754 research outputs found
Global trends that occur in various fields of knowledge with a significant acceleration affect the development of information technology and project management competencies, programs, and project portfolios. The paper aims to develop and study information technology and mechanisms for assessing the competencies of project managers for their development based on current trends and flexible methodology of Agile in project management in creating modern information and communication technologies in project management. Global trends that challenge the development of project management competencies and programs are related to global acceleration, digitalization of society, development of blockchain, cloud and fog technologies, active introduction of smart systems, the transition from “Rational economy” to “Behavioral economy”, “Green economy”, “Sustainable development economy” and “Circular economy”. The convergence of these trends creates a new platform for the effective application of existing methodologies, knowledge systems, and methods of assessing the competence of project managers. Based on convergence, integration, and harmonization of project and program management methodologies, step-by-step research methods have been identified. The formation of an updated system of competencies lies in the change of paradigms from the traditional waterfall life cycle model to the Agile life cycle models of the projects. Decisionmaking in conditions of uncertainty based on data mining, from rational to irrational forms. The article examines modern hybrid information models of projects and programs that change the competency systems of project managers, convergent models and methods of decision making. At the same time, the change in competencies as actions or functions to be performed by project managers affects the competency model and evaluation system, including key competency indicators. A meaningful model of diagnostics of application of competence models and methods of project management in the digital and “behavioral economy” based on flexible methodologies is given. Some key competency indicators that are used in assessing the competence of a project manager based on his competencies in working in a project team are identified. Patterns of behavior of project managers in project product creation and project management are studied. The patterns allowed the authors to identify bottlenecks in the application of Agile project management methodologies in the convergence of trend information models and technologies. An example of information technology for managing the assessment of competence of project managers according to the IPMA Agile ICB model is given
Analysis of a two-crystal delay line for femtosecond pulses of the X-ray free electron laser
Using the methods of statistical optics the formation of delayed X-ray pulses in the diffraction reflection of an incident pulse with an arbitrary degree of temporal coherence from a system of parallel crystals with different lattice periods is considered. The results are of interest for constructing delay lines in experiments with a time resolution of the pump-and-probe type and realizing of the self-seeding mode to increase the degree of temporal coherence of the X-ray free-electron laser radiation. A rigorous theory of dynamic diffraction in Bragg geometry is applied to the diffraction reflection of short X-ray pulses from a system of two parallel crystals with arbitrary thicknesses, and also, for a system of two pairs of parallel crystals. The dependence of the delay time and the intensity of the delayed pulses on the thickness of the crystals and the distances between them are analyzed. Since the pulses from the X-ray free electron laser have high spatial coherence, i. e. a small angular divergence, but very poor temporal coherence, special attention is paid to the effect of the degree of temporal coherence on the width of the energyspectrum of the incident pulses and on the influence of this width on the intensity of the delayed pulse
An analysis of training load in standard and Latin American ballroom dancing in 10-15 years old children
Title: An analysis of training load in standard and Latin American ballroom dancing in 10-15 years old children Aims: The aim of this bachelor thesis is to study the intensity of physical activity of dancers during the performance of standard and Latin American dances. The analysis of the intensity of exercise will allow a deeper understanding of the effect of these dances on the human body and provide recommendations for an effective training process for dancers. Young dancers are often unaware that dance can be classified as an anaerobic sport with physiological demands similar to traditional anaerobic sports such as sprinting, swimming and weightlifting. The aim of this study is also to uncover the problems associated with the intensity of physical activity during the training of ballroom dances and to investigate the effect of these dances on the physical preparation of dancers. The research question focuses on the intensity of the dancers' physical exertion and the factors affecting this exertion. The results of the study could assist dance physiologists, physical therapists, and pediatricians in preventing growth-related injuries in young dancers. Methods: respondents were approached through dance studios, clubs and online sources. Data collection was systematic over a two-month period....Název: Analýza tréninkového zatížení ve standardních a latinskoamerických společenských tancích u dětí ve věku 10-15 let Cíle: Cílem této bakalářské práce je studovat intenzitu pohybové aktivity tanečníků při provádění standardních a latinskoamerických tanců. Analýza intenzity zátěže umožní hlubší pochopení vlivu těchto tanců na lidský organismus a poskytne doporučení pro efektivní tréninkový proces pro tanečníky. Mladí tanečníci si často neuvědomují, že tanec lze klasifikovat jako anaerobní sport s fyziologickými nároky podobnými tradičním anaerobním sportům, jako je sprint, plavání a vzpírání. Cílem této práce je rovněž odhalit problémy spojené s intenzitou fyzické aktivity při nácviku společenských tanců a zjistit vliv těchto tanců na fyzickou přípravu tanečníků. Výzkumná otázka se zaměřuje na intenzitu fyzické zátěže tanečníků a faktory ovlivňující tuto zátěž. Výsledky studie by mohly pomoci taneční fyziology, fyzioterapeuty a pediatry v prevenci zranění souvisejících s růstem u mladých tanečníků. Metody: Respondenti byli osloveni prostřednictvím tanečních studií, klubů a online zdrojů. Sběr dat probíhal systematicky po dobu dvou měsíců. Účastníci byli monitorováni pomocí hodinek a pásu Polar RS800CX, Apple Watch a dalších zařízení, která měřila srdeční frekvenci během tréninku. Každý trénink...Laboratoř sportovní motorikyFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor
Effect of the Topology on Wetting and Drying of Hydrophobic Porous Materials
Establishing molecular mechanisms of wetting and drying of hydrophobic porous materials is a general problem for science and technology within the subcategories of the theory of liquids, chromatography, nanofluidics, energy storage, recuperation, and dissipation. In this article, we demonstrate a new way to tackle this problem by exploring the effect of the topology of pure silica nanoparticles, nanotubes, and zeolites. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we show how secondary porosity promotes the intrusion of water into micropores and affects the hydrophobicity of materials. It is demonstrated herein that for nano-objects, the hydrophobicity can be controlled by changing the ratio of open to closed nanometer-sized lateral pores. This effect can be exploited to produce new materials for practical applications when the hydrophobicity needs to be regulated without significantly changing the chemistry or structure of the materials. Based on these simulations and theoretical considerations, for pure silica zeolites, we examined and then classified the experimental database of intrusion pressures, thus leading to the prediction of any zeolite’s intrusion pressure. We show a correlation between the intrusion pressure and the ratio of the accessible pore surface area to total pore volume. The correlation is valid for some zeolites and mesoporous materials. It can facilitate choosing prospective candidates for further investigation and possible exploitation, especially for energy storage, recuperation, and dissipation
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