5,764 research outputs found

    Resonance Contributions to η\eta Photoproduction on Protons Found Using Dispersion Relations and an Isobar Model

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    The contributions of the resonances D13(1520)D_{13}(1520), S11(1535)S_{11}(1535), S11(1650)S_{11}(1650), D15(1675)D_{15}(1675), F15(1680)F_{15}(1680), D13(1700)D_{13}(1700), P11(1710)P_{11}(1710), P13(1720)P_{13}(1720) to γpηp\gamma p\to \eta p are found from the data on cross sections, beam and target asymmetries using two approaches: fixed-t dispersion relations and an isobar model. Utilization of the two approaches and comparison of the results obtained with different parametrizations of the resonance contributions allowed us to make conclusions about the model-dependence of these contributions. We conclude that the results for the contributions of the resonances D13(1520)D_{13}(1520), S11(1535)S_{11}(1535), F15(1680)F_{15}(1680) to corresponding multipole amplitudes are stable. With this the results for D13(1520)D_{13}(1520) and F15(1680)F_{15}(1680), combined with their PDG photoexcitation helicity amplitudes, allowed us to find the branching ratios Br(D13(1520)ηN)=0.05±0.02Br (D_{13}(1520)\to \eta N)=0.05\pm 0.02%, Br(F15(1680)ηN)=0.16±0.04Br (F_{15}(1680)\to \eta N)=0.16\pm0.04% which have significantly better accuracy than the PDG data. The total Breit-Wigner width of the S11(1535)S_{11}(1535) is model-dependent, we have obtained Γ(S11(1520))=142MeV\Gamma (S_{11}(1520))=142 MeV and 195MeV195 MeV using dispersion relations and the isobar model, respectively. The results for the S11(1650)S_{11}(1650), D15(1675)D_{15}(1675), P11(1710)P_{11}(1710), P13(1720)P_{13}(1720) are model dependent, only the signs and orders of magnitude of their contributions to multipole amplitudes are determined. The results for the D13(1700)D_{13}(1700) are strongly model-dependent.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figure

    Functionally dissociating aspects of event memory: the effects of combined perirhinal and postrhinal cortex lesions on object and place memory in the rat.

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    Reciprocal interactions between the hippocampus and the perirhinal and parahippocampal cortices form core components of a proposed temporal lobe memory system. For this reason, the involvement of the hippocampus in event memory is thought to depend on its connections with these cortical areas. Contrary to these predictions, we found that NMDA-induced lesions of the putative rat homologs of these cortical areas (perirhinal plus postrhinal cortices) did not impair performance on two allocentric spatial tasks highly sensitive to hippocampal dysfunction. Remarkably, for one of the tasks there was evidence of a facilitation of performance. The same cortical lesions did, however, disrupt spontaneous object recognition and object discrimination reversal learning but spared initial acquisition of the discrimination. This pattern of results reveals important dissociations between different aspects of memory within the temporal lobe. Furthermore, it shows that the perirhinal-postrhinal cortex is not a necessary route for spatial information reaching the hippocampus and that object familiarity-novelty detection depends on different neural substrates than do other aspects of event memory

    Discrimination of computer-graphic stimuli by mice: a method for the behavioral characterization of transgenic and gene-knockout models.

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    An automated method is described for the behavioral testing of mice in an apparatus that allows computer-graphic stimulus material to be presented. Mice responded to these stimuli by making a nose-poke toward a computer monitor that was equipped with a touchscreen attachment for detecting responses. It was found that C57BL/6 mice were able to solve single-pair visual discriminations as well as 3-pair concurrent visual discriminations. The finding that mice are capable of complex visual discriminations introduces the possibility of testing mice on nonspatial tasks that are similar to those used with rats, monkeys, and humans. Furthermore, the method seems particularly well suited to the comprehensive behavioral assessment of transgenic and gene-knockout models

    Triple dissociation of anterior cingulate, posterior cingulate, and medial frontal cortices on visual discrimination tasks using a touchscreen testing procedure for the rat.

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    Four experiments examined effects of quinolinic acid-induced lesions of the anterior cingulate, posterior cingulate, and medial frontal cortices on tests of visual discrimination learning, using a new touchscreen testing method for rats. Anterior cingulate cortex lesions impaired acquisition of an 8-pair concurrent discrimination task, whereas posterior cingulate cortex lesions facilitated learning but selectively impaired the late stages of acquisition of a visuospatial conditional discrimination. Medial frontal cortex lesions selectively impaired reversal learning when stimuli were difficult to discriminate; lesions of anterior and posterior cingulate cortex had no effect. These results suggest roles for the anterior cingulate, posterior cingulate, and medial frontal cortex in stimulus-reward learning, stimulus-response learning or response generation, and attention during learning, respectively

    Research Information Systems – fit for the future? A report on the situation and plans of the University of Sheffield Library

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    This article discusses the University of Sheffield’s rationale for joining, and the experience of participating in, the Development Partner Programme for Ex Libris’ Esploro product. It should be noted that the article expresses the opinions of the University of Sheffield Library staff writing the article, and not the Ex Libris company

    Fornix lesions can facilitate acquisition of the transverse patterning task: a challenge for configural theories of hippocampal function.

