15 research outputs found

    Distribution, threats and protection of selected karst groundwater-dependent ecosystems in the Mediterranean region

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    Karst groundwater-dependent ecosystems (KGDEs) in the Mediterranean region are important in terms of ecosystem services and biodiversity but are increasingly under anthropogenic pressures and climate-change constraints. For this study, the ecohydrological characteristics, threats, and protection status of 112 selected KGDEs around the Mediterranean Sea, including caves, springs, rivers and wetlands, were evaluated, based on local expert knowledge and scientific literature. Results demonstrate that KGDEs contribute considerably to regional biodiversity. The diversity of karst landscapes, combined with the groundwater emergence at springs, leads to exceptional habitat diversity, particularly in arid climates, where KGDEs serve as a refuge for species that could not thrive in the surrounding environment. The most common threats identified among the selected sites are direct human disturbances, such as mass tourism or overfishing, water-quality deterioration and water shortage from aquifer overdraft and/or climate change. Although most of the selected sites are under protection, conservation measures are frequently insufficient. Such shortcomings are often caused by poor data availability, little knowledge on conservation needs of invertebrate species, and conflicts of interest with the local population. For this purpose, it is necessary to raise environmental awareness and promote interdisciplinary research, in order to monitor water quality and quantity in addition to the status of the biocenoses

    Identifying watershed-scale groundwater flow barriers: the Yoqne'am Fault in Israel

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    Geological faults may serve either as groundwater conduits or barriers, depending on their hydraulic properties. Determining fault characteristics is therefore important when deciding inputs for numerical models developed for watershed-scale groundwater studies. Cutting-edge methods for determining fault characteristics have been widely applied for oil and gas reservoir characterization purposes, whereas water-resource studies simply use a priori values. This study evaluates the hydraulic properties of the Yoqne'am Fault (YF), in northern Israel, which impacts groundwater flow within the Judea Group Aquifer (JGA). The YF has a vertical throw of several hundred to one thousand meters accompanied by pronounced lateral throw. Detailed examination of hydrological and geochemical data from nearby wells, structural maps and numerical modeling results, suggests that the YF acts as a semi-impermeable feature with a hydraulic conductivity of less than 4x10e-2 m/d. The YF hydraulic conductivity is four orders of magnitude below that of the surrounding Judea Group rocks, and only a limited volume of water can leak through the fault. For that reason, it is concluded that the YF acts as a boundary between two large groundwater basins

    A highly active karstic aquifer bounded by saline waters: The Judea Group aquifer

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    The freshwater of the Judea Group aquifer that recharges on the crest of the Judea and Samria Mountain ridge flows east and west, defining two groundwater basins. At the foothills of both basins the freshwater encounters ancient saline or brackish water. The mode of interaction between the two water bodies within each basin is different, although both eventually discharge as brackish spring system. We describe these systems and identify the source of the higher salinity end members

    Characterization of a carbonate karstic aquifer flow system using multiple radioactive noble gases (3H-3He, 85Kr, 39Ar) and 14C as environmental tracers

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    International audienceGroundwater age in a carbonate karstic aquifer was assessed using a multiple tracer method that enables identification of modern groundwater (recharged after 1955; using 3H-3He, 85Kr CFCs, SF6,), older components (39Ar, 14C) and quantification of the mixing between them. Twelve wells were sampled in the Eastern Mountain Aquifer (EMA) of Israel along two trajectories, from the recharge area in the mountains, to the natural outlets in the Dead Sea area. The concentration of the dissolved 39Ar in the groundwater decreased from 96 to 12% along the trajectories, indicating recent recharge upstream, and groundwater aged more than 800y downstream. Other tracers present a similar general trend of decreasing concentrations with distance from the recharge area at two distinct rates, suggesting two different groundwater flow velocities in the two different groundwater flow paths. In most of the wells, pronounced mixing was observed according to the presence of young (after 1955) and older water components. The fraction of the young water was quantified by tritium (3H) and by the combination of 3H and 85Kr measurements and found to be between 1 and 67%. The wide age distribution is likely caused by the karstic nature of the aquifer with pronounced dispersion and exchange between highly permeable flow channels and stagnant water stored in the rock matrix. Another mixing mechanism is vertical leakage from the upper to the lower sub-aquifer and vice versa according to the groundwater head differences between the two sub-aquifers. Mixing, diffusive exchange and water rock interaction lead to a reduction of 14C in DIC, resulting in an apparent half-life of ∼900 y instead of 5730y for radioactive decay only. This is concluded from the comparison of 14C and 39Ar ages

