13 research outputs found

    Effects of intrasplenic fetal hepatocyte transplantation on hepatic functions of rats with chronic hepatic failure induced by complete biliary obstruction

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    Bu çalışmada, fötal hepatosit transplantasyonunun tam bilier obstrüksiyonla oluşturulmuş kronik karaciğer yetmezliğinde, karaciğer fonksiyonları ve sağ kalım süresine olan etkilerim ortaya koymak amaçlandı. Bu nedenle 15 günlük fötal sıçan karaciğerlerinden % 80 canlılıkta 3x1 07 fötal hepatosit izole edildi. Erişkin sıçanlar 3 gruba ayrıldı: I. Sham grubu (n=7), II. Deney 1 grubu: Birleşik safra kanalı bağlanıp çıkarılarak tam bilier tıkanıklık oluşturuldu. III. Deney 2 grubu: Tam bilier obstrüksiyon ile eş zamanlı, fötal hepatosit (3xl06/0.1 mL Hank's Solüsyonu) intrasplenik olarak transplante edildi. Her üç grubta, postoperatif 10. ve 30. günlerde alman kan örneklerinde, biyokimyasal karaciğer fonksiyon testleri ile 30. günde jel protein elektroforezi çalışıldı. Tüm sıçanların sağ kalım süreleri gözlendi, dalak ve karaciğerden alınan doku örnekleri histopatolojik olarak incelendi. Sham grubunun tüm verileri normal sıçanlarla uyumludur. Deney grublannda 10. günde serumda biyokimyasal kan tetkiklerinde tam bilier obstrüksiyon, 30. günde ise, sekonder bilier obstrüktif karaciğer yetmezliğini gösteren değerler saptandı. Jel protein elektroforezindeki sonuçlar ise siroz başlangıcı ile uyumluydu. Sham grubu, deney 1 ve deney 2 grublanna ait ortalama sağ kalım süreleri ise sırasıyla 145±8.8, 53.7±9 and 56.2±10.6 olarak ölçüldü. Sham grubuna göre, her iki grubta istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık(P0.05). The histopathologic examination of the liver specimens of experimental groups conformed to initiation of cirrhosis but there was no histopathologic differences between both groups. We determined hepatization in two months with replacement of up to 20 % of the spleen by hepatocytes organized with forming a cord like structure in the specimens of the spleen in group II but, only congestion was observed in group I. Intrasplenic fetal hepatocyte transplantation did not affect hepatic functions and survivals of rats with chronic hepatic failure. We conclud that hepatization occurred intrasplenically in this study has no sufficient quantity and functions

    Smart Home Assistant for Ambient Assisted Living of Elderly People with Dementia

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    It is the nature of life that with advancing age human brain cells are damaged and brain functions degrade, which is manifested by memory loss, lack of concentration, reduced judgement abilities as well as speaking problems and even noticeable changes in personality and behavior. When a number of these symptoms collectively detected in a person, he usually diagnosed with dementia. These people have problems in managing their daily activities and shortly become unable to live by themselves. Ways to prolong the independent life of elderly people have drawn the attention of a large scientific community. In this paper, we present an integrated system design that allows collection, recording and transmission through a cloud application of the data from different sensors placed in a house of a person having dementia. The concept of this work is a part of the so-called Internet of Things (IoT) where information from smart things around us can be evaluated and transmitted over the internet

    Evaluation of risk factors for necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants

