22 research outputs found

    Metode ekstrakcije imazetapira iz zemljišta i prečišćavanje ekstrakcijom u čvrstoj fazi

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    The aim of this work was to optimize the determination methods of imazethapyr residues in soil using HPLC with DAD and C 18 (Hypersil ODS, 5 ìm, 2.0 x 250 mm) columns and to find the most appropiate solvent for imazethapyr extraction as well as the most suitable SPE cartridges for extract purification. For soil extract purification we decided to use SPE Amino/Carbon, C 18 and SDB-1 cartridges. On the basis of the perfomed chromatography method for optimising imazethapyr determination in soil it was found that the most appropiate method for determining imazethapyr residues in soil is the extraction method with Na2CO3 solution, followed by cleaning up on SPE SDB-1 catridge and elution with ACN and water.Ovim istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno iznalaženje optimalnih eksperimentalnih uslova za određivanje ostataka imazetapira u zemljištu, korišćenjem tečne hromatografije sa DAD detektorom i uz primenu C18 (Hypersil ODS, 5 μm, 2.0 x 250 mm) kolone, uz iznalaženje najpogodnijeg rastvarača za ekstrakciju i najpogodnije kolone za ekstrakciju u čvrstoj fazi (SPE) za prečišćavanje dobijenog ekstrakta. Pri prečišćavanju ekstrakta zemlje korišćene su aminokarbon, C18 i SDB-1 SPE kolone. Na osnovu izvršene optimizacije hromatografske metode određivanja ostataka imazetapira u zemljištu utvrđeno je da je najpogodniji postupak metoda ekstrakcije rastvorom Na2CO3, prečišćavanjem preko SPE SDB-1 kolone i eluiranje mešavinom acetonitrila (ACN) i vode (75:25 v/v)

    Multivariate Analysis of Water Quality Measurements on the Danube River

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    This study investigates the potential of using principal component analysis and other multivariate analysis techniques to evaluate water quality data gathered from natural watercourses. With this goal in mind, a comprehensive water quality data set was used for the analysis, gathered on a reach of the Danube River in 2011. The considered measurements included physical, chemical, and biological parameters. The data were collected within seven data ranges (cross-sections) of the Danube River. Each cross-section had five verticals, each of which had five sampling points distributed over the water column. The gathered water quality data was then subjected to several multivariate analysis techniques. However, the most attention was attributed to the principal component analysis since it can provide an insight into possible grouping tendencies within verticals, cross-sections, or the entire considered reach. It has been concluded that there is no stratification in any of the analyzed water columns. However, there was an unambiguous clustering of sampling points with respect to their cross-sections. Even though one can attribute these phenomena to the unsteady flow in rivers, additional considerations suggest that the position of a cross-section can have a significant impact on the measured water quality parameters. Furthermore, the presented results indicate that these measurements, combined with several multivariate analysis methods, especially the principal component analysis, may be a promising approach for investigating the water quality tendencies of alluvial rivers

    Korovi na degradiranom fudbalskom terenu

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    This paper presents a floristic and biological analysis of weed flora on degraded football field in the village of Konak. There was a large number of weed species present due to the cessation of the use of the playground and its maintenance. During the vegetation period in 2014, it was concluded that a total of 19 weed species. In analyzed weed flora, there are representatives from 14 families, of which the most common representatives of the family Asteraceae (15.79%). Analysis of the overall biological spectrum of the test area indicates the dominance hemikryptophytes (42.11%). The greatest number of plant species belongs to ruderal (42.11%), followed by weed (31.58%) and weed-ruderal species (26.31%).U radu je prikazana floristička i biološka analiza korovske flore na degradiranom fudbalskom terenu u naselju Konak. Utvrđena je brojnost korovskih vrsta, prisutnih usled prestanka upotrebe igrališta i njegovog održavanja. Tokom vegetacionog perioda 2014. godine, konstatovano je ukupno 19 korovskih vrsta. U analiziranoj korovskoj flori, prisutni su predstavnici iz 14 familija, od čega su najzastupljeniji predstavnici familije Asteraceae sa 15,79%. Analiza ukupnog biološkog spektra ispitivanog područja ukazuje na dominaciju hemikriptofita (42,11%). Od ukupnog broja prisutnih vrsta najveći broj pripada ruderalnim (42,11%), zatim korovskim (31,58%) i korovsko-ruderalnim (26,31%)

