29 research outputs found


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    This study investigates the use of ‘on the other hand’ as a logical connector in the academic writing in Turkish doctoral students. The learner corpus used is composed of academically-advanced non-native students’ doctoral dissertations (applied and theoretical linguistics fields) and the study also compiled the control corpora, the first one is a corpus of academic essays written by professional native speakers and the second control corpus is The Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA). The results revealed that the overall frequency of  ‘on the other hand’ used by the Turkish doctoral students were greater than that used by the professional writers. However, the Turkish doctoral students did use ‘on the other hand’ in proper manner as natives did, that is, there was not a misused situation from the point of academically-advanced non-native users. The findings also showed that, according to the COCA results, ‘on the other hand’ is more frequent in academic genre, less frequent in spoken, magazine, fiction and newspaper genres, respectively.

    Evaluation of subclinical atherosclerosis in obese patients with three noninvasive methods: Arterial stiffness, carotid intima-media thickness, and biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction

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    ABSTRACT Objective: In this study, we aimed to evaluate subclinical atherosclerosis in patients with obesity who had cardiovascular disease risk indicators such as arterial stiffness, which is evaluated using pulse wave velocity (PWV), carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT), and biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction such as endocan, ADAMTS97, and ADAMTS9. Subjects and methods: Sixty obese subjects, including 23 subjects with body mass index (BMI) ≥ 40, 37 subjects with BMI ≥ 30 but < 40, and 60 age-and sex-matched control subjects, were included in our study. Serum endocan, ADAMTS97, and ADAMTS9 levels as well as PWV and CIMT measurements of the subjects in the obese and control groups were performed. Results: In the obesity group, PWV levels were significantly higher than they were in the control group and endocan levels were significantly lower than they were in the control group. When we compared the obese group with BMI ≥ 40 and the control group, the BMI ≥ 40 group had significantly higher PWV and CIMT levels than the control group had, whereas endocan, ADAMTS7, and ADAMTS9 levels were similar to those of the control group. When we compared the obese group with BMI ≥ 30 < 40 to the control group, endocan levels were lower in the group with BMI ≥ 30 < 40, and PWV and CIMT levels were similar to the control group. Conclusions: We found that arterial stiffness and CIMT increased in obese patients with BMI ≥ 40 and that increased arterial stiffness was associated with age, systolic blood pressure, and HBA1C. In addition, we found that the endocan levels were lower in obese patients than they were in nonobese control individuals

    Türkçede söz dizimsel yinelemeler

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    Yineleme, sözce ya da tümcede aynı sözcüğün ya da sözcük biçiminin anlamı pekiştirmek, anlatıma güç kazandırmak, sürerlik bildirmek, karşılaştırma yapmak ya da çokluk ifade etmek amacıyla tekrarlanmasıdır. Türkçede yineleme daha çok ikileme/tekrar terimiyle ifade edilmektedir. Özellikle ikilemeler konusu pek çok çalışmayla bilimsel olarak incelense de “söz dizimsel yinelemeler” bütün olarak bir eserde değerlendirilmemiştir. Bu çalışmada yineleme, tekrar, ikileme terimleriyle aynen tekrar eden yapılar “söz dizimsel yinelemeler” olarak ifade edilerek sınıflandırma yapılmıştır. Çalışmada çeşitli eserlerden derlenen örnek tümceler söz dizimsel olarak ele alınarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Giriş kısmında yinelemeler üzerine yapılan çalışmalar hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. İkileme ve tekrar konusunda da araştırmacıların çalışmaları ele alınarak görüşleri belirtilmiştir. İnceleme kısmında ise Türkçede yinelemeler, söz dizimsel olarak sınıflandırılmıştır. İnceleme bölümü iki ana başlık altında “Tümcede Öge Yinelemeleri”, “Sözcük Öbeğinde Kurucu Yinelemeleri” olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuç kısmında bu çalışmada konuya ilişkin değerlendirmelere yer verilmiştir. -------------------- Reiteration is the repetition of the same word or word form in a word or sentence in order to reinforce the meaning, strengthen the narrative, declare continuity, make comparison and express plurality. In Turkish, Reiteration is mostly expressed in terms of hendiadyoin/repetition. Although the issue of hendiadyoin has been scientifically examined in many studies, “syntactic iterations” have not been evaluated as a whole in a single work. In this study, structures that repeat with the terms of reiteration, repetition, hendiadyoin, are classified as “syntactic iterations”. In this study, the sample sentences collected from various works are classified by syntactically. In the introduction, information about the studies on reiterations has been given. The opinions of the researchers on hendiadyoin and repetition have also been discussed and stated. In the review part, reiterations in Turkish have been classified as syntactically. The review section has been evaluated under two main headings as “Repetition of Element in Sentence” and “Founder repetitions in phrase”. In the conclusion part, evaluations related to the subject have been included in this study

