38 research outputs found

    Defective synapse maturation and enhanced synaptic plasticity in Shank2 Δex7(-/-) mice

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    Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are neurodevelopmental disorders with a strong genetic etiology. Since mutations in human SHANK genes have been found in patients with autism, genetic mouse models are used for a mechanistic understanding of ASDs and the development of therapeutic strategies. SHANKs are scaffold proteins in the postsynaptic density of mammalian excitatory synapses with proposed functions in synaptogenesis, regulation of dendritic spine morphology, and instruction of structural synaptic plasticity. In contrast to all studies so far on the function of SHANK proteins, we have previously observed enhanced synaptic plasticity in Shank2 Δex7(-/-) mice. In a series of experiments, we now reproduce these results, further explore the synaptic phenotype, and directly compare our model to the independently generated Shank2 Δex6-7(-/-) mice. Minimal stimulation experiments reveal that Shank2 Δex7(-/-) mice possess an excessive fraction of silent (i.e., α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid, short, AMPA receptor lacking) synapses. The synaptic maturation deficit emerges during the third postnatal week and constitutes a plausible mechanistic explanation for the mutants' increased capacity for long-term potentiation, both in vivo and in vitro. A direct comparison with Shank2 Δex6-7(-/-) mice adds weight to the hypothesis that both mouse models show a different set of synaptic phenotypes, possibly due to differences in their genetic background. These findings add to the diversity of synaptic phenotypes in neurodevelopmental disorders and further support the supposed existence of "modifier genes" in the expression and inheritance of ASDs

    The roles of STP and LTP in synaptic encoding

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    Long-term potentiation (LTP), a cellular model of learning and memory, is generally regarded as a unitary phenomenon that alters the strength of synaptic transmission by increasing the postsynaptic response to the release of a quantum of neurotransmitter. LTP, at CA3-CA1 synapses in the hippocampus, contains a stimulation-labile phase of short-term potentiation (STP, or transient LTP, t-LTP) that decays into stable LTP. By studying the responses of populations of neurons to brief bursts of high-frequency afferent stimulation before and after the induction of LTP, we found that synaptic responses during bursts are potentiated equally during LTP but not during STP. We show that STP modulates the frequency response of synaptic transmission whereas LTP preserves the fidelity. Thus, STP and LTP have different functional consequences for the transfer of synaptic information

    Defective Synapse Maturation and Enhanced Synaptic Plasticity in Shank2 Δex7-/- Mice

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    Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are neurodevelopmental disorders with a strong genetic etiology. Since mutations in human SHANK genes have been found in patients with autism, genetic mouse models are used for a mechanistic understanding of ASDs and the development of therapeutic strategies. SHANKs are scaffold proteins in the postsynaptic density of mammalian excitatory synapses with proposed functions in synaptogenesis, regulation of dendritic spine morphology, and instruction of structural synaptic plasticity. In contrast to all studies so far on the function of SHANK proteins, we have previously observed enhanced synaptic plasticity in Shank2 Δex7-/- mice. In a series of experiments, we now reproduce these results, further explore the synaptic phenotype, and directly compare our model to the independently generated Shank2 Δex6-7-/- mice. Minimal stimulation experiments reveal that Shank2 Δex7-/- mice possess an excessive fraction of silent (i.e., α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid, short, AMPA receptor lacking) synapses. The synaptic maturation deficit emerges during the third postnatal week and constitutes a plausible mechanistic explanation for the mutants' increased capacity for long-term potentiation, both in vivo and in vitro. A direct comparison with Shank2 Δex6-7-/- mice adds weight to the hypothesis that both mouse models show a different set of synaptic phenotypes, possibly due to differences in their genetic background. These findings add to the diversity of synaptic phenotypes in neurodevelopmental disorders and further support the supposed existence of "modifier genes" in the expression and inheritance of ASDs

    Brief environmental enrichment elicits metaplasticity of hippocampal synaptic potentiation in vivo

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    Long-term environmental enrichment (EE) elicits enduring effects on the adult brain, including altered synaptic plasticity. Synaptic plasticity may underlie memory formation and includes robust (>24 h) and weak (<2 h) forms of long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD). Most studies of the effect of EE on synaptic efficacy have examined the consequences of very prolonged EE-exposure. It is unclear whether brief exposure to EE can alter synaptic plasticity. Clarifying this issue could help develop strategies to address cognitive deficits arising from neglect in children or adults. We assessed whether short-term EE elicits alterations in hippocampal synaptic plasticity and if social context may play a role. Adult mice were exposed to EE for 14 consecutive days. We found that robust late-LTP (>24 h) and short-term depression (<2 h) at Schaffer-collateral-CA1 synapses in freely behaving mice were unaltered, whereas early-LTP (E-LTP, <2 h) was significantly enhanced by EE. Effects were transient: E-LTP returned to control levels 1 week after cessation of EE. Six weeks later, animals were re-exposed to EE for 14 days. Under these conditions, E-LTP was facilitated into L-LTP (>24 h), suggesting that metaplasticity was induced during the first EE experience and that EE-mediated modifications are cumulative. Effects were absent in mice that underwent solitary enrichment or were group-housed without EE. These data suggest that EE in naïve animals strengthens E-LTP, and also promotes L-LTP in animals that underwent EE in the past. This indicates that brief exposure to EE, particularly under social conditions can elicit lasting positive effects on synaptic strength that may have beneficial consequences for cognition that depends on synaptic plasticity

