1,166 research outputs found

    Geosciences for Elementary Educators: A Course Assessment

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    Geosciences for Elementary Educators engages future elementary teachers in a hands-on investigation of topics aligned with the third and fifth grade Earth/Space Science and Scientific Inquiry benchmarks of the Oregon Content Standards. The course was designed to develop the content background of elementary teachers within the framework of the science described in the content standards, to provide an opportunity for future teachers to explore the content area in relation to what takes place in the classrooms of elementary schools, and to initiate a community of learners focused on teaching science to elementary students. The course focused on four themes: the classroom teacher as an activity and curriculum developer using diverse resources to keep the content current and alive; the classroom teacher as educator dealing with the diverse backgrounds of students in a developmentally appropriate manner; the classroom teacher as reflective practitioner exploring the links among pedagogy, content, and student learning; and, the classroom teacher as citizen staying current with emerging policy issues and debates that impact education. In a course where process is extremely important, participants are assessed on what they can do with content and process knowledge through preparing lesson plans, presenting lessons in a simulated classroom environment, and developing a portfolio and journal. Lesson plans demonstrate participant understanding of inquiry, using models, deductive and inductive approaches, links between communication skills and content knowledge, and effective use of technology, including the Internet. For each topic, the mixture of demonstration, experimentation, inquiry, and lecture models are explored through investigation, discovery, and analysis

    Review of eating disorders and oxytocin receptor polymorphisms.

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Oxytocin, a nine amino acid peptide synthesised in the hypothalamus, has been widely recognised for its role in anxiolysis, bonding, sociality, and appetite. It binds to the oxytocin receptor (OXTR)-a G-protein coupled receptor-that is stimulated by the actions of oestrogen both peripherally and centrally. Studies have implicated OXTR genotypes in conferring either a risk or protective effect in autism, schizophrenia, and eating disorders (ED). There are numerous DNA variations of this receptor, with the most common DNA variation being in the form of the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Two OXTR SNPs have been most studied in relation to ED: rs53576 and rs2254298. Each SNP has the same allelic variant that produces genotypes AA, AG, and GG. In this critical review we will evaluate the putative role of rs53576 and rs2254298 SNPs in ED. Additionally, this narrative review will consider the role of gene-environment interactions in the development of ED pathology. FINDINGS: The OXTR SNPs rs53576 and rs2254298 show independent associations between the A allele and restrictive eating behaviours. Conversely, the G allele of the OXTR rs53576 SNP is associated with binging behaviours, findings that were also evident in neuroanatomy. One study found the A allele of both OXTR SNPs to confer risk for more severe ED symptomatology while the G allele conferred some protective effect. An interaction between poor maternal care and rs2254298 AG/AA genotype conferred increased risk for binge eating and purging in women. CONCLUSIONS: Individual OXTR SNP are unlikely in themselves to explain complex eating disorders but may affect the expression of and/or effectiveness of the OXTR. A growing body of G x E work is indicating that rs53576G homozygosity becomes disadvantageous for later mental health under early adverse conditions but further research to extend these findings to eating pathology is needed. The GWAS approach would benefit this area of knowledge

    Paleomagnetic Evidence of Vertical Axis Block Rotations from the Mesozoic of Northern Chile

