205 research outputs found

    Impact of processed earwigs and their faeces on the aroma and taste of 'Chasselas' and 'Pinot Noir' wines

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    The abundance of the European earwig Forficula auricularia L. (Dermaptera, Forficulidae) in European vineyards increased considerably over the last few years. Although earwigs are omnivorous predators that prey on viticultural pests such as grape moths, they are also known to erode berries and to transfer fungal spores. Moreover, they are suspected to affect the human perception of wines both directly by their processing with the grapes and indirectly by the contamination of grape clusters with their faeces. In this study we artificially contaminated grapes with F. auricularia adults and/or their faeces and determined the impact on aroma and taste of white 'Chasselas' and red 'Pinot noir' wines. Whereas the addition of five living adults/kg grapes affected the olfactory sensation of 'Chasselas' wines only marginally, 0.6 gram of earwig faeces/kg grapes had a strong effect on colour, aroma and the general appreciation of 'Chasselas' wines. Faeces-contaminated wines were less fruity and less floral, the aroma was described as faecal and they were judged to be of lower quality. The contamination of 'Pinot noir' grapes with four different densities of living earwig adults (e.g. 0, 5, 10 and 20 individuals/kg grapes) showed that only wines contaminated with more than 10 earwigs/kg grapes smelled and tasted significantly different than the uncontaminated control wine. Earwig-contaminated 'Pinot noir' wines were judged to be of lower quality. The descriptors “animal”, “reductive”, “vegetal”, “acidic”, “bitter” and “tannic” characterised their sensory perception. In conclusion, our results show that there is a real risk of wine contamination by F. auricularia. In particular, earwig faeces and earwig adults at densities above a threshold of 5 to 10 individuals/kg grapes have the potential to reduce the quality of wines. The evolution of earwig populations in vineyards should therefore be monitored carefully in order to anticipate problems during vinification.

    Intrinsic Geometry of a Null Hypersurface

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    We apply Cartan's method of equivalence to construct invariants of a given null hypersurface in a Lorentzian space-time. This enables us to fully classify the internal geometry of such surfaces and hence solve the local equivalence problem for null hypersurface structures in 4-dimensional Lorentzian space-times

    Dr. Martin Hillenbrand to Receive University of Dayton Distinguished Alumnus Award

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    News release announcing the University of Dayton will Award Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, Dr. Martin Hillenbrand, with the Distinguished Alumnus Award

    Nonlinear Evolution Equations Invariant Under Schroedinger Group in three-dimensional Space-time

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    A classification of all possible realizations of the Galilei, Galilei-similitude and Schroedinger Lie algebras in three-dimensional space-time in terms of vector fields under the action of the group of local diffeomorphisms of the space \R^3\times\C is presented. Using this result a variety of general second order evolution equations invariant under the corresponding groups are constructed and their physical significance are discussed

    Celestial Mechanics, Conformal Structures, and Gravitational Waves

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    The equations of motion for NN non-relativistic particles attracting according to Newton's law are shown to correspond to the equations for null geodesics in a (3N+2)(3N+2)-dimensional Lorentzian, Ricci-flat, spacetime with a covariantly constant null vector. Such a spacetime admits a Bargmann structure and corresponds physically to a generalized pp-wave. Bargmann electromagnetism in five dimensions comprises the two Galilean electro-magnetic theories (Le Bellac and L\'evy-Leblond). At the quantum level, the NN-body Schr\"odinger equation retains the form of a massless wave equation. We exploit the conformal symmetries of such spacetimes to discuss some properties of the Newtonian NN-body problem: homographic solutions, the virial theorem, Kepler's third law, the Lagrange-Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector arising from three conformal Killing 2-tensors, and motions under inverse square law forces with a gravitational constant G(t)G(t) varying inversely as time (Dirac). The latter problem is reduced to one with time independent forces for a rescaled position vector and a new time variable; this transformation (Vinti and Lynden-Bell) arises from a conformal transformation preserving the Ricci-flatness (Brinkmann). A Ricci-flat metric representing NN non-relativistic gravitational dyons is also pointed out. Our results for general time-dependent G(t)G(t) are applicable to the motion of point particles in an expanding universe. Finally we extend these results to the quantum regime.Comment: 26 pages, LaTe

