23 research outputs found

    Fauna of islands and island habitats

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    Na otocima nalazimo mnogo različitih staništa i životinja, koje se u većini slučajeva razlikuju od njihovih srodnika na kopnu. Te razlike ovise o vrsti otoka (kojeg je postanka), površine i udaljenosti od najbližeg kopna. MacArthurova i Wilsonova „teorija ekvilibrija“ nam to objašnjava u obliku matematičkog modela. Broj vrsta koje nastanjuju otok u bilo kojem vremenu je ravnoteža između imigracije novih vrsta i izumiranja vrsta koje su već na njemu. Kao odgovor na posebne uvijete na otocima životinje se tijekom vremena polako mijenjaju, dolazi do evolucije i zbog toga na otocima možemo pronaći mnogo endema. To sve utječe da otoci postaju „hot spots“ bioraznolikosti. Otočna staništa su područja okružena područjem ne odgovarajućeg staništa. Imaju ista obilježja kao i otoci, što je važno prilikom određivanja novih zaštićenih područja kako bi mogli povećati broj i uspješnost preživljavanja vrsta u njima. Otoci i otočna staništa su među najugroženijim staništima na planeti, zbog svoje veličine, izolacije i osjetljivosti. Utjecaji klimatskih promjena i zagađenja, zajedno sa uništavanjem biotopa, pretjeranim iskorištavanjem i invazivnim vrstama sve će biti veći, vidljiviji i pogubniji za faunu tih staništa.Islands offer a wide range of habitats for wildlife. Most hold a different animals from mainland, but that depends of types, sizes and distances from nearest mainland. The „Equilibrium Theory“ proposed by MacArthur and Wilson attempts to explain this in the form of a mathematical model. The number of species living on an island at any given time is an equilibrium between immigration and extinction rate. In response of particular conditions on the islands animals slowly change over time, they evolve. We can find lot of endemic species on islands and because of that islands are biodiversity „hot spots“. Islands habitat are areas surrounded by an area of unsuitable habitat, they can be treated like real islands. That is important to know when we are trying to define the protected areas and maximize the carrying capacity of species in them. Biodiversity loss is a particular concern on islands and island habitats. There are “among the most threatened habitats in the world”, due to their small size, isolation and fragility. It is projected that the impacts of climate change and pollution will become increasingly severe and that the impacts associated with habitat change, over-exploitation and, particularly, invasive species will continue to be very high

    Fauna of islands and island habitats

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    Na otocima nalazimo mnogo različitih staništa i životinja, koje se u većini slučajeva razlikuju od njihovih srodnika na kopnu. Te razlike ovise o vrsti otoka (kojeg je postanka), površine i udaljenosti od najbližeg kopna. MacArthurova i Wilsonova „teorija ekvilibrija“ nam to objašnjava u obliku matematičkog modela. Broj vrsta koje nastanjuju otok u bilo kojem vremenu je ravnoteža između imigracije novih vrsta i izumiranja vrsta koje su već na njemu. Kao odgovor na posebne uvijete na otocima životinje se tijekom vremena polako mijenjaju, dolazi do evolucije i zbog toga na otocima možemo pronaći mnogo endema. To sve utječe da otoci postaju „hot spots“ bioraznolikosti. Otočna staništa su područja okružena područjem ne odgovarajućeg staništa. Imaju ista obilježja kao i otoci, što je važno prilikom određivanja novih zaštićenih područja kako bi mogli povećati broj i uspješnost preživljavanja vrsta u njima. Otoci i otočna staništa su među najugroženijim staništima na planeti, zbog svoje veličine, izolacije i osjetljivosti. Utjecaji klimatskih promjena i zagađenja, zajedno sa uništavanjem biotopa, pretjeranim iskorištavanjem i invazivnim vrstama sve će biti veći, vidljiviji i pogubniji za faunu tih staništa.Islands offer a wide range of habitats for wildlife. Most hold a different animals from mainland, but that depends of types, sizes and distances from nearest mainland. The „Equilibrium Theory“ proposed by MacArthur and Wilson attempts to explain this in the form of a mathematical model. The number of species living on an island at any given time is an equilibrium between immigration and extinction rate. In response of particular conditions on the islands animals slowly change over time, they evolve. We can find lot of endemic species on islands and because of that islands are biodiversity „hot spots“. Islands habitat are areas surrounded by an area of unsuitable habitat, they can be treated like real islands. That is important to know when we are trying to define the protected areas and maximize the carrying capacity of species in them. Biodiversity loss is a particular concern on islands and island habitats. There are “among the most threatened habitats in the world”, due to their small size, isolation and fragility. It is projected that the impacts of climate change and pollution will become increasingly severe and that the impacts associated with habitat change, over-exploitation and, particularly, invasive species will continue to be very high

