7,746 research outputs found

    Property investigation and sputter deposition of dispersion-hardened copper for fatigue specimen fabrication

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    Sputter-deposited alloys of dispersion-hardenable Cu-0.25 vol% SiC and Cu-0.50 vol% SiC and precipitation-hardenable Cu-0.15 wt% Zr and Cu-0.05 wt% Mg-0.15 wt% Zr-0.40 wt% Cr were investigated for selection to evaluate fatigue specimen performance with potential application in fabricating regeneratively cooled rocket thrust chambers. Yield strengths in the 700 to 1000-MN/sq m range were observed with uniform elongation ranging from 0.5 to 1.5% and necking indicative of greater ductility. Electrical conductivity measured as an analog to thermal conductivity gave values 90% IACS for Cu-0.15 wt% Zr and Cu-0.05 wt% Mg-0.15 wt% Zr-0.40 wt% Cr. A 5500-g sputtered deposit of Cu-0.15 wt% Zr alloy, 12.29 mm (0.484 in.) average thickness in the fatigue specimen gage length, was provided to NASA on one of their substrates

    Fabrication of thick structures by sputtering

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    Deposit, 5500-gram of Cu-0.15 wt % Zr alloy, sputtered onto copper cylinder to average thickness of 12.29 mm. Structure was achieved with high-rate sputter deposition for about 100 hours total sputtering time. Material had twice the strength of unsputtered material at temperatures to 723 K and equivalent strength at nearly 873 K

    Fire in a riparian shrub community: Postburn water relations in the Tamarix-Salix association along the lower Colorado River

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    Higher water potentials in recovering burned salt-cedar (Tamarix ramosissima) relative to unburned plants and the opposite situation in willow (Salix gooddingii) provide evidence that postfire water stress is reduced in the former but not the latter. Similarly, diurnal patterns of stomatal conductance in these taxa are consistent with the existence of more vigor in burned salt-cedar than willow. Plots of water potential and transpiration demonstrate that hydraulic efficiencies may contribute to differences in fire recovery

    Tumbleweeds and airborne gravitational noise sources for LIGO

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    Gravitational-wave detectors are sensitive not only to astrophysical gravitational waves, but also to the fluctuating Newtonian gravitational forces of moving masses in the ground and air around the detector. This paper studies the gravitational effects of density perturbations in the atmosphere, and from massive airborne objects near the detector. These effects were previously considered by Saulson; in this paper I revisit these phenomena, considering transient atmospheric shocks, and the effects of sound waves or objects colliding with the ground or buildings around the test masses. I also consider temperature perturbations advected past the detector as a source of gravitational noise. I find that the gravitational noise background is below the expected noise floor even of advanced interferometric detectors, although only by an order of magnitude for temperature perturbations carried along turbulent streamlines. I also find that transient shockwaves in the atmosphere could potentially produce large spurious signals, with signal-to-noise ratios in the hundreds in an advanced interferometric detector. These signals could be vetoed by means of acoustic sensors outside of the buildings. Massive wind-borne objects such as tumbleweeds could also produce gravitational signals with signal-to-noise ratios in the hundreds if they collide with the interferometer buildings, so it may be necessary to build fences preventing such objects from approaching within about 30m of the test masses.Comment: 15 pages, 10 PostScript figures, uses REVTeX4.cls and epsfig.st

    Low-density, one-dimensional quantum gases in a split trap

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    We investigate degenerate quantum gases in one dimension trapped in a harmonic potential that is split in the centre by a pointlike potential. Since the single particle eigenfunctions of such a system are known for all strengths of the central potential, the dynamics for non-interacting fermionic gases and low-density, strongly interacting bosonic gases can be investigated exactly using the Fermi-Bose mapping theorem. We calculate the exact many-particle ground-state wave-functions for both particle species, investigate soliton-like solutions, and compare the bosonic system to the well-known physics of Bose gases described by the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. We also address the experimentally important questions of creation and detection of such states.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Time-of-arrival probabilities and quantum measurements: II Application to tunneling times

