35 research outputs found

    Peculiarity of Embodiment of Literary Text by N. Leskov in Libretto of Opera by R. Shchedrin “The Enchanted Wanderer”

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    On the example of reading two texts the story of N. Leskov “The Enchanted Wanderer” and the libretto of “opera for a concert stage” by R. Shchedrin the mechanism of transformation of a literary text into an opera libretto text is described in the article. The principles of elimination, intensification and re-emphasis are described as basic principles of such a transformation. It is shown how their implementation affects the concept of the main character, genre features and the architectonics of the libretto. Particular attention is paid to the concept of the main character. It is concluded that, working with Leskov’s text, reducing and supplementing it, shifting individual accents, R. Shchedrin as a whole does not deviate from the narrative in the interpretation of the concept of the main character, does not violate the genre specificity of the work, the general drawing of its plot and plot canvas. The relevance of the article is due to the fact that Shchedrin’s opera “The Enchanted Wanderer” (last production - New York, 2015) still causes a considerable research reaction both in Russia and abroad. The novelty of the article is due to the fact that there is no literary study on the comparative analysis of two texts: the story of Leskov and the opera libretto by Shchedrin. Meanwhile, the consideration of the ways and methods that artists went to implement the main idea of the work seems important and interesting

    Efficiency of new local method of treatment and prevention of inflammatory diseases of oral mucous membrane and parodontium in smokers

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    Treatment and prevention of inflammatory diseases of oral mucous membrane and parodontium at smokers is one of the most difficult problem in stomatology today.Purpose of research: estimation of clinical efficiency of local application of developed agent for oral cavity care apigel at treatment and prevention of inflammatory diseases of oral mucose membrane and parodontium at smokers. Local application of the new apigel based on propolis in the complex medical treatment of smokers patients favourably affects the clinical symptoms of inflammation in the oral mucous membrane and parodontium. As compared with patients who had traditional anti-inflammation therapy with the local use to the stomatologyc gel with chamomile, the patients treated with local application of new apigel had decline of the bleeding gums. The occurred more rapid improvement of inflammation painfulness, which correlated with the improvement of hygienic state of oral cavity and promoted to prevention of bacterial content of damaged mucous surfaces. Estimation of microvasculatory blood stream by the method of ultrasonic Doppler flowmetry revealed more rapid normalization of volume and linear high systole, speed of blood stream in the parodontal tissues in case of use of new local method that testified to the less pronounced inflammation of oral mucosa. The effect of the developed local agent in smokers patients with inflammatory diseases of oral mucose membrane and parodontium at smokers creates the best conditions for removal of violations of oral cavity microbiocenosis and restores structural-functional state of parodontium and oral mucosa.The authors came to conclusion that local application of the offered method of medical treatment reduces terms of renewal of structural-functional integrity of oral mucosa, helps in preventing development of inflammatory complication, improves the hygienic state of oral cavity, renders the regenerative action on oral mucosa tissues, which improves efficiency of medical treatment and quality of life of smokers patients

    Clinical and microbiology studies of the oral cavity under periodontal inflammation and its treatment with new hygienic means

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    Violation of microbiocenosis of the oral cavity leads to the development of inflammatory periodontal diseases that presents medical and social problem. Purpose of research: clinical and microbiological ground for local application of developed apigel for oral cavity care in the complex treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis. Material and methods: 42 patients with chronic generalized catarrhal gingivitis and chronic generalized periodontitis of 1st degree and 14 healthy people were conducted clinical studies. All patients were divided into 3 groups: 1 – the control group (healthy patients), 2 – the basic group, patients with inflammatory diseases of periodontium having complex therapy with a local treatment with the new apigel, 3 – the comparison group, patients having a traditional therapy with local use of the dental gel with chamomile. Efficiency of treatment was estimated with clinical, laboratory, microbiological methods of examination. Results: Local application of the new apigel based on propolis (bee glue) in the complex treatment of patients with chronic generalized catarrhal gingivitis and ChGP of the 1st degree favourably affects the clinical symptoms of inflammation in the oral mucous membrane and periodontium, that was manifested in the decline of hygienic and periodontal index figures. As compared with patients who had traditional anti-inflammation therapy with the local use to the dental gel with chamomile, the recovery terms in patients treated with local application of new apigel reduced by 2–8 days. Microbiological studies on background of changed normal microflora in the oral fluid and contents of periodontal pockets in patients with inflammatory diseases of oral mucous membrane and periodontium revealed increase of anaerobic bacteroids, Fusiformis and Prevotellas. In case of local treatment by the “Apisan” gel on the 10-14-th day after the beginning of medical treatment the considerable decline of pathogenic microflora in researched biotopes of patients with inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, that testifies to the antibacterial action of preparation. Conclusions: the local application of the “Apisan” gel in the complex therapy of inflammatory diseases of oral mucous membrane and periodontium promotes efficiency of medical treatment and reduces terms of renewal of structural-functional integrity of oral mucosa, improves the hygienic state of oral cavity, having bacteriostatic action, lowering the number of pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity, removing violations of microbiocenosis of the sulcus

