188 research outputs found

    Global solutions for a supercritical drift-diffusion equation

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    We study the global existence of solutions to a one-dimensional drift-diffusion equation with logistic term, generalizing the classical parabolic-elliptic Keller-Segel aggregation equation arising in mathematical biology. In particular, we prove that there exists a global weak solution, if the order of the fractional diffusion α∈(1−c1,2]\alpha \in (1-c_1, 2], where c1>0c_1>0 is an explicit constant depending on the physical parameters present in the problem (chemosensitivity and strength of logistic damping). Furthermore, in the range 1−c2<α≤21-c_2<\alpha\leq 2 with 0<c2<c10<c_2<c_1, the solution is globally smooth. Let us emphasize that when α<1\alpha<1, the diffusion is in the supercritical regime

    On a generalized doubly parabolic Keller-Segel system in one spatial dimension

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    We study a doubly parabolic Keller-Segel system in one spatial dimension, with diffusions given by fractional laplacians. We obtain several local and global well-posedness results for the subcritical and critical cases (for the latter we need certain smallness assumptions). We also study dynamical properties of the system with added logistic term. Then, this model exhibits a spatio-temporal chaotic behavior, where a number of peaks emerge. In particular, we prove the existence of an attractor and provide an upper bound on the number of peaks that the solution may develop. Finally, we perform a numerical analysis suggesting that there is a finite time blow up if the diffusion is weak enough, even in presence of a damping logistic term. Our results generalize on one hand the results for local diffusions, on the other the results for the parabolic-elliptic fractional case

    Critical Keller-Segel meets Burgers on S1{\mathbb S}^1: large-time smooth solutions

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    We show that solutions to the parabolic-elliptic Keller-Segel system on S1{\mathbb S}^1 with critical fractional diffusion (−Δ)12(-\Delta)^\frac{1}{2} remain smooth for any initial data and any positive time. This disproves, at least in the periodic setting, the large-data-blowup conjecture by Bournaveas and Calvez. As a tool, we show smoothness of solutions to a modified critical Burgers equation via a generalization of the method of moduli of continuity by Kiselev, Nazarov and Shterenberg. over a setting where the considered equation has no scaling. This auxiliary result may be interesting by itself. Finally, we study the asymptotic behavior of global solutions, improving the existing results.Comment: 17 page

    Boundedness and homogeneous asymptotics for a fractional logistic Keller-Segel equations

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    In this paper we consider a dd-dimensional (d=1,2d=1,2) parabolic-elliptic Keller-Segel equation with a logistic forcing and a fractional diffusion of order α∈(0,2)\alpha \in (0,2). We prove uniform in time boundedness of its solution in the supercritical range α>d(1−c)\alpha>d\left(1-c\right), where cc is an explicit constant depending on parameters of our problem. Furthermore, we establish sufficient conditions for ∥u(t)−u∞∥L∞→0\|u(t)-u_\infty\|_{L^\infty}\rightarrow0, where u∞≡1u_\infty\equiv 1 is the only nontrivial homogeneous solution. Finally, we provide a uniqueness result
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