    Recent seawater intrusion into deep aquifer determined by the radioactive noble-gas isotopes 81Kr and 39Ar

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    Radioactive noble-gas isotopes tracers 81Kr and 39Ar are used for the first time to measure the residence times of deep (∼1000 m) saline coastal groundwater, and to determine its connection mode with the sea. The average rate of seawater intrusion into the deep aquifer in Israel, located near the Mediterranean Sea, is estimated. 81Kr-ages of the saline water samples, found to be younger than 40 ka, contradict previously estimated ages of up to several million years based on hydrogeological considerations. The new results imply a stronger and more recent connection between the aquifer and the sea, and indicate that the intrusion occurred during the sea-level rise that began about 20 ka ago. These coastal aquifers need to be managed with caution because lowering of the adjacent fresh water level due to over pumping could accelerate seawater intrusion in a relatively short time. This study demonstrates the suitability of these two noble-gas tracers for the examination of hydrogeological systems in general and for the study of seawater intrusion in particular

    Multi-scale characterization of pore evolution in a combustion metamorphic complex, Hatrurim basin, Israel: Combining (ultra) small-angle neutron scattering and image analysis

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    Backscattered scanning electron micrograph and ultra small- and small-angle neutron scattering data have been combined to provide statistically meaningful data on the pore/grain structure and pore evolution of combustion metamorphic complexes from the Hatrurim basin, Israel. Three processes, anti-sintering roughening, alteration of protolith (dehydration, decarbonation, and oxidation) and crystallization of high-temperature minerals, occurred simultaneously, leading to significant changes in observed pore/grain structures. Pore structures in the protoliths, and in low- and high-grade metamorphic rocks show surface (D-s) and mass (D-m) pore fractal geometries with gradual increases in both Ds and Dm values as a function of metamorphic grade. This suggests that increases in pore volume and formation of less branching pore networks are accompanied by a roughening of pore/grain interfaces. Additionally, pore evolution during combustion metamorphism is also characterized by reduced contributions from small-scale pores to the cumulative porosity in the high-grade rocks. At high temperatures, small-scale pores may be preferentially closed by the formation of high-temperature minerals, producing a rougher morphology with increasing temperature. Alternatively, large-scale pores may develop at the expense of small-scale pores. These observations (pore fractal geometry and cumulative porosity) indicate that the evolution of pore/grain structures is correlated with the growth of high-temperature phases and is a consequence of the energy balance between pore/grain surface energy and energy arising from heterogeneous phase contacts. The apparent pore volume density further suggests that the localized time/temperature development of the high-grade Hatrurim rocks is not simply an extension of that of the low-grade rocks. The former likely represents the "hot spots (burning foci)" in the overall metamorphic terrain while the latter may represent contact aureoles. (c) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Identifying recharge processes into a vast "fossil" aquifer based on dynamic groundwater 81Kr age evolution

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    Water in deep aquifers in arid regions is often considered to be “fossil” when modern recharge rates are negligible relative to the reservoir capacity. Over the past five decades, the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer (NSA) in the arid region of the Sinai Peninsula (Egypt) and the Negev Desert (Israel) has been considered to contain fossil water based on 14C dating, which revealed 14C ages of about 30 kyr over most of the aquifer. However, this relatively homogeneous age distribution contradicts the expected increase in groundwater age in the direction of decreasing piezometric head along the flow trajectories. Here, dating results with the longer-lived 81Kr radioisotope (t1/2 = 229 ± 11 kyr) are presented, highlighting a wide age range of 40 kyr to 630 kyr in the confined sections of the aquifer, all with very low 14C activity (<1 pmC). Elevated 81Kr and 14C activities were only observed within or close to the system's recharge areas. These findings support a new perception of groundwater replenishment during different epochs from the early mid-Pleistocene to the Holocene. By tracking the downstream age evolution, rejuvenation was identified in places where the confinement had been breached. At other locations, the existence of an older groundwater body contributing to the aquifer was detected by means of strongly depleted 81Kr activity. High spatial heterogeneity in groundwater ages close to the discharge zone of the system is attributed to pronounced age stratification with depth. Calculated ages in the more isolated sections of the system were used to assess regional flow velocity, hydraulic conductivity, and their agreement with present recharge rates. We conclude that groundwater ages should be reevaluated with 81Kr in regional aquifers where low 14C activities prevail. With an effective age range beyond one million years, this may enable the reconstruction of recharge history well into the Pleistocene and provide crucial information for the management of groundwater resources