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    We present paleomagnetic results for three Mesozoic formations from northern Chile: La Ternera Formation (Upper Triassic), Quebrada Monardes Formation (Upper Jurassic); Cerrillos Formation (Upper Cretaceous). Results from the Cerrillos are divided into eastern (Cuesta El Gao (CEG)) and western (Elisa De Bordo (EBD)) localities. Most specimens from La Ternera volcanic and sedimentary rocks are mag­netically stable, as shown by alternating field and thermal demagnetization. More complicated but still reliable results were obtained from Quebrada Monardes red beds. Normal and reverse polarities are present in both units; means of both populations are antiparallel at 95% confi­dence. The Quebrada Monardes Formation also yields positive conglomerate and fold tests. Paleomagnetic poles for La Ternera and Quebrada- Monardes are 60.9S, 218.3E (A95, 7.8°), and 66.9S, 191.6E (A95, 12.7°), respectively. Com­parison with appropriate reference poles shows that this region of Chile has undergone about 25° of clockwise rotation, with negligible lati­tudinal transport. Cerrillos CEG results are less reliable and possibly complicated by remag- netization during emplacement of early Tertiary intrusives. Most Cerrillos EDB specimens are stable, but marked increase in scatter upon un­folding suggests remagnetization. Results for the Cerrillos CEG locality, which is contiguous to the sampling area of the La Ternera and Que­brada Monardes formations, show only about half the rotation of those two units, suggesting that rotation commenced after deposition of the Que­brada Monardes rocks in the Late Jurassic and was approximately half complete by the time Cer­rillos CEG rocks acquired their magnetization. Cerrillos EDB results come from an area approxi­mately 40 km to the west; these show roughly 45° of clockwise rotation. Dispersion is very low between EDB sites, suggesting that secular vari­ation may not be completely averaged. Neverthe­less, the great difference in direct:ion between the two Cerrillos localities suggests that they lie in different structural blocks

    The impact of COVID-19-related living restrictions on eating behaviours in children and adolescents: a systematic review

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    The COVID-19 pandemic prompted the imposition of physical and social distancing measures worldwide. Emerging data suggest that younger age groups may be particularly vulnerable to the adverse mental health impacts of the pandemic. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an unprecedented increase in demand for child and adolescent eating disorder services. The aim of this review was to systematically review and appraise the current literature on the impact of COVID-19-related living restrictions on the eating behaviours of children and adolescents. Searches of eight electronic databases were conducted in March 2021 and December 2021 for published and grey literature on eating behaviours of population samples of children and adolescents (aged 18 months to 18 years old) who were exposed to COVID-19-related living restrictions. Of 3165 retrieved references, sixteen studies were included in this review, comprising data from 125, 286 participants. There was a pattern towards healthier eating behaviours among children and adolescents during the COVID-19 lockdown. However, young people from lower socioeconomic groups showed a tendency towards more unhealthy eating behaviours, and there was an association between mood difficulties and greater changes in eating; this suggests that such groups may be more vulnerable to the adverse health consequences of lockdowns

    Epratuzumab (humanised anti-CD22 antibody) in primary Sjögren's syndrome: an open-label phase I/II study

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    This open-label, phase I/II study investigated the safety and efficacy of epratuzumab, a humanised anti-CD22 monoclonal antibody, in the treatment of patients with active primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS). Sixteen Caucasian patients (14 females/2 males, 33–72 years) were to receive 4 infusions of 360 mg/m(2 )epratuzumab once every 2 weeks, with 6 months of follow-up. A composite endpoint involving the Schirmer-I test, unstimulated whole salivary flow, fatigue, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and immunoglobulin G (IgG) was devised to provide a clinically meaningful assessment of response, defined as a ≥20% improvement in at least two of the aforementioned parameters, with ≥20% reduction in ESR and/or IgG considered as a single combined criterion. Fourteen patients received all infusions without significant reactions, 1 patient received 3, and another was discontinued due to a mild acute reaction after receiving a partial infusion. Three patients showed moderately elevated levels of Human anti-human (epratuzumab) antibody not associated with clinical manifestations. B-cell levels had mean reductions of 54% and 39% at 6 and 18 weeks, respectively, but T-cell levels, immunoglobulins, and routine safety laboratory tests did not change significantly. Fifty-three percent achieved a clinical response (at ≥20% improvement level) at 6 weeks, with 53%, 47%, and 67% responding at 10, 18, and 32 weeks, respectively. Approximately 40%–50% responded at the ≥30% level, while 10%–45% responded at the ≥50% level for 10–32 weeks. Additionally, statistically significant improvements were observed in fatigue, and patient and physician global assessments. Further, we determined that pSS patients have a CD22 over-expression in their peripheral B cells, which was downregulated by epratuzumab for at least 12 weeks after the therapy. Thus, epratuzumab appears to be a promising therapy in active pSS, suggesting that further studies be conducted
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