    «Ступенчатая » терапия хондроитина сульфатом у больных остеоартритом на поликлиническом этапе

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    Objective: to evaluate the efficiency of different chondroitin sulfate (CS) treatment regimens in patients with osteoarthritis (OA).Patients and methods. The investigation enrolled 44 patients of both sexes aged 48.6±6.4 years with knee OA. 26 patients of a study group received step-by-step CS (chondrogard and structum)-containing therapy in combination with magnetic laser therapy (low-intensity laser radiation (LILR)) for the affected joints. 18 patients of a comparison group had traditional treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and physiotherapy.Results. Step-by-step therapy with chondrogard in combination with LILR has an advantage over the traditional treatment regimen, because it is characterized by more pronounced long-acting analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects and by the absence of adverse reactions.Цель исследования – оценить эффективность различных схем лечения хондроитина сульфатом (ХС) у больных остеоартритом (ОА).Пациенты и методы. В исследование включено 44 пациента обоего пола с ОА коленных суставов в возрасте 48,6±6,4 года. 26 пациентам основной группы проведена «ступенчатая» терапия препаратами, содержащими ХС (хондрогард и структум), в сочетании с магнитолазерной терапией (низкоинтенсивное лазерное излучение – НИЛИ) на пораженные суставы. 18 пациентов группы сравнения получали традиционное лечение нестероидными противовоспалительными препаратами и физиотерапию.Результаты. «Ступенчатая» терапия хондрогардом в комбинации с НИЛИ имеет преимущество перед традиционной схемой лечения, так как характеризуется более выраженным длительным обезболивающим и противовоспалительным эффектом и отсутствием побочных реакций


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    A method for modifying anatase has been developed, which improves its ability to remove Cr(VI) from aqueous solution by adsorption. A photocatalytic conversion of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) occurs first.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке Российского научного фонда, проект № 21-73-20039

    Satellite imagery of coastlines

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    An advanced technique for satellite imagery of lengthy coastlines with complex configuration using Earth remote sensing satellites equipped with optical-electronic scanners characterized by ultrahigh spatial resolution has been developed. It has been proposed to image coastal areas directly in the process of satellite retargeting (i.e., with non-zero angular velocities). The paper provides an assessment of comparative efficiency of the technique implemented using automatic satellite attitude program control in the process of retargeting, both in terms of improving the efficiency of satellite imagery, and in terms of coverage in one-orbit period. Approximate methods for lengthy objects with complex configuration using cubic splines are described. When planning such imagery, besides the standard set of parameters (lighting conditions, swath width, onboard equipment constraints, instrument errors, etc.), it is necessary to consider the limits for the angular region and angular velocities of retargeting types of imagery were modelled, as well as the features of imagery with significant deviations of the viewing axis from nadir. The results of modelling various types of imagery for a given area using measurement data of cloud amount are presented

    Medical pathogenetic correction of benign breast disorders

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    Medical pathogenetic correction of benign breast disorder

    Biliary sludge: solved and unresolved issues

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    The article presents international materials on studying the issue of biliary sludge (BS). The authors also share their own data resulting from conducted studies, where the first group included 1107 patients with BS; the second – 208 patients with different forms of BS; the third group – 40 patients with regular course of BS, in the absence of pharmacological influence; the fourth group – 60 patients (20 patients for each type of BS) with UDCA Exhol 500 mg No. 50 and antispasmodic agent Sparex 200 mg No 30. Intake of Exhol at an initial dose of 15 mg/kg/day was effective in 97% of cases and BS elimination was achieved in 12 weeks. The BS elimination rate depended on its type (1st – 4 weeks, 2–3rd types – 8–12 weeks)

    Acute inflammation phase proteins in cases of IgE-mediated and IgE-independent atopic dermatitis

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    Goal. To determine the blood serum level of α2-macroglobulin (α2-MG), α1-antitrypsin (α1-AT), lactoferrin (LF) and albumin in patients with IgE-mediated and IgE-independent atopic dermatitis (AD). Materials and methods. The authors tested blood serum of 60 adult patients suffering from atopic dermatitis at the exacerbation stage (30 patients with IgE-mediated and 30 patients with IgE-independent atopic dermatitis) and 20 healthy donors in order to determine the level of these proteins by rocket immunoelectrophoresis, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunoturbidimetry methods. Major results. The albumin level is reliably reduced in case of IgE-mediated AD while the LF and α1-AT levels are increased, and concentrations of LF α1-AT and a2-MG are increased as compared to healthy people. There are differences between the level of LF, α2-MG and α1-AT. There was a statistically significant correlation between the LF levels and SCORAD score in both forms, and α2-MG and α1-AT only in case of IgE-independent AD. Conclusion. These results confirm the difference in the roles of these polyfunctional proteins in the pathogenesis of IgE-mediated and IgE-independent AD

    Ways of increasing the flowability of electrolytic copper powders

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