    The effect of selenium on fracture healing

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    Kırık iyileşmesi üzerine bir çok çalışma yapılmış ve yapılmaya devam etmektedir. Selenyum insan vücudu için gerekli bir eser element olup vücutta çeşitli enzimatik reaksiyonlarda rol oynamaktadır. Bu çalışmada selenyumun antioksidan özelliğinin yanı sıra osteoblastik aktivasyon ve osteoklastik inhibisyon etkilerinden yararlanılarak sıçanlarda kırık iyileşmesi üzerine radyolojik ve histopatolojik olarak etkisi araştırılmıştır. 42 adet rat düşük doz selenyum verilen grup, yüksek doz selenyum verilen grup ve kontrol grubu olarak üçe ayrıldı. Ameliyat sonrası birinci günden itibaren selenyum verilen gruplara 10 gün boyunca intraperitoneal olarak selenyum enjekte edildi. Her grubun yarısı 14. günde sakrifiye edilerek erken dönemde radyolojik ve histopatolojik,diğer yarısı ise 28. günde sakrifiye edilerek radyolojik ve histopatolojik olarak kırık kaynaması yönünden değerlendirildi. Yüksek doz selenyum verilen grupta erken dönemderadyolojik ve histopatolojik olarak, düşük doz selenyum verilen grup ve kontrol grubuna görekırık iyileşmesi istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ölçüde daha fazlaydı. Geç dönemde ise yüksek doz selenyumun radyolojik ve histopatolojik olarak kırık iyileşmesine olumlu etkilerinin görülmesine karşın gruplar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark saptanmamıştır.Many studies have been done and many of ongoing studies continue on fracture healing. Selenium is a trace element which is necessary for human body and it takes part in several enzymatic reactions in body. In this study, researches have been made to benefit from not only antioxidant trait, but also osteoblastic activation and osteoclastic inhibition of selenium to understand radiologic and histopathologic effects on fracture healing on rats. 42 rats were put on groups of low dose selenium injected group, high dose selenium injected group and control group. From the first day of postop selenium injected intraperitoneally to selenium injected groups' individuals for 10 days. Half of each group sacrificed at 14th day for early period histopathologic and radiologic fracture healing and rest of the groups' individuals sacrificed at 28th day for histopathologic and radiologic fracture healing evaluations. Early period radiologic and histopathologic results of fracture healing in high dose selenium injected group were higher than other groups by statistical relevance. In late period, high dose selenium's positive effects on radiologic and histopathologic fracture healing has been noted. However, no statistical variation detected

    Evaluation of lipid profiles in patients treated with TNF-α inhibitors on inflammatory bowel disease: retrospective study