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    Giriş: Bu çalışmada nekrotizan enterokolit (NEK) gelişiminde anne, bebek ve bebek bakımı ile ilişkili faktörlerin etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Doğum haftası ≤32 ve doğum ağırlığı ≤1500 gram olan hastalar çalışmaya dâhil edildi. Maternal demografik özellikler ve gebelik öyküsü, antenatal ve natal takipteki problemler, antenatal steroid tedavisi, doğum şekli (NVY, C/S), ve bebeğin doğum öyküsü kayıt edildi. NEK tanısından önce prematüre bebeğe uygulanan ventilasyon tedavisinin süresi ve transfüzyon sayıları kayıt edildi. Çalışmaya evre 2 ve evre 3 NEK olguları alındı. Bulgular: Beş yüz otuz iki hastadan 61’ine (%11,4) NEK tanısı konuldu ve çalışma grubu olarak belirlendi. 60 hasta kontrol grubu olarak seçildi. Çalışma ve kontrol grubu arasında demografik özellikler, APGAR skoru, resüsitasyon gereksinimi ve antenatal steroid kullanımı açısından farklılık bulunmadı. NEK’li hastalarda ventilatörde kalım süresinin (p=0,037) ve eritrosit süspansiyonu transfüzyon sıklığının daha fazla olduğu görüldü (p=0,032). Antenatal steroid kullanımının evre 2 NEK’li hastalarda daha fazla olduğu (p=0,011), evre 3 olanlarda ventilatörde kalım süresinin daha fazla olduğu bulundu (p=0,020). NEK’li hastalarda mortalite oranı %31,1 olarak saptandı. Ölen hastaların %84’ünde evre 3 NEK olduğu, doğum ağırlığı ve haftalarının daha düşük olduğu görüldü. NEK grubunda respiratuvar distress sendromu (RDS) (p=0,02); RDS ve patent duktus arteriosus (PDA) birlikteliği daha fazla olduğu (p=0,03), intrakranial kanamanın (‹KK) evre 3 NEK’te fazla olduğu (p=0,034) saptandı. Evre 3 NEK’li olgularda RDS, PDA ve ‹KK birlikteliği daha fazla bulundu (p=0,006). Evre 3 NEK’li hastaların annelerinde kronik hipertansiyon (p=0,003), eklampsi (p=0,034) ve infeksiyon (p=0,011) sıklığının fazla olduğu görüldü. Sonuç: Bu çalışmada antenatal, natal ve postnatal faktörlerin NEK gelişiminde önemli rol oynadığı gösterilmiş olup, bu faktörlere yönelik alınacak önlemlerle hastalığın sıklığının azaltılabileceği önerilmiştir.Introduction: In the present study, it was aimed to evaluate the effects of the maternal and infantile factors and factors associated with the care of the infants in the development of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). Materials and Method: Infants with ≤32 weeks of gestational age and ≤1500 grams of birth weight were included in the study. Maternal demographic characteristics and pregnancy history, antenatal and postnatal follow-up problems, antenatal steroid treatment, modes of delivery (NVY, C/S), and the babies’ birth history were recorded. The duration of ventilation treatment and the number of transfusions applied before the diagnosis of NEC in premature infants were recorded. Patients with stage II and stage III NEC were included in the study. Results: Sixty one of 532 patients (11,4%) were diagnosed as NEC and allocated in the study group. Sixty patients were enrolled as the control group. There were no differences between both groups with respect to demographic characteristics, APGAR score, need for resuscitation and antenatal steroid treatment. The duration of ventilation treatment (p=0.037) and the frequency of red blood cell transfusion (p=0.032) were considered to be higher in the NEC group. Antenatal steroid administration was higher in patients with stage 2 NEC (p=0.011), but the duration of ventilation treatment was higher in those with stage 3 (p=0.020). The mortality rate was 31.1% in the patients with NEC. It was observed that 83% of patients who died had stage 3 NEC and a lower birth weight and gestational age. Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) (p=0.02), togetherness of RDS and patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) were higher in the NEC group (p=0.03), and more intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) was detected at stage 3 NEC (p=0.034). RDS, PDA and ‹CH were frequently determined together in patients with stage 3 NEC (p=0.006). Chronic hypertension (p=0.003), eclampsia (p=0.034), and infection (p=0.011) were found to be more frequent in the mother of the patients with stage 3 NEC. Conclusion: In the present study, antenatal, natal and postnatal factors were shown to play an important role in the development of NEC, and if proposed measures to be taken, these factors may reduce the incidence of the disease

    A case of Wilms' tumor with spinal cord involvement

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    Wilms' tumor is the most common renal tumor of childhood. However, spinal cord involvement has rarely been reported in children with Wilms' tumor. In this article, we report a 5-year-old boy with Wilms' tumor who had the unusual presentation of spinal cord involvement. Our purpose is to emphasize that spinal cord involvement may be seen in children with Wilms' tumor. (J Pediatr Neurol 2003; 1(1): 47-50)

    Nivolumab for relapsed or refractory Hodgkin lymphoma: Real-life experience

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    Background: Reed-Sternberg cells of classical Hodgkin's lymphoma (cHL) are characterized by genetic alterations at the 9p24.1 locus, leading to over-expression of programmed death-ligand 1 and 2. In a phase 1b study, nivolumab, a PD-1-blocking antibody, produced a high response in patients with relapsed or refractory cHL, with an acceptable safety profile. Patients and methods: We present a retrospective analysis of 82 patients (median age: 30 years; range: 18-75) with relapsed/refractory HL treated with nivolumab in a named patient program from 24 centers throughout Turkey. The median follow-up was 7 months, and the patients had a median of 5 (2-11) previous lines of therapy. Fifty-seven (70%) and 63 (77%) had been treated by stem-cell transplantation and brentuximab vedotin, respectively. Results: Among 75 patients evaluated after 12 weeks of nivolumab treatment, the objective response rate was 64%, with 16 complete responses (CR; 22%); after 16 weeks, it was 60%, with 16 (26%) patients achieving CR. Twenty patients underwent subsequent transplantation. Among 11 patients receiving allogeneic stem-cell transplantation, 5 had CR at the time of transplantation and are currently alive with ongoing response. At the time of analysis, 41 patients remained on nivolumab treatment. Among the patients who discontinued nivolumab, the main reason was disease progression (n = 19). The safety profile was acceptable, with only four patients requiring cessation of nivolumab due to serious adverse events (autoimmune encephalitis, pulmonary adverse event, and two cases of graft-versus-host disease aggravation). The 6-month overall and progression-free survival rates were 91.2% (95% confidence interval: 0.83-0.96) and 77.3% (0.66-0.85), respectively. Ten patients died during the follow-up; one of these was judged to be treatment-related. Conclusions: Nivolumab represents a novel option for patients with cHL refractory to brentuximab vedotin, and may serve as a bridge to transplantation; however, it may be associated with increased toxicity