469 research outputs found

    Semipurity of tempered Deligne cohomology

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    In this paper we define the formal and tempered Deligne cohomology groups, that are obtained by applying the Deligne complex functor to the complexes of formal differential forms and tempered currents respectively. We then prove the existence of a duality between them, a vanishing theorem for the former and a semipurity property for the latter. The motivation of these results comes from the study of covariant arithmetic Chow groups. The semi-purity property of tempered Deligne cohomology implies, in particular, that several definitions of covariant arithmetic Chow groups agree for projective arithmetic varieties

    Successive minima of toric height functions

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    Given a toric metrized R-divisor on a toric variety over a global field, we give a formula for the essential minimum of the associated height function. Under suitable positivity conditions, we also give formulae for all the successive minima. We apply these results to the study, in the toric setting, of the relation between the successive minima and other arithmetic invariants like the height and the arithmetic volume. We also apply our formulae to compute the successive minima for several families of examples, including weighted projective spaces, toric bundles and translates of subtori.Comment: To appear in Annales de l'Institut Fourier (Grenoble), 40 pages, 5 figure

    Arithmetic geometry of toric varieties. Metrics, measures and heights

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    We show that the height of a toric variety with respect to a toric metrized line bundle can be expressed as the integral over a polytope of a certain adelic family of concave functions. To state and prove this result, we study the Arakelov geometry of toric varieties. In particular, we consider models over a discrete valuation ring, metrized line bundles, and their associated measures and heights. We show that these notions can be translated in terms of convex analysis, and are closely related to objects like polyhedral complexes, concave functions, real Monge-Amp\`ere measures, and Legendre-Fenchel duality. We also present a closed formula for the integral over a polytope of a function of one variable composed with a linear form. This allows us to compute the height of toric varieties with respect to some interesting metrics arising from polytopes. We also compute the height of toric projective curves with respect to the Fubini-Study metric, and of some toric bundles.Comment: Revised version, 230 pages, 3 figure
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