813 research outputs found

    Competitive Interaction: The Influence of Strategic Group Structure

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    The assertion that competitive interaction is a central focus of business strategy emerged from the Strategic Management Research Group (SMRG) at the University of Maryland. The premise of this perspective is that competition among firms can be modeled using communication theory to explain how firms in an industry interact. Competition, in this framework, is represented as the series of actions and counteractions, termed responses, that firms undertake to position themselves in their industry. Thus, in this model, interaction (actions and responses) equates with competition. Studies conducted by the members of the SMRG have outlined the relationship of key variables within the Communication-Information Processing Model of Competitive Interaction (CIP) to measures of performance, a key outcome variable in strategic management research. A factor that is hypothesized to influence the response variables within the model is homophily—a concept which refers to the similarity of characteristics between sender (the actor) and the receiver (the responder). The proposed relationship between homophily and response however, has been minimally explored. This study investigated the relationship between homophily and response through the development and presentation a thesis that the strategic group concept of firms within an industry (Hunt, 1972) can be used as a proxy for the homophily construct. This study investigated the influence that strategic groups in an industry may have on the variables representing the competitive behavior of firms in that industry, as captured by the Communication-Information Processing Model of Competitive Interaction. The intersections between the strategic group literature base and the emerging theoretical and empirical literature of the Communication-Information Processing Model of Competitive Interaction were presented and discussed. From this discussion, testable hypotheses were developed in order to extend the theory by explaining how the strategic group concept is associated with key variables of the CIP model. The tests of the hypotheses regarding the influence of the strategic group construct on components of the Communication-Information Processing Model of Competitive Interaction reveal that there is a relationship between the similarity of strategic group membership of the actor and responder and certain response characteristics central to the CIP model

    Convenient Labelling Technique for Mass Spectrometry - Acid Catalyzed Deuterium and Oxygen-18 Exchange via Gas-liquid Chromatography

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    Mass spectrometry labelling technique - acid catalyzed deuterium and oxygen 18 exchange by gas-liquid chromatograph

    Revealing nascent proteomics in signaling pathways and cell differentiation.

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    Regulation of gene expression at the level of protein synthesis is a crucial element in driving how the genetic landscape is expressed. However, we are still limited in technologies that can quantitatively capture the immediate proteomic changes that allow cells to respond to specific stimuli. Here, we present a method to capture and identify nascent proteomes in situ across different cell types without disturbing normal growth conditions, using O-propargyl-puromycin (OPP). Cell-permeable OPP rapidly labels nascent elongating polypeptides, which are subsequently conjugated to biotin-azide, using click chemistry, and captured with streptavidin beads, followed by digestion and analysis, using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Our technique of OPP-mediated identification (OPP-ID) allows detection of widespread proteomic changes within a short 2-hour pulse of OPP. We illustrate our technique by recapitulating alterations of proteomic networks induced by a potent mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitor, MLN128. In addition, by employing OPP-ID, we identify more than 2,100 proteins and uncover distinct protein networks underlying early erythroid progenitor and differentiation states not amenable to alternative approaches such as amino acid analog labeling. We present OPP-ID as a method to quantitatively identify nascent proteomes across an array of biological contexts while preserving the subtleties directing signaling in the native cellular environment

    Nucleosomes in serum as a marker for cell death

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    The concentration of nucleosomes is elevated in blood of patients with diseases which are associated with enhanced cell death. In order to detect these circulating nucleosomes, we used the Cell Death Detection-ELISA(Plus) (CDDE) from Roche Diagnostics (Mannheim, Germany) (details at http:\textbackslash{}\textbackslash{}biochem.roche.com). For its application in liquid materials we performed various modifications: we introduced a standard curve with nucleosome-rich material, which enabled direct quantification and improved comparability of the values within (CVinterassay:3.0-4.1%) and between several runs (CVinterassay:8.6-13.5%), and tested the analytical specificity of the ELISA. Because of the fast elimination of nucleosomes from circulation and their limited stability, we compared plasma and serum matrix and investigated in detail the pre-analytical handling of serum samples which can considerably influence the test results. Careless venipuncture producing hemolysis, delayed centrifugation and bacterial contamination of the blood samples led to false-positive results; delayed stabilization with EDTA and insufficient storage conditions resulted in false-negative values. At temperatures of -20 degreesC, serum samples which were treated with 10 mM EDTA were stable for at least 6 months. In order to avoid possible interfering factors, we recommend a schedule for the pre-analytical handling of the samples. As the first stage, the possible clinical application was investigated in the sera of 310 persons. Patients with solid tumors (n = 220; mean = 361 Arbitrary Units (AU)) had considerably higher values than healthy persons (n = 50; mean = 30 AU; P = 0.0001) and patients with inflammatory diseases (n = 40; mean = 296 AU; p = 0.096). Within the group of patients with tumors, those in advanced stages (UICC 4) showed significantly higher values than those in early stages (UICC 1-3) (P = 0.0004)

    Glucose sensor O-GlcNAcylation coordinates with phosphorylation to regulate circadian clock.

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    Posttranslational modifications play central roles in myriad biological pathways including circadian regulation. We employed a circadian proteomic approach to demonstrate that circadian timing of phosphorylation is a critical factor in regulating complex GSK3ÎČ-dependent pathways and identified O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT) as a substrate of GSK3ÎČ. Interestingly, OGT activity is regulated by GSK3ÎČ; hence, OGT and GSK3ÎČ exhibit reciprocal regulation. Modulating O-GlcNAcylation levels alter circadian period length in both mice and Drosophila; conversely, protein O-GlcNAcylation is circadianly regulated. Central clock proteins, Clock and Period, are reversibly modified by O-GlcNAcylation to regulate their transcriptional activities. In addition, O-GlcNAcylation of a region in PER2 known to regulate human sleep phase (S662-S674) competes with phosphorylation of this region, and this interplay is at least partly mediated by glucose levels. Together, these results indicate that O-GlcNAcylation serves as a metabolic sensor for clock regulation and works coordinately with phosphorylation to fine-tune circadian clock

    The Transcriptionally Permissive Chromatin State of Embryonic Stem Cells Is Acutely Tuned to Translational Output

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    A permissive chromatin environment coupled to hypertranscription drives the rapid proliferation of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and peri-implantation embryos. We carried out a genome-wide screen to systematically dissect the regulation of the euchromatic state of ESCs. The results revealed that cellular growth pathways, most prominently translation, perpetuate the euchromatic state and hypertranscription of ESCs. Acute inhibition of translation rapidly depletes euchromatic marks in mouse ESCs and blastocysts, concurrent with delocalization of RNA polymerase II and reduction in nascent transcription. Translation inhibition promotes rewiring of chromatin accessibility, which decreases at a subset of active developmental enhancers and increases at histone genes and transposable elements. Proteome-scale analyses revealed that several euchromatin regulators are unstable proteins and continuously depend on a high translational output. We propose that this mechanistic interdependence of euchromatin, transcription, and translation sets the pace of proliferation at peri-implantation and may be employed by other stem/progenitor cells