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    We formulate quantum tunneling as a time-of-arrival problem: we determine the detection probability for particles passing through a barrier at a detector located a distance L from the tunneling region. For this purpose, we use a Positive-Operator-Valued-Measure (POVM) for the time-of-arrival determined in quant-ph/0509020 [JMP 47, 122106 (2006)]. This only depends on the initial state, the Hamiltonian and the location of the detector. The POVM above provides a well-defined probability density and an unambiguous interpretation of all quantities involved. We demonstrate that for a class of localized initial states, the detection probability allows for an identification of tunneling time with the classic phase time. We also establish limits to the definability of tunneling time. We then generalize these results to a sequential measurement set-up: the phase space properties of the particles are determined by an unsharp sampling before their attempt to cross the barrier. For such measurements the tunneling time is defined as a genuine observable. This allows us to construct a probability distribution for its values that is definable for all initial states and potentials. We also identify a regime, in which these probabilities correspond to a tunneling-time operator.Comment: 26 pages--revised version, small changes, to appear in J. Math. Phy

    Two-Gaussian excitations model for the glass transition

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    We develop a modified "two-state" model with Gaussian widths for the site energies of both ground and excited states, consistent with expectations for a disordered system. The thermodynamic properties of the system are analyzed in configuration space and found to bridge the gap between simple two state models ("logarithmic" model in configuration space) and the random energy model ("Gaussian" model in configuration space). The Kauzmann singularity given by the random energy model remains for very fragile liquids but is suppressed or eliminated for stronger liquids. The sharp form of constant volume heat capacity found by recent simulations for binary mixed Lennard Jones and soft sphere systems is reproduced by the model, as is the excess entropy and heat capacity of a variety of laboratory systems, strong and fragile. The ideal glass in all cases has a narrow Gaussian, almost invariant among molecular and atomic glassformers, while the excited state Gaussian depends on the system and its width plays a role in the thermodynamic fragility. The model predicts the existence of first-order phase transition for fragile liquids.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Confined Quantum Time of Arrivals

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    We show that formulating the quantum time of arrival problem in a segment of the real line suggests rephrasing the quantum time of arrival problem to finding states that evolve to unitarily collapse at a given point at a definite time. For the spatially confined particle, we show that the problem admits a solution in the form of an eigenvalue problem of a compact and self-adjoint time of arrival operator derived by a quantization of the classical time of arrival, which is canonically conjugate with the Hamiltonian in closed subspace of the Hilbert space.Comment: Figures are now include

    Maximal Accuracy and Minimal Disturbance in the Arthurs-Kelly Simultaneous Measurement Process

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    The accuracy of the Arthurs-Kelly model of a simultaneous measurement of position and momentum is analysed using concepts developed by Braginsky and Khalili in the context of measurements of a single quantum observable. A distinction is made between the errors of retrodiction and prediction. It is shown that the distribution of measured values coincides with the initial state Husimi function when the retrodictive accuracy is maximised, and that it is related to the final state anti-Husimi function (the P representation of quantum optics) when the predictive accuracy is maximised. The disturbance of the system by the measurement is also discussed. A class of minimally disturbing measurements is characterised. It is shown that the distribution of measured values then coincides with one of the smoothed Wigner functions described by Cartwright.Comment: 12 pages, 0 figures. AMS-Latex. Earlier version replaced with final published versio

    Curie-Weiss model of the quantum measurement process

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    A hamiltonian model is solved, which satisfies all requirements for a realistic ideal quantum measurement. The system S is a spin-\half, whose zz-component is measured through coupling with an apparatus A=M+B, consisting of a magnet \RM formed by a set of N1N\gg 1 spins with quartic infinite-range Ising interactions, and a phonon bath \RB at temperature TT. Initially A is in a metastable paramagnetic phase. The process involves several time-scales. Without being much affected, A first acts on S, whose state collapses in a very brief time. The mechanism differs from the usual decoherence. Soon after its irreversibility is achieved. Finally the field induced by S on M, which may take two opposite values with probabilities given by Born's rule, drives A into its up or down ferromagnetic phase. The overall final state involves the expected correlations between the result registered in M and the state of S. The measurement is thus accounted for by standard quantum statistical mechanics and its specific features arise from the macroscopic size of the apparatus.Comment: 5 pages Revte