    Suzbijanje korova u proizvodnji travnih busena

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    The occurrence of weeds in turfgrass production have a negative impact, they reduce yield, quality and profitability of grass mass production. During 2013, in turfgrass production JKP Gradsko zelenilo Novi Sad, the presence and abundance of weed species have been analyzed. Weed control was conducted applying the herbicide fluroxypyrmeptyl- heptyl in an amount of 1.5 l ha-1. The most common were the following weed species: Trifolium repens L., Stellaria media (L.) Vill., Veronica hederifolia L., Taracaxum officinale Web., Consolida regalis Gray., Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. High efficiency of applied herbicides on present broadleaf weed species was estimated.Pojava korova u proizvodnji travnih busena ima negativan uticaj, jer smanjuju prinos, kvalitet travne mase i rentabilnost proizvodnje. U proizvodnji travnih busena JKP Gradsko zelenilo Novi Sad, tokom 2013.godine izvršene su analize prisutnosti i brojnosti korovskih vrsta. Suzbijanje korova je rađeno primenom herbicida fluroksipir-meptil-heptil u količini od 1,5 l ha-1. Najzastupljenije su bile sledeće korovske vrste: Trifolium repens L., Stellaria media (L.) Vill., Veronica hederifolia L., Taracaxum officinale Web., Consolida regalis Gray., Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. Ocenjena je visoka efikasnost primenjenog herbicida na prisutne širokolisne korovske vrste

    Prisustvo urea herbicida u kanalskoj vodi

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    The LC-MS/MS analysis of canal water from Čelarevo and Vrbas was performed for the urea herbicides (chlorotoluron, dimefuron, diuron, ethidimuron, isoproturon, linuron, metabromuron and methabenzthiazuron) residue content from December 2012 to June 2013, with isoproturn-d6 as an internal standard. The herbicides extraction was done by OASIS HLB columns, with the linear coeficcients higher than 0.99 and LOQs of 0.020 μg/L. All the detected concentrations were below maximum acceptable concentrations ( MACs).Izvršena je LC-MS/MS analiza uzoraka kanalske vode, uzorkovane kod Čelareva i Vrbasa u periodu od decembra 2012. do juna 2013. godine, na sadržaj urea herbicida (hlorotoluron, dimefuron, diuron, etudimuron, izoproturon, linuron, metabromuron i metabenztiazuron) uz izoproturon-d6 kao interni standard. Ekstrakcija herbicida izvedena je na OASIS HLB kolonama, sa koeficijentom linearnosti ispitivanih herbicida višim od 0,99 i postignutim LOQ od 0,020 μg/L. Detektovane vrednosti pesticida bile su ispod maksimalno dozvoljenih koncentracija (MDK)

    LC-MS/MS određivanje ostataka pesticida u višnjama

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    The MRM for the determination of acetamiprid, dimethoate, carbendazim, pyraclostrobin, propiconazole and tebuconazole in sour cherries was done by LC-MS/MS. Propiconazole was detected in two samples above the MRL while all the other pesticide derections were belowe the established values.LC-MS/MS je korišćen u MRM određivanja ostataka acetamiprida, dimetoata, karbendazima, piraklostrobina, propikonazola i tebukonazola u uzorcima višanja. Propikonazol je detektovan u dva uzorka iznad MDK, dok su sve ostale detekcije bile ispod propisanih vrednosti

