (RR = 0.75, 95% CI = 0.56, 1.00) were also marginally associated with a reduced risk of moderate psychological distress in non-Hispanic White women. Higher current (RR = 1.19, 95% CI 1.02, 1.40) minimum wage was associated with an increased risk of fair or poor self-reported health in women of color. Estimates were robust to restriction to workers employed hourly at baseline. We also found imprecise but suggestive evidence that prior-year unemployment, but not duration of employment, may modify the relation between minimum wage, obesity, and moderate psychological distress with the greatest risk in those exposed to both high minimum wages and greater unemployment. While no relation was observed between minimum wage and health or behaviors overall, these results are suggestive of potential heterogeneity across race/ethnicity and gender strata. Our findings with respect to modification by employment instability highlight the importance of considering the economic circumstances of individuals when evaluating the relation between social and income policies, such as the minimum wage, and health

    Enforcement of payments regarding the remuneration for work

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    Artykuł dotyczy egzekucji z wynagrodzenia za pracę. Ma na celu wyjaśnienie mechanizmu jej działania. W związku z tym zawarto w nim podstawowe informację na temat obowiązków administracyjnych, czy też rodzajach egzekucji z należności pieniężnych. Istotnym wydało się także opisanie relacji pomiędzy przepisami ustawy egzekucyjnej a przepisami prawa pracy. Poruszono temat prawidłowego rozumienia pojęcia wynagrodzenia oraz jego składników na łamach przepisów egzekucyjnych oraz przepisów prawa pracy. Kolejna część zawiera szczegółowy opis przebiegu egzekucji oraz obowiązków organu egzekucyjnego i pracodawcy w tym zakresie. Sięgnięto także do regulacji prawa pracy w zakresie maksymalnych potrąceń z wynagrodzenia za pracę oraz przytoczono inne akty prawne dotyczące tego zagadnienia.The article describes the enforcement proceedings regarding the remuneration for work and aims to explain its mechanisms. Therefore, basic information about administrative obligations as well as types of enforcement of payments is included. It also seemed vital to describe relations between the provisions of the act on administrative enforcement proceedings and the labor law. The proper understanding of the term "remuneration" and its components under the provisions of the labor law and the enforcement proceedings are also presented. The next part includes detailed description of the enforcement proceedings, as well as the obligations of the enforcement authority and the employer within this matter. Moreover, legal regulations on the maximum deductions from remuneration for work were indicated, as well as the author quoted other acts of law regarding this subject matter

    Temp deposit

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    Wpływ COVID‐19 na ruch pasażerski w portach Gdańsk, Gdynia i Zespole Portów Szczecin‐Świnoujście

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    Pandemia COVID‐19 dotknęła wszystkie gałęzie przemysłu, powodując wielomilionowe straty i koszty. Wywołała także szkody na zdrowiu fizycznym oraz psychicznym. Nie oszczędziła również transportu morskiego, zamknięcie portów, kwarantanny statkowe jak i brak możliwości podmiany załogi siatkowej to tylko nieliczne problemy, z którymi zmagała się cała branża morska. W przeciwności do innych sektorów przemysłu nie została całkowicie zamrożona, ponieważ transport morski jest jednym z najważniejszych na świecie i od jego płynnego funkcjonowania zależy gospodarka światowa. Wszystkie restrykcje wpłynęły również na ruch i obsługę pasażerów na statkach w polskich portach. Celem tego artykułu jest porównanie ilość pasażerów, którzy korzystali z usług statków pasażerskich kursujących z trzech polskich portów: Port Gdańsk, Port Gdynia, Port Szczecin – Świnoujście, na przestrzeni ostatnich 10. Dane uzyskano z Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego. Pierwsze porównanie dotyczy lat przed wybuchem pandemii koronawirusa 2012–2019, a drugie uwzględnia lata 2020–2021, gdy pandemia osiąga swój szczyt. Przeanalizowano również jaki wpływ miał COVID‐19 na liczbę pasażerów obsłużonych przez ww. porty.The COVID‐19 pandemic affected all industries, causing multimillion losses and costs. It also caused damage to physical health and mental difficulties. Marine transport was not spread either, the closure of ports, ship quarantines and inability to swap the crew of vessels are just a few of the problems faced by the entire maritime industry. Unlike other industry sectors, it has not been frozen, because maritime transport is one of the most important in the world and the world economy depends on its smooth functioning. All restrictions also affect the maritime traffic and passenger service on vessels on Polish ports. The purpose of this article is to compare the number od passengers who used the services of passenger vessels which shuttle from tree Polish ports: Port of Gdańsk, Port of Gdynia, Port of Szczecin‐Świnoujście, over the last 10 years. The data and information were obtained from the Główny Urząd Statystyczny (GUS). The first comparison concerns the years before the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic 2012–2019 and the second considers the years 2020–2021 when the pandemic reaches its peak. The impact of COVID‐19 on the numbers of passengers serviced by above mentioned ports was also analyzed