191 research outputs found

    Agrp neuron activity is required for alcohol-induced overeating

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    Alcohol intake associates with overeating in humans. This overeating is a clinical concern, but its causes are puzzling, because alcohol (ethanol) is a calorie-dense nutrient, and calorie intake usually suppresses brain appetite signals. The biological factors necessary for ethanol-induced overeating remain unclear, and societal causes have been proposed. Here we show that core elements of the brain’s feeding circuits—the hypothalamic Agrp neurons that are normally activated by starvation and evoke intense hunger—display electrical and biochemical hyperactivity on exposure to dietary doses of ethanol in brain slices. Furthermore, by circuit-specific chemogenetic interference in vivo, we find that the Agrp cell activity is essential for ethanol-induced overeating in the absence of societal factors, in single-housed mice. These data reveal how a widely consumed nutrient can paradoxically sustain brain starvation signals, and identify a biological factor required for appetite evoked by alcohol

    Analytical model of brittle destruction based on hypothesis of scale similarity

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    The size distribution of dust particles in nuclear fusion devices is close to the power function. A function of this kind can be the result of brittle destruction. From the similarity assumption it follows that the size distribution obeys the power law with the exponent between -4 and -1. The model of destruction has much in common with the fractal theory. The power exponent can be expressed in terms of the fractal dimension. Reasonable assumptions on the shape of fragments concretize the power exponent, and vice versa possible destruction laws can be inferred on the basis of measured size distributions.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure


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    In this work authors consider the integration processes in the former Soviet Union which allowed to create the economic and political organizations between the former federal republics. And also on the example of the Euroasian Economic Union positive tendencies in increase in economic capacity of the countries of participants are defined.В данной работе авторы рассматривают интеграционные процессы на постсоветском пространстве, позволившие создать экономические и политические организации между бывшими союзными республиками. А также на примере Евразийского Экономического Союза определяются положительные тенденции в увеличении экономического потенциала стран участниц

    Projections from the Dorsomedial Division of the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis to Hypothalamic Nuclei in the Mouse

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    Acknowledgments: All the authors contributed to perform the experiments. SC designed the experiments, analyzed the data and wrote the paper. MB, JAG, DB and PYR edited the manuscript. This work was supported by the Region Franche-Comté, France (PYR), by The Francis Crick Institute (DB), by the Swiss National Science Foundation (PZ00P3_167934/1) and the Novartis Foundation for medical-biological research (19B145) (SC) The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Acute Suppressive and Long-Term Phase Modulation Actions of Orexin on the Mammalian Circadian Clock

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    Circadian and homeostatic neural circuits organize the temporal architecture of physiology and behavior, but knowledge of their interactions is imperfect. For example, neurons containing the neuropeptide orexin homeostatically control arousal and appetitive states, while neurons in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) function as the brain's master circadian clock. The SCN regulates orexin neurons so that they are much more active during the circadian night than the circadian day, but it is unclear whether the orexin neurons reciprocally regulate the SCN clock. Here we show both orexinergic innervation and expression of genes encoding orexin receptors (OX1 and OX2) in the mouse SCN, with OX1 being upregulated at dusk. Remarkably, we find through in vitro physiological recordings that orexin predominantly suppresses mouse SCN Period1 (Per1)-EGFP-expressing clock cells. The mechanisms underpinning these suppressions vary across the circadian cycle, from presynaptic modulation of inhibitory GABAergic signaling during the day to directly activating leak K+ currents at night. Orexin also augments the SCN clock-resetting effects of neuropeptide Y (NPY), another neurochemical correlate of arousal, and potentiates NPY's inhibition of SCN Per1-EGFP cells. These results build on emerging literature that challenge the widely held view that orexin signaling is exclusively excitatory and suggest new mechanisms for avoiding conflicts between circadian clock signals and homeostatic cues in the brain

    Leptin Does Not Directly Affect CNS Serotonin Neurons to Influence Appetite

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    Serotonin (5-HT) and leptin play important roles in the modulation of energy balance. Here we investigated mechanisms by which leptin might interact with CNS 5-HT pathways to influence appetite. Although some leptin receptor (LepRb) neurons lie close to 5-HT neurons in the dorsal raphe (DR), 5-HT neurons do not express LepRb. Indeed, while leptin hyperpolarizes some non-5-HT DR neurons, leptin does not alter the activity of DR 5-HT neurons. Furthermore, 5-HT depletion does not impair the anorectic effects of leptin. The serotonin transporter-cre allele (Sert(cre)) is expressed in 5-HT (and developmentally in some non-5-HT) neurons. While Sert(cre) promotes LepRb excision in a few LepRb neurons in the hypothalamus, it is not active in DR LepRb neurons, and neuron-specific Sert(cre)-mediated LepRb inactivation in mice does not alter body weight or adiposity. Thus, leptin does not directly influence 5-HT neurons and does not meaningfully modulate important appetite-related determinants via 5-HT neuron function

    Molecular Background of Leak K+ Currents: Two-Pore Domain Potassium Channels

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    Enyedi P, Czirjak G. Molecular Background of Leak K+ Currents: Two-Pore Domain Potassium Channels. Physiol Rev 90: 559-605, 2010; doi:10.1152/physrev.00029.2009.-Two-pore domain K+ (K-2P) channels give rise to leak (also called background) K+ currents. The well-known role of background K+ currents is to stabilize the negative resting membrane potential and counterbalance depolarization. However, it has become apparent in the past decade (during the detailed examination of the cloned and corresponding native K-2P channel types) that this primary hyperpolarizing action is not performed passively. The K-2P channels are regulated by a wide variety of voltage-independent factors. Basic physicochemical parameters (e. g., pH, temperature, membrane stretch) and also several intracellular signaling pathways substantially and specifically modulate the different members of the six K-2P channel subfamilies (TWIK, TREK, TASK, TALK, THIK, and TRESK). The deep implication in diverse physiological processes, the circumscribed expression pattern of the different channels, and the interesting pharmacological profile brought the K-2P channel family into the spotlight. In this review, we focus on the physiological roles of K-2P channels in the most extensively investigated cell types, with special emphasis on the molecular mechanisms of channel regulation

    Pharmacogenetic Modulation of Orexin Neurons Alters Sleep/Wakefulness States in Mice

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    Hypothalamic neurons expressing neuropeptide orexins are critically involved in the control of sleep and wakefulness. Although the activity of orexin neurons is thought to be influenced by various neuronal input as well as humoral factors, the direct consequences of changes in the activity of these neurons in an intact animal are largely unknown. We therefore examined the effects of orexin neuron-specific pharmacogenetic modulation in vivo by a new method called the Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs approach (DREADD). Using this system, we successfully activated and suppressed orexin neurons as measured by Fos staining. EEG and EMG recordings suggested that excitation of orexin neurons significantly increased the amount of time spent in wakefulness and decreased both non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep times. Inhibition of orexin neurons decreased wakefulness time and increased NREM sleep time. These findings clearly show that changes in the activity of orexin neurons can alter the behavioral state of animals and also validate this novel approach for manipulating neuronal activity in awake, freely-moving animals