11,472 research outputs found

    Pairing of a harmonically trapped fermionic Tonks-Girardeau gas

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    The fermionic Tonks-Girardeau (FTG) gas is a one-dimensional spin-polarized Fermi gas with infinitely strong attractive zero-range odd-wave interactions, arising from a confinement-induced resonance reachable via a three-dimensional p-wave Feshbach resonance. We investigate the off-diagonal long-range order (ODLRO) of the FTG gas subjected to a longitudinal harmonic confinement by analyzing the two-particle reduced density matrix for which we derive a closed-form expression. Using a variational approach and numerical diagonalization we find that the largest eigenvalue of the two-body density matrix is of order N/2, where N is the total particle number, and hence a partial ODLRO is present for a FTG gas in the trap.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, revtex

    Maintaining Quantum Coherence in the Presence of Noise through State Monitoring

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    Unsharp POVM measurements allow the estimation and tracking of quantum wavefunctions in real-time with minimal disruption of the dynamics. Here we demonstrate that high fidelity state monitoring, and hence quantum control, is possible even in the presence of classical dephasing and amplitude noise, by simulating such measurements on a two-level system undergoing Rabi oscillations. Finite estimation fidelity is found to persist indefinitely long after the decoherence times set by the noise fields in the absence of measurement.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Sensory acceptance of organic and conventional food by children in the age of 2 to 7 years

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    This study is initialized to find out which sensory factors might influence the acceptance of organic food by young children. 138 children aged from 2 to 7 years were recruited at the German Research Institute of Child Nutrition in Dortmund. All these children are participating in the DONALD-Study. Detailed nutrition records are available about breastfeeding and feeding of these children from birth to the age of one and further on. In a 2-year testing-period children tasted organic and conventional food in two-sided Paired Comparison Tests. In both years parents were asked a number of questions, mainly about the nutrition behaviour of their children. Sensory tests were analyzed and connected in different ways: with data of sensory profiles, nutrition records and different questionnaires

    Tunneling, self-trapping and manipulation of higher modes of a BEC in a double well

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    We consider an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a symmetric one-dimensional double well potential in the four-mode approximation and show that the semiclassical dynamics of the two ground state modes can be strongly influenced by a macroscopic occupation of the two excited modes. In particular, the addition of the two excited modes already unveils features related to the effect of dissipation on the condensate. In general, we find a rich dynamics that includes Rabi oscillations, a mixed Josephson-Rabi regime, self-trapping, chaotic behavior, and the existence of fixed points. We investigate how the dynamics of the atoms in the excited modes can be manipulated by controlling the atomic populations of the ground states.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Decoherence-assisted transport and quantum criticalities

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    We study the dynamics of a two-level quantum system interacting with an external environment that takes the form of an XY spin chain in the presence of an external magnetic field. While the presence of the bath itself can enhance the transition probability from the lower level to the upper level of the system, we show that this noise-assisted phenomenon is sensitive to a change of the quantum phase of the environment. The derivative of the transition probability displays a maximum in correspondence with the critical value of the applied field both in the case of isotropic and anisotropic chains

    On localization and position operators in Moebius-covariant theories

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    Some years ago it was shown that, in some cases, a notion of locality can arise from the group of symmetry enjoyed by the theory, thus in an intrinsic way. In particular, when Moebius covariance is present, it is possible to associate some particular transformations to the Tomita Takesaki modular operator and conjugation of a specific interval of an abstract circle. In this context we propose a way to define an operator representing the coordinate conjugated with the modular transformations. Remarkably this coordinate turns out to be compatible with the abstract notion of locality. Finally a concrete example concerning a quantum particle on a line is also given.Comment: 19 pages, UTM 705, version to appear in RM

    The Dynamic Transition of Protein Hydration Water

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    Thin layers of water on biomolecular and other nanostructured surfaces can be supercooled to temperatures not accessible with bulk water. Chen et al. [PNAS 103, 9012 (2006)] suggested that anomalies near 220 K observed by quasi-elastic neutron scattering can be explained by a hidden critical point of bulk water. Based on more sensitive measurements of water on perdeuterated phycocyanin, using the new neutron backscattering spectrometer SPHERES, and an improved data analysis, we present results that show no sign of such a fragile-to-strong transition. The inflection of the elastic intensity at 220 K has a dynamic origin that is compatible with a calorimetric glass transition at 170 K. The temperature dependence of the relaxation times is highly sensitive to data evaluation; it can be brought into perfect agreement with the results of other techniques, without any anomaly.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Phys. Rev. Lett. (in press

    Graded-index optical fiber emulator of an interacting three-atom system: illumination control of particle statistics and classical non-separability

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    We show that a system of three trapped ultracold and strongly interacting atoms in one-dimension can be emulated using an optical fiber with a graded-index profile and thin metallic slabs. While the wave-nature of single quantum particles leads to direct and well known analogies with classical optics, for interacting many-particle systems with unrestricted statistics such analoga are not straightforward. Here we study the symmetries present in the fiber eigenstates by using discrete group theory and show that, by spatially modulating the incident field, one can select the atomic statistics, i.e., emulate a system of three bosons, fermions or two bosons or fermions plus an additional distinguishable particle. We also show that the optical system is able to produce classical non-separability resembling that found in the analogous atomic system.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure