6 research outputs found

    Strain frequencies from first sequencing run

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    Strain frequencies of 101 rhizobial strains in pools of Medicago nodules inferred from high coverage WGS data. Raw data used to calculate strain frequencies are on NCBI (Accessions SRR6029825–SRR6029912) with code in a previous Dryad repository ( https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.fp1bg)

    Main R code: statistical analysis and figures

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    R code to recreate all figures and analysis included in the Evolution paper. This file takes as inputs freq1.tsv, freq2.tsv, and SingleStrain_phenotype_summary.tsv

    Strain frequencies from second sequencing run

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    Strain frequencies of 101 rhizobial strains from pools of Medicago nodules inferred from high coverage WGS data. Raw data used to calculate strain frequencies are on NCBI (Accessions SRR6029825–SRR6029912) with code in a previous Dryad repository (https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.fp1bg)

    Plant phenotypes from single strain experiment

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    Plant phenotype data from a previously published single strain experiment (Burghardt et al, 2018, PNAS, https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1714246115). This file is also found in the Dryad repository for that publication ( https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.fp1bg). The file is used as input for calculations of plant benefit of strain communities in the main R code

    Environmental data, source code, and summarized results

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    This package contains the necessary environmental data (.csv) and R source code (.R) to recreate the life cycle results for six genotypes in four European locations highlighted in the paper "Modeling the influence of genetic and environmental variation on the expression of plant life cycles across landscapes". We also provide the summarized results for each of these 24 genotype x environment combinations so you do not actually have to run all the simulations to explore the results (.Rdata)