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    Configural theories of hippocampal function predict that hippocampal dysfunction should impair acquisition of the transverse patterning task, which involves the concurrent solution of three discrimination problems: A+ versus B-; B+ versus C-; and C+ versus A-. The present study tested this prediction in rats using computer-graphic stimuli presented on a touchscreen. Experiment 1 assessed the effects of fornix lesions when the three problems were introduced sequentially (phase 1: A+ vs B-; phase 2: A+ vs B-, B+ vs C-; phase 3: A+ vs B-, B+ vs C-, C+ vs A-). Fornix lesions significantly facilitated acquisition of the complete transverse patterning task (phase 3) but had no effect on the number of sessions or errors required to attain criterion during phase 1 or phase 2. In experiment 2, in which all three problems were presented concurrently from the outset of training, fornix-lesioned animals outperformed control animals during the seventh block of acquisition trials and were not impaired during any stage of acquisition. Importantly, these same animals were significantly impaired on two allocentric spatial tasks: T-maze alternation (experiments 1 and 2) and the Morris Swim Task (experiment 1). These results contradict the predictions of configural theories of hippocampal function and cast doubt on the popular notion that spatial learning is a special case of configural learning

    Backward-angle photoproduction of π0\pi^0 mesons on the proton at EγE_\gamma = 1.5--2.4 GeV

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    Differential cross sections and photon beam asymmetries for π0\pi^0 photoproduction have been measured at EγE_\gamma = 1.5--2.4 GeV and at the π0\pi^0 scattering angles, --1 << cosΘc.m.<\Theta_{c.m.} < --0.6. The energy-dependent slope of differential cross sections for uu-channel π0\pi^0 production has been determined. An enhancement at backward angles is found above EγE_\gamma = 2.0 GeV. This is inferred to be due to the uu-channel contribution and/or resonances. Photon beam asymmetries have been obtained for the first time at backward angles. A strong angular dependence has been found at Eγ>E_\gamma > 2.0 GeV, which may be due to the unknown high-mass resonances.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PL

    Central exclusive production of longlived gluinos at the LHC

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    We examine the possibility of producing gluino pairs at the LHC via the exclusive reaction pp -> p+gluino+gluino+p in the case where the gluinos are long lived. Such long lived gluinos are possible if the scalar super-partners have large enough masses. We show that it may be possible to observe the gluinos via their conversion to R-hadron jets and measure their mass to better than 1% accuracy for masses below 350 GeV with 300/fb of data.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures. Minor corrections to version

    Primakoff effect in eta-photoproduction off protons

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    We analyse data on forward eta-meson photoproduction off a proton target and extract the eta to gamma gamma decay width utilizing the Primakoff effect. The hadronic amplitude that enters into our analysis is strongly constrained because it is fixed from a global fit to available gamma p to p eta data for differential cross sections and polarizations. We compare our results with present information on the two-photon eta-decay from the literature. We provide predictions for future PrimEx experiments at Jefferson Laboratory in order to motivate further studies.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, gamma-gamma*-eta form factor included, version to appear in Eur. Phys. J. A

    Functionally dissociating aspects of event memory: The effects of combined perirhinal and postrhinal lesions on object and place memory in the rat

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    Reciprocal interactions between the hippocampus and the perirhinal and parahippocampal cortices form core components of a proposed temporal lobe memory system. For this reason, the involvement of the hippocampus in event memory is thought to depend on its connections with these cortical areas. Contrary to these predictions, we found that NMDA-induced lesions of the putative rat homologs of these cortical areas (perirhinal plus postrhinal cortices) did not impair performance on two allocentric spatial tasks highly sensitive to hippocampal dysfunction. Remarkably, for one of the tasks there was evidence of a facilitation of performance. The same cortical lesions did, however, disrupt spontaneous object recognition and object discrimination reversal learning but spared initial acquisition of the discrimination. This pattern of results reveals important dissociations between different aspects of memory within the temporal lobe. Furthermore, it shows that the perirhinal–postrhinal cortex is not a necessary route for spatial information reaching the hippocampus and that object familiarity–novelty detection depends on different neural substrates than do other aspects of event memory