14,117 research outputs found

    Tetratic Order in the Phase Behavior of a Hard-Rectangle System

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    Previous Monte Carlo investigations by Wojciechowski \emph{et al.} have found two unusual phases in two-dimensional systems of anisotropic hard particles: a tetratic phase of four-fold symmetry for hard squares [Comp. Methods in Science and Tech., 10: 235-255, 2004], and a nonperiodic degenerate solid phase for hard-disk dimers [Phys. Rev. Lett., 66: 3168-3171, 1991]. In this work, we study a system of hard rectangles of aspect ratio two, i.e., hard-square dimers (or dominos), and demonstrate that it exhibits a solid phase with both of these unusual properties. The solid shows tetratic, but not nematic, order, and it is nonperiodic having the structure of a random tiling of the square lattice with dominos. We obtain similar results with both a classical Monte Carlo method using true rectangles and a novel molecular dynamics algorithm employing rectangles with rounded corners. It is remarkable that such simple convex two-dimensional shapes can produce such rich phase behavior. Although we have not performed exact free-energy calculations, we expect that the random domino tiling is thermodynamically stabilized by its degeneracy entropy, well-known to be 1.79kB1.79k_{B} per particle from previous studies of the dimer problem on the square lattice. Our observations are consistent with a KTHNY two-stage phase transition scenario with two continuous phase transitions, the first from isotropic to tetratic liquid, and the second from tetratic liquid to solid.Comment: Submitted for publicatio

    Synthesis and evaluation of new high temperature polymers for coating applications Technical summary report, 26 Jun. 1964 - 25 Sep. 1966

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    Synthesis, characterization, and evaluation of organic and semiorganic heat resistant polymer coating

    Giant Molecular Clouds are More Concentrated to Spiral Arms than Smaller Clouds

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    From our catalog of Milky Way molecular clouds, created using a temperature thresholding algorithm on the Bell Laboratories 13CO Survey, we have extracted two subsets:(1) Giant Molecular Clouds (GMCs), clouds that are definitely larger than 10^5 solar masses, even if they are at their `near distance', and (2) clouds that are definitely smaller than 10^5 solar masses, even if they are at their `far distance'. The positions and velocities of these clouds are compared to the loci of spiral arms in (l, v) space. The velocity separation of each cloud from the nearest spiral arm is introduced as a `concentration statistic'. Almost all of the GMCs are found near spiral arms. The density of smaller clouds is enhanced near spiral arms, but some clouds (~10%) are unassociated with any spiral arm. The median velocity separation between a GMC and the nearest spiral arm is 3.4+-0.6 km/s, whereas the median separation between smaller clouds and the nearest spiral arm is 5.5+-0.2 km/s.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Vibrations of closed-shell Lennard-Jones icosahedral and cuboctahedral clusters and their effect on the cluster ground state energy

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    Vibrational spectra of closed shell Lennard-Jones icosahedral and cuboctahedral clusters are calculated for shell numbers between 2 and 9. Evolution of the vibrational density of states with the cluster shell number is examined and differences between icosahedral and cuboctahedral clusters described. This enabled a quantum calculation of quantum ground state energies of the clusters in the quasiharmonic approximation and a comparison of the differences between the two types of clusters. It is demonstrated that in the quantum treatment, the closed shell icosahedral clusters binding energies differ from those of cuboctahedral clusters more than is the case in classical treatment