    Fitotoksični efekti hlorpirifosa na ponike ječma i krastavca

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    Under Directive 2008/105 / EC, chlorpyrifos is one of the priority water pollutants. Its presence is mainly detected by chemical methods, although bioindicators are gaining in importance. The effect of chlorpyrifos (0.05-10 µg L-1) was evaluated on germination energy -GE and germination -G, length, fresh and dry weight of roots and shoots of barley and cucumber seedlings. In the bioassay, chlorpyrifos applied at MAC rate (0.1 µg L-1) caused a significant inhibition of GE and G of barley and at 0.5 µg L-1 of cucumber seeds, compared to control. At 50 % MAC (0.05 1 µg L-1), length, fresh and dry weight of roots and shoots of both tested plants were significantly inhibited, while in treatments with 0.5 µg L-1 and higher rates, there was no formation of hypocotyl and epicotyl of barley, i.e. hypocotyl of cucumber seedlings.Prema Direktivi 2008/105/EC, hlorpirifos je jedan od prioritetnih polutanata voda. Njegovo prisustvo se uglavnom detektuje hemijskim analizama, iako su sve značajnije i metode koje uključuju bioindikatore. U radu je procenjen uticaj hlorpirifosa (0,05-10 µg L-1) na energiju klijanja -EK, klijavost -K, dužinu, svežu i suvu masu korena i izdanka ječma i krastavca, kao potencijalnih indikatora. Hlorpirifos je izazvao značajnu inhibiciju EK i K semena ječma u MDK količini (0,1 µg L-1), a kod semena krastavca u količini 0,5 µg L-1, u odnosu na kontrolu. U količni 50% manje od MDK (0,05 µg L-1), dužina, sveža i suva masa i korena i nadzemnog dela obe test biljke su bili značajno smanjeni, dok u tretmanima sa preko 0,5 µg L-1 hlopririfosa, formiranje hipokotila i epikotila kod ječma, odnosno hipokotila kod krastavca, je izostalo

    Ostaci pesticida u uzorcima povrća iz organske i konvencionalne proizvodnje

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    The detections of pesticides in organic and conventional productions were compared with the MRLs. Six vegetable samples from organic production, 4 from conventional production and one from the conversion period were analysed. The white potato sample from the organic production contained imidacloprid, propiconazole and piperonyl butoxide residues. Imidacloprid was found to be above the MRL. In the carrot sample from conventional production the azoxystrobin, boscalid, pyraclostrobin and difenoconazole were detected in the regulated limits, while the mandipropamid concentration were above the MRL.Poređene su detekcije pesticida sa propisanim MDK organskih i konvencionalnih proizvoda. Analizirano je šest uzoraka povrća iz organske, četiri iz konvencionalne proizvodnje i jedan iz perioda konverzije. Uzorak belog krompira iz organske proizvodnje sadržavao je ostatke imidakloprida, propikonazola i piperonil butoksid. Imidakloprid je bio iznad propisanih MDK. U uzoraku mrkve iz konvencionalne proizvodnje detektovani su azoksistrobin, boskalid, piraklostrobin i difenokonazol u propisanim granicama, dok je koncentracija mandipropamida bila iznad MDK

    Implementacija direktive EU 495/2015 u praćenju kvaliteta vode Dunava

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    The Directive of the EU 495/2015 concerning the list of pesticides, the monitoring of which is necessary in the estimation of ecological water quality, includes neonicotinoids, as well. By the LC-MS/MS analysis of the samples from the Danube the residues of thiamethoxam, acetamiprid and imidacloprid were detected. The detection of insecticides from the neonicotinoid group points at the necessity of the implementation of the Directive in the water quality monitoring.Direktiva EU 495/2015 na listu pesticida čije praćnje je neophodno u proceni ekološkog kvalitata voda, uključuje i neonikotinoide. LC-MS/MS analizom uzoraka Dunava, detektovani su ostaci tiametoksama, acetamiprida i imidakloprida. Detektovanjem insekticida iz grupe neonikotinoida, ukazuje se na potrebu implementacije ove direktive pri praćenju kvaliteta vode

    Skrining metoda ostataka pesticida u pčelama

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    The losses of bee colonies are of alarming proportion not only for bee-keepers and honey consumers but for agricultural production and the market itself as well. Since 2006, honey bees and other pollinators throughout the world have experienced ongoing and rapid population declines. The continuation of this crisis threatens the stability of ecosystems, the economy and our food supply, as one in three bites of food are dependent on pollinator services. The extraction and purification of bees samples were done by the QuEChERS method. The obtained extracts were analyzed by GC-MS, screening analysis of bees to the content of 927 pesticides.Gubici pčelinjih društava su alarmantni ne samo za pčelara i potrošače meda, nego za poljoprivrednu proizvodnju uopšte. Od 2006. godine, pčele i drugi oprašivači širom sveta doživnjavaju stalan i veoma brz pad populacije. Nastavak ove krize, ugrožava stabilnost ekosistema, privrede i proizvodnju hrane, usled njihove zavisnosti od polinatora. U radu su analizirani uzorci uginulih pčela ekstrahovani i prečišćeni QuEChERS metodom, dok su dobijeni ekstrakti analizirani GC-MS skrining metodom na sadržaj 927 pesticida