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    İnflamatuar bağırsak hastalıkları (İBH) klinik, endoskopik ve histopatolojik özelliklerine göre Crohn hastalığı (CH) ve ülseratif kolit (ÜK) olarak iki grupta sınıflandırılmış non-enfeksiyöz, sistemik inflamautar bir hastalık grubudur. Kronik inflamatuar hastalıklarda görülen sistemik inflamasyonun ateroskleroz gelişmesinde önemli rol oynadığını gösteren çok sayıda kanıt vardır ve ayrıca sistemik inflamatuvar hastalıklarda hastaların genel populasyona göre kardiyovasküler mortalite riskinde artış görülmektedir. IBH'si olan hastalarda, subklinik erken ateroskleroz gelişme riski daha yüksektir. Tümör nekroz faktör-alfa (TNF-α) İBH'de inflamasyonun patogenezinde merkezi bir role sahiptir. Ayrıca, anti-TNF-α inflamatuar koşullarda lipid profilinde bozulmaya neden olabilmektedir. Biz bu çalışmada Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Gastroenteroloji Bilim Dalı Polikliniği'ne 2009-2016 yılları arasında başvuran, 18-65 yaş arasında, klinik, radyolojik, endoskopik ve histolojik kriterlere uygun olarak inflamatuar bağırsak hastalığı tanısı almış ve anti-TNF tedavi (İnfliksimab veya Adalimumab) başlanması uygun görülmüş 52 (25 tanesi ülseratif kolit tanılı; 21 tanesi İnfliksimab tedavisi altında; 28'i kadın) hastanın tedavi öncesi ve tedavi sonrasındaki total kolesterol, düşük dansiteli lipoprotein (LDL-C), yüksek dansiteli lipoprotein (HDL-C) , trigliserid (TG) ve atherojenik indeks (Aİ) düzeylerini retrospektif olarak taradık. Hasta seçimi az üç doz İnfliksimab (0, 2 ve 6. haftalarda 5 mg/kg) veya üç doz Adalimumab (0. haftada 160 mg, 2. haftada 80 mg, 4. haftada 40 mg/2 hafta) almış hastalardan yapıldı. Çalışma sonucunda anti-TNF tedavinin (İnfliksimab veya Adalimumab) total kolesterol, trigliserid, HDL-C, LDL-C ve ateroskerotik indeksi etkilemediği görüldü. Yapılan pek çok çalışmada TNF inhibitörlerinin kan lipit seviyelerine ve erken bir atherosklerotik prediktif belirteç olan atherojenik indeks (total kolesterol/HDL oranına) etkileri arasında tutarlı sonuçlar bulunamamıştır. Tüm bu verilerin ışığında, uzun vadeli bir takip periyodunda anti-TNF ile iii tedavi edilen hastalardaki kardiyovasküler olayların prospektif büyük kohortlarda değerlendirilmesi uygun olacaktır.Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a non-infectious, systemic inflammatory disease group classified into two groups according to the clinical, endoscopic and histopathological features; Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). There is a great deal of evidence that systemic inflammation in chronic inflammatory diseases plays an important role in the development of atherogenesis and systemic inflammatory disease has an increased risk of cardiovascular mortality compared to the general population. In patients with IBD, the risk of developing subclinical early atherosclerosis is higher. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) has a central role in the pathogenesis of inflammation in IBD. In addition, anti-TNF-α may cause deterioration of lipid profile in inflammatory conditions. In this study, we diagnosed inflammatory bowel disease according to clinical, radiological, endoscopic and histological criteria between the ages of 18 and 65, who applied to Uludag University Medical Faculty Hospital Gastroenterology Science Department Policlinic between 2009-2016 and was treated with anti-TNF treatment (Infliximab or Adalimumab), we retrospectively analyzed total cholesterol, LDL-C, HDL-C, triglyceride and atherogenic index levels before and after treatment in 52 (25 of them were ulcerative colitis; 31 of them were treated with Adalimumab; 28 of them were women) eligible patients. Patient selection was made from patients who received at least three doses of Infliximab (5 mg/kg at 0, 2 and 6 weeks) or three doses of Adalimumab (160 mg/week followed by 80 mg/2 weeks and then 40 mg/2 weeks). As a result of this study, anti-TNF treatment (Infliximab or Adalimumab) did not affect total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-C, LDL-C and atherogenic index. v In many studies, there were no consistent results between the effects of TNF inhibitors on blood lipid levels and atherogenic index (the ratio of total cholesterol / HDL) which is an early atherosclerotic predictive marker. In the light of all these data, it may be appropriate to evaluate cardiovascular events in patients treated with anti-TNF in a long-term follow-up period in prospective large cohorts