    Fauna of islands and island habitats

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    Na otocima nalazimo mnogo različitih staništa i životinja, koje se u većini slučajeva razlikuju od njihovih srodnika na kopnu. Te razlike ovise o vrsti otoka (kojeg je postanka), površine i udaljenosti od najbližeg kopna. MacArthurova i Wilsonova „teorija ekvilibrija“ nam to objašnjava u obliku matematičkog modela. Broj vrsta koje nastanjuju otok u bilo kojem vremenu je ravnoteža između imigracije novih vrsta i izumiranja vrsta koje su već na njemu. Kao odgovor na posebne uvijete na otocima životinje se tijekom vremena polako mijenjaju, dolazi do evolucije i zbog toga na otocima možemo pronaći mnogo endema. To sve utječe da otoci postaju „hot spots“ bioraznolikosti. Otočna staništa su područja okružena područjem ne odgovarajućeg staništa. Imaju ista obilježja kao i otoci, što je važno prilikom određivanja novih zaštićenih područja kako bi mogli povećati broj i uspješnost preživljavanja vrsta u njima. Otoci i otočna staništa su među najugroženijim staništima na planeti, zbog svoje veličine, izolacije i osjetljivosti. Utjecaji klimatskih promjena i zagađenja, zajedno sa uništavanjem biotopa, pretjeranim iskorištavanjem i invazivnim vrstama sve će biti veći, vidljiviji i pogubniji za faunu tih staništa.Islands offer a wide range of habitats for wildlife. Most hold a different animals from mainland, but that depends of types, sizes and distances from nearest mainland. The „Equilibrium Theory“ proposed by MacArthur and Wilson attempts to explain this in the form of a mathematical model. The number of species living on an island at any given time is an equilibrium between immigration and extinction rate. In response of particular conditions on the islands animals slowly change over time, they evolve. We can find lot of endemic species on islands and because of that islands are biodiversity „hot spots“. Islands habitat are areas surrounded by an area of unsuitable habitat, they can be treated like real islands. That is important to know when we are trying to define the protected areas and maximize the carrying capacity of species in them. Biodiversity loss is a particular concern on islands and island habitats. There are “among the most threatened habitats in the world”, due to their small size, isolation and fragility. It is projected that the impacts of climate change and pollution will become increasingly severe and that the impacts associated with habitat change, over-exploitation and, particularly, invasive species will continue to be very high

    Health - oriented outdoor activities for young school children

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    Nastavu je moguće organizirati u posebnim uvjetima, izvan učionice i školske zgrade, neovisno o mjestu odvijanja te vremenu trajanja. Izvanučioničko učenje odnosi se na učenje o prirodi, društvenome položaju, odnosu prirode i društva, o sebi i drugima te na stjecanje različitih praktičnih vještina. Prilikom ovakvog učenja stečena znanja posljedica su opažanja, razmišljanja, pronalaženja i otkrivanja (Rickinson i sur., 2004). U ovom se radu objašnjava važnost provođenja vremena na otvorenom za djecu školske dobi, prikazuju se prednosti izvanučioničke nastave, opisuju se nastavne posjete i izleti, nastavne ekskurzije i škola u prirodi kao oblici izvanučioničke nastave te njihov utjecaj na zdravlje učenika.Teaching can be organized in special forms outside the classroom and school building, regardless of the location or duration. Teaching outside the classrooms refers to learrning about nature, social status, the relationship between nature and society, about yourself and others, and it also refers to the acquisition of various practical skills. This form of learning results with knowledge acquired by observation, reflection, finding and discovering (Rickinson i sur., 2004). This paper explains the importance of spending time outdoors for school-age children, shows the benefits of teaching outside the classroom, describes outside-the-classroom visitations, field trips, and teaching in nature as forms of teaching outside the classroom, and their impact on the health of school children

    Prilog fauni danjih leptira (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) planine Kozjak, Split, Hrvatska

