7 research outputs found

    Feather Pecking And Cannibalism in Poultry, Part II: Socio-Economic and Welfare Implications

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    No abstract Zimbabwe Veterinary Journal (2002) 33; 33-4

    Feather Pecking and Cannibalism in Poultry, Part I: Perceived Causes

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    No abstract Zimbabwe Veterinary Journal (2002) 33; 23-3

    Syndactylysim in a Mashona calf: A case report

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    A three-week old female Mashona calf was presented to the University of Zimbabwe Veterinary Teaching Hospital with congenital malformations. On clinical examination, syndactylysim in all four feet, brachygnathia, arthrogryposis and kyphosis were observed. The calf was euthanized and post-mortem findings were consistent with the clinical diagnoses. (Zimbabwe Veterinary Journal, 2000, 31(4): 92-94

    Continuing Education: Periparturient paresis in dairy cows: A review

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    This paper presents some of the findings on Periparturient paresis (PP) that have accumulated over years of research

    Review of the social and environmental factors affecting the behavior and welfare of turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo)

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    In modern rearing systems, turkey producers often face economic losses due to increased aggression, feather pecking, cannibalism, leg disorders, or injuries among birds, which are also significant welfare issues. The main underlying causes appear to relate to rapid growth, flock size, density, poor environmental complexity, or lighting, which may be deficient in providing the birds with an adequate physical or social environment. To date, there is little information regarding the effect of these factors on turkey welfare. This knowledge is, however, essential to ensure the welfare of turkeys and to improve their quality of life, but may also be beneficial to industry, allowing better bird performance, improved carcass quality, and reduced mortality and condemnations. This paper reviews the available scientific literature related to the behavior of turkeys as influenced by the physical and social environment that may be relevant to advances toward turkey production systems that take welfare into consideration. We addressed the effects that factors such as density, group size, space availability, maturation, lightning, feeding, and transport may have over parameters that may be relevant to ensure welfare of turkeys. Available scientific studies were based in experimental environments and identified individual factors corresponding to particular welfare problems. Most of the studies aimed at finding optimal levels of rearing conditions that allow avoiding or decreasing most severe welfare issues. This paper discusses the importance of these factors for development of production environments that would be better suited from a welfare and economic point of view