    Evaluation of Serum TSH and Free T4 Levels in Migraine Patients

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    Aim:Migraine is a common neurovascular inflammatory disease that causes disability and is characterized by recurrent headache attacks. The role of thyroid regulation in migraine is poorly understood, and data are conflicting. The aim of this study is to evaluate the association of thyroid hormone levels and migraine types and headache severity.Materials and Methods:One hundred-fifty migraine patients enrolled in this retrospective study. Demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients, migraine subtypes, frequency and severity, serum thyrothytropine (TSH), and free thyroxin levels were evaluated from records. The Migraine Disability Assessment Questionnaire (MIDAS) and Visual Analog Scale (VAS) were used to assess the severity of migraine. Data analysis was performed.Results:The mean age was 40.40±10.84 years, and the female to male ratio was 5.1: 1. No significant relationship was found between thyroid hormone levels and headache characteristics of migraine patients and migraine severity (p>0.05). There was no significant relationship between VAS and MIDAS values and TSH levels (p=0.973).Conclusion:Migraine and thyroid diseases are common diseases in the society. Thyroid diseases and thyroid function tests should be evaluated together when determining the characteristics of migraine and the headache severity. Our data suggest that there is no relationship between thyroid hormone levels and migraine subtypes and severity. Further studies are needed in order to confirm this association

    Copyright c ○ 2011 by InternationalJournal.org THE IMPACT OF TESTS ON LEARNERS ’ TEST ANXIETY

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    There has been a growing interest in why and how test anxiety affects foreign language learning process. As an affective factor, test anxiety has been investigated in different contexts in the past two decades. This study aims to examine the relations among the factors such as likelihood of university students ’ gender, age, higher education experience, and number of tests taken in predicting their degree of test anxiety. In addition, this study aims to investigate the impact of Test Anxiety on Turkish students ’ test performance of EFL learners who are taking either midterm or final exams or quizzes all over an academic year. In order to collect data, a survey was conducted to assess individual differences in anxiety proneness in test situations; and to assess worry and emotionality as major components of test anxiety learners’ attitudes towards teachers and their test anxiety levels. Findings were discussed in accordance with the existing literature and implications for researchers and practitioners were articulated

    Cisplatin cytotoxicity is enhanced with zoledronic acid in A549 lung cancer cell line: Preliminary results of an in vitro study

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    We tested whether zoledronic acid, a biphosphonate with proposed apoptotic activity, augmented the cytotoxicity of cisplatin and/or gemcitabine in A549 lung cancer cell line. This cell line was subjected to different concentrations of the above chemotherapeutic agents and zoledronic acid. Cytotoxicity was assessed by the MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrasodium bromide) assay. Particularly, zoledronic acid in 100 micromolar (μM) concentration augmented the cytotoxicity by cisplatin 1 μg/ml from 25% to 70% (Z = 3.22, P = 0.0072). A significant portion of cells underwent apoptosis with or without zoledronic acid, but more so with the combination treatment as assessed by an Annexin V-FITC apoptosis detection kit. However, 100 μM zoledronic acid showed 50% cytotoxicity on its own, but failed to improve cytotoxicity by Gemcitabine. Thus, we show for the first time in a lung cancer cell line that zoledronic acid bears cytotoxic potential on its own and in conjunction with cisplatin. The clinical potential of this finding should be further studied. © 2007 International Federation for Cell Biology

    Folic acid conjugated PAMAM-modified mesoporous silica-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for potential cancer therapy

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    In this study, novel folate-receptor-targeted polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimer functional mesoporous silica-coated magnetic nanoparticles were prepared for drug delivery agents for photodynamic therapy applications. The surface of the magnetic nanoparticles was coated with mesoporous silica (M-MSN). The M-MSN nanoparticles were functionalized with siloxane-cored PAMAM dendrons (generation 1 to 3). The surface of the M-MSN-PAMAM nanocarriers was targeted with folic acid. Indocyanine green (ICG) a near-infrared dye was loaded in the M-MSN-PAMAM nanocarriers and the photodynamic therapy efficiency of the drug-loaded nanocarriers was evaluated on MCF-7 cells. MCF-7 cells were subjected to tissue culture E-Plate that was used to generate dynamic real-time data by measuring electrical impedance across interdigitated microelectrodes on the bottom of the plate. Light source (LEDs) was designed as a system that fit 96 well-plate and cells were irradiated at 785 nm for 20 min. Also, these results were confirmed by WST-1 assay in dark and light conditions for MCF-7 cells. The results showed that in vitro application of ICG loaded M-MSN-PAMAM-FA causes apoptosis in the MCF-7 cell line. (C) 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, TUBITAK [112S625]This work was supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, TUBITAK (112S625)