    Discovery of Bright Variable X-ray Sources in NGC 1569 with Chandra

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    From the analysis of a ~100 ks Chandra observation of the dwarf starburst galaxy NGC 1569, we have found that the X-ray point sources, CXOU 043048.1+645050 and CXOU 043048.6+645058, showed significant time variability. During this observation, the X-ray flux of CXOU 043048.1+645050 increased by 10 times in only 2 x 10^4 s. Since the spectrum in its bright phase was fitted with a disk blackbody model with kT_in ~0.43 keV and the bolometric luminosity is L_bol ~10^38 ergs s^-1, this source is an X-ray binary with a stellar mass black-hole. Since the spectrum in its faint phase was also fitted with a disk blackbody model, the time variability can be explained by a change of the accretion rate onto the black hole. The other variable source, CXOU 043048.6+645058, had a flat spectrum with a photon index of ~1.6. This source may be an X-ray binary with an X-ray luminosity of several x 10^37 ergs s^-1. In addition, three other weak sources showed possible time variability. Taking all of the variability into account may suggest an abundant population of compact X-ray sources in NGC 1569.Comment: 15 pages including 4 Postscript figures; accepted for publication in ApJ

    Spiral Evolution in a Confined Geometry

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    Supported nanoscale lead crystallites with a step emerging from a non-centered screw dislocation on the circular top facet were prepared by rapid cooling from just above the melting temperature. STM observations of the top facet show a nonuniform rotation rate and shape of the spiral step as the crystallite relaxes. These features can be accurately modeled using curvature driven dynamics, as in classical models of spiral growth, with boundary conditions fixing the dislocation core and regions of the step lying along the outer facet edge.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Physical Review Letter

    Physicochemical Properties and Catalytic Behavior of the Molecular Sieve SSZ-70

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    SSZ-70 is synthesized using 1,3-bis(isobutyl)imidazolium, 1,3-bis(cyclohexyl)imidazolium, and 1,3-bis(cycloheptyl)imidazolium structure directing agents (SDAs), and the solids obtained are characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), ^(29)Si magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR), electron microscopy, nitrogen and hydrocarbon adsorption, and thermogravimetric analyses. The physicochemical properties of SSZ-70 show that it is a new molecular sieve that has similarities to MWW-type materials. The catalytic behavior of SSZ-70 is evaluated through the use of the constraint index (CI) test. Distinct differences in the reactivity between Al-SSZ-70 and SSZ-25 (MWW) are observed and are the consequences of the structural differences between these two molecular sieves

    Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Molecular Hydrogen Emission in Four Reflection Nebulae: NGC 1333, NGC 2023, NGC 2068, and NGC 7023

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    We present near-infrared spectroscopy of fluorescent molecular hydrogen (H_2) emission from NGC 1333, NGC 2023, NGC 2068, and NGC 7023 and derive the physical properties of the molecular material in these reflection nebulae. Our observations of NGC 2023 and NGC 7023 and the physical parameters we derive for these nebulae are in good agreement with previous studies. Both NGC 1333 and NGC 2068 have no previously-published analysis of near-infrared spectra. Our study reveals that the rotational-vibrational states of molecular hydrogen in NGC 1333 are populated quite differently from NGC 2023 and NGC 7023. We determine that the relatively weak UV field illuminating NGC 1333 is the primary cause of the difference. Further, we find that the density of the emitting material in NGC 1333 is of much lower density, with n ~ 10^2 - 10^4 cm^-3. NGC 2068 has molecular hydrogen line ratios more similar to those of NGC 7023 and NGC 2023. Our model fits to this nebula show that the bright, H_2-emitting material may have a density as high as n ~ 10^5 cm^-3, similar to what we find for NGC 2023 and NGC 7023. Our spectra of NGC 2023 and NGC 7023 show significant changes in both the near-infrared continuum and H_2 intensity along the slit and offsets between the peaks of the H_2 and continuum emission. We find that these brightness changes may correspond to real changes in the density and temperatures of the emitting region, although uncertainties in the total column of emitting material along a given line of sight complicates the interpretation. The spatial difference in the peak of the H_2 and near-infrared continuum peaks in NGC 2023 and NGC 7023 shows that the near-infrared continuum is due to a material which can survive closer to the star than H_2 can.Comment: Submitted for publication in ApJ. 34 pages including 12 embedded postscript figures. Also available at http://www.astronomy.ohio-state.edu/~martini/pub
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