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    Mt Kozjak is an elongated mountain ridge situated in central Dalmatia, just above the Riviera of Kaštela near Split. It was well surveyed a century ago by Hermann Stauder who recorded 38 butterfly species. Among these, Papilio alexanor was the most prominent discovery. During our surveys from 2007 to 2018, we recorded 82 butterfly species at 19 localities bringing the total of observed species to 87. We managed to confirm the presence of Papilio alexanor more than hundred years after the first observation in the area. The occurrence of some additional rare and interesting species like Carcharodus orientalis, Pyrgus sidae, Pyrgus serratulae, Parnassius mnemosyne, Euchloe ausonia, Cupido osiris, Polyommatus admetus and Hyponephele lycaon is discussed in more detail. The butterfly fauna of Mt Kozjak is very diverse given its geographic position, low habitat diversity and size. Abandonment of pasturing and subsequent overgrowing of calcareous grasslands is the most important factor causing long term butterfly decline on Mt Kozjak.Planina Kozjak izduženi je planinski greben smješten u središnjoj Dalmaciji, iznad Kaštela u blizini Splita. Prije jednog stoljeća to je područje dobro istražio Herman Stauder te je zabilježio 38 vrsta danjih leptira. Među njima, najistaknutiji je nalaz vrste Papilio alexanor. Tijekom našeg istraživanja koje je trajalo od 2007. do 2018. zabilježili smo 82 vrsta leptira na 19 lokaliteta, povećavajući broj poznatih vrsta na 87. Uspjeli smo potvrditi i prisutnost vrste Papilio alexanor, preko 100 godina nakon prvih opažanja na tome području. Dodatno raspravljamo o nalazima rijetkih ili zanimljivih vrsta poput Carcharodus orientalis, Pyrgus sidae, Pyrgus serratulae, Parnassius mnemosyne, Euchloe ausonia, Cupido osiris, Polyommatus admetus i Hyponephele lycaon. Fauna leptira planine Kozjak vrlo je raznolika s obzirom na svoj geografski položaj, nisku raznolikost staništa i veličinu. Napuštanje ispaše i zarastanje vapnenačkih travnjaka najvažniji su čimbenici koji uzrokuju dugoročno opadanje raznolikosti leptira na Kozjaku

    Butterfly fauna (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) of Svilaja Mountain, Dalmatia

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    Svilaja is a 30 km-long mountain range in the Outer Dinarides in the hinterland of northern Dalmatia, between the rivers Cetina and Čikola. It has never been the target of systematic butterfly surveys and its fauna remained completely unknown. During our surveys from 2019 to 2022, we recorded 112 butterfly species at 37 sites. The butterfly richness of the Svilaja Mountain is higher than that of the Mosor and Kozjak Mountains nearer to the coast, but similar to that of the Biokovo Mountains and lower than that of the nearby, much larger Dinara Mountains. However, the biogeographical composition of the mountains compared is similar, with dominant Euro-Siberian and Euro-Oriental faunal elements, but an obvious decrease in the number of montane species in all other mountains compared to the Dinara Mountains. New records are discussed for some species for which there is little information for Croatia or Dalmatia, such as Carcharodus orientalis, Pyrgus carthami, Tarucus balkanicus, Aricia artaxerxes, Polyommatus ripartii, Melitaea ornata, Melitaea athalia, Coenonympha rhodopensis and Hyponephele lupina. Although most of Svilaja Mountain is part of the Natura 2000 network, many of the sites with high conservation value are located outside the area. Overall, the abandonment and overgrowth of grasslands present the most imminent threat to butterfly diversity in the region

    Novi podatki o razširjenosti in razponu nadmorskih višin pojavljanja dalmatinskega rjavčka, Proterebia afra dalmata (Godart, [1824]) (Lepidoptera: Satyrinae) na Hrvaškem

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    During the survey of butterfly fauna of Dalmatian mountains in the last years, Proterebia afra dalmata (Godart, 1824) was found on several new sites, including the first records of this subspecies at higher altitudes (Poštak, Svilaja, Promina, Kamešnica and Dinara Mts.). In this paper we present a much more complete picture of the distribution of this presumably rare butterfly and discuss its altitudinal distribution. The species was found at altitude of almost 1500 m, therefore the characterization of the subspecies as a lowland butterfly can be dismissed.Med raziskavami favne metuljev dalmatinskih hribov v zadnjih letih smo vrsto Proterebia afra dalmata (Godart, 1824) našli na več novih lokalitetah, vključno s prvimi najdbami te podvrste na višjih nadmorskih višinah (gore Poštak, Svilaja, Promina, Kamešnica in Dinara). V članku predstavljamo veliko popolnejšo sliko razširjenosti tega domnevno redkega metulja in razpravljamo o njegovi višinski razširjenosti. Vrsto smo našli na skoraj 1500 m višine, zat omoramo zavreči opredelitev vrste kot nižinske