    Dissociating Variability and Effort as Determinants of Coordination

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    When coordinating movements, the nervous system often has to decide how to distribute work across a number of redundant effectors. Here, we show that humans solve this problem by trying to minimize both the variability of motor output and the effort involved. In previous studies that investigated the temporal shape of movements, these two selective pressures, despite having very different theoretical implications, could not be distinguished; because noise in the motor system increases with the motor commands, minimization of effort or variability leads to very similar predictions. When multiple effectors with different noise and effort characteristics have to be combined, however, these two cost terms can be dissociated. Here, we measure the importance of variability and effort in coordination by studying how humans share force production between two fingers. To capture variability, we identified the coefficient of variation of the index and little fingers. For effort, we used the sum of squared forces and the sum of squared forces normalized by the maximum strength of each effector. These terms were then used to predict the optimal force distribution for a task in which participants had to produce a target total force of 4–16 N, by pressing onto two isometric transducers using different combinations of fingers. By comparing the predicted distribution across fingers to the actual distribution chosen by participants, we were able to estimate the relative importance of variability and effort of 1∶7, with the unnormalized effort being most important. Our results indicate that the nervous system uses multi-effector redundancy to minimize both the variability of the produced output and effort, although effort costs clearly outweighed variability costs

    Three-dimensional chemical analysis of laser-welded NiTi–stainless steel wires using a dual-beam FIB

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    The biomedical industry has an increasing demand for processes to join dissimilar metals, such as laser welding of NiTi and stainless steel wires. A region of the weld close to the NiTi interface, which previously was shown to be prone to cracking, was further analyzed by energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) extended in the third dimension using a focused ion beam. As the spatial resolution of EDS analysis is not precise enough to resolve the finest parts of the microstructure, a new segmentation method that uses in addition secondary-electron images of higher spatial resolution was developed. Applying these tools, it is shown that this region of the weld close to the NiTi interface does not comprise a homogeneous intermetallic layer, but is rather constituted by a succession of different intermetallics, the composition of which can be directly correlated with the solidification path in the ternary Fe-Ni-Ti Gibbs simplex

    Vortex solutions in axial or chiral coupled non-relativistic spinor- Chern-Simons theory

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    The interaction of a spin 1/2 particle (described by the non-relativistic "Dirac" equation of L\'evy-Leblond) with Chern-Simons gauge fields is studied. It is shown, that similarly to the four dimensional spinor models, there is a consistent possibility of coupling them also by axial or chiral type currents. Static self dual vortex solutions together with a vortex-lattice are found with the new couplings.Comment: Plain TEX, 10 page

    Elasticity improves handgrip performance and user experience during visuomotor control

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    Passive rehabilitation devices, providing motivation and feedback, potentially offer an automated and low-cost therapy method, and can be used as simple human–machine interfaces. Here, we ask whether there is any advantage for a handtraining device to be elastic, as opposed to rigid, in terms of performance and preference. To address this question, we have developed a highly sensitive and portable digital handgrip, promoting independent and repetitive rehabilitation of grasp function based around a novel elastic force and position sensing structure. A usability study was performed on 66 healthy subjects to assess the effect of elastic versus rigid handgrip control during various visuomotor tracking tasks. The results indicate that, for tasks relying either on feedforward or on feedback control, novice users perform significantly better with the elastic handgrip, compared with the rigid equivalent (11% relative improvement, 9–14% mean range; p < 0.01). Furthermore, there was a threefold increase in the number of subjects who preferred elastic compared with rigid handgrip interaction. Our results suggest that device compliance is an important design consideration for grip training devices

    Galilean Conformal and Superconformal Symmetries

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    Firstly we discuss briefly three different algebras named as nonrelativistic (NR) conformal: Schroedinger, Galilean conformal and infinite algebra of local NR conformal isometries. Further we shall consider in some detail Galilean conformal algebra (GCA) obtained in the limit c equal to infinity from relativistic conformal algebra O(d+1,2) (d - number of space dimensions). Two different contraction limits providing GCA and some recently considered realizations will be briefly discussed. Finally by considering NR contraction of D=4 superconformal algebra the Galilei conformal superalgebra (GCSA) is obtained, in the formulation using complex Weyl supercharges.Comment: 16 pages, LateX; talk presented at XIV International Conference "Symmetry Methods in Physics", Tsakhkadzor, Armenia, August 16-22, 201
