751 research outputs found

    Use of synthetic oestrogens for promoting weight gains in beef steers grazing on native pastures

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    In two trials on unimproved pasture at the Beef Cattle Pasture Research Station, "Brian Pastures," Gayndah, beef steers implanted at levels of 30 mg and 60 mg with the synthetic hormone hexoestrol made significantly greater liveweight gains than comparable untreated cattle. Treated animals had a slightly better depth of eye muscle and carried less fat cover than the controls. In one trial, carcasses of the control animals graded higher than those of the treated animals, but in the other trial the carcasses of both treated and untreated cattle graded equally well. Certain adverse effects were noted in steers treated at both levels

    A study of three important pasture mixtures in the Queensland subtropics: Progress Report, 1955-1958

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    The first four years' results of a grazing trial of three pasture mixtures are presented. The mixtures were Rhodes grass, green panic and Gayndah strain buffel grass, each sown with Hunter River lucerne and phasey bean. All mixtures carried beef cattle at a heavy rate through a severe drought, and during seasons of good rainfall uninterrupted liveweight increases through the winter occurred. Animal weight gains on the Rhodes grass-legume mixture were inferior to those on the other mixtures. The liveweight increases per acre on sown pastures were more than three times as great as those on native pasture grazed continuously at the rate normal for the district, which was half the stocking intensity of the sown pastures. The buffel grass-legume pasture produced the highest yields of dry matter and of crude protein. Consistent differences occurred in the crude protein status of the grass components in each mixture, the order being green panic, buffel grass and Rhodes grass. The value of Hunter River lucerne in all mixtures was demonstrated and its ability to persist under rotational grazing confirmed. Seasonal pasture productivity trends and liveweight changes are discussed. Of the pasture indices considered, the legume crude protein yield bore the closest relationship to liveweight changes

    An efficient and effective approach to column-based input/output encoding in functional decomposition

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    Studies on factors in beef cattle production in a subtropical environment. 1. Birth weight

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    Data from 502 calves from 244 cows during the years 1954-1957 at "Brian Pastures" Pasture Research Station of the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Stock were analysed. The effects of sex, year of birth, age of dam, weight of dam and time of birth on birth weight were evaluated. The mean birth weight of all calves was 70·4 lb. The male calves weighed 4·7 lb. more than the female calves, the difference being significant. Significant year differences were recorded due to the marked lowering of birth weight following the 1957 drought. First-calf heifers gave birth to calves which were 4 lb. lighter than those of mature cows. Weight of dam was significantly related to birth weight and was associated with approximately 6 per cent. of the variation in birth weight of the calf. Time of calving, in a 3-month calving period, also was significantly related to birth weight but was only associated with 3 per cent. of the variation in the birth weight of the calf

    On the Evolution Equation for Magnetic Geodesics

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    In this paper we prove the existence of long time solutions for the parabolic equation for closed magnetic geodesics.Comment: In this paper we prove the existence of long time solutions for the parabolic equation for closed magnetic geodesic

    Phase diagram for morphological transitions of wetting films on chemically structured substrates

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    Using an interface displacement model we calculate the shapes of thin liquidlike films adsorbed on flat substrates containing a chemical stripe. We determine the entire phase diagram of morphological phase transitions in these films as function of temperature, undersaturation, and stripe widthComment: 15 pages, RevTeX, 7 Figure

    A contribution to the deterministic modelling of circadian rhythms in cell proliferation activity

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    This paper presents a deterministic continuous model of proliferative cell activity. The classical series of connected compartments is revisited along with a simple mathematical treatment of two hypotheses: constant transit times and harmonic Ts. Several examples are presented to support these ideas, both taken from previous literature and recent experiences with the fish Carassius auratus, developed at the Junta de Energía Nuclear, Madrid, Spain

    Decoupling Criticality and Importance in Mixed-Criticality Scheduling

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    Research on mixed-criticality scheduling has flourished since Vestal’s seminal 2007 paper, but more efforts are needed in order to make these results more suitable for industrial adoption and robust and versatile enough to influence the evolution of future certification standards in keeping up with the times. With this in mind, we introduce a more refined task model, in line with the fundamental principles of Vestal’s mode-based adaptive mixed-criticality model, which allows a task’s criticality and its importance to be specified independently from each other. A task’s importance is the criterion that determines its presence in different system modes. Meanwhile, the task’s criticality (reflected in its Safety Integrity Level (SIL) and defining the rules for its software development process), prescribes the degree of conservativeness for the task’s estimated WCET during schedulability testing. We indicate how such a task model can help resolve some of the perceived weaknesses of the Vestal model, in terms of how it is interpreted, and demonstrate how the existing scheduling tests for the classic variant’s of Vestal’s model can be mapped to the new task model essentially without changes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Structural and dielectric properties of Sr2_{2}TiO4_{4} from first principles

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    We have investigated the structural and dielectric properties of Sr2_{2}TiO4_{4},the first member of the Srn+1_{n+1}Tin_{n}O3n+1_{3n+1} Ruddlesden-Popper series, within density functional theory. Motivated by recent work in which thin films of Sr2_{2}TiO4_{4} were grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on SrTiO3_{3} substrates, the in-plane lattice parameter was fixed to the theoretically optimized lattice constant of cubic SrTiO3_{3} (n=∞\infty), while the out-of-plane lattice parameter and the internal structural parameters were relaxed. The fully relaxed structure was also investigated. Density functional perturbation theory was used to calculate the zone-center phonon frequencies, Born effective charges, and the electronic dielectric permittivity tensor. A detailed study of the contribution of individual infrared-active modes to the static dielectric permittivity tensor was performed. The calculated Raman and infrared phonon frequencies were found to be in agreement with experiment where available. Comparisons of the calculated static dielectric permittivity with experiments on both ceramic powders and epitaxial thin films are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, 8 tables, submitted to Phys. Rev.
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