    Characterisation of hippocampal synaptic plasticity in freely behaving mice and its modulation by environmental enrichment

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    Synaptische Plastizität gilt als Mechanismus, der Lern- und Gedächtnisvorgängen zugrunde liegt. Dabei spielt auf molekularer Ebene der NMDA-Rezeptor, besonders an den Schaffer-Kollateralen-CA1-Synapsen, eine große Rolle. Diese Arbeit zeigt NMDA-Rezeptor abhängige synaptischer Plastizität an der wachen Maus. Präziser wurde mithilfe von GluN2A-defizienten Mäusen verdeutlicht, dass GluN2A- und GluN2B-Untereinheiten für bidirektionale Plastizität wichtig sind. Die Involvierung von GluN2 ist vom Stimulus abhängig. Zusätzlich konnte gezeigt werden, dass in der murinen CA1-Region unterschwellige elektrische Reizung, gepaart räumlichen Reizen, zu robuster synaptischer Plastizität führt. Komplexe Stimuli im "Environmental Enrichment" verstärkten STP in jungen und gealterten Mäusen. Dieser Effekt hielt jedoch etwa 3 Tage nach zweiwöchigen Enrichment an und war nur durch Kombination räumlicher und sozialer Stimuli zu beobachten. Es handelte sich um einen mGlu5- und GluN2A-abhängigen Mechanismus.Synaptic plasticity is thought to underlie learning and memory processes. The NMDA receptor provides essential properties of learning mechanisms on the molecular level at the Schaffer collaterals-CA1 synapse. The present work describes NMDAR-dependent plasticity in the hippocampus of behaving mice. Recordings from GluN2A KO mice suggest that both, GluN2A and GluN2B subunits are relevant for bidirectional synaptic plasticity. The data support existing evidence of a stimulus dependency underlying the recruitment of GluN2 subunits for plasticity. The study shows that, similar to the situation in the rat, a novel spatial environment facilitates STP into persistent LTP in the murine CA1 region. Application of environmental enrichment enhanced STP of elderly and young adults transiently for 3 days. The effect of EE was strongly related to social stimulation and was absent in solitarily mice. Moreover, the improvement was strongly related to mGlu5- and GluN2A-dependent mechanisms

    Afferent Input Selects NMDA Receptor Subtype to Determine the Persistency of Hippocampal LTP in Freely Behaving Mice

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    The glutamatergic N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) is critically involved in many forms of hippocampus-dependent memory that may be enabled by synaptic plasticity. Behavioral studies with NMDAR antagonists and NMDAR subunit (GluN2) mutants revealed distinct contributions from GluN2A- and GluN2B-containing NMDARs to rapidly and slowly acquired memory performance. Furthermore, studies of synaptic plasticity, in genetically modified mice in vitro, suggest that GluN2A and GluN2B may contribute in different ways to the induction and longevity of synaptic plasticity. In contrast to the hippocampal slice preparation, in behaving mice, the afferent frequencies that induce synaptic plasticity are very restricted and specific. In fact, it is the stimulus pattern, and not variations in afferent frequency that determine the longevity of long-term potentiation (LTP). Here, we explored the contribution of GluN2A and GluN2B to LTP of differing magnitudes and persistencies in freely behaving mice. We applied differing high-frequency stimulation (HFS) patterns at 100 Hz to the hippocampal CA1 region, to induce NMDAR-dependent LTP in wild-type (WT) mice, that endured for 24h (late (L)-LTP). In GluN2A-KO mice, E-LTP (HFS, 50 pulses) was significantly reduced in magnitude and duration, whereas LTP (HFS, 2 x 50 pulses) and L-LTP (HFS, 4 x 50 pulses) were unaffected compared to responses in WT animals. By contrast, pharmacological antagonism of GluN2B in WT had no effect on E-LTP but significantly prevented LTP. E- LTP and LTP were significantly impaired by GluN2B antagonism in GluN2A-KO mice. These data indicate that the pattern of afferent stimulation is decisive for the recruitment of distinct GluN2A and GluN2B signaling pathways that in turn determine the persistency of hippocampal LTP. Whereas brief bursts of patterned stimulation preferentially recruit GluN2A and lead to weak and short-lived forms of LTP, prolonged, more intense, afferent activation recruits GluN2B and leads to robust and persistent LTP. These unique signal-response properties of GluN2A and GluN2B enable qualitative differentiation of information encoding in hippocampal synapses